• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 812 Views, 60 Comments

My Final Pony Fantasy II - Vimtrust5

Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy, and Princess Cadence take on the Palamecian Empire.

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Chapter 9: The King's Passing/Deist/Deception

As the rest of our heroes stepped into the King's chamber, an overwhelming sense of sorrow permeated the air.

"Your Majesty?" asked Twilight. "Minwu, is he...?"

The white wizard shook his head grimly. For he knew that the King of Fynn's final moments had come. Gordon, too, had seen it and sat the king' side.

"Gordon... Minwu... Firion... And Twilight..." he said weakly.

"Your Majesty," said Firion.

"I have one final request to ask of each of you... Please... listen carefully..."

He faced the Kashuan Prince first.

"Gordon... You've grown so strong... I want you to lead our army! Do all you can to help Hilda..."

Gordon knelt and answered, "My Liege... I swear it on my very life."

"Minwu," he said addressing his loyal white wizard. "You know of the legend... The legend that speaks of an ultimate magic..."

Minwu knew exactly what he spoke of, but the Equestrians did not.

"What is he talking about?" said Fluttershy.

"What I speak of... has been sealed away, and the seal may only be broken when the world stands on the brink of destruction... I believe that time has come. Do you agree?"

The white wizard agreed. "The time to break the seal binding the Ultima Tome is upon us!"

"Ultima...?" Twilight asked herself. Whatever it is, it sounds really powerful... Maybe too powerful...

"Firion," said the king, "I would have you go to Deist, home of the dragoon warriors."

"Dragoon warriors?"

"Yes. I was told that all of the dragoons were slain in an attack by the Empire. Yet I refuse to believe there could be no survivors in so noble a group. If we are to stand against the Emperor, I am convinced we will need the dragoons and their wyverns."

W-wyverns...? Twilight thought.

"Yes, sire..."

"Twilight Sparkle."


"Which one do you wish to aid on their mission?"

"Wh-What? You want me to choose who to go with?"

"Not right away... If you combine your efforts... the day of our victory... will come. This I ask... of each of you!" The king's strength waned as he finally closed his eyes. "Take care... of... Hilda..."

With those words, the King of Fynn had died. Everyone closed his and her eyes and prayed for the fallen ruler.

"We should save our tears for another time," said Gordon, his eyes shut. "We must carry out the king's last wishes. We each have our duties... Let them not go unfulfilled!"

Twilight, Spike and Fluttershy left the King's chamber and into the conference room, telling everyone present of the King's death. The news brought a great sorrow to the people, for they had believed that the King would recover, but with the imperial attacks weighing heavy on his heart, they supposed he would never fully heal. The Equestrians thought about all the deaths they encountered upon entering this world, wondering if they would even overcome this tragedy.

First, Twilight thought, there was Prince Scott... everyone who was killed by the Dreadnought... Josef who gave his life to save ours... and now Princess Hilda's father...

*music fades out*

Joining up with Firion, they later strolled into the meeting room and knelt before Gordon.

"Can you tell us about Deist?" asked Twilight.

"Certainly," said Gordon. "It is an island that lies north of Palamecia. When the Emperor first attacked, we dismissed it as a mere skirmish. But he feared the power of the dragoons; he meant to wipe them out."

Twilight gasped, "Wipe out the dragoons? But why...?"

The prince closed his eyes and raised his hands on his chin. "Some say that the dragoons speak the language of the wyverns, also known as Wind Drakes."

"The wyverns?" she asked.

"Yes, that is correct. If you go to Deist, you may find that the wyverns yet live still. It would make for a most potent ally. You should visit the port of Paloom and seek out a ship to take you to Deist."

"I see..." Twilight replied. "Thank you, Your Highness..."

The purple alicorn stopped in her tracks.

"Are you still thinking about what to do? About... the King's last words?"

Twilight nodded. "I... I need some time to think. I mean..."

The others immediately understood. And so they stayed at the inn for the night.

The next morning...

"Twilight... Have you decided?"

"Yes. Firion, I'm going to Deist with you."

"Princess Cadence?" said Firion.

"I think... I'll stay in Altair until you get back."

