• Published 20th Dec 2020
  • 9,464 Views, 144 Comments

What If: Anon-A-Miss - Nineveh Orion

Anon-A-Miss strikes. Too bad for them, Canterlot High isn't as forgetting and gullible as they thought.

  • ...

Chapter 3

The moment Rarity walked into the Band Room, the girls knew that something was up. "

What is it?" Fluttershy asked.

Rarity, though, looked at Sunset. "Darling. You once said that you kept multiple copies of your, ahem. Blackmail material on thumb drives, correct?"

Sunset nodded. "Yeah. I've been trying to find and delete all of them. But even I can't remember where I buried them all." Her brows rose. "Why?"

Rarity sighed. "Applebloom asked me about it. She seemed rather determined about the subject for some reason. Could someone open them up and spread whatever you have on them all over the internet?"

Sunset shook her head. She could just see Applejack's little sister hiding outside the room, so she made what she said next loud enough for her to hear it. "No. When I first started, I asked Micro Chips to help me make sure only I could ever use them. I didn't know what I would use them for, but I didn't want anyone else getting their hands on them. So we made it to where they only respond to my voice."

The girls shared a look. "Couldn't someone fake that. Or use a recording?" Pinkie asked.

Sunset nodded, smirking. "Micro said the same thing. So he built in one final line of defense. A password that only I would know. The answer is the name of a certain phoenix in Equestria. He showed me how to do it, then left the room while I did it. So no one can ask Micro for the answer."

Her smirk turned predatory. "And if anything but the correct password is input, the drive automatically deletes itself in its entirety. Even to the point, it can't be used by anyone else."

Rainbow snorted. "Paranoid much?"

Sunset chuckled. "What can I say? I was a paranoid little brat back then. I hate what I did now. But at the time, I felt it was the right thing to do. Not so sure about that now, though."

Twilight winced, as Applebloom stormed off in a huff, muttering about something. It was just like another clue to who was behind all of this. It all made far too much sense to her. But for now, she kept the thought to herself. "What does Micro think of all this?"

Sunset sighed. "I asked him if someone could have hacked into one of the drives if someone found it. He doubted anyone was that smart. While he's still not fully happy about what I ended up doing with what he helped me with, we're at least talking to each other again."

Twilight nodded. It wasn't much, but it was a start. Speaking as the Princess of Friendship, anyway. She started as the school bell rang for their next class. She sighed. "This isn't getting us anywhere. All we have is just theories. That's not enough to end this nonsense."

The girls shared a look. "Ya got any ideas there, Twilight?" Applejack asked.

Twilight shook her head. "I've got an idea of who Anon-a-Miss might be. But not enough proof. I've been in this spot before. During my brother's wedding to Princess Cadance. I was right in the end. But I was making wild accusations without proof. I got told off because of that." She snorted. "Only Equestria's Applejack ever apologized for it. The others just pretended it never happened."

The others all shared a worried look, while Sunset winced at the reminder that there was somepony else she still needed to make up to. Her treatment of the, then, newly ascended Princess Cadance had never been the nicest. It had never gone beyond the verbal abuse. But the memories still stung.

"And you don't want to go through that again?" Fluttershy asked with a worried frown.

Twilight nodded. "I almost lost my friends and my brother once because I couldn't keep my mouth shut. Even if I was right in the end. I won't do that again. Not now. Not here."

Sunset sighed, as the girls filed out of the room. "Alright then, Twilight. We trust you. So where are you going now? We've got class"

Twilight nodded, looking almost giddy. "The Library! There's still so much for me to learn about this world. And since I'm not technically a student, I don't need to go to class. Vice Principal Luna said I could use the Library while the school day lasted."

"Lucky you," Rainbow grumbled, as the group split up.

Twilight only giggled, all but prancing away.

Having known more about the Library than anyplace else in Canterlot High, Twilight was able to find it easily. She almost danced in place when she came to the door. So much knowledge. Just waiting to be read. She couldn't wait!

What she didn't expect to see, however, was this world's Cheerilee hiding behind one bookcase. She started when she heard Twilight approach, but her expression softened as she saw who it was. Holding a finger to her lips, she gestured to the other side of the bookcase.

Curious now, and also able to hear voices on the other side, Twilight joined Cheerilee, and what she heard shocked her. But not as much as who it was that was talking.

"That's it then. You're not that tech savvy to hack it, Applebloom. And Sunset sure as heck won't tell us the password. So now what, Sherlock?"

"Yeah. This was your idea."

"I'm thinking! It wasn't supposed to be like this! Canterlot High can't be this stupid. Sunset took our sisters from us. We're getting them back. One way or the other!"

"How? Rarity is going to kill me when she finds out I stole her phone like that."

"Sweetie's right. I ain't no expert on this. But we're going to get a record for this. Cyberbullying is a major crime."

"Relax, Scoots. No one knows it's us. Ain't got no way to prove it either."

Twilight looked over at Cheerilee, who only smiled and pointed up toward a security camera overhead. Twilight nodded. But her anger and disappointment were still rising. But there was still more to hear.

"Besides. Give me time, and I can hack into this dang gum thing. I ain't giving it back to Sunset. That's for sure."

That was more than enough for Cheerilee, who march around the corner, a fierce scowl on her face. "You won't have to, Applebloom. I'll be happy to give it to her. And I'm sure she'll be thrilled to know why you have it."

Twilight stifled a giggle, as a certain trio gasped in shock. "Um. This isn't what it looks like, Mis Cheerilee?" Another replied.

Twilight rolled her eyes, as she turned the corner, trapping the trio between her, Cheeriliee, and the bookcases. "Oh, I'd love to hear how you girls are going to explain this. Not just to Principal Celestia. But to Sunset, and more importantly. To Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash."

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, all jumped, turning with horrified faces to look at her. "Princess Twilight?!" Sweetie squeaked. "Um. How much did you hear?"

Twilight crossed her arms and frowned. "Everything. I had my suspicions. But I didn't really believe anyone could be this petty. In any world. I was wrong it seems, girls."

Their faces fell, as Twilight's frown deepened. "Or should I call you? Anon-a-Miss?"

Author's Note:

This is it. The next chapter will be the final one. Just tieing up loose ends. And there will be no happy ending for the Canterlot Movie Club. Not anytime soon anyway.

Few notes about this chapter. The idea that the CMC would try and go after one of Sunset's old blackmail hard drives was a comment by Velvet-Fresh. Which did sound like a good idea to be fair.

But that would be far too easy for those three. So I borrowed the idea that Sunset had made sure that no one but her could ever use them, from a story by Sun Aura. With some changes of course.