• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 350 Views, 8 Comments

Trick-or-Fright! - Rixizu

Lunaverse story. Dinky goes Trick-or-Treating with her friends, but everything is turned upside down when a genuine monster joins them, and it's hungy...

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Chapter 2

Dinky instinctively tried to take a step backward but found she couldn’t, she was frozen with fright, unsure what she should do next. Somehow, they were being confronted by an actual, real-life monster. The stench of its breath made her reel, twisting her stomach into knots. Her friends weren’t doing much better, trembling uncontrollably. The creature twisted its head at an odd angle, studying them, its tiny beady eyes unreadable. Yet, Dinky detected something from the monster that chilled her soul. Hunger. She realized this creature was assessing if it wanted filly flambé and Dinky was on the menu!

Oh no, what should I say? They were in deep trouble, and Dinky was lost for words, too frightened to speak. Before she could respond, her new friend, Morning Glory, stepped forward with unearthly calm and spoke.

“We’d love to have you trick-or-treat with us.” Morning Glory’s face was warm and inviting, showing an unbelievable level of confidence. “Isn’t that right, girls?”

What?! Is she insane? We need to run! Get some adults! Something!

Yet, as Dinky gazed upon the monster, an awful truth struck her. The creature had powerful legs with more muscles than she’d ever seen. If they ran, it would chase them down and eat them. She might escape, she was a good runner, but Dinky refused to abandon her friends to whatever this creature was. Dinky tried calming her racing heart, attempting to make sense of the situation.

Hold on, why hasn’t the creature attacked us yet? We’re easy pickings! Morning Glory’s words returned to her in a flash. Ponies wore costumes on Nightmare Night so the monsters couldn’t tell ponies from the monsters. Dinky dismissed this as nonsense. They were obviously ponies. You’d have to be blind not to notice that.

Yet, it’s hungry but didn’t attack us on sight. Dinky reconsidered her previous assessment, looking at the monster with its ridiculous and obvious costume. It continued to study them, but had Dinky detected a hint of uncertainty? When the monster introduced itself, it called itself a pony like it expected them to believe such a bald-faced lie. It all seemed impossible, yet…

Dinky stepped forward, considering herself insane for even attempting this, but her friends were counting on her. Somehow, she controlled the tremor in her voice. “Hello, fellow pony. We would love to have you accompany us. There’s plenty of candy for everyone!” She prayed desperately to Princess Luna, hoping beyond hope this might work.

Much to Dinky’s astonishment, the creature nodded. “This house looks like it might contain plenty of candy. Shall we go, fellow pony?”

The creature stomped its enormous hooves towards Fluttershy’s house. Dinky’s friends gave her a frightened, questioning look, all except Morning Glory, who beamed with a pleased nod.

“What the heck was that?” Alula whispered as they reluctantly followed the monster.

“It doesn’t know we aren’t monsters,” Dinky replied, “As Morning Glory said, these costumes hide our true identity!” Her new friend nodded in agreement.

“That’s insane!” Alula said. “It’s obvious we’re ponies.”

Unlike Alula, Apple Bloom considered this. “Ya saying this creature’s too dim to realize we’re actually ponies?” Dinky nodded. Alula wanted to argue, but the monster interrupted their argument.

“Are you coming? Candy awaits!”

“Yes, coming!” Dinky replied, somehow her voice didn’t waver. The rest of her party gave reluctant nods and followed the oblivious creature.

“Dinky’s right.” Morning Glory said. “As long as it doesn’t know we aren’t monsters underneath, we’re fine.”

“Okay, fine, whatever.” Alula relented. “But we’re getting the adults as soon as possible.”

“What is that thing, anyway?” Dinky asked.

“I got it!” Apple Bloom slammed her hooves together. “It’s gotta be a troll. Don’t the stories say they’re blunter than a bag of hammers?”

“I think you’re right, Bloom.” Morning Glory replied after a moment’s consideration. “Never met one of those before.” The rest of the fillies gave reluctant nods, and her new friend’s calm impressed Dinky. What a cool pony.

