• Published 20th Dec 2020
  • 9,462 Views, 144 Comments

What If: Anon-A-Miss - Nineveh Orion

Anon-A-Miss strikes. Too bad for them, Canterlot High isn't as forgetting and gullible as they thought.

  • ...

Epilogue and Final Thoughts

For the first time since that first Summer Sun Celebration, Twilight was not looking forward to meeting her friends today. It wasn't that she didn't want to see them. Far from it. But she had a feeling that it would not be pretty.

As she flipped another page of her current read, she couldn't help but wonder what was going on in Principal Celestia's office, and why she'd been told that her being there would only make things more complicated.

But if the quick glance of the police officer she had seen coming into Canterlot High had been any indication, maybe it was for the better. Twilight giggled at the thought.

There was no way she could explain her being here to her BBBFF.

"... And that's when Miss Cheerilee found us," Sweetie Belle finished, looking as if she were about to cry.

Vice Principal Luna, however, had no sympathy for the trio. "Do you three realize how much trouble you are in? This has already been reported to the School Board. They are considering expelling all three of you."

"Expulsion?!" Applebloom said, almost falling out of her seat in shock. "They can't do that to us!"

Principal Celestia frowned. "As a matter of fact, they can." She looked at the only man in the room. "And there is more. Correct, officer?"

Lieutenant Shining Armor nodded, his own expression no happier. "If this had gone as far as you wanted it to, then the three of you would be facing possible jail time." He looked over at Sunset, who was livid. "And if anything had happened to Miss. Shimmer, then Cyberbullying would be the least of your crimes. As it is, that is the only mark on your records for now."

The CMC flinched at the mere idea that they now had criminal records. "So what happens to us now?" Scootaloo asked, trying to keep a brave face on, but it was a losing effort.

Luna's frown deepened. "The three of you are on out-of-school suspension until the School Board decides if you are allowed to come back to Canterlot High. Your families will decide what your punishments at home will be. The Canterlot Movie Club will not meet again until either my sister or I decide to let you."

Sunset's frown had morphed into a predatory grin. One that reminded most of her time before the Fall Formal. "And I have it on good authority from Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, that you girls are forbidden from having any electronic devices for fun or entertainment until you're eighteen. That's if you don't do anything stupid like this again."

The CMC wilted at the idea. "Whatever happened to forgiving people?" Applebloom asked hopefully.

Sunset snorted, rolling her eyes. "That's funny coming from you, Applebloom. This whole piss-brained scheme was your idea. And all because you three were too lazy to talk to your sisters about how you really felt." She shook her head. "As much as I love hanging out with my friends, I would never take them away from their families."

Shining could feel there was something else to that statement, but he kept it to himself. "Your families will be by in a little while to pick you up. You can stay here until they do."

Celestia nodded. "I have given Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, the rest of the school day off. So they will be joining you as well. From what I understand, they are not happy in the slightest."

The CMC looked horrified at the thought, but there wasn't much more they could do than sulk. Celestia's smile grew as she looked at Sunset. "Thank you for your time, Sunset. I believe there is someone in the Library that would be interested in hearing what has happened here."

Sunset nodded, as she stood and left for the door, giving the CMC one last heated glare before she left the room with a huff.

Outside, Sunset was ready to punch something or scream. Or both. She couldn't understand why AB, Sweetie, and Scootaloo had done what they had. Weren't they all over what she had done in the past?

"I mean really," she seethed. "What did they think was going to happen? Canterlot High turns on me? Everyone isn't that stupid."

So mad was she, that Sunset didn't know she wasn't alone until she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking back, she found Shining Armor giving her a worried look. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Sunset cooled off slightly, but her anger was still there. "No. I'm not. I don't understand how anyone could be this stupid. Or even think they could get away with it."

Shining's face fell. "You won't do anything to them. Will you?"

Sunset could hear the warning in that response. She shook her head. Knowing that the room could still hear her, she raised her voice. "That's what those little brats want me to do. It'll only prove they were right. But I won't sink to their level. I will be a better person. Maybe one day, they'll figure that out."

"Will, you ever forgive them?" Shining asked.

Sunset hesitated for a moment, before sighing. "Not for a long time. One thing that I've learned about friendship is that forgiveness is the first step on the right road. But that's something they have to earn back. Not just given out freely."

Shining chuckled, as he let her go. "You sound like you know what you're talking about. I just wish Twily knew that."

Sunset's brows rose. "Twily?"

Shining rolled his eyes. "My little sister, Twilight Sparkle. She's just about the same age as you are, actually."

Sunset hid her shock at hearing that name well. "I don't know anyone with that name at Canterlot High."

Shining shook his head. "Twilight goes to Crystal Prep Academy. Mom and dad wanted her to go here. But Crystal Prep is closer to where we live, and it's also where I went to school. So it's kind of family tradition."

Sunset chuckled. "Well with the Friendship Games coming up, I might meet her. If she goes to Crystal Prep, she has to be pretty smart."

Shining chuckled as he turned away. "Maybe. She seems more interested in Canterlot High for some reason. She just won't say though. No matter how much we ask her. But as much as I'd love to stay and chat, I've got to get back to my beet."

Sunset chuckled as she turned and began to make her way to the School Library. Wait until the princess heard about this! And despite everything that had happened recently, Sunset knew one thing for sure.

She was looking forward to Christmas this year more than she had before.

Twilight winced as Sunset marched into the Library. She hadn't seen her friend this furious since the Fall Formal. And it wasn't even aimed at her. "I take it that it didn't go over very well?"

Sunset shook her head as she sat down in a huff. "Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo are on out-of-school suspension until the School Board decides what to do with them. They also now have permanent records with the Canterlot Police Department."

Twilight winced. She knew enough of how the police worked to know how bad that was.

Sunset's brows rose as she smirked. "Speaking of the police. Why didn't you ever tell us you had a brother, Twilight?"

Twilight smiled sheepishly. "You never asked? Honestly, Shining being here is partly why I'm here in the Library. There is no way I can properly explain me being here to him."

Sunset nodded. "Good thing too, then. I now know your native counterpart goes to Crystal Prep Academy. Which is Canterlot High's arch-enemy according to most. I don't see it myself. But I never really paid that much attention to the Friendship Games before now."

Twilight tapped her chin. "Just as well then. I'm still not sure what might happen if I met myself in this world."

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Well if she's as smart as you, she'll probably be on Crystal Prep's next team for the Friendship Games. I don't know how we'll keep that we already know her a secret. But we will. Somehow."

Twilight chuckled. It had been a thing on her mind since first coming to this world. She would be lying if she said she didn't want to meet her native self. To see herself from a different perspective, and to see what might be different between them. But until she could ascertain what might happen if they met? Then it would have to wait.

Sunset sighed. "AJ, Rarity, and Rainbow have the rest of the school day off. I have it on good authority that they are pissed. I don't want to think about how the rest of their families will take this."

"I can give ya a clue," Applejack growled as she and the others joined the duo. "Apple Bloom thinks her chores are bad now? She ain't seen anything yet. She won't be able to sit down for a month once Granny gets through with her."

Rarity nodded. "Indeed, darling. Mother and father haven't said much of what Sweetie's punishment will be. But I doubt it will be pleasant. If she wants to spend time with me so much... Then I have the perfect way to do that. I need a new model anyway."

Rainbow shook her head. "Not much I can do usually since I'm not actually part of Scoots' family. But her parents have let me dish out punishments before when they travel. And since her aunts are about to go on holiday, she's staying with me. I can think of a few things, and they can do the rest once they get back."

Twilight winced. She had never heard any of her friends sound so vindictive before. "Don't you girls think you're being too harsh on them? They're your family."

Applejack shook her head. "Family doesn't do this to each other, Twilight. If'n those three had only come to us, this whole lota hogwash could've been avoided."

Rarity nodded. "Indeed. That Sweetie took my phone without asking has ruined much of my trust in her. She knows to only take it when, and if, it's an emergency. I will need to redo my security so she can't do it again."

Twilight sighed. She could feel how peeved beyond belief her friends were. There was little she could do, however. This would give her something to think about, however, when she returned to Equestria.

Rainbow seemed to catch on. "Are you sure you can't stay? Feels kinda wrong to leave you out after the last few months."

