• Published 18th Dec 2020
  • 2,928 Views, 46 Comments

Out of the Shower. Into the Storm - Funkyfresh

Local human gets caught up in a shocking situation

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Shocking Revelations

I don't like to sing around others... Well not very often at the very least, because I did feel like a million bits after lulling the CMC's to sleep during that storm a whiles back. That was different though, because if I didn't then they probably would have had horrible nightmares and I was singing in a different language anyways. I mean really, who could let a bunch of scared children drift of like that when that storm was enough to even get me riled up.

The main issue with this seems to be the fact that as far as I've gathered this pastel coated world has some mystical force that drives most every sapient being to act like their everyday lives becoming a musical number in the celestial show of the universe is normal. I mean not only does it seem to be a fairly common occurrence around a smaller town like Ponyville, but the fact that it can occur within major areas and around major events such as an attempted hostile takeover of the country boggles my mind to no end. I've heard bit's and pieces of the event in passing, something that everything on the planet is supposed to have. The Voice.

Ever since the incident in the square when I bungled the 'event' for most of the town I had been getting a few more strange looks than normal, particularly from the element bearers who I had come to count as some of my closest.. associates in this new world.

...Associates huh?

"Am I really that afraid of calling someone a friend again?" I mutter under my breath as the room I'm in feels like it's turning on it's side... Wait it really is turning on it's side! I rush out of the room I had awoken in to confront the pony likely responsible for me feeling like my legs were going to give out.

"CELESITA! We'd better not be in one of those Hindenburg Mk. II's! You know I don't like flying!" I shout out as I stumble down the hall to the deck of what I had hoped was a regular ship rather than those flying deathtraps they love to look oh so nice. I had been smelling the relaxing scent of the ocean since I had awoken from the minor sleep spell the princess had asked to use on me so as to make sure I was a, 'rested and prime diplomat' for my people and to help their own. I know she mostly did it to help my travel anxiety and to give me a chance to get out of Ponyville since I was starting to feel weird after the mess I had made there.

"Anonymous? Just stay inside the cabin space for right now if you'd please! We're-"

Her voice was carried off by whatever was going on outside and though I was rightfully terrified of potentially being on an airship I wasn't about to let the one who had helped me so much since I arrived deal with a potential problem or threat without seeing if I could help her at all.

"Celestia? I'm coming out to help if I can, just let me know what I can do-AAHH!" I scream as I'm dragged from the portal to the outer deck by what felt like the winds of the strongest storms I had experienced back home. I scrambled at the deck, my hands clawing at the wood to find some purchase before I was brought too close to the edge. Finally I arrest my movement as I look around to see what could be causing all of this only to immediately wish that I had stayed asleep.

"Anonymous!" I was wrapped in a golden aura as Celestia dragged me towards the stairs near the door that I had just been yeeted out of by the gale surrounding us.

"Anonymous you must go back inside, we are dealing with Storm Sirens! It is not safe to listen to their song without protection." As she released me from the spell and nudged me towards safety I couldn't help but gaze out in fear and wonder at the figures dancing madly around our craft. Magnificent half-seen forms of living lightning and cloudy trails danced across the sky as the song of the storm reached my ears.

I felt tears well in my eyes as the sirens sang a somber tune who's pace seemed a stark contrast to how they streaked across the sky. The song called to me and something inside my bones resonated with their song, something that I hadn't felt since last I sang to a living thing. My mind flashed back to the storm that had been raging over Ponyville when I was watching over the Crusaders so their older counterparts could focus on prepping the town for the raging storm that had rushed in faster than any had expected. I remember feeling in my bones that something had to be done at least for the young ponies that I had tried to keep as safe and dry as I could.

I could recall now thinking I had seen figures in the sky that day before the windows and doors of my abode had been breached by the winds, having to curl up in a corner with a blanket and my body to shield the little ones. I had done the one thing I could think to do for them, the thing my mother had often done for me when I was a young child being terrorized by half seen shapes in the great storms that would wash over us. I sang to them a song of pain for those are the ones I remembered the best, I did make sure to choose one that they wouldn't understand though so as to not be further frightened.

"They need someone to sing to them..." I whisper, my words quickly stolen by the wind before any could hear my words. The crew was busy keeping the airship aloft whilst Celestia was trying to force the Storm Sirens away with her magic, but the elementals were non to easy to disperse or catch. It was then that I saw something that the others were too busy to see, a young mare with what looked like a swab as her mark was knocked unconscious towards the bow. What was worse though was the advancing Storm Siren that was approaching her.

"Celestia! Anyone! Help here please." Again my words were carried off as I gripped my safe anchor amongst the raging storm, my shaking legs unwilling to carry me into what my body called certain death. I looked around for someone anyone to help but... no one came.

"P-please.." I cried out as my whole body shook with the effort that I was placing upon it. Finally I knew that in this moment I was alone. No one else was going to step in and save the day this time, no one could do what needed to be done except me. So with shuddering breath and shaky step I forced myself towards the prone cabin filly, unwilling to let her be harmed even if I was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. The creature had turned its gaze on me as I inserted myself between it and the unconscious pony, sparks of light flickering in place of eyes as puffs of dark cloud emanated from it's nostrils.

"Wow there, easy now.." I know it's stupid to think that talking to a storm elemental like a horse would work, but at the least it wasn't charging me for now and being so close to what appeared to be the literal center of the storm gave me more solid footing though I could still hear the wind howling around us. Then I felt it again in my bones.. The call of the storm needed an answer and none of the others seemed keen on doing it so with a nervous gulp I slink towards the elemental and bring my lips towards its ear. With a shiver I begin to sing in almost a whisper so that only the Storm Siren could hear me, I sang of love, death, and the ocean. The eerie music box tones that would normally accompany the song were so vivid in my mind I could swear they were really playing, until I reach the peak of the song and actually heard the drums and organs flowing throughout the storm as the other Sirens began circling around us.

"No Anon!" I could barely hear Celestia over the Song of the Sirens and the music that flooded my mind, but still I kept singing to the storm until the drums stopped their thunderous thumping and the organs ceased the mourning howls as naught but the music box and my voice were left.

Hear my Voice,

sing with the tide,

Our love will,

never die...

I lean away from the now softly crackling form of the Storm Siren as the others of it's kin surround us, their forms lighter and calmer than they had been but moments before. The lead Siren brushed it's head into mine and I felt the tingling of a electric shock, but without the normal pain that'd follow as it turned and cantered off with the others into the calming storm.

"A-anon?" I heard a soft, concerned voice call from behind me.

"Yes Princess?" I answered, turning to face the gathered ponies. Unbeknownst to me at the time I may have had some residual storm magic in my system as my eyes were apparently glowing with miniature lightning storms.

"Anon I have one simple question," the ruler of the dawn started, "To use one of your turns of phrase."


"What the f-"

To be continued?

Author's Note:

Songs used in reference:
Davy Jones