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Episode 24: I Triple C You


The trio flew off to a vast and empty region with flat lands for miles where Rubeus and Loki were waiting for them all, and Celestia was there as well.

“Good, you’ve arrived.” said Rubeus.

Khaos bowed respectfully to his masters. “Sires, may I ask why have you summoned us here?”

“It better be good, I was in the middle of a duel.” grumbled Violet.

The guys just glared at her for her cheek and disrespect.

Loki stepped forth with Celestia on his arm, and could barely take himself away from her beautiful gaze.

He then addressed to the trio, “My dear Celestia has perfected a new deck to use against our enemies, but in addition…” he reached into his robe and pulled out a single card and held it up for the trio to see, which they gazed in awe.

“Whoa! Check it out.” said Sapphire.

“What a card.” added Violet.

Khaos seemed intrigued, but he didn’t say anything.

“Thanks to all the dueling energy gathered, we have recently perfected this new card,” explained Loki “And it is now ready to be tested, and I would like the honors to go to Celestia.”

Celestia acted coy, “Oh, Loki, Darling...” and she graciously took the card and shuffled it into her new deck. “My old deck was rather pitiful. I am deeply grateful for you helping me to change it.”

Loki would be smiling wide if he had a visible mouth.

“So which of us is up first?” asked Sapphire.

Rubeus stepped forth, “You all are. This will be a three-on-one match.”

The trio looked back and forth at one another.

Loki leaned forward with his eyes narrowed. “I hope there are no objections…!”

“None at all, sire.” replied Khaos.

“Three-on-one?” muttered Sapphire. “This ought to be interesting.”

Violet agreed, “She’s not like us. If we beat her, she’ll lose her soul.”

Celestia didn’t seem the least bit worried as she stood ready. “Let’s get busy, you three. It’s not polite to keep your princess waiting.”

Violet didn’t like her attitude, but she stood ready with her teammates.

All duel disks were set and cards were drawn.

Since this was a special, practice duel, the duelists all began with 4000 and no one was allowed to attack until each duelist had one turn.

“Begin!” called Rubeus.

“LET’S DUEL!!” everyone shouted.

Celestia LP: 4000

Violet LP: 4000 Saphire LP: 4000 Khaos LP: 4000

Celestia was up first. “Let the pummeling commence.” she taunted.

“I all place five of my cards facedown, and that ends my turn.”

The Trio all gawked at her field.

“That’s it?” asked Violet. “No monsters? What kind of strategy is this?”

“Never you mind that!” sneered Celestia. “Just make your move.”

Violet snuffed, “Fine then. Here I come, and I’ll start by activating the spell POLYMERIZATION! Fusing together PREDAPLANT FLYTRAP and PREDAPLANT CORDYCEPS…


(Atk: 2500)

Her monster spread out its tentacles and snarled, drooling venom from its fangs.

“But I’m not through yet!” said Violet, “I now activate MONSTER REBORN, so that I may revive Flytrap from the graveyard!”

(Atk: 200)

“And then from my hand, I play PREDAPLANT CHLAMYDOSUNDEW.”

(Atk: 1200)

“And now, thanks to Chlamydosundew’s special ability, I can use it and my Scoripo to Fusion Summon without a Fusion spell.”

The two plants leapt up and began to merge.

“As the plant doth sprout, its venom shall drool,
This creature I summon shall roar and rule!


(Atk: 2800)

The mighty dragon let out a fierce roar as it spread out its wings.

…While far away, Sunset was shrouded in the purple light of Fusion again.

“Sunset!” cried Sci-Twi.

Everyone gazed in shock at Sunset’s glowing, which soon faded away.

“What happened?” she asked.

“Uh… you were glowing again.” replied Raven.

“You were glowing with that purple light when a Fusion Dragon is played.” added Terra.

Sunset was confused. “But I’m not even dueling.”

While back at the duel…

Sapphire was impressed as he gazed at both of Violet’s monsters. “…A double fusion in one turn.”

Khaos said nothing and kept his head facing forward at Celestia, whom stood with her arms at her side and hardly looking the least bit impressed or amused, much to Violet’s annoyance.

“That ends my turn. You’re up, Sapphire.”

“Sweetness!” he exclaimed. “Let’s Rev it!”

He drew a card and added it to his hand.

“Since I haven’t any monsters in play, I can play SPEEDROID TERRORTOP.”

(Atk: 1200)

“Since I successfully summoned it, it lets me add SPEEDROID HORSE-STILTS to my hand, so I can play it right away!”