Twilight smiled slightly. "I know, Rainbow, and I really do wish I could stay. But my family will be waiting for me. Mom can be scary when I'm not on time for something like this. I need to be back in Ponyville in a few hours anyway so I can catch the train to Canterlot to meet them and Spike on time."

She saw the look on Sunset's face, and her smile grew. "And I will be sure to tell your parents, Sunset, that you're fine. One of these days, though, you will need to come back to Equestria and make up with not just them, but Princess Celestia as well. You can't run away from it forever. Even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming back through the portal myself!"

The girls chuckled, while Sunset only rolled her eyes. "Maybe one day, Twilight. I'm not leaving Canterlot High either way. Not yet anyway. I intend to graduate. After that? I don't know."

Twilight rolled her eyes, even as the bell rang. "Well. You will always have a place in Ponyville, Sunset if you ever need a place to stay."

Sunset smiled as she grabbed her bag and joined the others at the door. "Thanks, Twilight. One day, I might take you up on that offer."

Twilight smiled as her friends returned to class and she returned to her current read. It might not have gone like she would have wanted. But even with all of this? This trip had been worth it in the end.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Griff_Bladefeather for helping with the CMC's punishment. Better than anything I had in mind. And yes. I did bring Shining Armor into this. He just works so well as a police officer. It fits well with his time in the Royal Guard in Equestria. Just not as Captain.

Edit 1: Changed the electronic ban back to 18. Danger Noodle and Garfan had points in that till the CMC were 21 would never work. So I went back to 18 instead.

Edit 2: Combined the Epilogue and this chapter for my own sanity.

So I finally agreed with Allsmiles and Boltstrike58 that there needed to be one last chapter that showed more of the Rainbooms reactions to the news. We already saw Sunset and Twilight's. Now we have the CMC's sisters as well.

I also need to thank Ariel Schnee for her editing help in the comments. I'm not sure how Grammarly missed those. But I'm glad someone caught them. And to answer a comment from Silver Nitrate. No, that wasn't a Harry Potter reference.

Comments ( 34 )

I don't think you published the correct text :D This is Epilogue.

Well, all's well that ends well, yes? Very nice story, I enjoyed it!

I combined the epilogue with the latest chapter, Read it again.

"I mean really," she seethed. "What did they think was going to happen? Canterlot High turns on me? Everyone isn't that stupid."

Wwwweeeellllll!!!!!! Tell that to the Canon Anon-A-Miss timeline. Or any other Anon-A-Miss Fanfic out there!!!! :ajbemused: :facehoof:

I can't believe I still had this thing favorited

Then don't have it in your favorites then. It doesn't matter to me 😑.

Indeed, thank you <3

Good Epilogue, tie everything very nice


Wwwweeeellllll!!!!!! Tell that to the Canon Anon-A-Miss timeline. Or any other Anon-A-Miss Fanfic out there!!!! :ajbemused: :facehoof:

Especially Dainn's version.

("... And that's when Miss Cheerilee found us," Sweetie Belle finished, looking as if she was about to cry.)

should be

("... And that's when Miss Cheerilee found us," Sweetie Belle finished, looking as if she were about to cry.)

In this, (were) is more correct than (was).


(And I have it on good authority from Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, that you girls are forbidden from having any electronic devices until you're eighteen.)

That's just a little unrealistic. In this day and age, you need electronic ID at the least. You can be denied service in some places if you don't have an electronic ID device.


("Whatever happened to forgive people?" Applebloom asked hopefully.)

should be


("Whatever happened to 'forgive people'?" Applebloom asked hopefully.)


("Whatever happened to forgiving people?" Applebloom asked hopefully.)


(Weren't they all past what she had done in the past?)

I'm not sure, but two instances of the word (past) in the same sentence seems a little... off to me.


(Weren't they all over what she had done in the past?)


(But they have to earn that back. Not just give it out freely.)

I think it would sound better as...

(But that's something that has to be earned. Not just given out freely.)


(But as much as I'd love to stay and chat, I've got to get back to my rounds.)

might be better as

(But as much as I'd love to stay and chat, I've got to get back to my beet.)

Cops have a "beet", not a "round".


(But as much as I'd love to stay and chat, I've got to get back to my job.)


(She was looking forward to Christmas this year more than she had before.)

might sound better as

(She was looking forward to Christmas this year more than she had been before.)


