• Published 20th Dec 2011
  • 24,179 Views, 164 Comments

Love and Hatred - Legacy55

A midnight vist changes Discord's feeling for his most hated enemy.

  • ...


The pure, white snow shimmered brilliantly in the morning sun as it rained down from the heavens. Discord had to admit, winter was his most beloved time of the year, and one of his favorite things to do in the cold weather was to ice skate. Oh, how he loved this season. The cold wind in his face, the beauty of a winter wonderland, and all the sweets! For a moment, the thoughts made him happy, but they were suddenly dashed as he remembered his fate. He was to remain as a statue, maybe forever.

A week had passed since Celestia had visited him, or at least he thought he counted a week. After being in stone so long, the days blended together, he saw the same thing again and again. But he had been different this past week. He was happy and content. No longer did hatred fill his heart when he watched the ponies pass him, and no longer did he blame Celestia for this.

However, this also had brought out a time of depression for him. He pleaded to the heavens that he could be free so that he might talk to the dear princess. But his banishment would keep him from her, and they would be forever apart. He would have to wait alone, letting the pain tear his heart to pieces. Every night he would wait expectantly, hoping that Celestia would decide to take another visit. His hopes were dashed again and again with the morning sun.

A few meters away from him, he watched as a group of fillies built a snowpony, laughing as they played. That was another thing he missed. Laughter. Were he free right now, he would probably have made the snowpony come to life, laughing heartily as it chased the little fillies around.

Oh, how he loved to laugh. It was really the only thing that made him happy. He could still remember the day he learned how to laugh, and how it hurt him inside.


It was before his first reign. Before he turned “evil”.

He was a different creature back then; more timid and shy then even a certain yellow pegasus. There was no pony that he interacted with, because he knew he was different. Ugly was the word they would use upon the sight of him.

But he would watch them; gaze upon couples as they sat with each other. He’d watch the love that the two would express. How he would wonder what that feeling felt like, to be loved by another creature and not be treated as an ugly monster. He wished for even an instant that he could feel that, for it would give him purpose in life. It would give him reason. There was one pony he couldn't take his eyes off of no matter how hard he tried.

Celestia was a thing of beauty, and he couldn't help but gaze upon her, often for hours at a time. He loved everything about her, from the way her multicolored mane flowed, the way she smiled, and her silken face that looked like it was crafted by angels. Just the sight of her would make his heart melt. He wanted to have that feeling of love that all those couples felt, and he wanted to feel it with her.

He couldn't interact with her, however, as she was the Princess of the land along with her sister. A creature like him would certainly be attacked by the guards, not to mention he wouldn't have the courage to talk to her. He was forced to disguise himself to even catch a glance of her; often it was just a simple peasant pony or a guard.

But the day finally came when he decided he would talk to her. Perhaps, he thought, she would see past his hideous appearance and see the real him.

He found her alone on a gorgeous beach, simply standing there, enjoying the cool feeling of the water as it touched her skin. It truly was a sight, watching the waves roll in and washing upon the pale sand. The sun was going down, lighting up the sky in brilliant streams of orange. Its beauty could only be rivaled by one thing; Celestia herself.

He took a deep breath and wiped away the sweat that had accumulated on his brow. He couldn't put it off any longer. As he made his way over, she turned her head.

He closed his eyes in fear, afraid that she would cry out in fear upon the sight of him. No cry or scream came however, so he opened his eyes, and she was smiling at him.

"Hello? I've never seen a creature like you before." She stated, her smile sending waves of ecstasy across his body.

"He-hello, Celestia... I've been watching you for a-a while now, and I-I just wanted to s-say..." He couldn't finish his sentence as for a moment he was lost in the beauty of her face. "You're the m-most b-beautiful mare I've ever seen..."

The sun Princess smiled again. "That's very nice of you to say... What's your name?"

"D-Discord..." He looked away, not being able to look into her beautiful, magenta eyes.

She giggled to herself. "That's a cute name."

Cute... How the word made him melt. He couldn't stop himself from grinning. There was a moment of awkward silence between them before Celestia spoke up again.

"Would you like to watch the sunset with me? It's truly beautiful, watching it from here." She turned her attention to the sea behind her, gazing at the darkening sun.

Cautiously he walked over to her, stopping so he was standing right beside her. She sat down in the warm sand, and soon he did the same. The two merely watched the sun as it disappeared behind the sea of blue, plunging the two of them into relative darkness.

He felt something touch his paw and looking over he saw the smiling face of the Princess, her hoof placed atop his paw. This is what those couples felt... This is what it feels like to be loved...

From there their relationship prospered. They often met in secluded areas and simply talked. For the first time in his life, Discord felt like he had a purpose. He felt like he wasn't some hideous monster and that, in fact, he was capable of being loved

Then it all went wrong.

"What do you mean I can't be with him? I'm the older sister and I won't have you deciding things for me!" Celestia declared, smashing her hoof against the cold stone floor.

"But sister, how can you not see it? That creature is evil, a monster that only wants to see ponies suffer... If you continue with this relationship any longer, you'll only get hurt!" Luna replied fiercely.

"How do you know that?! He's completely misunderstood! He's actually a very kind, sweet creature... It's terrible, the way he's been treated so far..."

"We are royalty! You need to remember that! What do you think the ponies would think if they saw you with that… thing?! I'm trying to help you sister. All he wants to do is hurt you..."

Celestia tried to fight the thoughts from invading her mind, but part of her told her that maybe, just maybe, her sister was right. That Discord was merely playing along with her, and that in the end he just wanted to make her suffer. "No Luna... He's not like that..."

Furious at her sister’s continued resistance, Luna slammed her hooves against the floor. "He's a monster! That's all he is! Have you ever thought that maybe all he wants is the throne?! With these powers that you've told me about, he could take over the entire kingdom! He's just lying to you, waiting for the perfect time to strike! With you out of the way, it would be easy for him to take power..."

The words sunk into her head more then she had wanted. Maybe Discord was just a power hungry monster... It was a very real possibility that he was lying to her, and that his sweet, kind personality was just a mask. "I-I..."

"Trust me, sister... Who are you going to believe? Some creature that you know next to nothing about, or your own sister?"

She couldn't fight it any longer. Her sister was right. She had to stop the relationship before it was too late.

Where is she? She said she would be here an hour ago... Discord thought silently to himself as he sat alone in a forest clearing. It was quiet around him, and he listened attentively for the sound of approaching hooves. Bored, he gently played with the bouquet of lilies in his hand. They were Celestia's favorite.

A sudden rustling of leaves made him look up, and two mares paced into the clearing. The first was the mare that gave him butterflies, while the second made him frown.

"So, this is the creature... He's far more hideous then I would have imagined..."

Hurt by the words, Discord hid behind his tail, not being able to stand looking into Luna's hate-filled eyes. "C-Celestia, why is she here?"

"You're not fooling me any longer, Discord... I'm here to end this before it goes too far..."

"Wh-what are you talking about?"

"I've seen past your tricks... Deep down you're just a monster, nothing more... You never really cared about me; all you wanted was my kingdom!"

"B-but..." He looked up from behind his tale to catch a glance at Celestia, pure hatred filled her facial expression.

"Don't fall for it sister, he'll say anything to keep his secret from getting out..." Luna sneered.

"I-I just wanted..." Tears began to form in his eyes, and he could barely talk.

"Get away from me, monster! I don't ever want to see you again!"

Her angry voice lashed out at him and he whimpered. No longer being able to take this abuse, he flew from his feet, dropping the bouquet. A storm of pedals flew up as it hit the ground. He didn’t stop running until he was sure he was far away from the heartless mares. Finally, when he was alone, he broke out against the cold forest floor, sobbing uncontrollably.

Celestia, the only person he had ever fallen in love with, the most beautiful creature in the world, had rejected him. She had called him a monster, and her sister saw him as nothing more than a grotesque abomination. The beautiful mare was like the sun to him, and without her, like a plant, he would shrivel up and die.

He wept until it hurt, with the tears pooling in a puddle underneath him. He knew that he shouldn’t have tried to create a relationship with her; a disgusting creature like him would never have a chance with such a beautiful mare. He had fooled himself, and was hurt because of it.

“Get away from me, monster! I don’t ever want to see you again!”

Celestia’s hurtful words rang out in his mind. He was ugly, and she was beautiful. They could never be together. He gazed down at his eagle talon. He was a monster. He was a patchwork abomination that could only have been spawned from the fires of hell. It hurt his heart to be alive; he just wanted the pain to stop. He would do anything.

Then suddenly, his mind shifted. His sobbing slowly turned into a deep-throated laugh that punctured the air. The tears stopped. He would show her a monster. He would make her pay. When her world was in flames, and everything she held dear was destroyed, she would lie in front of him and beg for death, and he would be complete. He’d make her feel just as he did. Broken. Alone. Dead.

Yes… Watching her suffer would make him happy. It would make him laugh. That was what life was all about after all; being happy. He would overthrow this precious “order” the alicorns forced on everyone. This world where only the rich, beautiful and talented survived. Where people like him were spat and trod upon.

But in a chaotic world, he would be on top! He could sit and laugh and watch all those fools suffer. He would be happy. That was the day he changed. Where the innocent, timid Discord died, and the fun-loving, chaotic Discord was born. With his powers, he made the world bend to his knee, and he created chaos. He watched with laughter and delight as the ponies suffered, basking in their pain. The depression that had filled him like a void was gone, and he no longer hurt. How could he possibly hurt when there was so much to laugh at?

Celestia had been in the palm of his hand. He had searched for her; tried to hunt her down. He wanted to torture her and break her. But instead, she hid and ran along with her sister, and just when he thought he had her? She destroyed him a second time.

They attacked him. They crushed his kingdom, and ruined his fun. Just when he thought it couldn’t get worse, she imprisoned him, alone, inside his stone prison. He still remembered that very day when they wielded the Elements of Harmony against him. He could still recall the pain of being turned to stone, and the last image before his eyes before he was alone for a thousand years.

Celestia, with the same mane, eyes, and face that he had stared at for so many hours. The same face that had made him fall in love with her.


The memories hurt, and Discord quickly pushed them from his mind. He hated remembering how it all went wrong; the way she rejected him.

The snow continued to fall around him, piling in large drifts here and there. Some snow had landed on his statue, covering it in a very light coat. He wished for even an instant that he could feel its cool touch on his skin. He wanted to experience life again, even if it was just ice skating on a cold winter day. But he would never have that; instead he would remain as a statue, merely observing the world around him and never taking part in it.


Celestia was alone, pacing down one of the large hallways of the castle. She gazed at the brilliant stained glass windows which were covered in a small amount of frost. Their beauty was only added to as the sun shot rays down upon it, reflecting its amazing colors all around the hall.

She let out a long sigh, and she turned her attention to the floor. She had been different this past week. Ever since she had visited Discord, she felt off. She debated about going to see him again this night, but could she really face him again? It was her fault he was imprisoned, and it was her fault his life was ruined. She couldn’t even stand looking into his vacant eyes, knowing that all his suffering was her fault.

Celestia turned to look at one of the large windows; the one that painted the scene so long ago. Both she and her dear sister were encircling Discord, who was petrified in stone. That was the day they imprisoned Discord, sealing him in stone for a thousand years. No longer being able to handle the old memories, she turned away.

The princess paced into the large store room where the Elements of Harmony rested. The large box sparkled with a dozen different gems of various colors and sat undisturbed. After Discord had been imprisoned a second time she had put stronger enchantments on the elements, not wishing another disaster like last time to occur.

Her horn glowed, and the box popped open with a loud snap. Inside rested all the elements, looking just as shiny and new as when she had first used them. They really were a work of true art; each embroidered with a beautiful, dazzling gem. She held them each up to the light for just a moment to gaze at their beauty.

