• Published 14th Dec 2020
  • 1,348 Views, 22 Comments

Her True Self - TheEvilCookie

Spike comes out as lgbtq to Twilight. He is very nervous about it...will Twilight be able to accept him for who he is?

  • ...

The Truth

Twilight was currently sipping tea resting and reading a book in her castle in Ponyville while also perfecting her spells here and their. She was humming softly as while was recanting the tale of the time when she helped her friends set that suprise birthday party up for Pinkie pie. That was such a fun time.

As she read though she could hear Spike walk into the room. She immediatly turned her head to see Spike (a teen dragon now) rubbing his head.

"Yes Spike is their something that you need?" She asked kindly and gently smiling fondly at her dragon assistant...no... friend. Spike he looked away before taking a deep breath and looked at her again.

"Can I speak to you for a few minutes Twilight...their has been something that I've been meaning to say..." He said very nervously.

"Is everything okay?" She asked in a concened voice with a look of care and love in her regal eyes she cared alot about Spike so whatever was troubling her best friend troubled her. She would always look out for all of her friends as she has done it during the time Canterlot was taken over by the changelings, when Tirek attacked Equestria and that time when Nightmare Moon returned so she wasnt going to give up now.

"No I need to tell you something that's very important....please hear me out ive thought about this for weeks..." He said very nervously he was so scared of hher reaction.

Twilight wondered about what he could possibly tell her that she didnt know she hoped he wasnt in any sort of trouble or got hurt.

"Of coarse Spike I'll give you all the time you need" She said smiling gently and warmly. Spike gulped and nodded very nervous about this.

"Can we go to your room please?" Spike asked trying to keep his breathing under control. She nodded with a smile and walked with him to her bedroom.

The walk felt like it would go on forever to Spike. He was so afraid of what she was going to say. Would he be thrown out?

Soon they go to the room in the castle and Twilight sat down and patted the bed to invite Spike to sit with her. Spike nodded hesitantly but was still shaking thinking that he might lose her. He was afraid she was gonna abandoned him if he told her. He wished Rarity were here and yet even she didnt know what he was about to tell Twilight. In fact none of their friends knew yet. Twilight was only the second pony he was gonna tell. He just stood in front of her so he could be face to face with her.

"You want to tell me from there?" Twilight asked with a kind smile. Spike feared that was the last time he was ever gonna see her smile at him

"Ye-yeah I do....yes I do Twilight..." He said barely being able to hold himself together. He hoped this wouldnt turn out bad he had been through alot so far. Whether it was saving Canterlot from Chrysalis or going to the dragon land this might've been his toughest challenge yet.

"Its okay Spike take your time I always have time for you...and if you decide not to tell me I wont be mad at all." She comforted lovingly

"Really? You really wouldn't?" Hs asked suprised by this

"No of coarse not why would I I'm here for you Spike it's up to you. Theirs no pressure." She said hoping he wasnt in trouble and hoping she could help with whatever was bothering him

This was it Spike was about to reveal his long held secret. He was sweating so much that it was pouring off him. No matter what she told him he was still scared. He might end up making Twilight angry yet he had some hope from her words and some confidence he finally spoke.

"Twilight...I'm transgender...I...I identify as a female....please..."she said shaking and crying.

That was where Spike broke down. She couldnt bear to see her reaction. She wondered if she should start packing up and move out fearing that Twilight could never love her, she feared her response. Twilight bent down

"Oh Spike....come here..." she said wrapping her in a hug and petting her hair she sobbed into her wondering what the hug meant. Did she really accept her?

"Listen to me very carefully....I DO NOT HATE YOU...I could never hate you! Do you understand hon? You are a beautiful being I'll always support you Spike.

Spike was so relieved a huge weight was taken off her shoulders she sobbed violently and loudly as Twilight comforted her and whispered to her that she loved her repetitively

"Oh Spike I love you so much. you are such an amazing dragon dont ever think like that your trans identity is who you are. Your are not sick!" She said rubbing Spikes back

Spike didn't respond she just cried in Twilights arms Twilight laid back on the bed and and held her in her arms. Twilight then spread out her wings and wrapped her wings around Spike as well while covering themselves with a blanket

Spikes crying got a bit louder as Twilight cuddled her but she never left she just cuddled her while while whispering how much she loved her.

Spike started to sob violently as she couldnt stop. Twilight would stay their forever if Spike needed her to she cradled her head on her chest and and let Spikes tears soak her fur which she didnt mind at all. Spike can soak her with tears if she wanted because she loved her.

"Oh Spike...I love you and will always love you" she said with love petting her back to comfort her Spike wrapped her arms around Twilight and sobbed loudly Twilight smiled and sat up so Spike could hug her tightly and thats just what Spike didnt she laid back down and soothed her by petting her head

Spike kept sobbing her sobs increasing in volume as Twilight comforted her and kept reassuring her.

"I love you Spike I'll always love you and accept you. You are trans and you are beautiful and perfect. I dont mind if you you need to cry in my arms and wings for hours on end I love you" She whispered lovingly.

Spike's cries grew louder and louder...Twilight didnt mind at all and let him do this. If Spike needed to she could flood the castle with her tears and Twilight would still be their for her.

Spike was so emotional and relieved and happy over being accepted she had been so scared of getting rejected. She just couldnt stop crying but she was assured that Twilight would stick by her no matter how long she needed to cry and Twilight was saying that exact same thing in her head

Spike cried loudly and shook like crazy in Twilight's safe and loving embrace she was patient like a Dove as she just comforted her and let her release her emotions as she realized they had been pent up for a long time

Twilight kissed Spike on the head once again as Spike just cried keeping her wings and arms around her friend and assistant. She had questions about Spikes new pronouns and name but she could wait for as long as Spike needed her to

Spike was starting to soak the bed and Twilight with her tears and she let her if she needed to be drenched with tears then so be it she was always going to be with Spike.

Twilight kept her wings and arms wrapped around Spike like a blanket confirming her and being their for her while actually blanket still covered them both

Spike kept crying not stopping as tears just poured down her face she was losing track of how long she cried but she knew it was alot.

Twilight was going to stay their for as long as Spike needed she didnt mind at all she just did her best as she comforted Spike.

The comfort drove the point home that Twilight was never going to reject Spike she was so emotional about it and relieved but she still couldnt stop crying.

The cries reverberated throughout the castle nopony else was their to disturb them which was good because Spike needed Twilight right now.

"I love you Spike. I'm so glad I was able to meet you. You are trans and your beautiful" Twilight said again and Spike just continued letting it all out.

Spike cried and cried and cried...but Twilight wasnt worried as she knew she was just relieved and emotional about how it went well for her

Spikes cries finally calmed down as Twilight pet her back soothingly the bed and her fur and Spikes face were drenched in tears but she needed that he was so glad he came out he was so worried and in the end it worked out all right

Spike continued to calm down as Twilight hugged her finally Spike stopped and sniffled while Twilight wiped Spikes tears off Spikes face

"Thank you so much Twilight...I'm so relieved to get that off my shoulders...thanks for being their for me" she whispered

"No problem Spike I love you I could've stayed here forever if you needed...here let me get that" She said softly wiping more tears away from Spike's eyes. She then spoke

"I love you to Twilight I feel so relieved I'm not even joking...should I tell your others friends..." she asked and Twilight ribbed her back to soothe her more

"That's completely up to you. I wont out you at all I'll keep your secret safe that's your decision hon you can come out to them when you need to and if you cant come out I'll keep the secret to myself forever" she said softly. Spike sniffled and Twilight wiped more tears away from her face and eyes

"Thanks Twilight..." She said falling quiet again. Twilight smiled and spoke

"Your welcome...we can stay here as long as you need to Spike" She said softly

"Thank you Twilight..." She said again and Twilight laughed seeing a pattern take gold

"Your welcome" She chuckled and kissed her forehead once again. Spike laid in her arms in silence for a a bit and spoke

"I might as well tell you about my pronouns..." Spike said wiping her eyes as Twilight dried more of her tears and held her

"Hey take your time! Okay hon dont rush yourself I have all day today I did all the meetings I had to do in the castle and with the map" She reassured. Spike was releieved to hear that but she really did want to tell her now

It's fine I'm good. I want to tell you right now...its she/her/hers..." she whispered sniffling crying rabbit more before wiping more tears away. Twilight smiled and nodded at her knowing that was gonna be easy to remember

"And your new name? Just curious" Twilight said lovingly wanting to know so she could start using it. She still had questions for Spike but that could wait

"My new name....is Talia...its Talia..." Talia said sniffling. Twilight lovingly kissed her again

"That's a very beautiful name...Talia..." She giggled causing Talia the dragon to giggle to

"Thanks" Talia giggled back and Twilight kept holding and petting Talia. Twilight still had so many questions but they could wait but Twilight understood

"No I didnt have the surgery yet....if you were wondering" Talia said removing herself from Twilights arms as she wondered where the conversation should go from here. Twilight shook her head

"You dont have to force yourself to talk about anything your not ready to talk about but if you want to talk about this now I will listen to you and comfort you" Twilight said supportivly. That made Talia cry from the beautifulness of that. Twilight was just so understanding it made her cry happily and emotionally she soon calmed down and spoke

"Its okay you should know because your in my life...I started my Social transition a year ago...in secret of coarse...but I'm not taking any hormone therapy yet...I'm holding off on that...I'm not ready" Talia said alot calmer now as she soaked in the comfort she was receiving. That was when Twilight had a realization

"So that jewelry and feminine clothing wasn't for Rarity I take it..." Twilight said referring to the dresses Talia bought and used the excuse of buying Rarity things to hide the fact she was trans. Talia nodded.

"No. It was all for me" Talia said. Twilight nodded and kissed her head.

"You bought beautiful dresses..." Twilight pointed out and Talia giggled

"Thank you. The next pony I'm going to come out to is Rarity I'm sure she will accept me" Talia said. Twilight became curious

"If you dont mind me asking who was the first pony that you came out to?" Twilight asked. Talia smile remembered that day fondly but chuckled as she knew Twilight wouldnt believe her

"It was Fleur De Lis. That unicorn supermodel that lives in Canterlot...the really...beautiful...one...with the pink hair" Talia said not knowing how to describe her Twilight laughed and patted Talia on the back and Talia laughed as well

"Your description of her is great. Oh your so cute" Twilight laughed. Talia giggled and thought for a bit. She then spoke

She was very kind about it...I know what your going to ask and to be honest I dont remember how it exactly went...I was just feeling down about it so she saw me and well...I came out to her she was the very first one I was gonna come out to Rarity first but hesitated because I didnt think Rarity would like me but so I ended up telling Fleur because I knew that she would be nice....we knew eachother due to Rarity knowing her And she was so incredibly sweet about it she accepted me immediatly...and even comforted me even if she doesnt know me to well" Taliasaid happily.

"I'm so glad Talia I'm so happy for you and I'm glad she was accepting as I'm sure the others will be to..." Twilight chuckled

"I know they will I'll get around to that...Alright I'm feeling so much happier that that's off my chest I cant tell the others later...what do you want to do?" Talia asked with a grin wiping her eyes and turned to look at Twilight with a grin. Twilight chuckled

"How about some gems?" Twilight chuckled. But Talia chuckled.

"Gems? How about some Ice cream!?"She laughed causing Twilight to chuckle.

"Ice cream it is then!" She laughed and they walked out to get some ice cream. Twilight was glad that Talia had come our tot her and Talia was also happy as well

From a distance Fleur watched them both go for ice cream as she had been hoping that it would go well for Talia and as she saw that it did she became incredibly happy and smiled.

"I'm so fucking proud of you Talia." She said to herself she smiled and went back to Canterlot

Comments ( 22 )

The king is back

"Listen to me very carefully....I DO NOT HATE YOU...I could never hate you! Do you understand hon? You are a beautiful human being I'll always support you Spike.

You are a beautiful human being

human being


10581376 Yes I am indeed I really did try this time


It did feel like it had a lot more structure and thought put into it compared to your older stuff.

10581402 Thank you. Yeah I really worked at it I spent like quite alot of time writing it to I fleshed out the plot unlike my other stories and tried to make them in character as much as I could.

Good job man, keep it up

10581444 I really did try. I hoped you liked it 😊

Pretty good story, just need to add apostrophes when showing ownership or contractions.

But good story nonetheless

10581526 Got it. I'm glad you liked it :)

This is lovely and so are you :heart:

10581760 Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Well, well, well... I never thought I would see you writing again.

Honestly, this story is full of grammatical errors with little to no use of commas at all. However, it is a sweet story.

that was good. surprised you didn't go with barb

10582862 Sorry about the errors I know I missed some but I'm glad you enjoyed it still

barb is the name of the genderbend version of spike.

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