• Published 20th Feb 2021
  • 247 Views, 2 Comments

Mayhem On The Mountain - Bluecatcinema

An old enemy returns, stronger and deadlier than ever...

  • ...

How Silas Got His Groove Back

Silas Necross, the once leader of the disbanded Order of Darkness, now a low-ranked agent of the Forefathers, was not having a good day.

It all started the day before when he was ordered by the big man himself to assist a Ouroboros by the name of Secretariat Dysley, in finding a patient who had disappeared from a transport that other agents attacked days earlier.

While not enthused about being forced to help some trust-fund kid who clearly had a chip on his shoulder regarding his late father, Silas figured helping a superior would help him eventually retain the prestige he had from being a leader of his own organization.

However, today, it was one misfortune after another. From having his favors that he worked his ass off to accrue being wasted due to the patient being found by Dysley, to Dysley’s chip on his shoulder being more like a giant gaping chunk, to the RDL’s interference, all culminating in Nightmare Moon herself sending down nightmare-inducing miasma that sent his fellow agents in a crossbow-shooting craze…

With him right in the middle.

Silas soon found himself in a medical carriage, immobile and barely breathing, his life ticking away.

Many thoughts ran through Silas’ mind as he laid there dying: Agony from his broken body, rage at another failed plan, resentment toward all who had stood in his way, fear that his death that day would lead to him being forgotten, regrets for once again not being able to conquer Equestria, and most of all, despair at the seeming unfairness of it all.

It seemed like the poor pathetic stallion’s story was coming to an equally pathetic end…

But alas, it was merely the end of one chapter, and the beginning of another…


The groan emanated from Silas, the stallion opening his eyes… to see nothing but pitch black. He was confused, and became even more confused when he felt some weight above him.

Instinctively, the stallion, with some effort, pushed whatever was weighing down on him aside.

As he did, light instantly invaded his vision. Silas winced as he began to sit up. After his eyes took a few moments to adjust, Silas found himself sitting in the middle of a pile of what used to be a carriage.

“What the…” Silas grimaced, rubbing his neck, surveying the area, “How the hell did I get here…” He paused, “Wait a minute… how am I moving? Aren’t I supposed to be…”

He glanced down at his body… only to be shocked as his body was no longer dark blue, but rather a blackish-purple, covered completely in what appeared to be…

“Miasma?” Silas gaped, as he pulled back the hoof he was rubbing his neck with and brought back both hooves to the front of him. They were also covered in miasma, disconcerting the stallion, “What the hell?!”

He glanced around for something that could give him a better view of things. He located a piece of reflective scrap metal, and lifted up to his face. He nearly dropped it in horror.

His face was no longer his own, his groomed black mane replaced with a wispy flame-like mane, his face black, and his eyes completely white, devoid of his silvery irises.

“What-what happened to me? How did I-” Silas distressed, as he stopped mid-sentence.

It suddenly came back to him. Memories flashed of him lying in the carriage, dying, when a trickle of miasma, the same that has put him in that carriage to begin with, filtered in and for some reason, invaded his body…

“That little bitch…” Silas hissed, his mane flaring up, and his hooves gripping the metal so hard it was close to snapping in half. “What did she do to me?!”

“Hey, over here!” Silas’s anger faded when he heard voices. “There was an explosion!”

Silas glanced over and saw more RDL agents arrive on the scene, intent on investigating the carriage wreckage.

“Oh, crap!” Silas dropped the nearly broken metal, “No, no! I can’t let them get me again! Not when I’m like this! I need to get-”

In his panic, he instantly vavnished, just before the RDL agents rounded the corner and discovered the wreckage.

Oblivious to the sudden show of unique magic, the RDL agents began inspecting the wreckage, trying to figure out just what had happened.

“Hey!” Cutter Ballista, second-in-command of the RDL, came onto the scene, putting away his mirror, “What happened here?!”

"I don't know." The agent admitted. "We were putting the criminals away when the med carriage suddenly went 'kablooey'."

"Wait… isn't this the carriage Silas' body was placed in?" Ballista frowned, as he noticed Silas was nowhere to be seen, "Where is he?!"

"That I don't know either." The agent grimaced. "But he couldn't have gotten up and walked away, not with his injuries. Nor have the energy to blow up the carriage…"

"...Well, whatever happened, I think it's safe to say that we might still have a problem…" Ballista said grimly.

Unbeknownst to any of them, Silas was overlooking the scene from atop a warehouse roof, still shocked by what had happened in the last few minutes.