Her mind raced, attempting to recall what she remembered about trolls. Something about them living in mountains and hating sunlight. Every story said they were dimwitted, however, and the heroes always won by outwitting them. A knot formed in her stomach when she remembered trolls were pony-eaters. They were walking on thin ice.

They trotted up to Fluttershy’s house, and Dinky realized that Flutters wasn’t expecting an actual monster at her front door. If the skittish pony yelled in fright it might ruin everything. No, if they played it cool, everything would be fine. She hoped.

“Trick-or-treat.” Dinky’s voice sounded frayed to her, but she’d somehow gotten the words out.

Behind the door, somepony yelped in surprise. Something crashed to the ground and they heard something fragile break. Moments later, a reluctant yellow pegasus opened the door. She brightened after catching sight of Dinky. While the shy mare feared unfamiliar ponies, she loved foals. Fluttershy doted on Dinky whenever she visited with her momma. Heck, thinking about it, most adults doted on her. She wondered why.

“Oh, hello, Dinky. I live so far from everypony so I wasn’t expecting any trick-or-treaters, but I’ll be glad to give you all some candy! What nice costumes you have.” She beamed at Dinky’s friends. Somehow Fluttershy still hadn’t noticed the hulking troll at her doorstep and rummaged around in a nearby drawer.

Dinky studied the troll, wondering how it might react to the skittish pegasus, and froze. The monster was staring at Fluttershy hungrily, and a knot formed in Dinky’s stomach when she realized why. Fluttershy wasn’t wearing a costume! She was exposing to everypony that she was a pony. A timid, weak morsel for any monster to munch on.

Dinky’s mind panicked, realizing her mother’s friend was about to become troll food, and they were helpless to do anything about it. While Fluttershy was an adult, the mare couldn’t defeat a troll! How long until the creature realized the three fillies among it weren’t monsters in disguise either? The troll still hadn’t attacked, but Dinky doubted they had long.

“Here you go, a candy bar for each of you!” Fluttershy dropped a full-size Snickers into each of their bags. “Sorry, I don’t have real trick-or-treat candy, but that should suffice, right?” The adult mare gave them each a nervous glance, worried her guests might berate her at any moment for this grievous fopaux.

“T-Thanks.” The four fillies trembled. Each of her friends must have realized what Dinky did.

“Thank you.” The troll licked its lips, eying Fluttershy.

“That’s a nice costume you have there. It’s, uh, cute!” Fluttershy said after finally seeing the troll and its flimsy bunny costume. First, she seemed terrified, ready to jump out of her skin but corrected herself, gaining some courage. It seemed the mare decided the creature before her couldn’t be a real monster and was only a pony in a costume. It didn’t stop the slight tremor in her legs though.

“I’m gonna bop it on the nose, then we’ll make a run for it.” Apple Bloom whispered. “It’ll chase me and forget all about Fluttershy. If we spread out, it’ll never catch us. Then we can get an adult to help us.”

“What! That’s crazy!” Alula replied in protest.

“Pure insanity!” Dinky echoed.

Instead of looking at the earth pony filly like she was a mad mare, Morning Glory looked upon Apple Bloom with admiration. “That’s quite brave of you. I like your plan.”

“No, we aren’t doing that!” Dinky harshly whispered.

“No, it’s the only way, Dinks!” Apple Bloom glared. She trembled, but her resolve remained strong.

“Uh, what are you girls whispering about?” Fluttershy said after taking her gaze away from the pony in the strange bunny costume.

“Nothing!” Dinky replied automatically.

Looking desperately through the cottage's open door she searched the cottage for something, anything, so her friend Bloom wouldn’t get herself killed. A weapon, anything to help them against their monstrous friend. The animal-loving pegasus dealt with many dangerous animals. She must have some sort of protective weapons to help deal with them, right? Her heart raced as she spotted nothing useful. Unless a broom could slay a troll. A looming dread crept through her. Dinky’s eyes blinked when she spotted bags of blood on a counter.

“Blood bags?”