(Atk: 1100)

“But don’t slam on the breaks yet, because when Horse-Stilts is summoned, I get to summon a “Speedroid from my hand, and what better than the Tuner Monster, SPEEDROID GUM-PRIZE.”

(Atk: 100)

“But wait, I’m still not done with my summoning yet! Since I have at least one Wind monster in play, I can also summon TAKETOMBORG!”

(Atk: 600)

Celestia slowly cocked her head to one side and sarcastically remarked, “So you summoned four monsters in one move? You must be so pleased with yourself.”

Sapphire felt insulted, “Actually, I am pleased, especially with what I get to do now, and that’s use Tune Level 1 Gum-Prize with Level 4 Horse-Stilts.”

The two monsters jumped into the air, forming the tuning rings and the light orbs…


(Atk: 2000)

His monster appeared, with powerful electrical currents flowing through its shape.

“Ah, yeah, but now to speed things up even more, when Gum-Prize is used to Synchro Summon, I can send the top card from my deck to the graveyard, and if it happens to be a “Speedroid” then Hagaito’s attack will boost up by 1000.”

He quickly took his top card. “Sweetness… SPEEDROID DEN-DEN DAIKO DUDE."

I’ll tribute Hagoita to the graveyard, and by doing so, its special ability increases the level of all the monsters I have on the field by 1 for the rest of the turn.”

His monsters vanished in a big, electrical flash, which shocked his two remaining monsters, changing their levels from 3 to 4.

“Now that that’s settled, I’ll activate Den-Daiko Dude’s ability from the graveyard; by banishing it, I can summon SPEEDROID RED-EYED DICE from my hand.

(Atk: 100)

“And since I now have a “Speedroid” Tuner monster in play, I can activate Hagoita’s ability from the graveyard; an ability which lets me summon it right back onto the field.”

His monster reappeared, sparking stronger than ever.

(Atk: 2000)

Celestia still didn’t budge an inch, which really annoyed Sapphire a lot.

“You’re starting me angry, and when I get angry, my monsters charge up!

I activate Dice’s special ability. It lets me change Taketombog’s level to 5, and just in time for me to tune both these monsters together!”

Once again, the Synchro process commenced.


(Atk: 2200)

The two strong monsters floated side by side, with their electrical currents flowing wildly.

“And if you think I’m finished, you’ve got another thing coming.

I activate the spell SPEED RECOVERY, which lets me bring my Dice back to the field.”

(Atk: 100)

“And now I’ll use its ability again, this time to change Terrortop’s level to 6.”

As soon as the level change resolved, Sapphire tuned his monsters together, and called up as his monster appeared…

“Clear as the wind and swift as lightning,
I call upon a beast that is most frightening!


(Atk: 2500)

His dragon’s wings sparked with electrical winds, and it growled angrily.

Sunset started glowing again; in the Blue Synchro light.

“Not again!” she wailed, and she nearly fell to her knees had Vic not caught her and she stopped glowing.

“This is getting a little freaky.” whimpered Rainbow.

Then suddenly, Shining Armor remembered, “…The Terrible Trio!”

“The Trio?!” yelped Pinkie, and she angrily bolted upright. “Where are they?! Let me at them!!”

“No, no!” hollered Shining, “Remember, The Trio and their dragons-- whenever they play them, it makes Sunset glow too.”

Sunset realized he was right.

“But I thought she had to be close by when that happened?” asked Cadance.

That’s what everyone else thought too, and Sunset reached into her Extra Deck and pulled out the mystery card. Sure enough, two of its gems were glowing.

“I don’t understand this.” she muttered to herself. “First I glow, and now the card is glowing too?”

Celestia was starting showing a slight bit of impression. “…Three Synchro Summons? I suppose that is rather good.”

Still feeling insulted by her lack of respect, Sapphire growled at her. “I’ll show you what good means.

I now activate Kendama’s ability; by banishing Terrortop from the graveyard, it’ll now zap you with 500 points of damage!”

“YOU DARE…?!” shouted Celestia.

“No!” cried Loki. The very thought of his darling about to be damaged made him want to run to her side, but Rubeus held him back. “She’ll be fine.”

Loki groaned softly as he watched…

Celestia screamed as she was shocked with electrical currents.

Celestia LP: 4000 -----> 3500

“Good shot.” Violet complimented.

Sapphire nodded proudly at her, but his turn was over. Give it to her, Khaos.”

“Oh, I shall indeed.” Khaos agreed. He looked down at his five cards, and knew exactly what to do.


(Atk: 800)

“And I am also able to play this from my hand; THE PHANTOM KNIGHTS OF SILENT BOOTS!”

(Atk: 200)

“I now overlay these two Level 3 Phantom Knights to build the Overlay Network!”

The two monsters changed into light streams and vanished into the opening portal.


(Atk: 2000)

His Knight sat proud on his nightmarish steed, which bucked up and neighed wickedly.

“Now that my knight has successfully appeared, I will use his special ability, by using one overlay unit, one card you control is instantly destroyed!”

The knight launched his huge blade into one of Celestia’s cards, destroying it instantly, much to her annoyance.

“And now…” called Khaos. “I shall play TRIBUTE TO THE DOOMED! Now, by discarding one card in my hand, I will destroy Break Sword… Be gone!”

His knight exploded in a dark blast, but left behind a cloud of smog.

“I now activate Break Sword’s special ability. When it is destroyed, I am able to call the two monsters I used to summon him back to the field, and increase their levels.

Now, my Cloak and Boots… return to me!”

The smog had parted revealing the two monsters, and they were indeed Level 4 now.

“I Overlay these two monsters, and build the Overlay Network once again!”

The two monsters vanished, and Khaos called out to his monster emerging…

“Cloaked in shadows and ready for the purge,
I call on the most dangerous of dragons to emerge.


The mighty dragon appeared with its magical orbs glowing all over its body.

(Atk: 2500)

It along with the other two dragons roared straight up at the sky like a trio of brothers.

…And of course, with the dragon’s summoning, Sunset, again, was glowing; now in the dark aura of the Xyz Power.

The glowing was worse than ever as Sunset’s hair was starting to flow-- stick upward, and her eyes were starting to change red, and she started to roar rather angrily.

“Sunset!” cried Sci-Twi. She tried to approach her, but her brother held her back.

Sunset’s card was glowing brightly too, with all by the Pendulum jewel lit up.

“What’s happening to her?” cried Kori.

“She’s going crazy!” wailed Robin.

Vic didn’t waste any more time, and fired one of his jack cables, lassoing Sunset hard and making her drop the card onto the sand.

Vic then pulled her away hard into his arms. The glowing didn’t hurt him, but it was frightening, especially how Sunset struggled and shouted, demanding to be let go!

“You simmer down now!” Vic groaned as he tried to hold her down, and then, she actually collapsed and the glowing stopped.

The card was no longer glowing either, and all was silent.

The three dragons stood, snarling and hissing.

“Wow! All our dragons in play at once…” cried Sapphire.

Violet nodded once, “I never thought I’d see such a sight.”

Khaos was still not finished. “I now activate the trap I just discarded, THE PHANTOM KNIGHT’S FOG BLADE. By banishing it I am able to revive my Break Sword from the graveyard.”

A dark portal appeared as the eerie knight came charging out on his steed.

(Atk: 2000)

“Then I shall equip him with the spell XYZ UNIT. This will grant my knight an extra 200 attack points for each star in his rank, and also serve as a spare Overlay Unit.”

(Atk: 2000) -----> (Atk: 2600)

“Of course, since my knight now has an Overlay unit again, and it was freshly summoned; my knight can use his ability again to destroy another one of your cards.”

With that said and done, Celestia now had only 3 cards remaining, while the knight had his attack power go back to its original 2000.

“And now, I end my turn.” said Khaos.

Seven powerful monsters, all standing in a row…

“Fusion… Synchro… even Xyz.” Celestia said softly as she looked the monsters over.

Seeing all their different types suddenly began to make her think deeply as faded images started appearing in her mind.

“What’s happening to her?” wondered Loki.

Rubeus narrowed his eyes worrying, but Celestia then shook it all off and seemed fine, but Rubeus was not all that convinced.

“She’s losing it.” said Violet.

“No joke,” agreed Sapphire “With all our strongest monsters in play, she doesn’t have a chance against us, not even with those facedowns!”

Khaos didn’t share their enthusiasm. “Don’t be so sure. We know she has that one special, new card, and we haven’t seen what else she possesses.”

Celestia drew her next card. “And now, I activate CARD OF DEMISE, which refreshes my hand with five cards, as long as I discard my entire hand in five turns.

…Of course, once I’m finished, that won’t be a problem.”

The Trio grew tense.

“And just to keep it going, POT OF GREED will let me draw two more cards for a total of six in my hand, giving me all that I need.

Watch now as I set the Pendulum Scale with these two creatures-- Scale 2 FOUCAULT’S CANNON, and Scale 5 DARK DORIADO!”

The two monsters leapt up into the lights, astounding The Trio.

“She can Pendulum Summon?” asked Violet.

“Apparently so.” replied Khaos.

“Yes, I can!” sneered Celestia “And now I Pendulum Summon the beast that will seal your fates; DOUBLE-C CRITICAL EYE!”

(Atk: 1400)

This was the new creature The Trio had been shown. It seemed to resemble an evil-looking, metallic eye-patch.

Khaos narrowed his eyes at the creature, and Violet felt a little tense, while Sapphire still scoffed. “Yeah… um, I don’t see how that little guy can beat us.

We read what it says: You’re not allowed to Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz Summon with that guy and other monsters you control.”

Khaos wasn’t convinced as he thought, “Things are not always as simple as they first seem, and I have a feeling those five facedown cards are part of the key.”

Celestia held out her arm and declared, “I now activate the facedown card INFERNO RECKLESS SUMMON! Now, I am permitted to call two more Critical Eyes to the field.”

Two more monsters then emerged on her field giving her three altogether.

(Atk: 1400) x2

“So now you’ve got more…” said Sapphire “It’s not like it makes a difference.”

“You’re quite right it doesn’t.” scoffed Celestia “But it will when I activate this; SUPER POLYMERIZATION!”

The trio gasped and growled in shock.

“Now, by sending one card in my hand to the graveyard, I am able to Fusion Summon, using my Critical Eye, and any one of your creatures.”

She paused, and then pointed forth, “I choose Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!”

“No!!” cried Sapphire, but he was forced to watch his prized dragon being whisked up into the sky along with Critical Eye. Sapphire was unable to use Clear Wing’s ability against Super Polymerization too!

The two monsters began to merge together, and Celestia called out to the forming new creature…

“Swift as the howling winds will blow,
I call on a creature to smite all I know!


(Atk: 3000)

This new monster appeared in the forum of a small, shiny scepter, shrouded in soft billowing gales.

The trio gazed up in awe and curiosity. Sapphire was more livid than amused for losing his dragon.

“Oh, yes, I would be frightened too.” taunted Celestia, and she engaged her battle phase.

“Oh, and there’s something I should point out; my Dark Doradio’s Pendulum ability can now be used.

Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire monsters on my field receive an extra 200 attack points for every different attribute among my own monsters.

(Atk: 3000) -----> (Atk: 3200)

“And what is more, since Sapphire has at least one Wind monster in play, my Halberd can make three attacks!”

“What?!” cried Violet.

“Three attacks?!” wailed Sapphire.

“This can’t be!” growled Khaos.

“Oh, but it is.” remarked Celestia, and she eyed at Khaos and his monsters, which made him sweat nervously.

“Halberd, destroy that Knight!”

(Atk: 3200) VS (Atk: 2000)

The knight was speared clean through its armor, shattering it to bits and sending the shockwaves flying past Khaos.

Khaos LP: 4000 -----> 2800

Khaos looked up at his dragon, fearing what was coming next, and he was right.

“Say goodbye to your prized-monster!” called Celestia. “…Halberd, attack!”

(Atk: 3200) VS (Atk: 2500)

Unable to bear and see his dragon fall, Khaos shut his eyes tightly and braced himself as the winds zoomed past him again.

Khaos LP: 2800 -----> 2100

Celestia called at him, “Now that you are wide open, my Halberd shall wipe out of this duel!” and she ordered her monster to attack once again, striking Khaos hard, clearing out his remaining life points and sent him falling hard backwards to the ground.

“Khaos! No!!” cried Violet.

Sapphire was totally livid, and he snarled at Celestia. “You’re going to pay for this!”

Celestia snickered, “Am I? Who ever said I was finished?”

“Say what?” snapped Sapphire.

“You’ve got to be kidding?!” grumbled Violet.

“I assure you I am not kidding!” bellowed Celestia I activate my trap DNA TRANSPLANT! With the power of this trap, I shall change the attributes of all the monsters in play to any type I choose, and I choose “Earth.”

With her command, the card image began to spew out a magical wave, striking every single monster in play, giving them all rock-solid forms.

“What is the meaning of this sort of play?” asked Khaos.

“You shall see.” replied Celestia. “From my hand, I activate the quick-play spell known as CRITICAL TUNING!”

“What-- What’s that do?” asked Sapphire.

“I’m glad that you asked.” teased Celestia. “It lets me target your Hagoita, and then this spell card becomes a near exact replica of it, but with one catch; since your monster is Level 5, it now becomes Level 3!”

“Say what?!” snapped Sapphire, and then, right before his eyes, the spell had taken on the form of his own monster-- copying its shape, attack, defense, type, and even its attribute.

(Atk: 2000)

“This can’t be!”

“Oh, but it is.” remarked Celestia, “And I should also mention that my Tuning spell card negates the effects of my Critical Eye…”

The nasty eye was being shrouded in a magical field, turning it pale, negating its power.

“But in exchange, my Eye now becomes a Tuner monster, and I also am permitted to Synchro Summon right away!”

The Trio gasped one-by-one, “She’s going to what?!” shouted Sapphire.

“I tune Level 3 Critical Eye, with my Level 3 Tuning card.”

The monsters leapt up high forming the orbs and rings, and created a new monster which Celestia chanted to…

“Forged from the earthly depths below,
I forge a mighty beast for you to know!


(Atk: 2200)

This new monsters seemed to resemble a very large cross-bow with a monster face on it, but it seemed more like a rocket-powered missile with a gun mouth.

Violet was almost repulsed by its hideousness, while Sapphire was astounded. “First she Fusion summoned, and now she can Synchro Summon? What else can she do?”

Celestia snickered, “I’ll show you, with the help of my final quick-play spell card, CRITICAL OVERLAY.”

Khaos, still on the gorund growled, “She… can Xyz Summon?”

Ignoring him, Celestia continued her move.

“…And just as before, I create an exact likeness of one monster I choose, and I choose Kendama!”

Just like before, she created a perfect clone of Sapphire’s monster, and it took its exact forum, shape, and even shared its level… 6.

(Atk: 2200)

“And just as before, my remaining Critical Eye has its powers negating, but it is shrouded with magic allowing it to share all that my is, which now permits me to overlay these Level 6 cards and build the Overlay Network!”

The magical portal appeared as the two monsters vanished, and Celestia, again, called out to her new forming creature.

“From deep within the Earth sprouts a new life,
A creature I make to bring only strife.


(Atk: 2500)

This new, fiendish-looking creature floated near the others, much to The Trio’s growing astonishment.

Loki and Rubeus were equally as astounded.

“Pendulum, Fusion, Synchro, Xyz… all in one turn.” said Rubeus. “She is doing rather well.”

Loki agreed and hollered to his princess, “You are doing fine, my dear; excellent dueling.”

This earned him a flirtatious wink from her making him blush.

“Isn’t she something, Brother?”

“Yes, she is.” Rubeus said in a low tone.

Celestia then turned back to her opponents.

“I can’t believe she summoned all that!” cried Sapphire.

“Don’t’ worry.” called Violet “We still have better resources than she does.” She looked up at her Starving Venom Dragon, believing it would be the key to saving herself and her comrades.

Celestia scoffed, “You may want to re-think that, especially when I use Rock Armor’s special ability; by using an overlay unit, it gains attack points equal to half of the defense points of every Earth monster currently in play.”

“ALL EARTH MONSTERS?!!” the opponents bellowed.

Violet looked the field over, “But thanks to DNA Transplant, all the monsters are Earth types!”

There were a total of seven monsters in play, and six which actually had defense points…



2000 x4

All that together, and then divided by half, totalled 5300 attack points given to the monster’s power.

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 7800)

The Trio shuddered with fright at how strong the monster was now!

“And I’m afraid it only gets worse!” shouted Celestia “I activate my Rock Blaster’s ability, which lets me Target Chimerafflesia, and it loses 1000 attack points.”

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 1500)

Violet growled angrily.

“And now!” called Celestia. Rock Blaster, attack Chimerafflesia!

Her monster’s huge mouth opened wide and began to charge up energy like the gun it resembled.

“I activate Chifflesa’s special ability!” shouted Violet “Since an attack is involved with it, I make your monster lose 1000 attack points, while Chimerafflesia gains 1000 points.”

(Atk: 2200) -----> (Atk: 1200)

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 3500)

“That doesn’t matter to me!” yelled Celestia “When Rock Blaster attacks, it gains 200 attack points times each level of every Earth monster in play!”

Violet’s eyes widened!

There were six monsters with levels in play!

One Level 5, Two level 6s, One Level 7, and Two Level 8s… which totalled 40!

At 200 attack points apiece, which totalled 8000 extra attack points!

(Atk: 1200) -----> (Atk: 9200)

“AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” cried Violet, and she screamed even louder when the attack struck, wiping out her monster, and busting all her life points to zero instantly, and sent her falling to the ground alongside Khaos.

“Violet!” shouted Sapphire.

He looked at his two comrades lying flat in defeat on the ground.

Since Violet was knocked out, her Fusion Dragon vanished as well, rendering it incapable of helping Sapphire as he now stood all alone, with one last giant monster staring him down.

“No, no, wait… can we talk this out!” he whimpered, but Celestia snapped her fingers and ordered her super-charged Rock Armor to attack, wiping out Kendama, and Sapphire too in a big explosion, and he too was sent crashing to the ground with his comrades.

Celestia lowered her duel disk, feeling rather content with her new power, and yet, it seemed to bring on more blurry memories to her…

…As if she had done things like this before.

They were still to blurry to see and understand, and she brushed them off easily.

Loki approached her, “That was wonderful, Darling; well-dueled.”

Celestia responded by raising her arm, allowing him to softly pressed his flat face against her-- as if he were pecking her arm-- making her giggle softly.

Rubeus was impressed himself, but didn’t show it.

Sunset was unconscious, and lay on the ground silently, barley making a sound.

Robin picked up the mystery card, feeling it was causing too much trouble.

“I say we get rid of this thing.”

“No, don’t!” yelled Pinkie. “Sunset needs that card. It’s the only thing that can help us get out of here.”

Some of the others were starting to doubt if whether or not that was true anymore.

“The card is making her go crazy.” said Rainbow.

“That and we don’t even know who sent it to her.” agreed Sci-Twi “Then again, all the other cards that were given to her did help her along the way.”

“Yeah, but that still doesn’t explain why they make her act so crazy now.” said Terra.

“So, do we ditch it or not.” asked Shining Armor.

“Maybe we should wait for Sunset to wake up, and then we decide?” suggested Cadance.

Everyone fell silent for a moment, unsure of what to do.

The trio managed to get back onto their feet, but they were still in shock from being defeated; angry and feeling insulted and embarrassed as well.

“I can’t believe she beat us all!” groaned Sapphire, “And with all our best monsters in play too!”

“Ugh!!” growled Violet, “I’ve never been so humiliated before.”

She then looked over at Loki as he appeared Celestia, stroking her and congratulating her on a stupendous win, and she accepted with deep flatter.

This only aggravated the trio even more, especially Violet, but they were snapped out of their sulk when Rubeus approached them.

The trio expected he was about to scold and mock them for their loss, but instead, he held out three card packs. “…A small consolation for you all for serving in this test.”

The trio were confused, but accepted the gift. Inside each pack were sets of new cards that would work well in their respective decks.

Rubeus explained, “These were also created from the energies that you obtain. With these, you should now become stronger.

Sapphire chuckled as he ogled his new cards. “Whoa-ho…! ...Sweetness at its finest.”

“Impressive.” agreed Violet.

Khaos bowed graciously to Rubeus “You shall not regret this, sire.”

“See that we don’t.” replied Rubeus. “As good as the energy gets that you gather for us, we are still short of the most vital key of our mission.”

Loki, finally managing to look away from Celestia, agreed, “Sunset Shimmer… she still holds the ultimate force that will guarantee our ultimate victory.”

Celestia began think wickedly at the thought of challenging Sunset herself. “I could probably take her on. I already know her entire dueling strategy, and I also know what her mystery card is.

Still, perhaps a few warm-up matches will do me well too.”

Think of this brought on more faded memories again.

“Are you alright, my dear?” asked Loki.

Celestia shook herself back into reality once more. “Yes, I’m fine.”

Now Loki was starting to worry, but not too much.

Suddenly both he and Loki perked their heads up.

“What is it?” asked Violet.

Rubeus narrowed his eyes, as he and his brother could feel that someone was coming quite near, and they saw this as their time to flee and send the Trio on their way to duel some more and master their new cards.

Author's Note:

It was the best I could do for Celestia's new, evil deck.

I would have given her YANG ZING Pendulum monsters, but a deck like that can't Fusion or Xyz Summon too well.

And worst of all; almost all these cards are non-existent. (And it annoys me the STRIKE-THRU effect isn't automatic when I copy-paste

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