• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 350 Views, 8 Comments

Trick-or-Fright! - Rixizu

Lunaverse story. Dinky goes Trick-or-Treating with her friends, but everything is turned upside down when a genuine monster joins them, and it's hungy...

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Chapter 3

“Don’t worry Dinky, I’m coming!”

Dinky’s screams intensified as the troll's vicious fangs clamped towards her and she closed her eyes, hoping the end wouldn’t be too painful. Much to her astonishment, the pain didn’t come. Instead, she found herself pulled upwards. Was the monster planning to gobble her up whole instead? She peeked and to her astonishment and found herself high into the air, Morning Glory held her using both hooves floating over the troll, straining to hold Dinky’s weight.

“Come back here.” The troll snarled, its claws reaching upwards to grab the two airborne fillies.

“Ya leave her alone!” Apple Bloom dashed forward and unleashed an applebuck kick right into the troll’s chest. The creature staggered but didn’t seem too harmed and glared at the offending filly, who backed away in fright. She’d expected to do more damage than that.

Before it could pounce on the helpless Apple Bloom, Alula screamed and jumped on the monster’s back. She pulled at the troll’s ears with her teeth and poked its eyes with her hooves. It growled and swung its head around violently. The Uniasus shrieked in surprise as the monster tossed her aside, crashing hard into the ground.

Dear Luna, we can’t stop it! It’s too strong. She searched for something, anything to aid them, but to no avail. Except for some Nightmare Night decorations and a plank of wood, she found nothing useful. And Dinky doubted an apology would fix anything. Her heart froze with terror as she realized the creature was going to tear her friend’s limb from limb and she was helpless to do anything. They all were.

“What the hay is going on here?” An angry voice said. Everypony turned to find Trixie glaring at the troll. “I don’t know who you are buster, but you better leave those fillies alone, now!” The magician had dropped her bandage and entered an aggressive stance. Dinky’s heart raced with excitement. Somehow she’d heard their screams and rushed to their aid. If anypony could save them, it was Trixie!

Trixie gasped in surprise when the troll turned to face her. Its mouth widened into a predatory smile and its beady eye lighting with excitement.

“What the heck?” Trixie exclaimed, surprised to face a genuine monster. Her knees wobbled as the creature stalked forward. It had forgotten about the fillies, instead of focusing on the bigger threat. The four fillies fled behind a nearby trash can, poking their heads out to watch the confrontation.

“You think she’ll be okay?” Alula whispered.

“Ah don’t know.” Apple Bloom whispered back. “My sis says Trixie’s a lazy good-for-nothing nincompoop.”

“Well, she’s not.” Dinky snapped back. “She’s the greatest hero in Equestria!” Heck, she bet the mare could defeat Corona right now if the alicorn landed before them. Trixie was just that great!

Next to my momma. Dinky amended silently.

“Is she that amazing? I can’t wait to see what happens next!” Morning Glory pulled the Snickers bar Fluttershy had given her out of her candy bag and started nibbling on it.

She’s 100 percent got this. The troll doesn’t stand a chance! Trixie studied under Princess Luna. Her magic is so powerful I bet she could make the troll’s head explode with her mind if she wanted to! No, on second thought, that’s gross. I hope she doesn’t do that. But I’m sure she has some trick up her cape!

“You have no idea who you’re messing with!” Trixie proclaimed. “I am the Great and Powerful Trixie! If you don’t want your butt kicked, I’d run back to wherever you came from!”

Yeah, that’s the Trixie I know! She’s so cool!

The troll only snorted and snapped its jaws forward. Trixie made a high-pitched scream, then turned and fled with the troll chasing after her. Despite Trixie’s head start, the mare wasn’t a runner, and the monster caught her in moments with powerful leaps. A grin of triumph grew on its face as it extended its fangs, ready to tear the magician to pieces. Dinky covered her face, unable to watch the carnage.