"Are you sure?" asked Fluttershy.

"Yes... I'm sure," she replied. "There's just something I can't put my hoof on, but I feel like something's wrong here... real wrong..."

Twilight walked up to sister-in-law and whispered, "What's going on?"

Cadence whispered back, "It's about Hilda... She seems very... cheerful even though her father died..."


"If anything unnatural happens, I'll let you know... somehow."

The heroes continued onward to Paloom. Near the entrance, Twilight thought of Cadence's words.

"What is it?"

"It's nothing."

Whatever the Princess of Love would investigate, however, would have to wait until after the others' task in Deist was complete.


"You're lookin' for a vessel to Deist, are ye? Well, this be yer lucky day! My ship's about to set sail for that very destination. Be ye wantin' a ride?"

Firion was about to answer but was stopped by a suspicious Maria. "There's something strange about this woman," she said.

"I agree with her, Firion," said Twilight. "I don't think we should do this. It's just too... convenient."

"But it's for free!" the young man argued. "Miss, we'd like to take up your offer. Please take us to Deist!"

The woman's eyes lit up. "Now you're talkin'! Me name's Leila. I'll be waitin' for you outside the town, okay? We'll weigh anchor as soon as you're set to go."

As soon as Leila left, Twilight and Maria put their faces in their hooves/hands.

"I can't believe you just agreed to that," said the alicorn.

FIrion shrugged. They went back into the shops, purchasing more goods for their quest when suddenly, Twilight thought to ask.

"You know," she said. "Those feathers really have me curious. What are they?"

"Oh, those?" said Firion. "They're called Phoenix Downs."

"Phoenix..." Twilight said.

"Downs...?" Fluttershy added.

"As in the bird which comes back to life in flames from the ashes?" Just like Philomena, the Princess' pet.

"That's right," said Maria. "Apparently, these little items can bring back a fallen warrior when he or she dies."

"But... if that's true... What about Gordon's brother? Or Josef?!"

A sudden realization came to them. "I... I'm not sure," said Firion. "Unless..."

"Unless...?" Spike inquired.

"Unless... trying to stop a boulder from crushing all of us and sacrificing his life doesn't count. And Prince Scott? His wounds... may have been too severe..."

The group lowered their heads, recalling the tragedies they had faced. Each of them looked up to each other and vowed not to let any more tragedies occur. As soon as they left Paloom, they found another ship near the shore; without a doubt, this ship belonged to their supposed guide, Leila.

Aboard Leila's ship

Just as the ship was sailing through the ocean, Leila confronted our heroes with a band of pirates, revealing her true self in the process.

"What the...?"

"Trustin' pirates doesn't say much for the space ye got between yer ears. Now give us yer belongings! Be lucky I'm sparing yer lives!"

"I knew you were up to something!" Maria glared.

Twilight, too, narrowed her eyes at the pirates who would rob them. "What if we say no?"

"Is it a fight yer wantin'? Ye really are stupid," Leila said. "Get 'em, boys!"

Leila's men all charged at a heroes but quickly defeated; some of them were even thrown overboard but luckily had the ability to swim. They even climbed back on the deck, but were knocked out with a punch from both Firion and Guy. Leila stood by and dropped to her knees, unable to believe her pirates were beaten easily by a band of teenagers and colorful ponies.

"Wh... What happened?" one of the pirates asked.

"D-Did we just... get beat by a bunch o' kids and ponies?!"

"No way...!"

"Enough!" the pirate exclaimed. "I know when I'm beat. Go on then. Do what you're gonna do an' be done with it."

Leila knelt, expecting to be punished for her attempt to steal from them. But to her surpise, Firion did not raise his sword but instead turned to his friends.

"What are ye up to?" a suspicious Leila asked.

"Will you excuse for a sec?" asked Firion.

The group huddled, whispering to each other on what Firion was thinking.

"What is it, Firion?" Twilight whispered.

"I think... we should have her join us."

"WHAT?!" Twilight and Maria said as quietly as they could.

"You... you can't be serious." the purple alicorn glared.

"Do you think we should let her?" asked Spike.

"I'm in favor of not letting her join after what the stunt she tried to pull!" Maria stated.

