• Member Since 31st Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


"For fun" is the best reason to do anything. "The best" is the best way to do everything.


Who's got the sweetest disposition? Not this bunny! Though he truly wants to help Fluttershy out any way he can, he has a mighty unfriendly way of going about it. Through begging, bribery, and extortion, Angel Bunny will see to it that his caretaker comes out of her shell eventually.

Or else.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 14 )

Alright, it came to my attention that Rarity's sister is Sweetie Belle, not Sweetie Bell. That's been fixed.
I also took it upon myself to fix one Capitalization error that I had missed, as well as one tense error.

If anyone sees an error, or wants to discus the story, or has any other comments, feel free to let me know.
This is the first FanFic I have put any real effort into.

Thanks for reading, and have a nice day!

Liked and Faved. It definitely is clear that you put a lot of work into this.

As for the story, I thought it was great. Very "day in the life"-esque and something that I could see happening on the show. It was all well thought out and made sense. Keep it up!



Thanks! I certainly intend to keep it up, a month between updates or not. I'm working on finishing up the next chapter as we speak.


Ah! Thank you again. I could have sworn that i'd fixed that already. It's what I get for trusting spell check, eh?

This is almost as exactly correct as it can possibly be.


I am almost extremely ecstatic that you could possibly think so. :pinkiehappy:

I think that date went as well as can be expected.:rainbowlaugh:


I sure like to think so. :pinkiehappy: Thanks for reading!

*Grins and applauds* Very sweet and fun. This was great stuff an don't put yourself down, this was really awesome. Hour was a bit muddled as he didn't really give much explanation for his actions and emotions but really that's my only real complaint.


*Grins and applauds* Very sweet and fun. This was great stuff an don't put yourself down, this was really awesome.

Thank you! :pinkiehappy: I was just reading this the other day, and I was actually surprised at how much fun it was. It really just needs a little spit polish on the grammar.

Hour was a bit muddled as he didn't really give much explanation for his actions and emotions but really that's my only real complaint.

Yeah, i'll admit to not spending a whole lot of time plotting him out. He didn't explain his motivations because he didn't have all that much motivation beyond "Date Fluttershy, make silly pony swears." Live and learn, amiright? :twilightblush:

“Where you going, redneck? Back home to mommy and daddy?”

That is low Diamon Tiara, that is fucking low. Already making fun of a pony with a disability is bad enough, but making fun of their deceased parents is crossing the fucking line.

The stallion grinned at the complement, “The pleasure was all mine!” He looked down at his earnings and gave a start. “Waitaminute…”

Oh, clever Fluttershy, it wasn't Duck Season Rabbit Season, but she's still good.

Angel moped the entire way home. How was Fluttershy supposed to come out of her shell without him, her anti-conscience? He couldn’t just let her sink into her shell like she always did.

She kinda did, she managed to demonstrate a healthy level of assertiveness WITHOUT either flying off the handle, or going on a rampage in Putting Your Hoof Down. Also, I just realized "Giving a flying feather" is probably the Cloudsdale equivalent of "giving a flying f*ck". Fluttershy essentially use a Precision F-Strike. Even Rainbow Dash isn't that bad. Good thing she calmed down.

“By showing everyone a little kindness.”
Her tiara sagged as Diamond Tiara’s ears flopped back onto her head aggressively. “You mean those Cutie Mark Crusaders, don’t you?”
“That’s a good place to start, yes,” Fluttershy chewed at her bottom lip. “But it shouldn’t stop there.”

I like this. I really really do. You portray the Mane 6 so well, Fluttershy is still the same adorable timid pony we met in Mare In The Moon, yet she's grown up so much, she's managing to show a healthy level of assertion so that she can carry a normal conversation with Diamond Tiara, albeit this IS her area of expertise so she is more comfortable then she would be then say, talking about magic. She is still obviously a bit nervous, but either way, it shows how she's still trying to be nice despite the fact that she probably knows from the CMC that Diamond Tiara is NOT a nice pony. It also shows that while Diamond is a jerk and a bully, she is not an unrepentant monster and like everypony else, has potential to change.

“Are you saying I’ve been anything less than super-sweet to eveypony, you cloud-headed pegasus!?” Diamond glared at Fluttershy before she realized what she had just said. She was rotten, yes, but until now she had never talked down to a grownup before.

EveRypony. Also, Diamond Tiara, you are going to want to take that back, apologize, and be VERY careful with your words if you don't want bronies and pegasisters to tear you a new structurally superfluous behind.

Angel Bunny smiled a little at that, no one could ever say Fluttershy didn’t care about others. EVER.

Nopony, not no one. And yeah, she's awesome.

Salacious grinned at the pink pony. “I suppose we should allow our planner to feature her own work, if it is her wish.”

What a nice pony.

Fluttershy sighed gently, but nodded. “Alright, Photo Finish. But just this once.”
Photo Finish smiled and led Fluttershy further down the hall. “Danke, Flouter Schy.”

At least she's polite.

“Ach! Evhen hcher hchead-butts are grace-fool!”


Hour D’oeuvres, on the other hoof, was nursing a sore nose and spouting a variety of profanities. “Discord’s Donut Holes! Ahuizotl’s Tail Ring! Faust’s Fragrant Forehead!”

Somewhere, Lauren Faust, Discord and Ahuizotl sneezed.

