• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 812 Views, 60 Comments

My Final Pony Fantasy II - Vimtrust5

Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy, and Princess Cadence take on the Palamecian Empire.

  • ...

Chapter 11: Ponyville Attacked!

Author's Note:

Hey there. Going off script again to show you what's happening in Ponyville at the moment.

Ponyville, Equestria

Far away from the Crystal Empire, the town of Ponyville was as peaceful as ever, with everypony trotting around greeting each other happily. None more so than Rarity and Pinkie Pie who had just returned from Manehattan.

"How wonderful it is to be back home," said Rarity. "And I just can't wait to hit the spa."

"Me, too," Pinkie agreed. "And after that, why don't we... go to Applejack's and help out?"

"Well..." the white unicorn hesitated. She wasn't keen on getting her own hooves dirty as she considered herself too much of a lady. But then she remembered switching places with Applejack to help Sweetie Belle. "Alright, I suppose."

"YAY!!" Pinkie shouted, causing her friend's ears to ring.

After relaxing the spa like Rarity planned, she and Pinkie went straight over to Sweet Apple Acres, where they found their good friend Applejack in a large barrel, squashing grapes for juice.

"Hi, Applejack!" Pinkie Pie greeted.

"Howdy, y'all!" the orange earth pony replied.

"Business as usual, I presume?" said Rarity.

"Business as usual, sugarcube. Ah've been knockin' a few apples down for the next cider season. There ain't no way I'm lettin' those Flim Flam crooks messin' with mah farm."

"Yes, indeed, darling. Oh, how dishonest those degenerates are...!"

Just then, Winona growled and barked up at the sky.

*music fades out*

"What is it, Winona?" asked Applejack. "Ya hear somethin'?"

Five seconds later, a portal appeared and out came several demons!

"What the hay?!"

Winona shook in fear and ran next to Applejack, whimpering; Rarity screamed at the sight of these creatures. Pinkie Pie, on the other hoof...

"Oh my gosh, does this mean we're finally getting some Final Fantasy action after not appearing in the last eleven chapters? I'm so excited because we finally go into battle against evil monsters and..."

"PINKIE PIE!" Rarity and Applejack yelled.

A group of monsters emerged from a portal which formed near the entrance to the farm. "Find the ponies and kill them all!" the group's leader, a magician in a dark brown cloak, commanded.

The front door of the house opened and out came Applejack's little sister. "What's goin' on?" said Apple Bloom. One of the goblins leapt toward the yellow filly who screamed in fright. But not before Applejack jumped in between them and gave the demon a hard buck, keeping it away from her sister.

"Apple Bloom, get back in the house. We'll take care of this."

The frightened little earth pony did as she was told and quickly ran towards the house, slamming the door. The three mares stood face-to-face with the wicked monsters.

"You..." the magician hissed. "Are you the ones called Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity?"

The ponies stood in shock.

"How'd ya know our names?!" said Applejack.

"Are you here to fight us?" asked Pinkie. "'Cause I'll have you know that we took on--"

"SILENCE, WORM!!" the demon shouted.

"Hey I was just trying to--"

Rarity put her hoof over Pinkie's muzzle while glaring at the cloaked creature in front of them.

"Let us ask again: how did you know our names?"

"Ask your friend's brother. We bring you a message from the Emperor of Palamecia."

Applejack raised her brow. "The Emperor of what now?"

"Our master and soon to be the new ruler of this world."

The girls stood in defiance, not moving an inch.

"What is this message, may I ask?"

"You are all to die at our hands!" it declared, with its army standing their ground. The girls too went into their battle stances.

"It... is... on..." said Rarity.


Rainbow Dash was sleeping on a cloud after clearing the skies when she suddenly heard the sounds of screaming and yelling.

"Hey, can you keep it down? I'm trying to--" she stopped when she saw the village beneath her in chaos as she witnessed several creatures similar to those they faced in the world of the Warriors of Light ravaging everything in sight. To her horror, one of the goblin mages cornered little Scootaloo. "Oh, no you don't!!"

The monster opened a portal, intending to take Scootaloo prisoner, but just before the creature could take the little filly away, Rainbow Dash fell from the sky and landed on the creature's back, almost crushing it. She then picked up the goblin mage and tossed it back into the portal it conjured.