"I agree," said Twilight. "She did try to steal our stuff."

"I disagree," said Firion. "Everyone deserves a second chance."

"That's true, Twilight," said Fluttershy. "We should at least try. What do you think, Guy?"

"Well..." the giant thought. "She and pirates did attack us. But if she being honest now, we should go with it."

Twilight thought hard about what everyone said. "Let's put it to a vote then." They all nodded.

"All in favor of Leila joining us, raise your hoof, hand, or claw."

Firion, Guy, Fluttershy, and Spike all raised their appendages.

"All in favor of the opposite, raise your hoof, hand, or claw."

Twilight and Maria raised their appendages while the others lowered theirs. The former sighed in defeat.

"Majority rules. Alright, Leila. Welcome to the group..." I feel like I'm going to regret this... she thought.

The pirate was taken aback. "So, ye want to fight the Empire TOGETHER?!"

"That's correct," said Firion.

"A bunch of outcasts like us, fightin' right alongside the likes of you," she said looking at everyone present. Turning around, Leila contemplated her next decision. A chance to fight against the evil Palamecian Empire... "I think I like the sound of that! To yer posts, boys! Whether it be Deist or the bloody edge of the world, we'll get ye there!"

With Leila as their new ally--to Maria's dismay--the party now had full control over her ship to go wherever they pleased. With the matter settled, our heroes sailed further north to the Deist region. Before they could find a place to dock, some sea creatures jumped onto the deck: three floating Killer Fish and a Sea Snake. The Sea Snake attempted to grab Leila, but she was too quick for the serpent, and the pirate quickly defeated it with her level four Thunder spell. The others quickly dispatched the Killer Fish with their magic and weapons, allowing each of their attributes to increase.

Approaching the island at last, the ship docked near the eastern shores of Deist. The party disembarked and encountered several ogres along the way. Despite their brutal strength, the ogres were taken care of as the party moved on toward a castle, surrounded almost entirely by mountains. In front of the castle was a small forest and a small lake.

The castle was as desolate as Kashuan Keep. However, there was life, much to the party's surprise: a young boy about 10 years old.

"There are people here, after all!"

"Go back!" he said, surprising our heroes. "Don't come near me!"

The boy ran off.

"Wait!" Firion shouted. He and the others followed him up to the second floor. They found him right next to his mother.

"Please wait," said Twilight.

The two gasped. "Mommy, did that purple... thing talk?"

"Yes, I did."

"Oh, my goodness... it did. Then y-you're all not with them... are you?"

"Them?" asked Maria.

"The Empire, I mean."

"No," said Firion. "We're a part of the Wild Rose Rebellion."

"I'm really sorry, mister," said the boy. "I thought you were the stupid imperials! I'm glad you aren't."

The mother sighed. "I hope my son hasn't been too much trouble. Please pardon him. My husband was a dragoon, but he was killed by the imperials. Only my son and I survived. In the room behind us is the last wyvern. It has been trying to speak to us, but I cannot understand it. Every dragoon carries a special pendant. I’ve heard one was lost in the cavern north of here, only a couple of levels down. With that pendant, we could speak with the wyvern. Would you mind looking for it?”

"Yes, ma'am. We've got some questions for you about the wyverns and the dragoons. What happened to them?"

"The dragoons fought gallantly, but the battle turned against them when the Emperor poisoned the wyverns’ drinking water."

The ponies and dragon gasped.

"All of them died one by one, and the dragoons, without their wyverns, lost their edge in battle.”

Those cowards...! Twilight thought. To think they'd go so far as to poison their enemy's water supply.

Passing through the door, they encountered a giant dragon-like creature: this was the last wyvern in Deist.

Fluttershy's fear of dragons subsided when she saw it was dying. "Um, excuse me...?"

The creature growled softly; the yellow pegasus quivered with fright but pressed on...

"I... I can't understand what it's trying to tell us...!"

"What?!" Spike said.

"I think we may have to find one of these pendants just like that woman said," said Firion.

The party entered the mysterious cave and found themselves in a dark place with light green grass and the purple stone ground. They traveled towards the chest containing several gil and went down the stairs and found a the remains of a fallen dragoon.