“Wait…” He frowned, looking at the wreckage, “I did that. How did I do that?” He then glanced around, seeing himself on the roof, “And on that note, how did I get up here so fast? I always had trouble just teleporting down the block!”

He then sat down and brought up his hooves, still wisping with miasma.

“This stuff… it was the same thing that Nyx used.” Silas murmured, “Yet it’s different somehow… I don’t know why it came to me, or why it changed me….”

Slowly, a triumphant grin grew on his face.

“But if it managed to save my life and give me all this power… then it must be a sign.” Silas grinned darkly, “A sign that things are finally coming up Silas!”

Silas walked towards the door to the lower levels, a newfound sinister spring in his step.

One week later...

As per usual, it was snowing in the currently unknown mountain range in which the Infinity, the abandoned monastery that homed the Forefathers. The agents in and around the building were going about their work, from serious matters like research and strategic planning sessions, to basic matters like training and guard duty.

“Hey.” A Unicorn agent began.

“Yeah?” The Earth Pony agent responded.

“You ever wonder why we’re here?” The Unicorn agent asked.

“It’s one of life’s great mysteries, isn’t it?” The Earth Pony mused, “Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of… some cosmic coincidence or, is Faust really… watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don’t know, but it keeps me up at night.”

The Unicorn remained silent for a moment, unsure how to respond at first.

“Um, I was more referring to why we’re here, in this run-down monastery in the middle of butt-buck nowhere.” He said finally.

“Oh… um, yeah.” The Earth Pony cringed.

“What was all that stuff, about Faust?” The Unicorn frowned.

“Um, nothing.” The Earth Pony lied.

"Sheesh, things must really be getting boring around here is this is what we're reduced to talking about." The Unicorn sighed.

"Boring?" The Earth Pony frowned. "Didn't all that stuff with Project: Bad Dreams just go down lately?"

"Yes, and it was a disaster." The Unicorn shook his head. "Not only did the big plan fail, but twenty-four agents didn’t make it back. They either died, or were locked up."

"Oh, right." The Earth Pony acknowledged regretfully. "We lost a bunch of good guys there. Nettle, Vertigo, Tremor... and what was the name of that other guy? You know, the one who got recruited from that weirdo order?"

"Oh, him. That's... I forget his name." The Unicron mused. "I know it was something stuck-up and pretentious, and he was even more so. Was it... Solitaire? Simon Says?"

“Oh, I think I got it! It was Si-” The Earth Pony began.

Instantly, out of nowhere, Silas appeared, his emergence blowing some snow away. He stumbled a bit, the swift change in environment taking its toll, but he quickly regained his poise. He glanced around, taking in the surroundings.

His sudden appearance did not go unnoticed, as agents around the courtyard began to murmur, perturbed by the shadowy stallion’s appearance, while the Unicorn and Earth Pony gaped in horror.

“What the buck?!” The Unicorn gaped.

"Finally." He muttered, gazing around at the former monastery that had become the Forefathers' headquarters. "It took me all week, but I'm here..."

Over the past seven days, Silas had been struggling to gain control over his mysterious new abilities. It took more effort than he'd ever put into anything, but he'd finally managed to transport himself to where he wanted to go.

Silas began marching towards the upper level of the Infinity, where the entrance to the Coils, the meeting room of the Ouroboros, was located.

“Halt!” The Unicorn agent pulled up his crossbow, swallowing his fear, “Who the hell are you?!”

“Someone who’s going to give you a repeat of what your marefriend does to you on date night if you don’t get that crossbow out of my face.” Silas sneered.

“Wait, that voice…” The Earth Pony frowned, “Silas? Silas Necross?”

“In the flesh… and so much more.” Silas smirked, as the miasma flowed off him.

“B-but you’re dead!” The Unicorn stepped forward. “I heard you got the crap shot out of you! And what’s with all that smoke and stuff?!”

“I'd rather not bore your little mind with all the details.” Silas scoffed, “Now, kindly step aside. I have a meeting to attend to."

“Oh no, you don’t!” The Unicorn snapped, pointing the crossbow again, although it was shaking in his grasp. “None of this makes any sense! If you are Silas, then obviously some sick bucker brought you back and turned you into this thing, and you have to be stopped!”

“Oh-ho-ho, and who’s gonna stop me? You?” Silas laughed haughtily, “That’d be a laugh.”

“I mean it!” The Unicorn agent snarled, although his shaking got worse.

“Take a hike, nimrod.” Silas growled, as he glanced over to the side, “Your friend here got the right idea.”

