• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 480 Views, 93 Comments

Detective Nyx: The Ancient Temple - Switch Swap

Rainbow dash goes missing

  • ...

The Burning Soul

Nyx and Scootaloo began reading the book on the Ancient Temple. Well, Nyx mostly, Scootaloo was tasked to look for some other books on the Ancient Temple.

"Hey, Scootaloo. Come here, I found something." Said Nyx

"What did you find?" Asked Scootaloo

"Let me read it to you." Replied Nyx, "The Ancient Temple contains a powerful magic, one of the most powerful in the world. Whoever brings the Temple back from The Other gains that magic, but at a price. The creature who gains the magic loses memory of who they once were, and have it replaced with an entirely new set of memories."

"Is there any way to undo this?" Asked Scootaloo, nervous.

Nyx flipped a few pages in the book before she found something. "Ah, here we go. The only way to return the former memories of whichever creature brought the Ancient Temple back is by destroying the 6 fragile crystals in the very center of the Temple. Once you break the last crystal, the creature will regain their memories, and the Temple will disappear back into The Other."

"So we just have to destroy those crystals, and that's it?"

"Yep. That's all."

"Seems too easy. Is there anything else?"

"Um, yes there is." Replied Nyx, "It says that the once you break the crystals, then the magical energy from them forms a giant bubble filled with the magic. It also says that the bubble can only be burst by a rare jewel called the Burning Soul, found on the top of Mt Danger Peak."

"Mt Danger Peak? I've never heard of that."

"That's because it isn't in Equestria." Said Nyx, "Over the week since I solved my first case as a detective, I've been doing a lot of reading. One of the things I read was "Geography outside of Equestria," and Mt Danger Peak was in it. But it is very unpredictable and extremely dangerous. I think that you should stay here, Scootaloo."

"No way. I promised Dash that I would always help her when she's in trouble. So I'm coming too."

"No, Scootaloo, this is too dangerous. You're staying in Ponyville."


"No, Scootaloo. If you really want to help Dash, help her by staying safe."

"Okay, I'll stay here on one condition. I help you when you return."

"Deal." Replied Nyx, "See you in 8 days, Scootaloo."

"See you Nyx. Stay safe."

"I'll try."

A few days later, Nyx arrived at the foot of Mt Danger Peak. She looked up at the mountain and breathed deeply.

"Celestia, my Princess. Hear my wish. I wish for strength, speed and agility." Said Nyx. She then felt a magic energy flow through her, increasing her speed, strength, and agility to 150 times the normal level.

With that, she began her ascent to where the Burning Soul was.

Around halfway up the mountain, she accidentally triggered an avalanche. Several boulders began to fall all around Nyx, but thanks to her increased speed and agility, she was able to pass through the avalanche very easily.

At one point, her tail got stuck by a couple rocks, but she was able to push them off before getting crushed. She quickly got passed the avalanche zone and continued up the mountain

Nyx got to the snowy part of the mountain a couple hours later. She was very cold, but she had brought a winter jacket and had left her detective clothes back in Ponyville.

She soon finally reached the top of the mountain, but there was no sign of the Burning Soul anywhere.

Nyx pulled out a book containing information on the Burning Soul, which Celestia and Luna had let her borrow after making sure that it would return in one piece, and opened it to start reading.

"In order to find the Burning Soul, one must look for the secret marking engraved into the peak of Mt Danger Peak and activate the secret code. The code is fire, then water, then earth, then wind. Activate the code, and the Burning Soul will rise from within the mountain."

Nyx pressed the symbols in the right order, and the ground started shaking. A section of the peak opened and slid to the side, revealing a hollowed out tunnel.

From the tunnel rose a pillar. On the top of the pillar was the Burning Soul, shining like a fire.

Before Nyx could get it, she heard a voice in her mind.

I cannot allow anycreature to take the Golden Soul. I suggest that you leave before I bring out the guardians of Mt Danger Peak

But Nyx did not give up. "Please, whoever you are. I need the Burning Soul for something important."

And what would that be, little filly?

"You know about the Ancient Temple, right?"

Yes, I know of that cursed place. I was the one who sent it to The Other

"Well, it's returned, and one of my friends has activated the magic. Now she doesn't remember anything about her past life, and the only way to destroy the magic and bring back her memories is the Burning Soul."

Very well. You may have it, but I shall come with you. For I am Watcher, the protector of the sacred jewel.

"Okay." Replied Nyx

I shall teleport us back to your home of Ponyville

"Wait, how do you know where I live?"

I contain the power to know every last bit of information about everycreature who is living, Nyx, daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle. Now, I shall teleport us back to your home

Watcher teleported himself and Nyx back to Ponyville, where Scootaloo was waiting for her.

"You're back. How'd you get here so fast? I thought that you would be gone for 8 days, not 4."

"I had a little help teleporting back here."

Greetings, ScootalooSaid Watcher

"Woah, did you hear that?" Asked Scootaloo

"Yeah, that was just Watcher. He teleported us back."

"How does he know my name?"

I know everything about everycreature that is living, Scootaloo.

"That's very awesome. But we can talk about that later. Right now we have to restore Rainbow dash."

Scootaloo, Nyx, and Watcher headed back into the Everfree forest, finally ready to return the Ancient Temple to The Other and bring back Dash's memories.