Finally, Celestia came to the headpiece, the most important part of the elements. She had worn it the day they banished Discord. It represented the element of magic. Looking into its large magenta jewel, she saw her reflection, and another thought of pure hatred passed through her head. It was her fault Discord had changed, because she had ruined his life.
If only she could go back to that day so long ago, she should have never listened to her sister. Had she not been so stupid; so naïve… Discord wouldn’t be alone in the gardens. Maybe, just maybe they could have been together…

The painful memories came back to her, and, not able to help herself, a single tear fell from her eye. It splattered against the headdress’s gem. She paused for a moment before returning it to the box and locking it once more. She left the store room with her head hung low. Little did she know that inside their small chest, the Elements of Harmony were pulsing, sending colorful waves of energy all across its storage room.


Again, Discord was bored out of his mind, having lost interest in the falling snow. He wished that something, anything would happen just to kill this awful boredom. It had felt amazing when he had finally been free, and able to walk about the world as he pleased. The joy he had experienced was almost too much to handle. It had been taken away far too quickly.

But now… He was yet again imprisoned. Who knew how long before, if ever, he would be released.

Quite suddenly, he felt an odd beating in his chest. His body, for the first time in a long while, began to warm. The beating intensified, until it shook him to his very core. The stone that surrounded him lit up, and with a single glorious crack, it happened.

His prison broke, shattering completely. The pieces of broken stone shot out across the gardens and just like that he was free.

He couldn’t believe his eyes, or his mind. He was free. To make sure that this was actually real he moved his lion paw. He could actually move it, he wasn’t frozen in stone.

“Is this some sort of dream?” He asked out loud. He actually talked! Instead of just hearing his own thoughts, he actually heard his own voice! He really was free!

“I don’t understand, why did the prison break? There must be some reason for this.” Discord looked left and right, expecting to see Celestia standing there, but nopony was in sight. He was alone.

He laughed. Oh, it felt good to laugh again. He was actually free. He hadn’t been this happy since he broke out last time. Chaotic thoughts began to flicker in his mind. What would he do first? Create a few cotton candy clouds? Pull a few pranks? Turn Canterlot castle into jell-o?

He had the entire world at his feet. He could do anything! But then he remembered… Celestia... She had wanted him to be free, and she no longer hated him. Maybe… Just maybe, they could be together.

So, with a crack of his fingers, he was gone, leaving his old prison behind for good.


Celestia was just going through the door when she heard a loud pop. Spinning around she found the room empty. For a second there, she had thought that maybe… No, it was impossible.

The princess went to leave the room, but was stopped in her tracks when a deep-throated laugh echoed through the room. No! Its impossible! He can't be here! Thoughts raced across her mind as her eyes scanned the room, desperately trying to find even the slightest bit of evidence that the Draconequus was there.

“Something wrong, Celestia? You look upset.”

Her eyes darted to the ceiling, and, hovering just above her, was Discord. She nearly fainted. “D-D-Discord!?! But, how in all of Equestria?!”

“I’m just as surprised as you are, Celestia. I was just waiting alone in the gardens like always, and then all of a sudden I was free! Oh, it feels so good to be out and about again!” Discord darted around the room, thoroughly enjoying the gift of movement he had been denied from for so long.

“Bu-but…” She simply didn’t understand! The seal should have lasted forever, not a few months! But this was what she wanted, wasn’t it? She was the reason he had been imprisoned, and why he had been alone and broken for so long. Maybe this was her chance to fix that.

“Well, you’re looking rather glum, Celestia. Why is that? I thought this was what you wanted? It sure seemed like it the night you visited me.” He grinned at her, trying to push a few of her buttons like old times.

“Y-you heard that?”

“Why, of course I did, I could hear and see the world around me fine, I just couldn’t interact with it. It really was boring you know. I’m glad I’m free again.”

“So, does that mean… What are you doing here, anyway?!” Celestia stomped her hoof to the ground. If it’s a fight he wanted, she would give him a fight.

“Oh, I don’t want any trouble, my dear princess. I no longer hate you. The same can’t be said about your brat of a sister though…”

So he didn’t want chaos anymore… Maybe they could be together. “Discord, I’ll say it again. I’m sorry about everything, it’s all my fault.”