The Unicorn agent was about to ask what he was talking about when he looked to his left and saw his fellow agent was gone… with his crossbow still spinning in the air… before dropping to the ground in a clatter.

Looking back at the wicked grin on Silas’ face, the Unicorn agent let out a cry of fear as he dropped his crossbow and also ran away.

“That’s what I thought.” Silas huffed.

Silas continued his march, entering the ancient building. Inside, he noticed the usual hustle and bustle in the area, agents going to and fro, important missions and business at hoof. Any agent who passed near to him were noticeably unnerved by his new look, and took steps to avoid him.

'Now this is what I like to see.' Silas thought proudly, as other agents shared worried muttering. 'I'm finally getting some respect around here...'

As he continued his trek, Silas walked past a group of agents… only to walk back a bit, recognizing them as the group that had made a habit of mocking him following his breakout from the Crystal Empire.

'Oh, this is just too perfect...' Silas grinned, taking a detour from his goals to handle some old business.

"You guys see that new archivist?" The first agent asked the others.

"The Pegasus babe?" The second grinned. "Oh, yeah."

"Gotta love the 'hot librarian' look, huh?" The third agent chuckled.

"Somepony oughta put her file in the 'hot gal of the year' folder!" The first agent grinned.

"I'll definitely be putting her name in my little black book." The second pledged.

"Not if I get to her first!" The third challenged.

"In your dreams, pal." The first agent nudged him.

The trio laughed heartily, only to trail off as they realised Silas was watching them.

“Oh, don’t stop on my account. I wanted to hear about this mare’s flanks.” Silas sneered.

“What the- who are you?!” One of the agents gasped.

“Oh? You don’t recognize me? This sorry ‘loser’?” Silas mocked.

“Hold on… is that who I think it is?” Another agent gaped in realization, “Silas Necross?!”

“As in that idiot from the-” The last agent began… only to note the look of disdain on his face, “...Oh…”

“Do go on. I’d love to relive cherished memories.” Silas challenged.

“Silas!” The first agent gave a fake smile, inwardly freaking out. “Look at you… did you do something different with your…” He glanced at him, looking up and down. “Body?”

“Oh, I might have had something done to me.” Silas shrugged. “But that’s for another time. Right now, though, I was hoping we could pick up our conversation where we left off all those months ago.”

“Conversation? I don’t recall.” The second agent stammered.

“Let me refresh. I was explaining to you all how I was deserving of respect, having lead my own organization and headed the plan-”

“To harness the power of King Sombra’s spellbook. Yeah, I think we recall.” The first agent winced.

“Well, let’s just say I’m here now to collect on that respect that you fools wrongfully denied me.” Silas declared.

“Oh, are you for real?” The third agent scoffed in derision, “So what, you got a freaky new look and got a few inches taller and you think you’re tough stuff? Well, forget it, bub, you were a pathetic loser back then, and you’re a pathetic loser-”

Silas’s horn glowed, and in a flash, a stream of purple-colored magic fired from it, blasting the arrogant agent. The sheer force sent him crashing through several walls, and finally sent him flying out of the monastery.

“AHHHHH!” The third agent screamed as he crashed down into the frozen lake, breaking through the ice.

The other two agents looked on with shock and horror as they glanced at Silas, who gave a smug smirk.

“Now then… which one of you was the one who made that clever rebuttal to my demand, namely, demanding that I shut up.’” Silas asked.

“Um, well…” The first agent meekly spoke up, “It-it was all in good jest, Silas. Surely it’s nothing worth-”

Silas swiftly slammed his right hook into the first agent’s throat, sending him to the ground, choking for air.

“I politely request you silence yourself.” Silas smarmed.

“Dude!” The second agent gasped, kneeling down to check on his agent, “I think you broke his larynx!”

“Oh, he’ll be fine.” Silas brushed off, “You on the other hoof-”

"I... I always secretly respected you!" The other agent said hastily. "Who wouldn't admire a pony with such obvious nobility and intelligence? And, er... Rugged good looks?"

“Good boy.” Silas smirked, “Now if you excuse me, I have far more important ponies to speak to than drivels like yourselves.”

With that moment of catharsis over and done with, Silas continued onward, leaving the poor agent to get a medic for his fallen comrade.

He made his way to the elevators… only to see that it was once again out of order.

“Of course…” Silas growled, as he glanced at the escalator. He considered using his new powers to warp himself up. “...Nah, don’t wanna have to find my way back here again. I guess I’m taking the stupid escalator…”

He walked onto the moving stairs, and let it carry him along. As usual, it was a long, slow journey.

