• Published 30th Dec 2020
  • 504 Views, 2 Comments

Finding a New Order - Crystal Night

A group of First Order stormtroopers find themselves trapped in a different world.

  • ...

Act Three: Alone

The group made his way back to the barracks, however they took the time to glance at the natives. They seemed to have different variants of the same species, some had horns while others had wings. There was only one type that didn't have any of those. Silver could see now why Celestia and Luna were the rulers, if he had to admit he was growing curious about this planet.

The captain opened the door and was immediately greeted by a series of beeps.
"Captain in the area!" - announced 275. Every trooper stood at attention.
"At ease everyone," - he glanced at the burnt trooper. "275, report."

"Well sir, we activated the droid as requested, however BB-6S isn't able to ping our current location. This planet is unknow in our database, we even checked the Imperial one, but nothing came up."

"Are we at least able to get any signal now?"
The trooper shook his head.
"Dank farrik." - Silver muttered. This whole thing was starting to be annoying. Batuu didn't seem too bad right now. "Very well, keep trying, we might get lucky."

The sun had gone down, now it was time for the moon to take it's place.
The grey trooper had taken the liberty to step outside and catch some much needed fresh air, even if he was still wearing his helmet.
He chose to stay at the edge of a stone wall, overlooking the town.
The scenery had a certain beauty to it. Not many corners of the galaxy had a nice view such as this.
Silver noticed movement from the corner of his visor, someone was approaching him. His blaster has currently holstered to his right leg, as his hand slowly moved towards it.
"Amazing, is it not?"
Silver recognized the voice as he looked at the Lunar princess.
"I can't say I have seen anything like this."

"I can assure you I won't do any harm, unless you give us a reason."
The captain chuckled.
"Fair enough, it's just sometimes training likes to kick in."

"I know what you mean."
The two remained in silence for several minutes, just watching the city. Luna was the first to speak.
"What is it like? Being out there among the stars?" She saw the grey trooper glancing at the night sky.
"It's a peaceful sight, assuming you don't get attacked." Traveling among the stars, exploring the galaxy always had been his biggest dream, one of the reasons as why he joined the Empire. "You get too see many planets and explore the universe."
He sat on a wooden bench, still continuing his point of view. The princess soon joined him. "It's a little funny really. I've been out there for so long, yet there's still so much to see."

"And you enjoy being out there? Even if you don't know what can happen?" Luna was honestly growing more curious about him.
"That's the best part," his hands grabbed the helmet and lifted it up. His hair was white slowly turning into grey, indicating his age. The soldier's green eyes gazed at Luna. "Traveling to parts unknow, with the risk of potencial danger right around the corner, to many it sounds crazy, but I love that feeling."
She admired his commitment and will. There were few she knew that could carry themselves like that.
"I think I understand." - she finally said it. "Well, if you don't mind I must resume to my royal duties." They rose from the bench, as Silver did a low bow.
"Have a good night, Princess Luna."
She responded with her own bow.
"I bid you the same, Captain Silver."

Just because they were currently stranded in a different planet that didn't mean they had the right to slack off, as such Silver had them waking up early and proceeding with their morning training.
The only lucky ones that avoided this, were those that still needed to recover, but even those had a task which was recheck the gear and fix what they could.
From the battalion of stormtroopers that Phasma was proud to train was his. Silver had tried to follow her example, not an easy feat, if the rumors were true.
While the trooper 275 aka Scorch, a new nickname given to him led the training, the captain decided to stay away and do his own.
He reached behind his back and grabbed a small grey rod. He spun around his hand for bit, until he pressed a button on it. The small rod extented into a large spear. Each commander and captain had been given a choice of melee weapon. It was either the riot baton or the spear.
Silver chose the spear for obvious reasons. Using a spear for combat proved more difficult than it seemed due to the armor and the limited movement it provided. Besides the spear was better than the baton because of the range, the baton was far smaller and most often it was better used with the riot shield. He pulled out his SE44C blaster pistol and fired at a couple of rocks while maneuvering his spear, another advantage.

The noise caught the attention of a few guards as they watched the grey trooper kept going. A certain solar monarch glanced at Silver.
Celestia was quite impressed how well and fast he managed to move around while wielding two weapons at the same time. Usually unicorns were the only ones that could do that, if they had a really good magic control that is.
"What's this noise?" - said a very sleepy looking princess.

"It's Captain Silver, he seems to be training," - her eyes wandered a bit off, seeing the rest of soldiers doing that same. "apparently he isn't the only one."
Princess Luna let out a groan.
"Does he really have to do that right now?" She glanced at him letting out a yawn.

Celestia simply giggled. "Well, he is a soldier, you know how they are."

"I guess, still I want peace and quiet for when I sleep."

"Don't worry dear sister, I'll go talk with him."

The captain glanced at the now broken remains of stone laying across the field. He wondered if he may overdone it a bit.
"Impressive, most impressive," - stated Celestia. The guards bowed as she nodded. "I see you managed to gather some attention." The guards resume their prievous duties.
"I did noticed that, hopefully I didn't disturbed anything."

"No, however my sister is going to sleep."

He put his blaster away.
"I know how night watch can be at times, we talked earlier this night, she was interested how it was being out there, I'm sure she will tell you." The solar princess nodded. "Then my training ends here."

"May I see your staff?

"Uh, sure." He handed his staff to Celestia and instead of using her magic to take it, she decided used her hooves.
"Seems very light."

"Indeed it is, but also quite durable."

"It's been a long while since the last time I wielded my own staff." She gave it back which Silver put it behind his back.
"Fought in battles before?"

"Yes, you can't build a kingdom without attracting some attention."

"That's true."

"Well I was on my way to get my breakfast, would you like to join me? There's something I want to ask you."
The trooper nodded, he didn't ate anything yet and the training served to open his appetite. Silver was also curious about the princess's question.
As they made their way to the dining room, Celestia decided to break the silence and spoke up.
"Have you made any progress contacting your superiors?" Silver looked at the princess. "I know how this sort of things work." - Celestia smiled.

"As far I would know, that would be a negative."

"And what will you do if you can't?"
That was a good question. If they couldn't contact the First Order or fix their ship, they are basically trapped in a complete alien world. Not that this place seemed that bad, it was definitely more pleasant than others. But that question had been the back of his head for some time now.
"I don't know, I'm not sure how to proceed." - he finally said.

"What if I could give you the option to be part of Equestria's Royal Army?"

He pondered about it. That would give him and his men purpose. However he still wanted to try and reach his superiors.
"I think... I'll wait a bit more. Thank you for the offer though, your Majesty."

"Very well, just know that the offer still stands. When you're ready we can discuss it."