Angel rolled his eyes and hopped over to the salad bowl; Hour D’oeuvres was on his own, now. He leaped the entire height of the table and landed beside the luscious salad. He was about to dig in when he noticed Bruce Mane, Mr. D’oeuvres’ buddy, walk up to the table with a fork in his mouth and a plate on his hoof. Bruce’s attention was turned to a golden and red mare beside him; she was talking about some newfangled technology, Arc Reactors or something like that. Angel quickly scooped a pile of lettuce leaves into his arms and leapt below the table.

Bruce Wayne AND Tony Stark as ponies? You flatter us.

Angel pointed to Fluttershy, who was currently bandaging up a very humble Hour D’oeuvre’s mouth. He made a “Lips Are Sealed” motion and pointed at Pinkie. She crossed her heart, fluttered her hooves, and poked her eye with one horseshoed foot. The promise sealed, Angel watched Fluttershy walk away from the disgruntled stallion over to Photo Finish. Photo Finish attempted to convince Fluttershy that modeling was the life for her, but the gentle mare asserted herself with grace.

Good to know Fluttershy's lessons about knowing when to assert herself in her own way have worked.

Angel stared at the floor, considering his options. So far, he had failed to save Fluttershy from Photo Finish, attempted to set her up with a very abrasive stallion, and given her a bump on her head. What else could go wrong?

Dang it Angel, you should know better! Also, I like how while Angel is a bit of a jerk, he honestly does care about Fluttershy.

Facing the prince
Of the pride lands

The lion is now Simba.

“Saaaay, that rhymes pretty good for a translated Giraffrican poem!” Pinkie stated.
“Some adaptation was made,” The zebra replied. “But the soul was saved.”

In other words, Zecora is best zebra.

Angel looked up and found himself in the midst of the surrealist art exhibit, and began to with that he hadn’t. The melting watches, disembodied heads, and general discord made him feel nauseous. He made a swift escape.

How much you want to bet that Discord is the inventor of surrealism? Seriously, Equestria under his rule looks like a surrealist painting brought to life.

That certainly gave Pinkie pause. “You mean… You didn’t like my party?”

Oh dear...

“Your party is a mockery!” Palette was in rare old form now. “You invited vagabonds, your organizational skills are a mess, and worst of all…” She glared at the earth pony. “I never liked your spinach puffs!”

You don't like her spinach puffs! You monster!

Just as the party pony was about to walk out, head lowered in shame, Angel Bun appeared from behind the angry pegasus’ head, blindfold in hand. Pinkie saw the mischievous glint in his eye, and nodded. “I’ll leave, Prissy. But I’d like you to have a little fun first…”

Oh boy...

The cake splattered nicely on his wife’s face.

Oh boy...

Salacious, being a pegasus, had quite good reflexes. He ducked just in time to watch the pie fly harmlessly overhead.

It's gonna hit someone. I can feel it.

Rarity had met up with an old Canterlot friend, and they were talking happily. “Oh, it’s quite true, Fancy Pants!” She said with glee. “Once you get started on a dress, the rest is easy as…”
Fancy Pants flinched as a blueberry pie splattered into the back of his head. Rarity’s eyes grew as big as saucers. “Pie…”

Oh dear...

The entire room grew quiet, all eyes on the influential unicorn stallion. Though dripping with pie, he was still cool and suave as he turned in the direction of the two feuding pegasi. “May I ask who this pie belongs to?”

Oh double dear...

Husband and wife pointed hooves at each other, both near the point of panic. Fancy smiled. “Let he who is without cake…”
He raised a series of pastries off of a passing platter in his telekinetic grip. “Throw the first scone.” He let fly, satisfying squelches sounding as the scones hit the two flighty ponies.

That works.

Zecora tossed a prench-flavored salad over at the combined forces of Prissy Palette and Salacious P. Boysenberry. “Ours is not to reason why,” She ducked from an onslaught of cupcakes. “Ours is only to do and… PIE!”

Nice one.

Fluttershy rolled her eyes. “Do you remember, ’So who gives a flying feather what you think?’”

Yeah, not her best moment.

Angel’s ears stood straight up, and a mischievous smile spread across his face. Friends, indeed. Fluttershy was going to have the time of her life, even if it killed her date.

This won't end well.

The Elements of Harming Me

You did that on purpose.

An enormously-muscular white pegasus was doing his best to look posh in a full tuxedo. “I hev been fine, Flouter Shy! Thank yoo for de reference! It vas very helpful in getting de job!”

Bulk works at the Silver Spoon? Headcanon accepted!

Sue Chef was well known in the restaurant industry for her no-nonsense approach to running her business. With her husband, Silver Spoon, running the customer relations, she was able to fully focus on the technicalities that came from being the boss.


Owloysius soared overhead and dropped a silky napkin on the angry stallion’s head. It covered Hour’s face, hiding him from the now-chaotic restaurant. The owl carried an accordion, which he used to accompany Angel’s violin. Whether it was beautiful, romantic music or something out of Weird Al was up in the air.

Cheese Sandwich. You know, Weird Al pony?

The Cutie Mark Crusaders rode off towards their clubhouse. Diamond sighed and looked at her pet. The armadillo was looking at her with a mixture of apprehension…
And hope.

With a bit of luck, with a touch of kindness here and there, now and then, Diamond can become a nicer pony. I'm not holding my breath, but I can dream.

Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::heart:

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