“What the?” The troll’s fangs faded through Trixie and groaned in pain as its face smashed hard into the ground, propelled by its own powerful legs. It spent several moments dazed on the ground.

“What?” Morning Glory asked, perplexed by the sudden disappearance of Trixie.

“It must be one of her illusions!” Alula declared, pumping up a hoof in triumph and glad to see the troll on the receiving end of pain for once.

“Impressive.” Morning Glory replied, amazed. “That illusion was flawless. I didn’t even see her cast it.”

“And now she’s turning yellow and running away!” Apple Bloom pointing towards a fleeing Trixie who appeared from nowhere. The air had shimmered before she reappeared.

“I’m sure it's all part of a cunning plan!” Dinky declared, automatically defending her idol.

“Come back, pony!” The troll shouted before giving chase.

Trixie made a high-pitched scream and ran into her house, slamming the door behind her. The troll followed and the wood cracked from the impact as it smashed its beefy hoof into the door, but it held for the moment. Dinky stared. Did Trixie just run into her house to hide? What about her head exploding powers? A troll was still on the loose!

“Pokey, please tell me we have something that can fight off a troll!” Trixie shouted from inside.

“What?” Pokey replied with his usual upper-class sophisticated voice. “What is this? Another one of Rainbow Dash’s stupid pranks? A troll? Really?”

Both adults screamed as the troll thrust a hoof through a nearby window. The door had been too sturdy, so it chose an easier path inside instead. Grass cracked under hoof as it slipped inside.

“This is a disaster!” Dinky said. “Now the troll will hurt Mr. Pokey too!”

“Well, if Trixie’s going to be yellow, then we gotta do something!” Apple Bloom declared. The other fillies stared at the farmer filly like she was crazy.

“What?” Apple Bloom replied defensively. “Somepony gotta do something! Trixie’s useless!”

“No! We need to find an adult!” Alula argued.

“What the heck is happening? Is this one of Rainbow Dash’s pranks?” A familiar voice said. They turned to find Bon-Bon trotting up behind them, a confused expression on her face. Her costume was the phantom of the opera with a black cloak, and a mask that covered half her face.

“Bons!” Dinky cried, tears in her eyes, and hugged the familiar cream-colored earth pony tight. “Thank Luna you’re here!”

“Your illusions won’t save you pony!” The troll yelled inside Trixie’s house. “I’m going to gobble you up!”

“Holy Luna almighty!” Bon-Bon exclaimed. “What the heck is that?!”

“A real troll is attacking Trixie!” Alula said.

The adult mare’s eyes widened, and she backed away in fright. “A troll? Those are real? Did Trixie’s magic mess up again? Did she summon it from the nether realm?” She referred to the time Trixie accidentally turned her marefriend into this weird naked bear creature, and Bons had remained suspicious of Trixie’s magical activities ever since.

“No, it summoned itself from the Outlands.” Morning Glory said calmly. “It’s Nightmare Night, so the barrier between realms is weaker than usual.”

Bons blinked, confused. “What?”

“It doesn’t matter, do something!” Alula said.

More screams came from Trixie’s house, heightening everypony’s anxiety. “What am I supposed to do about this?” Bon-Bon asked, nervously eying her marefriend’s friend’s house.

“I don’t know, you’re an adult!” Alula shot back. “It’s your job to deal with this sort of thing! What else are you good for?!”

“I’m just a candy maker!” Bons argued back and, much to Dinky’s dread realized the mare won’t be much use against a troll. Her faith in adults was greatly weakened that day.

“What about Trixie? She’s in danger!” Apple Bloom said. Bons grimaced and shook her head, unsure of what to do.

“Can you at least tell us something about trolls?” Dinky said, frustrated. Trixie was counting on them, and they were screwing up badly.

“Well, I guess the sun turns them to stone,” Bons replied, “but that’s just a story, and daylight is hours away.”

“Oh right!” Dinky replied. “I think I remember reading something about that.” Bloom nodded in agreement.