(And it wasn't even aimed at her/)

should be

(And it wasn't even aimed at her.)


(To see herself from a different perspective and to see what might be different between them.)

should be


(To see herself from a different perspective. And to see what might be different between them.)


(To see herself from a different perspective, and to see what might be different between them.)


(If she wants to spend time with me so much. Then I have the perfect way to do that.)

might sound better as


(If she wants to spend time with me so much... Then I have the perfect way to do that.)


(If she wants to spend time with me so much, then I have the perfect way to do that.)


(But her parents have let me dish out punishments before when they travel, and since her aunts are about to go on holiday, she's staying with me.)

might sound better as

(But her parents have let me dish out punishments before when they travel. And, since her aunts are about to go on holiday, she's staying with me.)


(She knows to only take it when and if it's an emergency.)

might sound better as

(She knows to only take it when, and if, it's an emergency.)


(But my family is will be waiting for me.)

should be


(But my family is waiting for me.)


(But my family will be waiting for me.)

Unless, Twilight has been picking up the speech patterns of the Deformed that's near Gandahar. Well, they use (was/will be). But your mistake was close enough there.


(And I will be sure to tell your parents. Sunset, that you're fine.)

should be

(And I will be sure to tell your parents, Sunset, that you're fine.)

Lieutenant Shining Armor nodded, his own expression no happier. "If this had gone as far as you wanted it to, then the three of you would be facing possible jail time." He looked over at Sunset, who was livid. "And if anything had happened to Miss. Shimmer, then Cyberbullying would be the least of your crimes. As it is, that is the only mark on your records for now."

They should be really glad this isn't Dainn's version.

What makes that one stand out compared to the rest of the shit fics this genre usually is? I have no plans to read it, just skimming over its description.

And as for your other comment... Some of these do work better. Might reword the ban so that it's only fun related devices they're banned from. Kinda forgot about the other things 😲.

thank you! also this ending was awesome it felt genuine, not over the top but a very realistic connection to how something like this would end. the CMC arn't walking away from cyber bullying and identity theft with a 'oh my bad'


The story was good, but I really don't like how you ended it with "the CMC being punished worse than Sunset."

I understand the anger with the CMC, but Sunset is guilty of doing much worse things than the CMC ever did, including destroying a building and murder. Treating Sunset like a smol bean and the CMC as totally irredeemable is completely unfair.

Shining chuckled as he turned away. "Maybe. She seems more interested in Canterlot High for some reason. She just won't say though. No matter how much we ask her. But as much as I'd love to stay and chat, I've got to get back to my beet."


that doesn't mean she isn't trolling them.:raritywink:

Sunset shook her head as she sat down in a huff. "Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo are on out-of-school suspension until the School Board decides what to do with them. They also now have permanent records with the Canterlot Police Department."

Something Sunset also should logically have, considering her history of blackmail, extortion, and attempted murder.

In the old comments section of this chapter, somebody suggested an alternate ending where the CMC, incensed about the fact they are being punished worse than Sunset for doing far less, immediately blow the lid on the covering up of Sunset's actions.

Here's the thing people seem to be ignoring. How would they prove any of what Sunset did? No one is going to believe any of the magic-related stuff is real. And the police need more than just people telling them something.

And the CMC, who just confessed to this whole mess, has even less credibility now. So you bunch of geniuses tell me how these ideas of yours would actually work.

Police can secure warrants to hack devices (at least that's the case in my country). Evidence includes texts, student testimony, videos and photos, and let's not forget the gigantic hole in the wall. A ruptured gas main would not produce a crater that large.

Point. But now this falls into why this comic was such a fucking failure. Why didn't they do any of this right after the Fall Formal? Everyone was out for Sunset at that point, and I doubt the girls would have helped nearly as much. Or at all.

If people want to have this opinion on all of this, that's all for them. But I'm not changing anything about the story.

It's good that you tried to fix the Anon-A-Miss storyline and even preemptively retconed some of the lame EG specials, but this story (like almost all AAM rewrites) fails to provide the CMC with a believable motivation for their actions.

Hiya there, Nineveh Orion!

First off, you are really blunt, aren’t you? Not that it’s bad thing. Just sayin’. Been reading your Author’s Notes and your replies on the comment section.