“Oh, those,” Fluttershy replied, head pointing towards the bags in question, “those are for my vampire bat friends. It comes from volunteers amongst my animal friends. I give them little cookies so the poor dears have something to regain their energy after the donation.”

“Okay,” Dinky replied, not sure how to reply to that strange news. A flash of insight struck Dinky and a hopeful smile grew on her face. “I get it, very clever Fluttershy. Donations for your vampire bat friends.” The last sentence held a twinge of skepticism in it. Everyone looked at her strangely, even the troll.

“What a good way to hide your thirst!” Dinky whispered, but so loud everypony overheard her.

“Thirst?” Fluttershy blinked, not sure what the heck the filly was talking about. While it left everypony else confused, Dinky caught a hint of uncertainty in the troll’s eyes.

“Brilliant idea going around without a costume.” Dinky continued in her too-loud whisper. “What a good way to draw unsuspecting ponies to you!”

Alula caught on to Dinky’s plan. “Right, so you can take them to your special shack out back!”

“Right! How genius of you!” Apple Bloom added.

Fluttershy remained completely confused, but the troll was nervous now, shifting from hoof to hoof. After all, why would anypony not wear a Nightmare Night costume unless it was to lure unsuspecting ponies?

“I don’t even have a shack,” Fluttershy said in protest, but Dinky blocked her next words with a hoof.

“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with us!” Morning Glory gave the older mare a conspiratorial wink.

“We better get going!” The troll said a little too quickly. “Places to go, more houses to visit!” The monster took an about-face turn and hurried away from Fluttershy’s cottage.

The four fillies sighed in relief before following. “Bye Miss Fluttershy!”

“Right…” Fluttershy closed her door, completely confused by the entire conversation. If Dinky survived the night, their next meeting would be an awkward one. But heck, Fluttershy was safe and Dinky was glad something had gone right.

“Quick thinking, Dinky!” Morning Glory looked upon Dinky with open admiration.

“Yeah, you rock!” Apple Bloom said, but her face scrunched in consternation. “What now, though? We can’t risk that there monster running into another pony without a costume!”

“Uh.” Dinky hadn’t thought that far ahead, too absorbed in congratulating herself for her brilliance. “I guess we’ll just lead it towards town?”

“I don’t know bout that Dinks.” Apple Bloom replied. “Won’t that just cause a panic and get ponies hurt? What if it goes on a rampage?”

Well, darn it. She hadn’t considered that. Adults were capable, but they were dealing with a troll. Many ponies might get hurt before stopping it. Ponies crammed Ponyville’s town square and streets, creating many potential targets for the troll’s hunger. Dinky noted everypony was looking upon her to come up with a solution.

Why me? I’m just a filly! I can’t handle this! But from the desperate expression on her friends, they looked to her for leadership. Despite how terrified Dinky was, she refused to let her friends down. She’d solve this problem somehow.

“Right.” Dinky sighed but remained resolute. If her momma could defeat Corona, anything was possible! The troll was lumbering towards town and they were only a few blocks away from the town square. This portion of the street was empty of ponies, thank Luna! Inspiration struck her as she saw Twist’s house. They’d visited it before, and the filly’s sister Bon-Bon had answered the door. Bons was a smart, capable pony. She’d know how to stop an evil troll!

“Those houses look really nice!” Dinky pointed voice a little too loud. “We should go knock on their doors!”

“I like that one!” The troll pointed towards the house next to Twist’s house. Dinky winced but nodded. This home contained a wide assortment of Nightmare Night ornaments. Far more than was necessary, but it caught the eye. They only had to hope the adult at the house wouldn’t freak out and startle or enrage their monstrous trick-or-treater.

“Trick-or-treat!” Dinky’s voice sounded frayed to her ears, but she somehow got the words out.

“Hello, little ones.” The pony at the door said. He looked over the foals visiting his door, enjoying their costumes. Dinky recognized the stallion as the pony that ran the Quills and Sofas store. He wore a construction pony costume with a yellow hard hat. He froze when he came to the troll who beamed his predatory smile with too many teeth.