More crashing sounds came from Trixie’s house. No horrible death screams yet, thank Luna.

Bons’ resolve hardened, giving the fillies a stern look. “Go somewhere and hide. I’ll get some help. It shouldn’t take long.” Without another word, she ran deep into Ponyville.

“That’s something, I guess,” Alula said after a moment of silence.

“That’s it? Our part is over?” Morning Glory asked, sounding disappointed the excitement had ended.

“I guess?” Apple Bloom replied, unsure.

We can’t just leave her. It frustrated Dinky she couldn’t do anything else to help. She didn’t like leaving anypony in danger. But what could any of them do? Bon-Bon was getting the police and other tough types. The troll’s weakness was sunlight, but that was useless. A nearby clock told them it wasn’t even 10 yet.

Wait, sunlight! A brilliant, wonderful idea sparked in her mind.

“I have an idea!” Dinky declared, and the other gave her curious looks. “What if we make it daytime?!”

“You’ve lost me,” Alula replied.

“Yeah Dinks, I’m lost too.” Apple Bloom added.

Morning Glory, on the other hoof, pondered the idea. “What, like asking Princess Luna to put the sun over Ponyville?”

“Exactly!” Dinky replied.

Apple Bloom’s eyes widened. “Doesn’t Trixie have a magic hat that allows her to chat with the Princess?”

Morning Glory gave the filly a curious glance. “Trixie’s the princess’s student,” Dinky said, answering the unasked question.

“Uh, isn’t her hat in the death house?” Alula pointed toward Trixie’s house with a shaky hoof.

“We haven't got a choice,” Dinky replied, “Trixie’s counting on us!”

“This is a great idea, Dinks!” Apple Bloom beamed.

“Yeah, but can’t it still hide in Trixie’s house from the sun?” Alula asked.

“True, but then it’s trapped there.” Morning Glory said after further consideration.

“And it has windows!” Dinky added. “We’ve got a plan!”

While Alula remained reluctant, everypony else agreed with Dinky’s plan. Besides, Bons would probably take too long to get help, anyway. They hurried towards Trixie’s house, choosing to enter the back door first. Dinky had argued the front was too dangerous. Her heart thumped hard in her chest as the door creaked when she pushed it open, and Dinky expected instant death to fall upon them as soon as they entered. Except for a kitchen, nopony was in sight, and they entered.

Dinky sighed in relief that stage one of Operation Sunshine had been a success. They jumped as they heard crashing, then something smashing to pieces. She wondered if anything would remain of Trixie’s house once this adventure finished. Thankfully, Dinky knew where Trixie’s room was. She winced, catching sight of claw marks carved into the walls, and debris was littered everywhere.

“I’ll see if I can find anything useful.” Morning Glory tore open Trixie’s cabinets.

“It’s better than nothing.” Dinky joined the search.

Alula screamed as she stepped into something wet on the tiled floor. “Dear Luna, I think I’ve stepped in blood!” She recoiled away, hiding behind Dinky.

“Oh no! Poor Trixie!” Dinky didn’t see the mare anywhere but imagined the mare limping through her house with her guts torn open, spilling blood everywhere. Dinky almost passed out from horror.

Unbothered by Alula’s proclamation, Apple Bloom lowered down and sniffed the stain. “Come on guys, this ain’t blood, it’s booze!”

Dinky and Alula blinked. “Huh?”

“I know what blood smells like and this ain’t it!” Apple Bloom pointed towards a broken bottle nearby. “And there’s the bottle right there!”

The bottle had been leaking some dark liquid towards where Alula had been standing. There were more smashed bottles further along the corridor. Had Trixie used them as a weapon against the troll?

“Oh right.” Dinky blushed. She supposed growing up on a farm made her an expert on such things.

I need to calm down; else I scare myself to death before we even meet the troll.

“Ha! This might be useful!” Morning Glory produced a frying pan. Despite her size, she held the instrument with ease.

“Hey, I think we might use this as body armor!” Apple Bloom picked up a small pot, putting it over her head.

Alula rolled her eyes. “I suppose it’s better than nothing.”

The fillies quickly equipped themselves with whatever pot, pan, and kitchenware they could find. Dinky wore a strainer over her chest as armor. While she wasn’t sure it would provide her much protection, it made her feel better. They jumped as something below crashed.

“Ha! Take that ruffian!” It sounded like Pokey and it was coming from the basement.

“Nice going!” Trixie said. “We’ve got it! You aren’t going anywhere.”

The sound of wood being splintered echoed through the house. The troll had torn through whatever the adults had used to trap it.

Trixie sighed. “Or not, nevermind.”

“We have to hurry!” The pots and pans they used and armor clanged as they ran towards Trixie’s room. Dinky knew the layout of her house after many visits. She’d always enjoyed exploring the old house. It had belonged to an important duke once who had served as the last Night Court representative. The mare was lucky to own it.

Trixie’s room was messy, but it wasn’t because of a troll attack. The mare was naturally not very tidy. Trixie had random things scattered everywhere. Dinky meant random in the literal sense, too. She didn’t know why the mare owned several bags of rubber bands. Or a polo stick. Or a bicycle pump. Dinky couldn’t make sense of any of the items. Were they for magic tricks?

Dinky tore open Trixie’s closet, searching for their objective. Her pot hat fell over her eyes and she used a hoof to support it. She hooted in triumph as she found Trixie’s hat.

“Perfect!” Dinky said. “Now let’s get that letter written.” Alula had already found a quill and paper amongst Trixie’s random junk and presented it to Dinky.

Dear Princess Luna, this is Dinky! This might sound strange, but we need you to raise the sun over Ponyville early. A troll is attacking Ponyville, and sunlight might defeat it. Or, I don’t know, bring an army of something. Anyway, please help!

Your friend,

Dinky Doo.

P.S. No, this isn’t another one of Rainbow Dash’s pranks. We’re sorry about last time. It was wrong of Rainbow to trick you so she could sunbathe before work.

Dinky nodded her approval and folded the letter in half. With a dramatic flair, she threw the piece of paper into the hat. Moments passed, but nothing happened. She removed the letter and threw it back inside. Again, nothing happened.

“Is it broken?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Maybe it requires a few magic words?” Morning Glory suggested after a moment of consideration.

“That makes sense,” Dinky replied. It was a magic hat.

“Hocus Pocus!” Dinky threw in the letter, but nothing happened.

“Abracadabra! “



“Dang it, nothing’s working!” Dinky threw the hat onto the ground in frustration.

“I guess we’ll just have to ask Trixie?” Alula asked.

“Fine,” Dinky said, defeated. She’d hoped to avoid another encounter with the troll, but they had little choice. At least they had weapons and protection now.

Every step made Dinky wince as they ran towards Trixie’s basement. The clanging of their makeshift armaments was hurting her ears. When they arrived at the door leading towards downstairs, they found it torn off its hinges. It had ended up implanted into Trixie’s washing machine and water was leaking onto the carpet. They gulped as they approached the stairs and crept downstairs.

The scene that greeted them wasn’t what they had expected. The room was a disaster as expected, with books thrown around everywhere. Almost nothing remained of Trixie’s desk, shattered to pieces. What Dinky hadn’t expected was Trixie standing on the struggling troll holding a long string of torn-up curtains in her magic. Pokey grimaced as he forced the troll down using his magic, using a heavy piece of wood as a weight to hold it down onto the ground. The stallion was dressed like a zombie with green paint over his fur and face and a tattered suit.

“Just a little more. Stay still stupid thing!” The troll’s legs flailed, trying to stop Trixie’s attempt to restrain its hooves.

“Good, I can’t hold it forever.” Pokey’s voice strained with the effort. He blinked as he saw four heavily armed fillies coming down the stairs.