"Please forgive me," said Firion as he took the pendant. He and the others immediately left for the exit and back to the castle.

Our heroes immediately raced for the wyvern's chamber. Upon seeing the pendant, the large reptile knew that that they could speak with her.

“Come with us," said Firion. "Let’s fight together!”

The wyvern growled weakly. “The poison has already affected my entire body... I am dying.”

"No...!" said Guy.

"There's so much to know about you and the dragoons! Please don't do this!" Twilight said.

“Immediately before the battle against the Empire began, a dragoon by the name of Ricard Highwind departed in search of the ultimate spell.”

"So there's one dragoon still out there?!" said Spike.

"And he's looking for the 'ultimate spell?'" said Twilight. So he was looking for the same spell Minwu is, now? she thought. That can't be a coincidence.

The creature growled in utter pain and laid a new egg. "Kind people... Please hear my final wish. Take this egg to the cave north of this castle and place it in the spring there. This is the last Wyvern Egg... Unless someone takes it to the Sacred Spring, it will wither and die."

Twilight nodded and took the egg with her magic.

"Please... take that egg... to the spring...!"

And with those words, the adult wyvern growled and fell over, never to get up again. Our heroes looked to each other and agreed to hurry as quickly as possible.

Deist Cavern

As they returned to the cavern, the group went further and further into the dungeon, battling several Hill Gigas, ogres, revenants, and Yellow Souls. They even obtained several treasures including an ether, and mythril-made equipment. When they finally reached the life spring to put the wyvern egg, there were two familiar looking creatures guarding it.

"Chimeras! Danger!" Guy warned.

"Ch-Chimeras?!" Fluttershy screamed.

"We've got to get past them!"

"We have to fight them! Quickly!"

Leila quickly slashed at the one of the hybrid creatures, only to rouse its ire. It immediately lunged toward the pirate but Leila dodged the attack, making it land headfirst into the wall.

"Ha! Don't be takin' me too lightly..."

Fluttershy prepared to give the other her signature Stare but was knocked aside by its lion paw.

Guy, furious as he was when the imperial sergeant did this at Semitt Falls, charged at the beast, causing a moderate amount of damage. The snake head hissed just as the giant hacked off its head, leaving the chimera to perish as it disappeared completely.

The other creature regained consciousness and roared at the party. It suddenly cast the powerful Blaze spell at them, leaving some of our heroes greatly injured and Fluttershy herself unable to respond.

"FLUTTERSHY!!" Twilight yelled. She turned to the creature and fired a powerful beam at it, greatly wounded the beast.

Maria quickly pulled out a Phoenix Down and placed it on the fallen pegasus. Fluttershy's eyes opened.

"Did... we win?" she asked, only to stumble.

"Not yet..." said Maria, who then began chanting an incantation. Upon finishing, she unleashed a level six Thunder spell upon the hybrid beast, defeating and removing the obstacles. Their defeat allowed the party's magical and physical abilities to grow, and some of Twilight's natural abilities had returned.

*music stops*

Firion then placed the wyvern egg in the life spring.

"Now what?" Spike asked.

"We've done all we could, Spike," said Firion. "We have to go back."

"I think I can handle this. Everyone hold onto each other."

Everyone looked at her in confusion, but agreed held onto each other as said. The alicorn's horn glowed and suddenly, they teleported just outside the cavern.

"Wh-What the...?"

"Yes!! My teleportation spell works again!"

"Teleportation...? Oh wait. You talked about this before, didn't you?"

"Yep! Let's go tell that family the good news."

They all agreed and returned to the castle.

Castle Deist

"The last wyvern... has died. But we still have the egg that you have taken to the spring. Once it has hatched, it will surely fight for the rebel army. I thank you in place of the mother wyvern... Oh, I wish this did not have to happen!"

"What are your names?"

"Um, miss?" asked Fluttershy.

"Can we ask for your names?"

"My name is Elina, and this is my son Kain."

"Ms. Elina... Kain... I'm really sorry..."

"It's... it's alright... As I said, I wish this didn't happen."

Everyone said their goodbyes as they headed back to the ship and returned to the rebel base.