“Ditzy, is that you?” The Quill and Sofas pony asked, much to Dinky’s astonishment. “Banging costume! I like the costume within the costume! Very creative!” He dumped a hooful of candy into each of their bags. Thank Luna the troll remained too preoccupied with the candy to care about the stallion’s mistake.

“Right, you know my mom always has the most interesting costumes!” Dinky’s laugh sounded fake to her ears, but the oblivious Quills and Sofas pony didn’t notice.

“She is trying to win the best costume this year!” Alula added.

“Stay safe out there, foals.” The stallion closed the door behind him.

“Next house!” The troll pointed towards Twist’s house and lumbered towards it. Thank Luna! This living nightmare was almost over. Dinky almost tasted her fear and anxiety.

As they walked, a groan caught their attention. Trixie walked down the street with a bandage pressed against her temple. Trickles of blood dripped from the head wound, not serious looking, but still painful. The magician winced as she dabbed against it. Much to Dinky’s horror, she discovered that the mare wasn’t wearing her costume, not even the mustache.

Trixie groaned again in pain. “Who knew Pin the Tail on the Pony was so dangerous?” She muttered to herself, not noticing Dinky and her friends, or the hulking monstrous troll who eyed Trixie with hungry eyes.

“Lucky day, my friends!” The troll whispered and its grin widened when they saw Trixie enter a dark alleyway that led towards her house. “We will eat well tonight!” Somehow, it believed Dinky and her friends were also monsters. Dinky’s ruse was more convincing than she’d thought.

“Are you sure?” Dinky forced a smile, her mind raced desperately to devise some solution to this disaster.

The troll snorted as Trixie made her way into the alley. “It’s like it wants to get horribly murdered. Come, before it escapes!”

Dinky’s eyes widened as the troll increased its stride, moving much faster than she’d expected from a creature of its bulk and size. The monster had been holding back its capabilities until now, and she realized just how dangerous the troll really was. It would be on Trixie in moments.

Again, Dinky’s friends looked to her for guidance, leaving her flailing around in the dark. Miss Trixie was going to die, and Dinky was helpless to save her. The older mare was already deep into the alley, and it was doubtful she’d hear Dinky’s warnings if she cried out. Worse, what if the troll turned around and attacked them instead? Nearby Dinky spotted a discarded piece of wood leftover from a Nightmare Night construction project. Apple Bloom’s old plan back at Fluttershy’s house flashed into her mind.

“Get running, now,” Dinky ordered, grabbing the piece of wood.

“What’re you saying?!” Apple Bloom wore a worried expression on her face.

“Now!” Dinky shouted, pointing in a random direction. “Go! Get help!”

Her friends gave her a terrified glance, knowing how badly things could go once Dinky hit the preverbal hornet’s nest, but they had no choice and spread out. The troll had a hoof at the alley’s entrance, slinking in slowly to not startle its prey before it sprung.

“Hey, freakazoid!” Dinky yelled and hurled the piece of wood towards the monster. Unfortunately, her weak limbs didn’t hurl it far enough to whack the troll in the head like intended, and it clattered to the ground several hooves away instead.

So much for my cool, heroic moment. But it caught the creature’s attention, who stared at her in surprise.

“Leave Miss Trixie alone! You, uh…” Dinky’s mind raced for a good insult. “Dunderhead!”

The troll’s expression twisted, becoming some ugly and horrible. Its sight froze Dinky in place, overcome with terror. “You tricked me, horrible, nasty pony!”

With powerful strides, the monster reversed, heading towards its new prey. It moved with surprising grace, every stride purposeful and silent. It extended its nasty teeth, ready to gobble up the foolish Dinky in one bite. The rest of her friends had spread out, keeping their distance, and watching helplessly as the monster attacked their friend. She’d ordered them to get help, but their fear for Dinky’s safety stayed their hooves. Dinky screamed, eyes wide, helpless to stop the coming charge, too terrified to move. In a few moments, she’d be troll food.