“Girls, you shouldn’t be down here! It’s too dangerous!” Pokey exclaimed, which caused a momentary lapse in his magical struggle.

The troll used this gap to break free of Pokey’s restraints and throw Trixie off. Dinky grimaced as Trixie smacked into a nearby bookshelf that cracked on impact.

Oh no, we’ve ruined everything! Had they just doomed all of Ponyville? Trixie had trouble rising back to her hooves and moved with obvious pain. It left her an easy target for the troll’s grinning fangs and the creature was moments away from pouncing on the helpless mare. Dinky stood on the stairs, frozen and unsure and helpless to do anything.

A battle cry erupted through the basement and the Brave and Mighty Apple Bloom rushed down the stairs, frying pan in her mouth. The cooking instrument smacked against the troll’s head but didn’t even cause the monster to flinch. It grunted in annoyance and gave the poor earth pony filly a back hoof strike that knocked her unconscious. The frying plan fell from the filly’s mouth and clattered against a piece of broken wood. The loud clang made the troll flinch.

“We’re doomed!” Dinky exclaimed. “I’ve killed us all!” Her good intentions had killed everypony, and she sank down, driving into complete despair. She didn’t bother hiding her tears. She deserved getting torn apart by a troll.

“Dear Luna, I’ve got it!” Alula exclaimed, and the Uniasus tore Dinky’s makeshift weapon from her hooves.

“You’ve got an idea?” Morning Glory asked.

“Huh?” Dinky said through blurry, tear-filled eyes and grimaced in pain as Alula slammed the two pieces of kitchenware together, creating a loud clanging noise.

Dinky wasn’t the only one affected by the loud noise and the troll grabbed its ears howling in pain. The Uniasus clanged them together harder and approached the troll, who retreated from the distasteful noise.

Huh? Oh, right! It has big ears, its hearing must be super sensitive! The Uniasus was so smart!

“Hurry, send the letter!” Alula shouted over the clanging.

“Right!” Dinky whipped her eyes of tears and ran towards Trixie, who finally rose back to her hooves.

“Letter, send!” Dinky pushed Trixie’s hat into the older mare’s hooves.

“Huh?” Trixie blinked in confusion before nodding in understanding. Her horn lit with a magical aura and she muttered some gibberish under her breath. The letter vanished from sight moments later.

“Hateful ponies!” The trolls sent an awkward swing towards Alula, but blocking its ears and attacking at the same time was awkward and the Uniasus dodged away.

“One problem,” Trixie said, observing the troll’s newly found weakness with keen eyes. She levitated Dinky’s pot helmet and Apple Bloom’s frying pan towards her. “Those letters go to Luna’s desk. It’s impossible to say if she’ll even notice it until morning. I really need to fix it so they go directly to her sometime.”

“Oh.” Dinky sank, disappointed and despondent.

“Nevermind,” Trixie replied, “we can make do. Pokey!”

“Already on it!” Pokey screamed at the top of his lungs while hammering a letter knife with a random piece of metal together, adding to the audio chaos. Morning Glory soon joined it and the troll really hated this new development, driven into crippling pain.

Instead of attacking, the troll decided these ponies weren’t worth it anymore and it fled from Trixie’s basement. After checking if Apple Bloom was okay, they gave chase driving the monster from the house.

“Let’s drive it into the Everfree!” Trixie shouted. “Let the timberwolves eat it or something.”

The three fillies nodded and clanged their pots and pans even louder. Thankfully, their racket had destroyed the troll’s will to fight, fleeing in search of more quiet prey. They chased after it, giving it no chance to attack anypony else.

“I hate you, you stupid ponies! Hate you!” The troll exclaimed.

“Um, what’s this racket about? Could you please stop, you’re scaring the birds? Um, if that’s okay with you, I mean.” A soft voice yelled over the clamor and Dinky’s eyes widened as the troll stalked forward toward the voice, right towards a frozen Fluttershy.

