• Member Since 10th Dec, 2011
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I left for eight years. Now I've returned, a changed beast.

Comments ( 109 )

Pretty great start, can't wait for the next chapter

Once again, pretty hot.

I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. I'm actually really glad the story is moving along as fast as it is, because there's a lot of content to go through.

And the next one's even better.

This one was fun, and I love the name.

Wow this is gonna annoying people based on two things rape and incest though if it’s well written I will give it a loke

Considering there isn't any incest in the story yet, I assume you can only be referring to the warnings. If that's the case, you're forgetting torture and zoophilia. People tend to hate those, too.

Eh the torture can be down well but the zoo bit would cause a instant dislike for some again for me it’s how well it’s written out besides with a mind control tag it’s obvious majority of the cast doing stuffs mind controlled or have there morals twisted

What is going to happen to rainbow dash when king take fluttersly?

You'll have to keep reading to find out.

You know i'm surprised Rainbow has only gone to her FEMALE friends not any of her MALE friends i know she has like Soarin, Filthy Rich, or Big MacIntosh. Or hell why not go to Luna a mare who has dealt with dark magic! Hell she USED dark magic to become Nightmare Moon. If any pony can battle the dark magic and the demon here I can guarantee she will eventually win over King. Hell even Discord can possibly defeat him especially if King goes after Fluttershy! So how come Rainbow hasn't thought of these options when she is in control of her body? It is clear she remembers and is aware when King is in control. I know Rainbow isn't as smart or as intuitive as Twilight but she isn't a braindead or a stupid mare by any stretch of imagination. Egotistic: yes, a mare of action: absolutely, headstrong: Damn straight, but she isn't stupid or braindead. So why hasn't she figured this out yet?

Let's respond to your ideas one at a time, shall we?

Why has Rainbow only gone to her female friends? Because the story's not finished yet. There's a little orange tab attached that says 'incomplete.' That means there's more to come.

Why hasn't she gone to Princess Luna? Partly because she doesn't want to risk King taking over Luna, and partly because she didn't think about it. And since King is poisoning Rainbow's dreams, Luna can't detect them unless she's looking right at them.

What about Discord? I've seen this question several times on other stories. He can't always be the answer. Use him sparingly to good effect, don't drown the story in a character that can solve every problem with a snap of his fingers. That's not interesting, and that's not fun.

Why hasn't Rainbow thought of any of this? Who's to say she hadn't? King seems to take over at times that seem a little convenient. Do yoj think maybe he can stop Rainbow from boarding a train to Canterlot? He can make her rape her friends against her will. We've seen no limit to his powers, we've only seen him grow more powerful with time. I'd wager he has the means to keep Rainbow in Ponyville, if he really wanted to.

One could also make the point that Rainbow fighting King's control is taking up a lot of her concentration. I don't knowmif you've ever performed an exorcism on yourself, but those little buggers will do everything in their power to preserve their lives, and hold their possession. It's a tricky business.

For starters thanx for answering my questions. However you didn't have to be sarcastic when answering them. I'm refering to your first answer here when you said and i'm paraphrasing here " if you haven't noticed there is an incomplete tag here meaning i have more story to tell, duh" All you had to say was "wait and see" thus you answered but kept up the intrigue. But it sounded like you were mocking me for asking such a question. I am well aware that your story was incomplete. I was honestly curious why Rainbow didn't figure right away to go to a higher power than shge after she accidently mind controlled. Twilight and would've continued to read the story nonetheless.

Another good chapter, though it's kinda interesting that Shy didn't notice Dash's change in speech.

I wanted that to be specific to Pinkie. Fourth wall jokes, and such. The only reason Rarity caught on was because King outright told her just after he took over. There's no physical change when King takes over as opposed to when Rainbow's in control. The voice is the same, too. It's all in the word choice and activity.

Never trust people who speak in red text.

Not really much to say besides another good chapter

Yeeeeehaww! The florbish is going to start grommicking, I can tell!

No surprise seeing you here :ajsmug:

Two hot mares, one massive cock. What more need be said? Could be a bit longer, though. :rainbowkiss:

♫ Rape me. Rape me, my friend. Rape me. Rape me again ♫

"There's immense healing power in a tall cupcake tower." Now why does this slither so soundly off my tongue? I'm enthralled.

And much fun they did have.

None of the previous chapters were particularly detailed, but describing an intense sexual encounter with a single sentence is just bad clopwriting. I get the feeling that you're trying to rush the story towards a certain scene or conclusion.

99% of the people that are interested in this kind of story want porn, not plot. Give us (me) more porn.

I apologize if you don't like my shorthand. While I agree that 99% of readers want the porn and no plot, and that my stark contrast to that is likely a prime component why I usually end up writing poorly-rated stories, I would also posit that there's plenty of other stories that do exactly what you and your vast majority enjoy: Mindless, thoughtless, poorly-written smut.

It is on that note that I must inform you that this story, much the same as all of my other recent stories, is very plot-heavy. I detest writing the same thing over and over and over again, more so than I detest reading the same thing over and over again. "He pushed his dick in. Then he pulled his dick out. Then he pushed his dick in. Then he pulled his dick out." Repeat until you have reached your desired word count. That may be all well and good for you, but I find it to be incredibly boring and monotonous. Gee, I wonder what he's going to do next? Oh, joy, he shoved his dick back in! Who could have seen that coming?

If you must know what happened in that scene, simply look back at all of the equipment in the box, realize exactly what those tools are used for, and imagine them being used in that way. Here I was, thinking that you'd be able to figure out what King and Fluttershy did all night, and that leaving it open ended allowed the reader to create their own unique chain of events, perhaps using a tool for something other than its intended purpose or not being able to use something because they ran out of time.

I leave you with one final warning. If you really did just come here for something with which to rub out a quick one, feel free to skip the chapter going up a few hours after this reply is posted. There is no sex in chapter eleven. If you've come here for all porn and no plot, you're reading from the wrong author.

Can't wait for the next chapter.

Why wasn't king's text red like it used to be when he was in control of Dash's body?

I was missing a character when copying in my BBCode. It's fixed now.

Oh, it's a good one. I promise. Very action-oriented.

Can't wait to see how he takes the others.

I may be changing my writing schedule, too. As my BP is stable and within a safe level, I'm going to try to increase my number of released chapters per week. From between three and four going up to five. If my health stays stable, I might even keep that pace.

Interesting I've been wondering if the victims "King" took would lose themsevles mentally as well as physically but based on this chapter Spitfire is still all there mentally but being body controlled. I wonder if that applies to all his victims they're there mentally but trapped in their own bodies. Wow this is a lot darker than I thought. Oof

It absolutely applies to all of his victims. They can all see, hear, feel, taste and smell what's happening to them. I won't really say much more, as I plan to go a bit deeper in a later chapter, but you're absolutely right.

Comment posted by Rainbow sparkle1 deleted Apr 5th, 2021
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