"Typical." He muttered. "All those fancy science projects, and they can't think of a way to make this go faster?"

As he slowly moved upwards, some agents passed him on the adjoining downward escalator.

“AHHH!” One screamed.

"Morning." Silas said flatly.

"EEEH!" Another screeched.

"Yes, yes..." Silas groaned.


"Uh-huh." Silas weakly saluted back.

"OOHHHH!!" A fourth cried… and fainted.

"Agent." Silas said through gritted teeth, the screams hurting his ears.

"MONSTER!" A fifth gasped.

"Go buck yourself!" Silas snarled.

“KYAAAAA!” A female agent screamed.

“Go buck yourself!” Silas spat.

A sixth and familiar looking agent saw Silas and was about to react.

“Go buck yourself!” Silas roared.

“Aww… not again.” The poor agent drooped.

All of a sudden, the downward escalator seemed to be clear. Silas allowed himself a tentative sigh of relief... but then, an especially obnoxious (and also familiar) agent crossed paths with him, waving his hooves.

"WASSUUUUU-Ugh!" The stallion was cut off mid-exclamation, as Silas blasted him into the wall. He then dropped down onto the escalator, his unconscious form still being carried down below.

"Not you, that's for sure..." Silas joked.

Silas finally reached the top of the escalator, and continued his trek, ultimately arriving at the statue which contained the doorway to the Ouroboros; a giant stone serpent trying to eat its own tail, but stopping just short of it, leaving room enough for a hoof to fit inbetween the mouth and tail. Within the gap was an unique contraption, which only allowed Ouroboros members to open the doorway.

"Here we are." Silas declared. "The fancy secret way to the big boy chamber that only the top brass know how to activate. No one else can get in or out… till now, that is."

His body began to dissipate, the stallion turning into a cloud of purplish miasma. The cloud suddenly swooped through the cracks of the closed entryway, sifting through it effortlessly.

As soon as the cloud was on the other side, it soon began to meld into the shape of Silas once more.

“Oh, I’m so gonna enjoy that ability.” Silas smirked wickedly.

Silas made his way down the corridor, miasma closely freely from his body. As he neared the end of the hall, he came across Ricochet Hailstorm, another member of the Ouroboros, who was in the midst of a mumble-cussing rage right outside the inner doors to the Coils.

"Lousy, buckin' Dysley..." Ricochet snarled, sniffling, struggling to hold in some tears. "Getting my friends locked up or killed, scaring Doc away. Why do I keep losing ponies? What the hell did I ever do-"

“Food for your thought, Ricochet, old chum?” Silas smirked.

“Not now, dude! I’m in no moo…” Ricochet stopped mid-tirade, realizing that the voice he heard was a familiar, yet out-of-place one. He glanced over, and saw Silas, who was up close to his face.

“...Hello.” Silas smiled evilly.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!" He screamed in abject terror, then ran back inside.

"It's good to be back." Silas chuckled.

Moments later...

"...And that's how I managed to return here." Silas finished. He was seated in the chair that once seated Doc (real name Somnus Nabudis), with Father, Loveless, Dysley, and Riochet (who took his seat, albeit a bit wary of Silas) listening to his every word. “Now then, be honest: did anypony miss me?”

“Well, I kinda missed you.” Ricochet mumbled.

“That makes one of us.” Loveless huffed.

“...Lovely.” Silas scoffed.

“How?!” Dysley spluttered in utter disbelief. "How is any of this possible? Why did the miasma come to you? Me and the scientists must have studied that stuff for months and it has never once shown any sign of sentience."

“Hell if I know.” Silas admitted, “But honestly, I don’t really care. But I should be thanking you, at least. If it weren’t for your daddy issues, I would have never been able to attain this form… or even be alive, to be honest.”

“Why you son of a-” Dysley began.

“Well, Silas.” Father declared, Dysley piping up, “I will say, I am glad to see you safe and sound… albeit a little different. But judging by the way you came in here unannounced, I can only assume you want something from me.”

"Astute as always, sir." Silas grinned. "I do want something. Something that should have been mine a long time ago.”

“Well, don’t keep us in suspense.” Loveless grunted, “What is it?”

“Nothing too fancy…” Silas rubbed the side of the chair he’s in, “...I only wish a seat within the Coils… and the title of Ouroboros.”

The other Ouroboros gape in shock, while Father remained stoic.

“What?!” Ricochet gasped.

"...You can't be serious." Loveless gaped.