This is your top story. And I can see why.

I’ve read stories where Sunset isn’t as helpless as the comic-shall-not-named portray her as, but this is the only story I’ve read where the school isn’t as moronic as the culprits seem to believe. So points for originality.

And points for execution, too. This looks like a 20-chapter story, but somehow you made it work in the span of 4. Not an easy feat to accomplish, so congrats.

I actually agree with the CMC’s comeuppance. It feels fair and just, even if, as Twilight points it, it’s harsh. I also enjoyed Sunset’s evil, predatory side which popped up twice. I cannot express how happy I am when you pointed out that if Sunset had done this, she would’ve been less obvious, because she’s smarter than that. Not many fics point that out.

Sunset and CMCs aside, the characterizations of everyone else were well done. Twilight having learned her lesson from ‘A Canterlot Wedding’; Applejack’s implied threat of “not if they want to stay in this family”; Cheerilee spying on the CMC and gathering evidence through the cams; VP Luna’s smile being less welcoming than Principal Celestia’s; Princess Celestia offended that her students think of her as a merciless dictator; Shining making sure than Sunset isn’t going to harm the CMCs. Everyone was just so in-character and I love it.

There were a few typos here and there, the most obvious ones being the misspelling of Apple Bloom’s name and and a misplacement of commas, but nothing was impeding the story or making me not enjoy it.

That’s all I have to say. I really loved this story. Into ’Best of Anon-a-Miss’ this goes!


Being blunt is just how I am. I know some people don't like it (and I've gotten comments about it in some form or another). But I've never really cared what internet haters think.

Let's be real. If the comic had been set before Rainbow Rocks, then the school and the girls acting as they do in it would have made actual sense, and the comic wouldn't almost universally be disliked as it is.

It being harsh is to ram home for the CMC to not do it again. Cause next time, there won't be any leniency. Plus Sunset still having some of her bad girl self is just too good to not use.

Celestia's reaction is her coming off a bad day. On top of what you said. And no matter what Sunset thought, she was never actually charged with anything in canon for all she did. I think. Why would she be here?

I know the fandom has made it out Sunset's basically a wanted criminal. With nothing to really back it up.

"I mean really," she seethed. "What did they think was going to happen? Canterlot High turns on me? Everyone isn't that stupid."



"Secret stealer"


"Back staber!"


"Not our friend!"


Great story! On of the best Anon I have read. When I read the comic it just hurt my brain. Glad to see another version. Awesome work. :twilightsmile:

Which part? I've never been an HP fan. So it's an accidental one :twilightsheepish:.

"Sire's Hollow"/"Godric's Hollow" is the only vaguely HP reference I can think that might be, maybe including the only child thing and a few other possibly co-incidental things. *shrugs*

Admittedly, saying magical stuff happened could have attracted government and maybe unethical scientists's attention. Not to mention the huge problems relating people not being trustable yet with magic, the lack of evidence as far as they could remember, the only witnesses with sound mind had no phones and were more concerned about blasting away a demon.....plus the talking dog thing.

It's a miracle only the Dazzlings actually cared about the friendship ray, is safe to assume they have to pick a lesser evil in just keeping a much more domestic watch in Sunset aftewards after being depowered.

I mean eventually people started to caugh on but by that point is implied people learned to handle it as a town secret rather than just go there revealing the truth everywhere.

I'm having a bit of difficulty understanding you, I'm afraid.

Long story short, magic catastrophe would attract the unwanted attention of governments.
Anon-A-Miss is a relatively mundande "cyberbullying with typical internet" case, but Sunset's crown magic could either cause people to believe they're crazy or would attract powerful and potentially shady forces from the governments.

Simply put, it was better to keep an eye on Sunset at expenses of not writing off permanent records just to avoid unwanted attention.

At least from the perspective of Celestia and Luna.

I'm an idiot for replying to this a year later💀
But yea you're right

Also 11505935 about that, I was kinda a Potterhead back then (before my friend told me about the whole Rowling controversy) so I used to, like any 14 year old would, hype up on the smallest references 😭.
Sorry about that!

Oh my god thank you. Anon-A-Miss is such an idiot fucking plot. This is a much better version of the story.

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