“Oh, I know that Celestia, but I do have one question for you. The day I changed; the day you rejected me…” His voice suddenly turned very serious, which was a large contrast to his usual voice. “Why did you suddenly hate me? What changed in you that made you call me a monster?"

Celestia swallowed hard; that was a memory she had repressed for a very long time. “Discord, you have to understand, that was a very long time ago. I was being influenced by my sister, and even she wasn't herself! That was when she first started showing signs of change. Not long after we imprisoned you, she became Nightmare Moon... I should have never listened to her. I was blind and all I saw was a monster..."

Discord forced his face up against hers; his sudden movement making her jump. “Do you know what it’s like, Celestia, to be rejected? To have your heart broken?”

She quickly turned away from his gaze, not being able to look into his mismatched pupils. “No, I don’t. But you have to believe me, I’m sorry for that. I was being stupid...”

“You ruined me, Celestia. You killed me, and you created the ‘monster’ that you see before you. I was so hurt from you rejection that I turned to the only thing that stopped the pain. Laughter. The laughter I got from causing chaos; from watching others suffer.”

“I know, and that's why I feel so bad... It's my fault you became the way you did... When you turned evil, I thought that was what you had always been, and that my sister had been right about you... But when Luna became Nightmare Moon, I questioned my earlier reasoning… I felt so bad for what I had done, and I realized that you really were once a kind, sweet creature. Over the thousand years I was alone, I looked at you differently, and I came to love you... I didn't see a monster anymore... I saw the Discord that loved me... But you hated me; you tried to destroy me..." She looked back up at him, tears streaming from her eyes.

For a few minutes they just simply gazed into each other’s eyes, no longer seeing hate in them. Discord saw the mare he had looked at for hours; the mare he had loved. Celestia didn’t see a monster; she saw the quiet, shy creature that had obsessed over her.

“You do know, Celestia, that I’ll never be able to go back to the person I once was.”

She swallowed hard before continuing. “I-I know, but… Could you ever come to love me? Even after what I did to you?”

Discord looked at her for a long time. All her usual princess composure was gone, replaced with sorrow and guilt. She really did blame herself for what had happened. “You rejected me. You killed me. You created me, and you destroyed me… and although you may have done all these things; although you may have ruined my life… I love you, Celestia. Just as much as I did back then.” He smiled, and for the first time in a very, very long time, it wasn’t because he was watching somepony else suffer. It was because he was happy. Truly happy.

Celestia finally realized how he had come to be free. They elements had finally seen the good in him. She suspected it had occurred when she had observed the elements. They must have seen how much she cared for him, and that maybe they could be together.

She smiled back at him, and they leaned in to kiss. Discord had never been happier, and they pulled apart after a brief moment to look into each other’s eyes. “You know what, Celestia? I guess order isn’t that bad after all…”

“…And I guess chaos does have its perks.” The two of them laughed, and for the second time in his life, Discord felt what he had seen those couples feel so long ago. He was loved. He was happy...

Comments ( 100 )

Absolutely amazing chapter. I was hoping that Discord would've been set free on accident. A chance to redeem yourself doesn't happen often!

Your writing technique and story telling is just amazing. I only have one thing to say. You better keep going with this! :ajsmug:

*the box pooped open* i giggled

*clap...clap, clapity clapapapapa.* Chears, whohoo! Best fucking thing ever!:flutterrage:

Short and sweet, I like that.
This is a very nice story <3

The first time i went "D'aaw". I didn't even know i could do that! DUDE I LOVE YOU! :pinkiehappy: (A small possibility of homo)

I think you have a little room to squeeze one last chapter out.
Addressing things like Luna and the Mane 6.

Soo..much..sad..and D'aaw...

awww, that was


Confound these ponies! They drive me to write :raritycry:

But really, I may write another chapter. It's been fun writing this so far, so I'll most likely continue. :twilightblush:

manly tears where shed:fluttercry:

THEN SHE WAS PREGNANT!:rainbowwild::rainbowlaugh:

Well this was disappointing :ajsleepy:, Interesting story though. :derpyderp2: 4 stars for effort :ajsmug:

This is the kind of story I really love.