“Oh, I’m dead serious.” Silas glared, “From the very moment me and my Order teamed up with the Forefathers, my life has been an utter crapshow! My order got dismantled because Sterling used us in that damn project! My plans got hijacked by that stupid batpony! I was stuck in a prison cell for six months! Your agents all treated me like trash, and don’t get me started with that stupid brat!”

His body was steaming miasma now, as the other Ouroboros looked on warily. Father still remained calm. The shadowy stallion took a moment to take a deep breath, as the miasma calmed down right with him.

“...Well, needless to say, I have had enough.” Silas said coldly, “I want respect, and considering how I am now far stronger than you can imagine, you would all do well to appease me.”

"How dare you!" Dysley snarled. "You deluded egomaniac!"

“...I want to comment on the irony of what you said, but that will have to wait.” Ricochet grunted, as he turned to Silas, “As for you… hell no! I can put up sharing a room with Nalik for several years, but no way am I sitting in a room with a guy made out of scary stuff! That’s bad juju!”

Loveless turned to Father, who had been strangely silent.

"Sir, you can't honestly be considering this." He urged.

"You cannot deny that Silas has made some fine points." Father pointed out, “Silas has sacrificed quite a bit for the sake of our comrades, only to have nothing to show for it…”

Silas grinned smugly.

"...However, I’m afraid the title of Ouroboros isn't something I can just give out freely." Father announced.

"What?!" Silas snarled. "That's a load of dragon dung! I know for a fact that Secret only got in because his daddy was an Ouroboros. Nalik, that racist buck, only had to shell a crap ton of money! Hell, all Sterling had to do was kill one lousy traitor and Solomon some rando politician. I have more power than any of them had, so why am I being left out in the cold?"

"It is not as simple as you're making it out to be." Father rebutted. "They all had skills, and a drive to serve our needs, not just power. I cannot give something I do not believe has been earned."

"Okay, then what's a guy gotta do to get in?" Silas demanded. "Clearly, a guy who's literally become a god isn't good enough..."

"Enough of your disrespect." Loveless admonished him. "The first step to gaining a position like ours is to afford those who hold it the proper respect."

"Sir, please." Dysley told Father. “Do away with this trash. Need I remind you that my project was ruined because of him?! He is not to be trusted!"

"Not to take sides, but you pretty much ruined that project yourself, pal." Ricochet corrected him angrily. "...Still, I'm not sure if having Silas around would be good for anypony."

“That would be an understatement, Ricochet.” Loveless growled, “Father, please, don’t-”

“That’s quite enough, all of you.” Father said firmly, “...If Silas does intend to make claim to the title of Ouroboros, then he will just have to prove himself.” He turned to face Silas. "You think yourself a 'god', do you? Then you will have to work much, much harder to back up such a claim. But if indeed you are able to prove yourself, then I will see to it that you have a place among us. Do you agree to my terms?"

Silas grimaced, but let out a sigh.

"...Yes, if that’s what I gotta do." Silas begrudgingly nodded.

"Excellent." Father nodded. "...Now then, I would strongly suggest you make your way over to the labs. It would be beneficial if some of our scientists could study you and ascertain the exact level of your new capabilities. Then we see about getting you started on some missions. Can you do that for me?"

“Of course, sir.” Silas muttered as he made to leave.

“Oh, and one more thing.” Father began, “...Do refrain from further altercations with other agents. We do have enough difficulties as it is, and I will not tolerate you blasting ponies out of the monastery over minor slights.”

Silas, a bit shocked, was about to ask how he knew about that… but he could already sense that Father wasn’t kidding when he said that.

“...I will try my best.” Silas nodded.

With that, Silas dissipated into a cloud and left through the closed doors. As soon as he was gone, Loveless spoke up.

"I would like to go on record that I have great concerns about allowing Silas this chance." He admitted.

"Concerns?" Dysley scoffed. "Try outrage! That self-serving filth has no right to stand among us! Not after what he did to my project!"

"Dude, you messed up." Ricochet sneered. "Get over it."

“Ricochet, I swear to Faust...” Dysley snarled.

“Calm down, both of you.” Father declared tensely. He then turned to Loveless, “I understand your worries in this matter, Loveless. Silas does not possess quite a clean slate when it comes to competency, and I do not know what to make of this new form of his… but as with Dysley over here, I do believe in second chances. If Silas is truly serious in his intent to become an Ouroboros, he will have a long journey ahead of him.”

Father glanced at the door where Silas had left.

“...Only time will tell.”