"Rainbow Dash! I knew you'd save me!"

Just then she heard her the sound of her friends fighting for their lives.

"Go find a safe place, Scootaloo!"

The cyan pegasus flew to Sweet Apple Acres as quickly as she could to help her friends.

"APPLEJACK!!!" Pinkie and Rarity screamed.

As a result of the ogre's brute strength and the leading magician's magic, Applejack nearly collapsed but still conscious.

"It... ain't over... not yet..." she said, panting.

"Stubborn mare...! I'll send you straight to HELL!"

At that moment, a rainbow colored streak tackled the evil demon, distracting the ogre.

"You must be the one called Rainbow Dash," said the magician, recovering from the attack.

"Yeah? And who wants to know?" Rainbow said defiantly.

"Our master, Emperor Mateus of Palamecia. His orders: to kill Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie."

The blue pegasus snorted. "Just bring it..."

One of the monsters charged at Rainbow, only to miss. She countered with a swift uppercut, sending it the ground. She then dodged the ogre's club, knocked the monster up in the air and tossed it down, causing it to vanish. The ghastly magician cast a powerful level 5 Thunder spell, shocking the blue pegasus.

"Dashie!!" yelled Pinkie Pie. Bringing out her signature Party Cannon, the pink earth pony blasted a giant ball of confetti only for the magician to incinerate it with level 5 Fire. "No fair!"

Applejack gave the spell-casting demon a few good kicks, causing great pain to the unholy demon.

"Retreat!! All forces, retreat for now!!"

After the demons were sent back through the portal, the ponies nearly collapsed out of exhaustion.

*music stops*

"That was rougher than a day in a dust storm," Applejack said, panting.

"I hear ya," said Rainbow.

"Applejack! You alright?!"

"Got a couple of letters from-SWEET CELESTIA!!" the mail pony shouted. "Are you alright?"

The mares looked back at each other and back at the mail pony, nodding.

"Anyway, I, uh... got you some letters from Shining Armor."

Rainbow Dash perked up and grabbed the letters and handed them out; they opened the envelopes and read the content of the letters, their eyes and mouths wide open from shock.

"My goodness!" said Rarity. "You don't think..."

"I do!" said Pinkie. "Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy, and Princess Cadence went on adventure without us!"

"No, Pinkie!" Rainbow said, annoyed. "We kind of agreed to that, remember?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot," the pink earth pony replied, making Rainbow Dash groan.

"Ah don't know about you," said Applejack, "but ah think we should pay the Crystal Empire a visit."

"I'm with you, A.J.'

"Likewise," said Rarity.

"Ditto," said Pinkie Pie.

Before leaving the farm, the girls went into the house and checked on the three members of the family. Apple Bloom was shaking with fright; her big sister embraced her and the others in a hug, promising to be back soon. As soon as they left Sweet Apple Acres, they saw a horrifying sight. Nearly all of Ponyville was deserted with nopony to be seen. From what they could tell, the Mayor and everypony else had been captured by the monsters and taken to who knows where. Rarity returned to Carousel Boutique and tried to find her little sister, but she was nowhere to be seen. Rainbow Dash checked to see if Scootaloo was at her aunts' house but couldn't find her. Pinkie Pie went to Sugar Cube Corner to discover that Mr. and Mrs. Cake had disappeared as well. Fearing the worst, they ran to the train station as quickly as they could.

The Crystal Empire

As the Friendship Express reached the station and opened its doors, the girls rushed towards the Crystal Palace.

"You're here!" he said.

"We just got invaded by monsters, and one of them said it's all your fault!" a livid Rainbow Dash stated.


"Shining Armor?" asked Applejack. "Where's Twilight right now?"

"I... don't know," he said dejectedly.

"I think we need to talk with a certain someone or something," said Rarity.

Shining Armor's ears lowered, as did his expression. "About that, actually..."

The girls didn't like whatever he was about to say.

"It may be best if you all come with me."

Everypony gathered at the Crystal Heart to hear the explanation they wanted, but to their shock, the artifact did not glow like it usually did.

"Cid...?" asked Pinkie.

The Crystal Heart did not respond.

"Cid?" said Applejack.

Still no answer.

"Hellooo...? Cid?"

Again, no answer.

"Oh, no... This... is bad..." Rainbow said worriedly and rightfully so.