As soon as their human friends went back inside the base, a young man rushed over to the Equestrians in a panic.

"My pony and dragon friends. Please... please come with me."

He led them away from the base and told them everything.

"Princess Hilda is acting strange."

"How strange...?"

"Whenever she was speaking with Prince Gordon, she'd act bored with whatever they were talking about, unless the subject was Firion."

"What? Seriously?"

"Yes. And that's not all..."

"Princess Cadence is at the inn, but she's been wounded."


They immediately went to the inn and found the pink alicorn tending to her wounds.

"Cadence! What happened?"

"It's not her..." she said, shaken.

"What are you saying?" asked Twilight.

"Our friends... are in danger...!"

Fearing the worst, they went back into the base, only to discover that the Princess they had rescued was indeed an impostor, transforming into a hideous snake-woman hybrid: a Lamia Queen!

"Now you're MINE!!" it exclaimed.

Firion backed away as quickly as he could. "What have you done with the princess?!" he yelled. The creature didn't answer, it only drew its dagger out, ready to strike.

"Not so fast, ye scurvy snake!" said Leila as she and the others barged into the room, the Equestrians soon after.

"What's that?!" Spike demanded.

"Well, we know one thing for sure: that is not Princess Hilda!" said Maria.

Firion immediately joined the others in a battle stance. The Lamia Queen quickly grabbed Cadence.

"I thought you would have learned by now..."

"I have, actually," she said, firing a magic beam from her horn right into the demon's face. Cadence rejoined the others and took her stance once more. Maria fired her bow straight into the creature's heart, causing it great pain. Spike breathed a great amount of fire, almost incinerating it. Firion charged, delivering the final blow.

The Lamia Queen had fallen, but now there were even more questions than answers.

"Are you all right, Firion? Did that... thing hurt you?!" said Twilight.

"No, I'm fine... I still can't believe it though..."

"If that was a fake... Then where's the real Princess Hilda?!" Maria wondered.

Just then, a rebel soldier entered the chamber.

"Terrible news, everyone!" he said.

"What is it?" asked Firion.

"The Emperor is holding a tournament at the Coliseum, and the grand prize is the Princess!"

"But that means..."

A horrible realization hit them: the Emperor had planned this from the beginning. He had planned for our heroes to rescue the fake, while he had the real Hilda!

"So, it was all a trap!"

"Firion!" said Prince Gordon, entering the chamber.


"Please take me with you!"

"Are you sure?"

"I am sure, Firion. Hilda is in the hands of the enemy, still."

"I think I'll be stayin' here, then," said Leila.

"Why...?" asked Guy.

"Someone needs to lead the rebels while the leader's gone! And Gordon's goin' with ya, ain't he?"

Gordon nodded.

"Then it's settled."

"Ponyville? What a ludicrous name for a village."

"But that is where those other ponies you mentioned reside, Your Excellency. We heard it with our own ears."

"We heard the prince say their names as well."

"I see," Mateus pondered, rubbing his chin. "Very well. Find this Ponyville and kill the Element bearers. Spare them no quarter."

The demons bowed, acknowledging their order and left. As soon as they did, a soldier entered the throne room, kneeling before the Emperor.

"Everything is nearly ready, sire."

"Good," the Emperor replied.

"If I may ask, sire."


"Why do we need that little filly?"

The Emperor narrowed his eyes. "Surely, you must be aware by now of its powers, correct?"

"Yes, but..."

"Are you questioning my plans? My authority?!"

The grunt faltered, not wanting to incur his Emperor's wrath. "N-No, Your Majesty..."

"You are dismissed."

"Yes, sire..." As the soldier left, Mateus turned to Flurry Heart once more.

"If my calculations are correct, your mother should be among those insects trying to overthrow me. I believe this to be the perfect time for our first and, perhaps, final meeting... Princess Mi Amore Cadenza!"

Author's Note:

The term "Wind Drake" is a reference to the wyverns' name in the PS1 version.

It was kind of hard for me to decide what to do with the scene before the Lamia Queen battle, but just to be safe, and as you can see, I omitted it. Here's the music that actually plays in that scene: