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Episode 39: True Hate Part 1


Sunset laughed wickedly, “Maybe I should just duel you all at once! Yes, that would be worth a challenge.”

Suddenly, the Malefic sky began to go crazy-- the fog and shadows were swirling in violent circles and began rushing like a river.

“What’s this?” Sunset wondered, and while she was looking up at the sky, totally distracted, the friends, while amazed by the sky, took their chance, and made a run for it.

“Hey!” Sunset called as she saw them running. “Oh, no, you don’t! I want a duel and I’ll get it!”

She was about to set off after them when someone called out, “Why not duel me?!”

Celestia came leaping in, and shot Sunset with her duel beam, activating her duel disk.

“Now, I’ve got you!” she laughed. “Get ready to duel!”

Sunset snickered, “You’re a stubborn one, I’ll admit that, but you’ll find I’m just as stubborn too.”

With that, she used her power to terminate the duel before it could even start. Thus, the lightning was not triggered.

The two evil ladies glared and growled at each other, when suddenly they were a huge flash of green light emitting from in the sky far away.

“No! It can’t be!” cried Celestia.

Sunset snickered “What could this be?”

A large opening appeared in the clouds, and a big bright beam of green light shot through it, slamming on the ground in the outskirts of the city.

From all different areas, the heroes, Gar, the Trio-- they all could see it, and even covered their eyes from the blinding rays.

“What is that?” cried Kori.

“I don’t know, but it sure is bright!” wailed Rainbow.

Sapphire and Violet ducked behind a building.

“Is that what I think it is?” asked Sapphire.

“I believe it is…” answered a familiar voice.

“Khaos!” cried Violet.

Khaos reunited with his comrades, and looked off into the distance as the light began to grow dim and fade away.

Gar was nearby, standing on a rooftop from following the bad guys around. “Is that it?” he wondered.

The light had ceased, and there standing outside of the city was a very large and tall looking mountain that seemed to reach way up into the sky, where a dark and evil looking castle sat perched on the peak… the castle of Rubeus and Loki.

“We’ve successfully landed.” Loki said as he observed the surrounding area.

Rubeus joined his brother by his side. “What a pitiful place this city is. I can see now why it was abandoned for doom.”

Loki looked around hoping to see Celestia, but he still couldn’t spot her.

“She will come,” insisted Rubeus “They all will. How can they resist the chance to come after us?”

He then held up his new deck, “Of course, with this, and the many dangers that await them…” he paused and snickered. “…They’ll be marching straight into their doom… just in time to witness the forthcoming of our ultimate empire.”

Loki loved the sound of that, “…That is, if they can even get here in one piece.”

“That’s it!” cried Dick. “That must be where the Prince Brothers are.”

Everyone else agreed.

“Let me at them!” Pinkie shouted as she tried to take off for the mountain, but Rainbow held her back.

“Whoa! Whoa! Pinkie! I want to get those goons too, but we can just rush at that mountain like that.”

“She’s right.” agreed Kori. “The Prince Brothers must want us to go there. We’d be walking right into their hands.”

Everyone agreed, but then-- despite their initial arguments earlier, they were all still in danger, together-- Vic shrugged “Let’s do it anyway. The sooner we get there, sooner we can save Sunset and maybe get out of this place.”

Sunset narrowed her eyes at the mountain. “Looks like things haven’t changed too much over the centuries.”

Having Z-Arc’s power and knowledge, she knew the histories of the Malefic World.

Her evil grew wide, and she leapt up on her own flying cloud, only to get shot by Celestia’s duel beam again.

“…Who told you that you could leave? We have a duel to settle.”

Sunset was really growing annoyed, but then she decided “Very well, but don’t say I didn’t do you a favor by trying to back out.”

She hopped down from her cloud. “A practice duel could do me well before I face those who are truly worthy of my time.”

“Keep telling yourself that.” sneered Celestia. “As future queen of this world, I expect my subjects to be respectful.”

“Ha! I am no subject of yours, nor their majesties. I follow my own path, and soon you’ll find that out the hard way.”

Suddenly, before the duel could commence, three more beams were fired at Sunset’s disk.

“What’s this?” snapped Celestia.

Sunset turned and saw the dark trio glaring the ladies down.

“Looks like this just became a 4 on 1 duel.” said Khaos.

Celestia growled angrily. “What do you think you’re doing?!”

“Trying to keep you safe, that’s what.” replied Sapphire.

“…I’m already regretting this.” grumbled Violet.

Celestia was furious and demanded the trio leave. “I can handle this myself!”

Sunset laughed, “I have no objections. Taking all four of you on at once would be quite stimulation for me, so let’s get too it!”

Celestia knew she was trapped, and she warned the trio, “As soon as we’re through, I’ll deal with the three of you for this insubordination!”

The trio ignored her, and they all stood ready to duel.

“Now!” shouted Khaos, and together, he and his two comrades used their powers to terminate the duel.

“What?!” snapped Celestia.

“Get her!” yelled Sapphire, and the trio jumped all over her.

Celestia put up a struggle, “You’ll all be punished for this!”

POW!! Violet struck her hard in the head, knocking her unconscious, much to the men’s shock.

Violet felt it was necessary, “…She had it coming.”

The lightning was suddenly approaching, and as much as Sunset wished for Celestia to be struck and turned into a card, she used her special card to dispel it.

“Shame, I was actually looking forward to a good beatdown.”

She wasn’t all that disappointed as she looked towards the mountain; knowing that everyone was bound to be heading there.

“A perfect place for me to trap them all, and then I can get even with their majesties.”

The inner power of Z-Arc had been sealed away for a long time, but not long enough to remember his capture and his sealing.

“I’ll show those two who the most powerful Malefic Warrior is. I’ll show them all!”

Suddenly, Sunset groaned, and she held her forehead. She wasn’t suffering from any mere headache, but whatever it was, it passed quickly, and she remained as evil as ever.

Meanwhile the group was still en-route towards the mountain, when they were already starting to feel exhausted-- having been up and pushing themselves for hours without much rest or food.

It seemed like they weren’t getting any closer.

“I’d say… about another two and a half miles away.” panted Sci-Twi

Rainbow hunched over grabbing her knees. “Why’d they have to park it so far away like that?”

Pinkie took in huge panting breaths. “I’m… too tired… to say anything.”

“Yeah, that’s why you’re talking now.” remarked Raven.

Everyone gave her a stern stare.

“I hate to say it, but maybe we should try and rest.” suggested Dick. “We can’t just rush over there and be too wiped out.”

Kori agreed and noted one of the buildings they were outside from. “We can camp out in here where they won’t see us.”

“Well, it’s better than being sitting ducks out here.” agreed Vic.

Everyone headed inside.

Vic stood the first watch while everyone slept. Soon, he switched out with Raven, and she agreed to be lookout while he got some shut eye.

Really, the only reason she volunteered to go first was because she had other things on her mind.

She really hated the way the Equestrians had balked at her and her friends about Gar, and her abusing him. Still convinced she was right to do it because he was so annoying to her over the years.

“Gar!” she growled in thought while quivering with rage. “It seems no matter how hard I try to get him out of my life, he always shows up again.”

She thought back to all the times he was annoying her with his jokes, his immaturity, always breaking into her room against her wishes.

There were some good times, but to Raven they were all pointless due to Gar having more flaws in her view than virtues…

Terra began to groan softly in her sleep. She kept saying Gar’s name over and over, and trying to apologize to him and get him to come back to her.

This further infuriated Raven. “How can she still care for him? And how can the other Titans still want to make things right too?”

She then thought back to all the trouble Gar had been causing everyone since they day they ran into him…

All his insults…

His rude behavior…

…and when she herself dueled him in the finals, and he really struck her hard, and knocked her unconscious.

…By this point, she had completely snapped! “I’m going to find him, and I’m going to do what I should’ve done to him so many years ago!”

Suddenly, she looked out the doors, up above she could see a lone figure leaping along the roofs.

It was Gar, indeed, and despite it meant leaving her friends, Raven just had to go after him.

Still armed with Rarity’s duel disk and her own cards, she quietly slipped out, and dashed off.

Gar had seen the mountain appeared with the castle perched at the top, and he was convinced to head there and put an end to the Prince Brothers’ evil…

…But even he was starting to feel a little overcome with weariness, especially from chasing the dark trio for a long time and leaping about to keep tabs on them.

“Maybe I should rest a bit.” he felt. “I’ll be better off facing those punks at full-strength.”

So, he settled down at the foot of many crumpling buildings where it wouldn’t be easy for him to be spotted.

He sat down, and didn’t go to sleep, but just relaxed.

You would never tell if he was sleeping or not because of his coverings.

At the castle, while Loki was overjoyed to have Celestia back, he was very strict with her. “How dare you just galivant off like that and worry the living darkness out of me.”

Celestia sulked, “Forgive me, my love, but I couldn’t help myself. I must have my revenge against Sunset Shimmer, even if she is possessed by the power of Z-Arc.”

Loki wouldn’t hear of this anymore and cursed her duel disk with a Malefic spell.

“What are you doing?”

“I’ve successfully bonded your duel disk to your arm, so it cannot be removed. You also will be unable to leave the palace. If you try, it will block you from proceeding.”

Celestia was outraged, but her protests were in vain.

“I do this out of love.” said Loki. “I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you.”

As touching as his words were, Celestia still sulked.

“If it helps…” Loki continued “You may yet get your chance. Those fools are bound to be coming here, and we hope they do. We plan to be ready to send them all into their dooms as our empire finally comes into full view.

Does this please you?”

Celestia sighed, “…I suppose.”

Loki then magically conjured up green, smoking, drink in two wine glasses.

Celestia accepted, and they clinked the glasses together-- How they were able to drink without having any mouths was a mystery.

Suddenly, Celestia felt strange-- not because of the drink-- she just had this feeling something wasn’t quite right.

It was her good memories of her real life kicking in again, but they were so blurry she could barely see them.

“Is something wrong, dear?” asked Loki.

She shook herself back to her senses. “I am quite fine.”

Loki wasn’t totally convinced.

Raven wandered up the streets in the direction she saw Gar go. She didn’t even care if it were possible, he was farther away, she was determined to settle the score.

She ran past an alley, then she skidded to a halt and stepped back.

There he was, resting up against a building.

She silently aimed her duel disk, ready to shoot a beam at him and force him into a duel.

The beam fired, but Gar quickly dodged it.

“Amateur!” he sneered “You have to be slyer than that to hit on me.”

Furious, Raven fired more beams at him, but he skillfully dodged every single one. His skills on gaming taught him to react to the thoughts of his opponents-- what they were going to do and where they were going to shoot at.

“I’m going to get you, Gar!” Raven growled at him. She fired at him again, and she missed again.

“So, you finally admit it!” Gar sneered at her. “I often suspected you hated me from Day One, and frankly; I wondered when you would snap.”

His every word only made Raven madder, and she continued to blast at him, and he just kept on dodging her.

“I wouldn’t do this if I were you.” he warned her. “You couldn’t beat me the last time we dueled. Do you really want to risk it all now?”

“I’m not risking anything!” protested Raven “…I’m just going to get rid of you so I can finally move on with my life, and the others will thank me for it.”

Gar sighed, “Some folks just never learn.”

He continued to dodge Raven’s duel beams, which lead to a chase into the streets.

Raven, finally losing the last of her patience, shot a wild barrage of beams all over. The beams flew in all different directions and even bounced off some of the walls of the crumpling buildings.

Gar couldn’t dodge them all so easily, and he finally got hit!

Raven grinned. “Got’cha!”

Gar didn’t even pretend to be that interested in this duel. He really didn’t ask for it, nor desired it, but he had no choice but to go along with it.

“I tried to do you a favor.” he said. “But it looks like you asked for it. Just like you’ve been asking for it for a long time, before and after I slammed you in the finals.”

Raven softly touched the back of her head, “I still have the bruise of where I crashed, and now you’re going to pay for it.”

“Oh, please!” scoffed Gar “I remember all the times you gave me a bruise, just because you found me annoying.”

Raven refused to drag this out any further. “Let’s do this. The sooner I beat you, the sooner you’ll be out of my life, and everyone else’s.”

Gar shook his head pitifully at her, but he too stood ready, and he knew just which deck to use against her.

Reaching into his coat, he pulled out the very deck, and loaded it up.

“If you think I’m scared that you changed decks, you’re sorely mistaken.” hissed Raven.

“Ha!” scoffed Gar “Like I said: I tried to do you a favor by escaping. Now, let’s get it on.”


Raven LP: 8000

Gar LP: 8000

“I’ll go first.” said Raven.

Gar was a bit perplexed, and he thought “First this time, huh? Guess she has an idea.”

Raven then thought, “He knows my monsters can only be played by card effects, and he’ll try and outsmart me, but this time I’ll outsmart him.”

“I play the spell FUTURE DESTRUCTION.”

Gar gawked at the card image and thought. “I don’t remember her having that card. Looks like she’s been training up a bit.”

Raven gave him a nasty look. “You’re so smart, you know what this does.”

Gar scoffed, “Of course I do; you now have to send cards from the top of your deck to the graveyard equal to the number of cards in your hand.”

Raven sent four cards to her graveyard, and she was very pleased with what they were.

“You know how my deck works, but this time things will be much different.”

Gar only chuckled at her.

“You won’t be laughing when I play this card… TELEKINETIC POWER WELL!

Now I get to summon as many Psychic-Type monsters.”

Gar wasn’t impressed at all.

Raven summoned her three monsters, “Behold…


(Def: 0) x3

Gar then snuffed. “Just don’t forget… now you take damage-- 300 points times the combined levels of all those monsters.

I see a total of four, which means you take 1200 points of damage.”

“Wrong!” growled Raven “I was prepared for this! From my hand I activate the SPELL OF PAIN!”

“Ah!” cried Gar.

“All that damage is going to bounce off of me and head straight back to you!”

The burning rays of light bounced off Raven and bounded straight for Gar, and struck him hard, and he growled as the shocked burned him.

Gar LP: 8000 -----> 6800

Raven enjoyed seeing him suffer a lot.

“And if you think I’m finished, I’m not… because since I summoned a Psychic-Tuner monster, I get to summon the other monster that I sent to my graveyard…”

Her disk began to glow, and a fourth monster began to emerge.


(Def: 2500)

Now she had four monsters on the field, as well as the lead.

“You’re going down, Gar, like you should have a long time ago.”

She angrily raised up her arm, “I tune Level 2 Gamma with level 6 Multi-Threader, which I must banish…!”

The two monsters rose high forming the tuning rings and the orbs of light. Raven hated chants, so she didn’t bother to come up with one.

“I Synchro Summon… PSY-FRAMELORD OMEGA!”

(Atk: 2800)

Gar growled softly, still holding a grudge for Synchro monsters.

“I activate Omega’s special ability!” hollered Raven “I banish him, and one random card in your hand until my next turn.”

The monster had vanished, and as he did, a blast of light shot at a card in Gar’s hand, leaving him with only four left in his hand.

“Is that the best you can do?” he asked rudely.

Raven, maintaining her cool. “No, it isn’t! Now I’ll tribute Alpha, to summon PSY-FRAME DRIVER.”

(Atk: 2500)

“I see…” hissed Gar “You plan to Synchro summon again?”

“Wow… what gave you that idea?” she snarked. “I tune Level 1 Beta with Level 6 Driver…

I now Synchro Summon PSY-FRAMELORD ZETA!”

(Atk: 2500)

“Then I’ll place two cards facedown and end my turn. See if you can top that, preacher!”

Gar stood silently, analyzing the situation. “A clever play. She knew that I knew her monsters couldn’t be summoned easily, and so she’s set things up to not only get her best monsters in play… but I’m guessing those face downs will try and stop me from doing much else against her.”

“You going to move, or what?!” snarled Raven.

“As you wish…” replied Gar “I draw!”

“Omega’s ability activates!” snapped Raven “During your standby phase, I can send my banished Multi-Threader into the graveyard.”

Her card slipped back into her graveyard.

“Everything’s working just as I planed it would.” she thought “Now I’m ready for anything he’ll throw at me.”

Suddenly, she gawked at a glowing from Gar’s field. “What’s that?” she asked.

Gar snickered “…It happens to be CARD FROM A DIFFERENT DIMENSION.”

Raven’s eyes widened.

“Since you were foolish enough to banish it out of my hand, it now returns to me, and we each now draw two cards.

Gar now had seven cards in his hand, while Raven had two.

“Looks like you overestimated me, Rae. Not that I’m surprised, you always did over-look certain things about me, and that is why it’s your who will lose to me, not the other way around.”

Raven growled, “Just move!”

“Fine then…!

I play the continuous spell SOUL ABSORPTION! Now every time a card is banished, my life points will increase by 500.”

“Ah!” cried Raven.

“I wouldn’t try banishing more cards if I were you, but then… you don’t even have to. I can do the same… with this card…GOLD SARCOPHAGUS!

Now I take one card in my deck, and I banish it, but then in two turns it returns to my hand.

…And of course, I gain 500 life points instantly.”

Gar LP: 6800 -----> 7300

Raven growled…

“Oh, don’t look so mad… yet. The real fun is yet to come.

I place a monster facedown in defense mode. Then I end with two facedowns.”

Raven was perplexed at why he didn’t attack at all. She was certain he would leap at any chance to have at her.

“It’s my move now!” she drew her card, “And now Omega returns to the field!”

(Atk: 2800)

Gar only snickered at the monster’s appearance.

Raven thought quietly, “He has only two cards in his hand. If I use Omgea’s effect and banish that Dimension Card, he’ll just get it back and we’ll both draw two cards, plus, any card that’s banished at all will boost up his life points.

I can’t do that!”

Gar had his own thoughts to think. “You can’t outwit me, Rae. I’m ready for anything. Too bad you aren’t.”

Raven still wouldn’t allow him to get away with any of this. She planned to get him out of her life for good, and nothing would stop her!

“You think you’re so smart? Well, I’ll show you!” She engaged her battle phase. “Framelord Omega, attack that puny monster.”

Her monster charged forth and powered himself up.

“Pathetic as always!” sneered Gar “I activate the trap DIMENSIONAL PRISON! Now your precious Omega is about to be banished from the field!”

“Think again!” snapped Raven “I have a trap of my own, ALTAR FOR TRIBUTE! This allows me to tribute Omega, which spares him form being banished, and then I gain life points equal to his attack points!”

Her monster quickly vanished, and then Raven was cast in a glowing light as her power went way up.

Raven LP: 8000 -----> 10,800

Gar scoffed, “Figures you would do that. You wouldn’t care who you had to hurt or sacrifice to defend your own honor.”

“Shut… up!” demanded Raven. “You would know this, because you act like it all the time!”

She then concentrated on her dueling. “Zeta, attack now!”

Her monster rushed forth, and slashed Gar’s monster to pieces!

“Why thank you. You just destroyed PETEN THE DARK CLOWN. When he goes to the graveyard, I simply banish him to summon a another Dark Clown from my deck.”

(Def: 1200)

Raven cringed softly. “It’s like my attack didn’t even work!”

“Oh, it worked alright… for me.” Sneered Gar. “Since my Peten was banished, I gain another 500 life points from Soul Absorption.”

Gar LP: 7300 -----> 7800

“Anything else you’d like to try? I’d really love to see how else I can thoroughly humiliate you, like I did in our last duel.”

Raven didn’t know how much more of his taunting she could take, but it also made her that much more determined to win the duel and shut him up for good.

“I’ll place one card facedown and end my turn.”

“Is that all?” teased Gar. “You really aren’t much of a duelist, Raven, but that’s what happens when you spend your whole life alienating yourself from others.”

Raven growled, and Gar drew his card.

“I summon one monster facedown in defense-mode, and that ends my turn.”

“What?” snapped Raven. “Are you ever going to attack any time soon?!”

“When I’m good and ready to, I’ll hit you with everything I’ve got! Mark my words! Then you’ll regret ever having challenged me.”

Raven clenched her empty fist. “The only thing I regret is having never gotten rid of you years ago when I had the chance to, but I’m going to rectify that error here and now…

I draw!”

Raven drew a rather unusual looking spell-card, and her eyes shimmered on it, but she decided not to play it just yet.

“If I play this at just the right time, it’ll help me keep him down hard, maybe even win the whole match.”

She tucked the card in her hand and tried something else.

“I play POT OF GREED, so I draw two cards.”

She now had four cards in hand.

“And now I activate my trap card, PSY-FRAME OVERLOAD.”

“I wondered when she would play that.” thought Gar.

“Now I banish Framegrar Delta from my hand, in order to rid the field of your Soul Absorption!”

She tossed her card away, and a large blast shot at the image of Gar’s card, banishing it from sight.

“I still gain life points anyway thanks to your banishing.” he told her.

Gar LP: 7800 -----> 8300

“Big deal!” sneered Raven. “It’s just a matter of time before I get to you.”

She engaged her battle phase.

“Zeta, crush that ugly dark clown!”

Her complied and rushed in…

Gar shouted, “I activate the trap CALL OF THE EARTHBOUND! It allows me to redirect your attack to my other monster!”

“Oh, no!” cried Raven, and she watched as Zeta changed directions and struck the other monster.

“What luck, you just destroyed my KRYUEL!” said Gar “And when that happens, its special ability activates.”

A coin appeared before Gar, “I simply toss this coin, and if I call it right-- which I will-- your monster will be destroyed!”

Raven cringed, and Gar skillfully tossed the coin calling it, “Heads.” and he got it right, thus destroying Zeta in a big explosion.

Raven was super annoyed, “You’re so cheap!”

“Am I?” sneered Gar “Or do you still insist that I’ve developed sharp skills and talents you believe I shouldn’t have?”

Raven didn’t answer. She just stood where she was gnashing her teeth.

“…That’s what I thought.” said Gar. “You only ever saw me as a worthless goofball who would never amount to anything, so you decided there are skills and traits I should never have or even attempt.

…So did everyone else.

Well, I proved you all wrong. Now I’m the one with all the power and the resources, you’re nothing but a thieving, city crushing disgrace!”

“Disgrace?!” growled Raven “Look in a mirror, you’ll see the disgrace! Like you’ve always been. Why you were ever born in the first place is beyond me!”

By this point Gar was really starting to lose his temper.

His gamming aura was starting to show-- actually, it was Malefic Energy emitting from his inner-darkness.

Raven was starting to glow as well with her own rage, almost the way she used to when she still had her powers.

These two were truly at their peaks of hate and wanting nothing more than to destroy one another.

“Make your move!” demanded Gar.

“Oh, I will…” hissed Raven “And it’s a big one. I activate FLASH TUNE!”

“What?!” snapped Gar.

Raven snickered, “Obviously you know about this trap, and how it let’s me tune the Synchro Monster you just destroyed, with another Framegear Beta in my hand!”

The two monsters leapt up into the air and tuned each other together, creating a big blaze of light, which quickly turned to wicked shadows, bringing forth Raven’s monster.


(Atk: 2700)

Gar looked up at the huge, hulking creature, growling softly.

“He’s back!” Raven called “And he’s raring for revenge… especially since it’s still my battle phase.”

Gar growled and Raven ordered her Archfiend, “…Attack!”

Gar clown was easily destroyed, and the bits and pieces blew past him, much to Raven’s delight.

“You do remember, when Peten is destroyed, I banish him to summon another.”

(Def: 1200)

“Ha!” Raven scoffed “Doesn’t matter to me, because you know that when my Archfiend destroys a monster, my life points increase by the attack points your monster had.”

She gained 500 life points…

Raven LP: 10,800 -----> 11,300

…And now her score was so high, she could practically feel the power running through her body.

The darkness shrouding her intensified, much to Gar’s annoyance.

“Everything’s going just as I hoped.” Raven thought “My life points are high, my Overload trap helping me, and with my Thought Ruler in play, there’s no way I can be defeated.”

She gazed down at the special spell that was still in her hand. “And this is the final part that will seal it all. Gar’s as good as beaten, and I can finally show him up for the freak he is!”

To Be Continued…

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