"Maybe, just maybe, they could be together." I like the way you enforced that.

OK not going to lie, when I saw you added the new chapter...........I almost shouted "FUCK YES!!!", thankfully I kept it in my head.......I can't wait to read it I really loved the first.:twilightsmile:

I sqeed when I saw this post. I started throwing money at the screen when I was done reading it.

Amazing story. 5 stars.

moar!! i wanna see everypony's reaction to this!!!:yay:

Well chaos does need order to survive and vice versa...

As Brody once said, "GENIUS! YOUR A FREAKING GENIUS!":pinkiehappy:

... :pinkiesad2::fluttershysad::applecry::raritydespair::unsuresweetie:

Nice... And that's all I've got ta say 'bout that...

~ Moonstone, Minstrel of Equestria

#28 · Jan 2nd, 2012 · · ·

O.O.....................i...well......ill be damned............now if u will excuse me im going to right a fanfiction about me losing my mind and trying to kill CELESTIA, ALL THE GRIFFONS,LUNA, DISCORD, GODS OF DEATH LIFE AND DREAMS, DOCTER WHOOVES AND THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY.....i just relized i have no way of posting it if i make it......all well il still make it............breif summary:CELESTIAS ANCESTER'S ROYAL GAURDS ROYAL SCREW UP IMPRISON ME AND I GO BESERK.....OH YA AND OTHER SHIT HAPPENS TOO

Bravo, 90 thumbs up:heart::heart::heart:

Simply beautiful. Lunasty must pay however, this all was her fault. Your description on discords feelings made me a genuine sad. Spot on good mate, spot on. :twilightsmile:

Then they lived happily ever after.

The way you portrayed Luna and Celestia in the flashback seemed pretty out of character for the two of them. Have you ever thought about revisiting this story?


Well think about it, this is a THOUSAND years before the Mane 6. People change with time.

Also remember this is before they become the rulers of the land, so it's not like their princess's.

can someone please hug me........ i need one
ive re-read it and i still feel like curling up in a ball dying, espically the part on discords rejection

Hmmm... I think I mite write Discord a bit differently in the next chapter of my story. Not really different, but not as evil as I was going to go for. Awesome story by the way, Off to the sequel! :pinkiehappy:


Well I mean of course we can assume it's taken Celestia and her sister hundreds of years to accumulate their current understanding, wisdom, manners, etc.

I dunno, I suppose it's just me.

Is this based on a particular fanart? Because it certainly reminds me of one- especially with the flowers.


Yes, this was heavily inspired by the amazingly awesome "Discordantly" written by CrappyUnicorn.

There's a youtube video with music, it's makes it even more amazing. It can be found here, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9r_R1e3R9E

......Sorry I doubted you, Legacy55. I thought that it was just the first chapter.
'Tis very good. :pinkiehappy:
Now I'm sure I'll enjoy the sequel much more.

Oh man, that just describes how I feel for this story. :pinkiesmile:

... I need my insunlin.

Hmm, while I'm not going to flat-out demand a sequel, it wouldn't hurt to make one anyways. :fluttercry: Don't worry, these are tears of joy. :pinkiehappy:

Edit: Just noticed you made it. I'm so happy. :D

this is great. amazing, even.

but you have an inconsistancy (sorry for pointing this out, but i'm kinda OCD). you said that discord changed AFTER what celestia did, and that luna became nightmare moon soon after. well in th' show, discord was defeated BEFORE luna became nightmare moon, as both sisters fought aginst him.

again, terribly sorry for pointing this out, but i couldn't stand it.

Damn this was beyond awesome, it was beautiful!

I think Discord deserves a special place in all our hearts :yay:

A fantastic story, that could turn make a great sequal where Discord drives for acceptance of the rest of the land of Equestria! I really felt sad for Discord and angry towards Celestia at moments.:twilightsmile:

Amazing!!! I love the relationship you have created between the two!!!
Can't wait for the next chapter -sniff- :raritycry:

And then they got married
And then Twilight and Luna went full panic mode

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