“Stop that noise now, or I’ll gobble this one up!” The troll said, and Fluttershy screamed in terror as the monster grabbed her around the throat. Seeing no other choice, they did as the troll demanded.

“You won’t get away with this!” Trixie growled.

“You lied to me, ponies!” The troll’s voice was low and dangerous. “Make you regret it! After gobbling this pony’s head off, I’m coming for the rest of you! Maybe not today, but soon enough!”

Fluttershy! No! The mare broke into terrified sobs, realizing an actual monster was about to kill her. They watched helplessly, knowing causing a racket wouldn’t save the animal-loving mare. The monster opened its fangs wide, ready to strike, only to freeze in terror as a red line formed in the horizon, expanding into yellow sunlight.

“Impossible!” The troll shrieked. “Daylight is hours away!” It forgot all about Fluttershy and dropped her, turning to flee towards the darkness of the Everfree Forest. Unfortunately for the monster, it couldn’t outrun light and the rays struck its body in moments. It screamed in fear as its body petrified and its face froze in terror as it solidified.

“Thank Luna!” Dinky sobbed in relief, never so happy to see the sun in her life.

“Thank Luna indeed. She must have gotten your letter.” Trixie walked over to the troll statue and pushed it over with a hoof. It crashed to the ground with a satisfying crunch.

Pokey jabbed at the statue with a hoof. “How did you know the sun would turn it to stone?”

“Thank Bon-Bon,” Dinky replied. “She told us about it.”

“Thank goodness that’s over with,” Trixie replied, “I’ll make sure this thing never bothers anypony again. I have some letters to write. Princess Luna can handle the rest. Pokey, guard this thing while I’m gone.”

“Why me?!” Pokey said, his voice high pitched and whiny.

“Because you’re a brave stallion,” Trixie said, smirking. “Come, we need to get you fillies back to your parents. You’ve had a scary ordeal.”

“Um, I guess I’ll just go back to my house if that’s okay with everypony?” Fluttershy said and Trixie waved a vague hoof indicating that was okay.

“Thank you everypony for saving me.” Fluttershy bowed before slamming her front door behind her.

“I’m never going outside on Nightmare Night again!” Fluttershy muttered under her breath.

As they trotted back towards town, Dinky slowed her steps, ears flatting. Despite her relief, she still felt horrible for almost getting everypony killed.

“What is it, squirt?” Trixie asked, noticing Dinky’s mood.

“I messed up,” Dinky replied, “I should have let you handle the troll.”

“Yes, you should have,” Trixie replied, “you’re only a filly. Scary things like that troll are too dangerous. Still, I’m proud of the four of you.”

“Really?” Alula replied. She also expected a scolding.

“I am.” Trixie nodded. “You did something super brave, and you saved my life. Just don’t do that again, please. The brave thing, not the saving my life thing,” she clarified.

Alula and Dinky nodded. Still, they both feared the reckoning once their parents learned about this. Morning Glory, however, only looked bored at Trixie’s speech. Was this only a game to her?

“Let’s hope Apple Bloom is up when…” Trixie’s words broke off when they entered Ponyville proper and found themselves face to face with a mob of angry-looking ponies. They held pitchforks and torches and everything. Bon-Bon was in front leading them.

“Where’s the troll?” Bons demanded. “It must be a monster of true evil if it can raise the sun!” Ponies nodded their agreement, wearing terrified and angry faces because the sun wasn’t in its proper place.

“We already dealt with it.” Trixie waved a vague hoof.

“What?” Bon-Bon blinked.

“Yep, it was no match for my awesomeness,” Trixie replied. The mob sagged disappointed. One pony threw their pitchfork on the ground in frustration.

“Why do you have an angry mob, Bon-Bon?” Dinky asked.

“Well, that’s what you do when monsters attack.” The candy-making mare replied.

“Bon-Bon!” A familiar cyan mare ran into the square and gave her marefriend a fierce hug. “Thank Luna you’re safe! When I heard you were fighting some monster, I got so worried!” She wore a fancy white dress, with frills so large a pony could almost trip over them.

“It’s nothing.” Bons rubbed the back of her neck, embarrassed. “Just doing my job as a Ponyvillian.”

“You’re so brave, Bon-Bon!” Lyra exclaimed with pride.

Trixie facehoofed. “Never mind about me, the one actually in danger.”

“Oh, I’m glad to see you safe too, Trixie,” Lyra said a bit bashful. While annoyed, Trixie didn’t reply.

“Sorry everypony, but it seems the crisis is over with,” Bons said towards the crowd.

While annoyed and frustrated, they dispersed as instructed. They gave the sun a nervous glance, worried it might be a bad omen. One pony even angrily shook their hoof at it.

What was that about? The sun just saved their lives! Ugh, whatever. Dinky was relieved the crisis was done with.

“There you guys are!” A voice said from above, and Dinky froze in terror.

“Trixie, are you behind the sun rising?” Ditzy Doo asked. “It’s kinda ruined Nightmare Night. I was walking through the haunted maze with Carrot Top when it suddenly turned day! Is everything okay? What happened?”

Trixie sighed, knowing more tedious explanations were to come. “Long story short, a troll attacked and I turned it to day so we could turn it to stone and capture it. Pokey’s standing guard right now.”

Ditzy blinked. “Really?”

“Yeah, momma. It’s right over there.” Dinky pointed in the troll’s direction. While she didn’t exactly like Trixie taking credit for her idea, it was the simplest explanation.

“Yes, and I think you should take these fillies home. They’ve had a long day.” Trixie said. “I’ll give you the details later.” Thank Luna Trixie hadn’t spilled the beans about what happened, but Dinky knew a reckoning would come soon enough.

“Yes, please! Home sounds great!” Dinky didn’t care if it was cutting her Nightmare Night short. She wanted to get to her bed and snuggle under her safe covers.

“Yes, thank Luna!” Alula said.

“Sure thing.” Ditzy sounded worried but nodded. She blinked when she caught sight of Morning Glory. “Sorry, I don’t think I’ve met you before. Are you visiting in town? Where are your parents staying?”

“Around.” Morning Glory waved a vague hoof. “Don’t worry about me. Can I follow while you go home?”

“Sure.” Dinky’s momma was still worried but seemed confident they’d find the filly’s family.

“When are you leaving Ponyville? Not soon I hope.” Dinky asked. She prayed, despite being super grounded, her momma would allow her to hang out with Morning Glory for a few hours until the filly left.

“Yeah, have you been to Sugarcube Corner?” Alula asked. “We deserve a cupcake after everything.”

Morning Glory opened her mouth and paused. She gave a nearby clock a nervous glance. “I’m not really sure. I might be stuck here forever.”

“What?” Dinky blinked.

“The sun, it’s ruined everything!” Morning Glory said in sudden realization. It didn’t help Dinky’s understanding of the situation whatsoever. “The balance relies completely on the solar bodies!”

“Nope, not understanding a single word,” Alula said.

“I’m stuck here!” Morning Glory paced. Somehow, dealing with a troll hadn’t rattled her, but this did. “Lowering the sun won’t fix this!”

“Um, talk to Princess Luna?” Dinky suggested. In the distance, she detected a black dot that looked like a skycart. No doubt the princess was coming in person to deal with the troll.

“That simple-minded fool wouldn’t understand.” Morning Glory snorted. “The queen is going to kill me!”

Morning Glory sure is getting uppity all of a sudden. And Queen?

“Is everything fine?” Ditzy asked, noting Morning Glory’s distress.

“No, it isn’t, pony.” Morning Glory replied. “Everything is ruined!”

Ditzy blinked. “Huh.”

“She’s upset, don’t mind her,” Dinky said, rushing to her new friend’s defense.

“Trapped in the mortal world for a year. Maybe even longer!” Morning Glory sagged. “I’m so doomed.”

“You’re not making any sense,” Alula lost her patience, “what are you talking about?”

Before Morning Glory could reply, a familiar filly walked up to them. “Hiya! Glad to see ya’ll are safe. Operation Sunshine worked!”

“Are you okay Bloom?” Dinky asked, rushing up to the farmer pony.

“Just a hit to the old noggin, no big deal.” Apple Bloom puffed her chest out in pride. “What’s wrong with Morning Glory? She ain’t looking too happy.”

“We aren’t really sure,” Dinky whispered.

“Why didn’t I listen to Forget-Me-Not? I’m such an idiot.” Morning Glory lamented. “They’ll never let me live this down!”

“Look, um, whatever’s happening, just know that if you need a place to stay until your parents get here, you’re always welcome at our house.” Dinky’s momma put a comforting hoof on the distressed filly.

“Really? That's really generous of you, pony!” Morning Glory replied, looking hopeful.

“Always,” Ditzy confirmed with a smile.

“You’re always welcome!” Dinky added.

“You have my eternal gratitude!” Morning Glory brightened, taken out of whatever funk she’d been in. “In repayment, I’ll make sure your daughter gets the best husband I can find! Your descendants will be numerous, prosperous, and happy!”

“… Right,” Ditzy replied, confused and lost for words.

Is she right in the head?

“Come ponies, I am sleepy and need rest.” Morning Glory said. “Lead the way!”

After another moment of confusion, Dinky’s momma shook her head. She decided it was only a filly being silly and nothing to worry about. She led them through town, leading towards Alula’s home first.

What's with Morning Glory? The filly regained her spirit and seemed happy again, enjoying the sights of Ponyville now that it was daylight. And the way she talked, it was just like the troll. Talking about herself like she was something else.

Like she isn’t really a pony or something. A pit of dread formed in her stomach when a thought occurred to her. During Nightmare Night, the supernatural crossed over into the real world. Like ponies, they wore costumes to disguise their true nature. What if one creature’s disguise wasn’t as obvious as the troll’s? Not every supernatural creature had fangs and claws. Dear Luna, had she just invited a monster to live inside her house?

Comments ( 2 )

NIce work, loved it!

“I don’t know who you are buster [...]

Ponies’ conventional inability to see past paper-thin disguises is used in an entertaining way in this story.

I bet she could make the troll’s head explode with her mind


“I am the Great and Powerful Trixie! If you don’t want your butt kicked

A grin of triumph grew on its face as it extended its fangs,

The troll’s fangs faded through Trixie and groaned in pain as its face smashed hard into the ground,  [...] “It must be one of her illusions!” 

the Great and Elusive Trixie has made a fool of another monster! :moustache:

the troll thrust a hoof through a nearby window. The door had been too sturdy, so it chose an easier path inside instead. Grass cracked under hoof as it slipped inside. [...] the troll tore open Trixie’s front door, rushing inside.

Is this saying that the troll opened the door by breaking the nearby window and reaching the handle on the inside to open it?

“It’s your job to deal with this sort of thing! What else are you good for?!”

*panicked excitement intensifies*  

“I’m just a candy maker!” 

Looks like BonBon hasn’t been attending the weekly monster drills at the town centre. :rainbowlaugh:

Bon’s grimaced and shook her head, unsure of what to do.

When they arrived at the door leading towards downstairs, they found it torn off its hinges.

The letter disappeared from sight moments later.

Morning Glory soon joined in and the troll really hated this new development, driven into crippling pain.

“It must be a monster of true evil if it can raise the sun!”

Neat tie to the superstitions around Celestia

“Trapped in the mortal world for a year.

It’s a good ending that didn’t need to be specific about Morning Glory’s nature.  I had kept expecting it to be Luna the whole time. :twilightsheepish:

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