• Published 30th Dec 2020
  • 504 Views, 2 Comments

Finding a New Order - Crystal Night

A group of First Order stormtroopers find themselves trapped in a different world.

  • ...

Act One: Stranded

The usual quiet and peaceful forest was suddenly interrupted by a loud crash.
The nearby animals scattered away, leaving the large strange object by itself.
A crashed ship winced as the door opened as a group of white and black soldiers stepped outside.
"That was quite the amazing landing TN-0022." - complained one of them.
A soldier wearing all black with a breathing tube got outside.
"Another happy landing." - the pilot joked.
Truth to be told, the AAL-1971, commonly known as the First Order transporter, had a lack of maneuverability, something that most pilots argued about. So despite the rough landing, it was a bit of luck being able to do that.

"Cut the chatter. I want a status on everyone now. TN-0022 give me a damage report on the ship and current location." A light grey soldier commanded. The red pauldron on his shoulder was a clear indication he was the highest ranking officer among them. The remaining stormtroopers saluted and began checking their equipment.

"I think my heavy blaster is broken." - he grunted. He aimed at a boulder and pulled the trigger, however the weapon didn't go off. "That's just great..."

"You can have my blaster pistol." - his companion offered. He nodded as he took the weapon.
"What's the total head count?" - Captain Silver inquired.

"All fifteen troopers are accounted for. Just a couple of bruises, but no need for medical attention."

"Sir, there's a issue though. The second transport hasn't replied yet. Odd Ball is trying to reach them."
Silver raised his eyebrow, this wasn't the first time his men have used nicknames before. He didn't mind too much as long they didn't use it on a daily basis or in front of Captain Phasma, especially around her.

He glanced at the two jet troopers and called for them.
"You two, get up there and try to locate the second transport." The troopers nodded as their jetpacks ignited and lift off. "The rest of the troopers, I want a perimeter around the ship. Eyes and ears sharp."

|---- Meanwhile----|

"Are you sure it crashed around here?" - a white alicorn asked.
A group of Royal guards was behind her, glancing all over the place, looking for signs of life or anything unusual.
"I'm sure your Highness, it's this way." - replied Sargeant Stonewall. As they walked down a small dirt path, they noticed a smoke column and a dragon above it.
"I got a bad feeling about this." - thought Princess Celestia.

As they got closer, the group saw what appeared to be red bolts, and judging by the look of things they're trying to hit the dragon.
"Let's go." The princess and the guards rushed into the forest clearing where the fighting was being held. Celestia had to do a force stop as a white trooper went flying right by her. He groaned in pain as his body hit the floor rather harshly.

"Get out of the way!" - shouted one of them, barely avoiding another volley of fire.
"We got a man down here."

"Take that thing down!"

"My gun is jammed." - yelled the pilot, unaware of the dragon going for him.
"Watch out Hornet!"
The pilot fell on his back as the dragon's tallons were getting closer. He was suddenly surrounded in a golden aura and moved out of harm's way as the talons touched the ground.

"Use your shields, provide them cover." - instruted the Solar Monarch, taking off to face the threat. The unicorns charged their horns, creating a magical shield big enough for everyone to get under.
"What do we do?" - inquired a trooper, not sure what was going on.
The one that fell on the ground was currently being helped by a earth pony, he gazed at them. Whoever these creatures were, they didn't attacked them which was a relief and were also helping them.
"Regroup under the shield!" The other troopers nodded and made their way towards the large group.
"Are you alright Hornet?" - asked a trooper with slightly burnt armor.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I thought I was a goner. How about you? I saw you flying."

"My back hurts a bit, but I'll live." Good for him that his armor was actually able to withstand that much punishment.

"This is so weird."



"Be quiet."
As the main group was now save at the moment, Celestia took the job of distracting the beast and sending it away from there.
The dragon lunged forward, opening his maws, however she teleported above him and fired a magical bolt into his back. The dragon roared having felt that, but he was determined.
He quickly turned around and tried using his claws to grab her, only to find nothing.
Celestia smiled as she shot smaller solar spheres, hitting everywhere on the dragon. The beast roared again and flew away, it was clear he was no match for her.
"Finally he's gone."

The stormtroopers checked each other and whatever was still usable.
"Such a fascinating species." - commented Stonewall.
"Indeed." A buzzing noise caught their attention as two jet troopers approached them. "It appears they are resourceful as well."

The jet trooper tapped the device on his wrist, opening the comm channel.
"Captain, we found the other transport and the squad," - he looked to the side, watching the ponies. "And we found something else here."

"Good, bring whatever you can and get back here."
The princess trotted forward.
"Is there more of you out there?" The burnt trooper nodded. "We would like to accompany you."
The jet troopers went ahead first to scout out any danger. The Royal guards did what they could do to help out the bruised troopers.
Celestia for the must part remained in silence, still quite unsure about their visitors.

After a few hours of walking, the group finally managed to reach the other crashed ship. The stormtroopers raised their blasters at the strange creatures. Celestia and her group stood her ground at the edge of the perimeter. Those that could, saluted their captain. The princess eyed the new trooper, he was clearly different from the rest.
"How many did we lose?"
Once more the burnt stormtrooper stepped forward.
"We lost four sir." The captain grunted under his helmet. The feeling of losing men was never easy, even if they're expendables, such as himself. Such was the burden for a leader. "What else?"

"Well, we gather some leftover equipment."

"And these natives?"
They shared a glanced at the ponies, who kept themselves a bit far from them.
"If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be here captain."

"Is that so? Gather the injured and bring them inside the ship to be treated."

"Yes sir!"
The silver trooper walked towards the ponies as he raised his arm.
"Stand down." The stormtroopers lowered their blasters but stayed in place. "Is it true that you saved my men?"

"It is, they were fighting a dragon. I made him fly away." - answered Celestia.

"You have made a great service for the First Order, I'm Captain Silver, leader of this platoon."

"I'm Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria."