• Published 20th Feb 2021
  • 247 Views, 2 Comments

Mayhem On The Mountain - Bluecatcinema

An old enemy returns, stronger and deadlier than ever...

  • ...

Secrets Of The Caverns

Aural and the group entered a stand off, Aural glaring at the newcomers and vice-versa.

“Aural? Isn’t he that other disciple who supposedly disappeared?” Fury asked.

“Yes, possibly dead even.” Fletcher nodded, “But yet here he is.”

“All this time, he’s been down here in this mountain?” Survival mused.

"'Scuse me, mister." Caboose called to Aural, finally back up on his hooves. "Mind telling us what's the deal here?"

“That’s none of your business.” Aural huffed, as he gestured behind them, “I showed ya my face, now get your ass back up there!”

"We're not going anywhere until you answer some of our questions, punk." Fury snarled.

“Sorry, but I have no time for this.” Aural huffed defiantly as he turned to leave, “I got some crap to do. Very important crap.”

"With respect, sir, that is unacceptable." Fletcher stepped in. "We have only a few questions to ask. It won't take too long to answer, so I really must insist." He added firmly.

"Insist away, Mr. Manners." Aural scoffed as he continued past them, not bothering to face him, “Still ain’t saying anything.”

“Hey, hold on!” Fletcher declared as Aural continued onwards.

Aural didn’t get far though as he bumped into a furry chest.

“What the-” Aural grimaced.

“The captain's telling ya to stop, asshole.” Fury snarled, having darted ahead of him, “Now talk!”

“Lauren Faust, what part of ‘I have crap to do’’ did you not get?!” Aural snarled, still not facing him, “How about you guys take a hint?!”

“How about you look directly at us when we’re talking to you?!” Fury roared, clutching the bottom of Aural’s snout, forcing him to look at him.

“How about you remove your talon from my face before I remove it for you?” Aural glared.

"Easy, Fury." Fletcher urged. "Getting anry isn't going to help. Just try and calm down, and we can get through this..."

Fury shifted his glance between Fletcher and Aural. With a gruff sigh, he shoved Aural away.

"You're not worth it, anyway." He told Aural.

"Whatever you say, feathers." Aural growled.

With Aural now nearer to him, Survival got a closer look at his face. He saw that Aural’s glasses had been knocked askew by Fury's shove, providing a view of a small portion of one of Aural's eyes. That view made him realize something...

"Oh..." Survival said awkwardly. "We didn’t realize you were…"

"What?” Aural asked, giving a knowing smirk as he rubbed his chin, “Rugged? Handsome? Well-endowed?"

"...Blind." Survival pointed out.

Aural chuckled sarcastically, as he took off his black glasses, showing his pale eyes. The group was taken aback.

"You know, I always forget that one." He joked.

"You've gotta be kiddin' me!" Fury gaped. "How were we getting pushed around by a blind donkey a few minutes ago?"

"Ooh, maybe he's like that guy in the comics!" Caboose spoke up. "You know, the one in the bright red getup, who's got the heightened hearing and stuff?"

"Oh, please." Aural scoffed, replacing his glasses. "I had that already. What do you think these are for, decoration?" He indicated his long ears. "Besides, I could kick that poser's flank anyday."

"I think we're getting a little off-track here." Fletcher said bluntly. "Mr. Aural, I must respectfully insist that you answer our questions."

"Oh, to Tartarus with your questions!" Aural angrily retorted. "I've got my own problems to deal with. Now, for the last time, you all go back the way you came!"

“Look, Aural, even if we wanted to, we can’t!” Survival declared.

“What are you talking about?” Aural scoffed.

“You see, we came in through the cave that was under where the Fountain was.” Survival explained. Aural lifted a brow, “But once we just barely got in, a massive round boulder just dropped down and blocked us in!”

“What?” Aural gasped, shocked. He glanced away from the group for a moment, hissing in a whisper, “Those son of bitches! That boulder has been in the family for ten generations!”

“I’m sorry, Aural, but we can’t honor your request even if we wanted to.” Survival continued, oblivious to Aural’s whispers, “We are essentially stuck down here with you, and unless you know a way out, it’s going to remain that way.”

Aural took in the information and let out a frustrated growl.

‘Crap, this is bad…’ Aural thought to himself, ‘Those yahoos must be on their way by now. The monastery is going to be sitting ducks if I don’t get these clowns back up there. Not to mention my ‘guest’ is still running around down here. If he gets where he’s going, then everything I’ve set up will be ruined…’

“Um, Aural?” Fletcher frowned, noting his silence.

‘Dammit, I guess there’s no way around it.’ Aural grunted, having weighed his options.

Letting out a defeated sigh, Aural turned back to the group.

“Okay, follow me." He said grudgingly. "I'll take you to the nearest exit around these parts."

“You will?” Fletcher raised a brow.

“Yeah, I can’t have you guys down here when you should be up there.” Aural sighed, “But I suggest we get a move on.”

"...Thank you." Survival smiled.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Fury suddenly spoke up. "It was bad enough when we were following Survival's hunches, but I absolutely refuse to follow a blind donkey!"

“Look, Fury, I have my doubts too.” Fletcher confessed. "But right now, we have no other options. Unless you consider stumbling around in the dark an option..."

"Exactly." Aural nodded. "Now follow me, or get left behind. Simple as that."

"...Ugh, fine." Fury scowled. "Just don't blame me if we get lost."

"Duly noted." Survival nodded.

The group followed Aura's lead (Fury very reluctantly).

"So... why are you living in these caves?" Survival asked.

“Hey, no one said anything about ‘talking’.” Aural scowled, annoyed.

"Relax." Survival urged. "It'll help pass the time. Besides, we have several questions.

"Like how long have you been down here?" Fletcher asked.

"Why does everyone think you're dead?" Fury chipped in with a smirk, enjoying Aural's annoyance.

"Are you a zombie?" Caboose asked, “A ghost? A zombie ghost?”

“Ugh, fine.” Aural gave in, “If you really must know, I’ve been living down here for quite awhile. Lost track of how long to be honest. It's hard to tell when there's no warming sun in these caves..."

"How have you managed to survive all that time down here?" Fletcher asked. "Especially with your, ah..." He trailed off.

"Look, soldier boy, I'm no snowflake." Aural said bluntly. "Just call me as I am: blind. Always was, always will be… but to answer your question, I'm able to get around despite my disability because I have the power of aura to help me."

"Aura? Really?" Survival said, awestruck. "I thought aura was used mostly as a form of self-defense."

"Only for a rookie." Aural scoffed. "Sure, I can use aura to do those flashy, kickass attacks, but aura is like all other forms of magic, with various uses. For example, I can use the power of aura to sense the invisible vibrations that each and every thing gives off, map out my surroundings and show it to me in my mind. That's how I can navigate these tunnels."

"Yeah, right." Fury sneered dismissively. "If you can use your fancy aura like that, then why don't you tell me how many claws I'm holding up?" He challenged, holding up three claws.

"Fury, seriously?" Survival shook his head. "Of all the insensitive-"

"It's okay." Aural smirked. "I'll give it a shot..."

Aural closed his eyes. Shortly after, his ears begin to raise and twitch...

"It's three claws, isn't it?" He answered,

Fury's eyes widened in surprise. Scowling, he lowered one claw.

"Now, it's two." Aural declared, causing Fury's jaw to drop. "Yeah, thought you could cheat me, didn't ya, chicken-puss?"

Fury, incensed, lowered another claw, leaving only still raised.

"Wow, real classy." Aural snickered. "Also, little Timmy got a bat on his flank."

"Who's Timmy?" Caboose frowned. As he looked around, he noticed a little bat on his flank. "Ah! I'm Timmy! Ahhhhh!" He panicked.

“That is impressive.” Fletcher mused

"Very impressive." Survival smiled.

“Oh, that’s nothing.” Aural grinned, “I can use my aura to sense things for miles…” He then frowned, “Unfortunately, it’s not without its limitations.”

"Meaning?" Fury scowled.

"I can only use it when I'm concentrating. Really concentrating." Aural pointed out. "And it doesn't exactly help me to read papers or books, or anything that doesn't leave deep indentations on surfaces…”

“Um, what?” Caboose asked, confused.

“I think he means he has trouble reading stuff that are carved on walls and stuff, right?” Survival mused.

“Bingo.” Aural nodded, “Not really something I can use in the middle of the fight unless I get some space. In that case, I have to rely on instinct and my hearing…”

“So this ‘aural sense’ of yours… is that how you knew we were here and from the RDL?" Survival asked. "Because you've been watching from within this mountain?"

"Maybe I was." Aural said cryptically.

"So you've really been down here all this time?" Fletcher asked.

“Yep. It’s not so bad once you get used to it.” Aural shrugged, “It’s good shelter. There’s plenty of vegetation to eat. Water too. And up until now, peace and quiet.”

“But if you’ve been alive all this time, then why haven't you been back to the monastery?" Survival asked. "Surely, the others miss you dearly?"

Aural's expression dampened, then hardened.

"It's complicated." He said bluntly.

Survival wanted to press onwards, but chooses not to, seeing his hurt expression on Aural's face.

"Maybe it's for the best." Fury scoffed. "I mean, have you seen how stupid some of those monks were?"

“Fury…” Survival frowned.

“Come on, something ain’t right with those monks.” Fury protested, “Either being zoned out of their minds or being shady as all get out. Honestly, it looks like this so-called sacred grounds went to crap!”

“Hey!” Aural snarled, turning around, to Fury’s shock, “If I’m going to be leading your asses out of here, I don’t want to hear another word against the monastery! Just because things look off to you doesn’t mean you get to piss over all it!”

“We’re so sorry, Aural.” Fletcher apologized quickly, casting a side glare at Fury, “Fury can be quite insensitive at times… and pardon my Prench, a dick."

“Hey!” Fury snapped.

“Well, consider investing in a muzzle.” Aural huffed, “I may not be living there currently, but that place does mean something to me.”

“Of course it does.” Survival nodded, “...But if you don’t mind me asking… how is it that you have come to the monastery to begin with? Were you looking for enlightenment? Or were you born there? What is your story?”

“Ain’t much to tell, honestly.” Aural calmed down, shaking his head, “I was born unable to see, so I couldn’t even tell you where I came from… or who my parents were for the matter…”

“...You were abandoned?” Fletcher frowned.

“That’s what the others told me growing up.” Aural admitted, “As the story goes, the Wise Lotus found me wailing on the monastery’s doorsteps one wintry night. No parents. No notes. Nothing. I had many theories, but the most likely answer is that they simply didn’t want a kid who couldn’t see. And frankly, I don’t blame them.”

"Seriously?" Caboose gasped. "That is not cool."

“Not cool is right. I’m so sorry, Aural.” Survival grimaced.

“Forget about it.” Aural shrugged, “Looking back on it honestly, I wouldn’t know what to be more offended by: being abandoned, or the fact they climbed all the way up there just to leave a blind baby. I mean, you guys have seen those stairs, right?”

“Well aware.” Fury hissed, still agitated.

“Either way, the monks took me in and raised me like I was one of their own. And eventually, I was trained in the art of aura and other typical monk bull.” Aural explained, “Not much to write about honestly.”

“I see…” Survival mused.

“But if you don’t mind me asking…” Aural mused, glancing in Survival’s direction, “How did you know my name? I mean, I’d assume I’m not talked about much up there. Considering how they probably think me dead.”

“Well, we didn’t really find out till earlier today.” Survival answered, “There is a young monk up there that speaks highly of you. Relic Mystic. Told me you’re quite a master of the craft.”

“Relic?” Aural repeated, surprised, “So he’s still around? Is he alright?”

“Um, he’s fine, actually.” Survival explained, a bit perplexed by the reaction, “Why wouldn’t he be?”

“...No reason.” Aural shook his head, though relief was clear in his voice. “He’s a good kid. Didn’t think he would still think of me after all this time.”

“It is kind of weird though that Relic was the only one who thought of you.” Caboose mused, “I mean, that Mantra guy was your fellow disciple and he didn’t mention you till Fievel did. Got really mad too.”

“Mantra, eh?” Aural’s voice took on an edge, before scoffing and turning away, “...Why am I not surprised?”

“That is another question we wanted to ask.” Survival mused, “What exactly happened between you and Mantra? Did it have something to do with Chakra’s intentions to name you successor? I can imagine there must be some bad blood for Mantra to consider you pony non grata…”

“I’m afraid that is between me and him.” Aural said gruffly, “And even if it wasn’t, we wasted enough time with these questions. The sooner you guys get back to the monastery, the better.”

“Oh, okay…” Survival frowned.

As the group continued onward, Fletcher silently urged the others to hang back a bit.

"So... what do you think?" Fletcher asked, lowering his voice. "Is it possible that this Aural could be the one sending those letters? I mean, he is the only one in the mountain we’ve seen thus far.”

"Oh, yeah." Fury nodded with a glare. "He's definitely a big enough dick for it."

“I doubt it.” Survival retorted, “In case it wasn’t blatantly obvious, Aural is blind. Even if he could write, the letters were far too neat for a hoofwriting of a blind donkey. And he did say his aural vision can’t help him read any sort of paper.”

"So we're back to square one, then." Fletcher sighed.

"Better than square minus-one." Caboose remarked.

“Hold on, didn’t Survival theorize that the letter sender had a partner?” Fury frowned, “Maybe Aural has a friend down here with him who’s writing the letters.”

“That is plausible.” Fletcher mused, “But what would be his motive? Despite his bluntness, Aural seems rather protective of the monastery. Not sure why he would want to threaten them.” He turned to Survival, “Thoughts, Fievel?”

“Well, all I can say for certain is Aural is hiding something.” Survival mused, “I mean, everypony seems to think he’s gone or dead up at the monastery. It would be one thing if he had faked his death, but if that was the case, why is he still here?”

“Maybe he gets homesick too easily?” Caboose suggested.

“Perhaps… or something, or someone, is keeping him here. And if his insistence to get us back up to the monastery is any indication, the monastery itself must be the key.” Survival mused, “Some of the pieces are there, but I just don’t understand how it all fits together.”

"Let's just stay on alert for now." Fletcher instructed. "We already ascertained how tough Aural is. And considering what little room we have in these tunnels, it would be in our best interests to not pick a fight until we’re on more even footing.”

"Speak for yourself." Fury scowled.

As they progressed further down the tunnel, unbeknownst to the others, Aural have been using his aural sense, using it to seek out his former prisoner, hoping he could find him as he led the others out. He could sense the energies he produced rippling outward, bending and twisting around the winding paths of the caverns, allowing him to know every turn, every rock. Finally, he sensed the escapee, who was running about in a panic.

’There you are, you rat.’ Aural thought disdainfully, ’And if I’m not mistaken, it won’t be long before you get where you’re going. I’ve better hurry…’

Soon after, they reached a split in the tunnel.

"Okay, Mr. tour guide, which way?" Fury demanded.

Aural glanced at the two possible pathways, falling into deep contemplation.

’Okay, if I'm right, the path on the left should be the one that takes us out to near the stairs to the monastery. They’ll be back where they need to be in no time…’ Aural mused… but then he frowned, as he glanced down the other way, ’...However, that guy is getting way too close. Even if I were to hurry things along, I won’t catch him in time before he blows the whistle…’

He gave a glance back at the group, looking at him expectantly.

’...Hmm, what if… instead of sending them back up immediately…’ Aural shook his head, ’No, no, it’s too risky. If things take too long, those other assholes will come and the Wise Lotus will be doomed… unless…’

He used his aural sense to gaze down the left path and the outside of the mountain, checking to see if there was anycreature glancing in that direction. To his glee, he sensed nothing.

'I've still got time...' He smiled.

“Well? We’re waiting!” Fury growled impatiently.

“Hold your britches, chicken-face. I’m just confirming where we are.” Aural said firmly. He pointed down the path to the right, “This way.”

"You're the boss." Caboose grinned. "No offense, Fletch."

"None taken." Fletcher chuckled.

The group followed Aural down the side tunnel, which seemed to take them deeper into the mountain.

"Hmm, are you sure we're going the right way?" Fletcher asked.

"Relax." Aural said irritably. "This is a short cut. You all will be out of here and out of my mane in no time."

“Oof, a shortcut?” Caboose grimaced, “I don’t like the sound of that. Shortcuts always get everypony killed in horror movies.”

"This might not be the case." Survival retorted. "I'm sure Aural knows where he's going."

"Seriously?" Fury scoffed. "You're ready to trust somecreature you've only known for about an hour?"

"Not exactly." Survival replied. "But I'm good at reading others. Let's face it, if Aural really wanted us dead, he wouldn't bother with leading us around. He'd have left us to get lost in these tunnels, or worse yet, kill us outright. But from the looks of things, he’s more focused on getting us back up the mountain and back to the monastery.”

"But for what reason?" Fletcher asked. "What does he stand to gain from us being in the monastery? Is he expecting something to happen to the monks?”

"That, I don't know." Survival admitted. "But for now, I say we don't question it. Let's just be grateful that we've found somecreature who can lead us out of here."

"Says you. I still don’t trust him." Fury scowled.

"Come on." Fletcher urged. "Let's not fall behind."

"Yeah, better to fall ahead, instead." Caboose grinned.

On that odd statement. the group continued to follow Aural.


Outside and above the mountain the Red Rio was following Ube, who was currently making the rounds, talking with and inspecting his fellow monks.

"No new suspicious activity yet." Armory noted.

"After that little display earlier, I get the feeling it's only a matter of time." Black mused. "What do you think, Ballista?"

Ballista didn't reply. He was seemingly lost in thought.

"Ballista?" Black asked again.

"Hmm?" Ballista snapped out of his reverie. "Oh, sorry."

"Something wrong?" Sterling asked. "You've been oddly quiet for a while."

"It's this Ube guy." Ballista frowned. "I don't know why, but I can't shake the feeling that I've seen him somewhere before."

"I wasn't aware you'd been to many monasteries in your life." Black joked, “I mean, you do have the bald head for it.”

“Haw-haw, very funny.” Ballista deadpanned, “But there is something off about that pony.”

"Maybe he just has one of those faces?" Sterling suggested.

"Maybe." Ballista nodded, unconvinced. "But it still seems like he knows something about what's going on over there. So we should still keep tabs on him."

"You got it, chief." Armory nodded solemnly, having learned to trust Ballista's instincts long ago.

Back in the caverns...

The group's trek through the darkness was suddenly illuminated by a light in the distance.

"You see that?" Fletcher asked.

"Sure do." Fury grinned. "Looks like we made it!"

"I never doubted you for a second, Aural." Survival smiled.

“Whoa, hold on a minute.” Aural gaped, “Don’t rush off-”

"Head toward the light!" Caboose yelled, as the quartet raced ahead.

The group expected to run into sunlight... but rather than feeling the cold and fresh air of the outdoors, they instead found themselves in a spacious cavern with multiple lights and torches hanging from the ceiling. Within the cavern, there seemed to be some sort of activity going around, as a bunch of shady looking ponies of all breeds were going about.

Some were moving packages and crates around the cavern, others were working at makeshift tables, mashing their hooves into bowls. The group couldn't make out much from a distance, but it looked as if they were mixing something that left their gloved hooves a distinctive bluish green. When the mixing was done, the bowls were then moved to some other ponies, who inspected the substance within. Once the inspection was complete, the subtances were placed into plastic packaging.

Catching their attention most of all was the ponies going to a large pond at the far end of the room, scooping up its content with buckets and pails and taking it to the desks with the bowls, which then they pour the water into the bowls, the ponies there still mashing as they did so.

"What the..." Fletcher frowned.

"What the flap is all this?" Fury gaped.

"That light was very unsatisfying..." Caboose pouted.

"Aural, would you telling us what all this is?" Survival asked.

"I... couldn't tell you." Aural replied. "Maybe I was just mistaken. Even with my aural sense, everything looks the same down here."

"What is going on here?" Fury narrowed his eyes at all the activity.

"I get the feeling it's nothing right." Survival frowned.

"Only one way to find out..." Fletcher mused.

"Ask politely?" Caboose suggested.

Fury retorted by grabbing Caboose and dragging him along with the others as they hid behind a large stack of plastic packaging.

"What is all this?" Fletcher picked up one of the packages.

"Let me check."Caboose took the package from Fletcher. He opened it up to reveal a greenish powder, and tapped his hoof in it.

“Whoa, are we sure it isn’t poisonous?” Survival whispered nervously.

“If it is, a smidge of the stuff shouldn’t be enough to kill you.” Fletcher reassured him. “Go on, Caboose.”

“Thanks, pal.” Caboose smirked, as he licked the tip of his hoof that touched the powder. He clicked his tongue, as if savoring the taste.

"...Well?" Fury asked impatiently.

“Yup, no doubt about it.” Caboose handed the package back to Fletcher, “That’s 100% pure Jade Jape right there.”

“Jade Jape?” Survival gaped, “You mean the designer drug?”

“The stuff that can get you messed up for days if you take enough of it?" Fury asked. The others looked at him. "From what I've heard..." He said awkwardly.

“Oh yeah, that’s the one.” Caboose nodded, “Me and my bros busted a few of these Jade Jape rings back in the day. This stuff is notoriously hard to make. I mean, the way you make it is no different from other recreational stuff like Chirpy Cheese powder, but Jade Jape requires a type of ivy so rare, that the stuff can run up to half a hundred thousand a pound!”

“Wait, Fifty thousand bits?!” Fury gaped, glancing at the stack they’re hiding behind, “But there gotta be thousands of pounds here right now!”

“Yes, and as you said, Fury, this stuff is dangerous. We had a few creatures come through Brightdale that got their hooves on this stuff.” Survival frowned, “It drove them mad, unable to discern reality from fiction, going on about stuff that wasn’t really there. All that, just in the pursuit of a high.”

“Lauren Faust.” Aural grimaced, as he then whispered, “I knew this stuff was bad but…”

“Well, that is why when me and my brothers bust the rings, we burnt it all.” Caboose nodded.

“Then this must be a drug den of some kind.” Fletcher grimaced, “Specifically designed for producing Jade Jape.”

“A drug den? Here of all places?!” Survival gasped.

“Oh yeah, and from how efficient they are, they’ve been doing this a while.” Caboose observed the workers, “Rather impressive actually. That’s good work ethics there.”

“But this raises some concerning questions: how long have they been here?” Fletcher mused, “And how have they gone undetected for so long? There’s no way Mantra or the Wise Lotus wouldn’t have noticed something like this happening underneath their hooves.”

“Yeah, you would think…” Aural scoffed.

“What do you think, Aural?” Fury glared at him, “You wouldn’t happen to have known about this, would you?”

“What? No!” Aural growled, notably offended, “I had no idea!”

“Really?” Survival frowned, “Because I figured with your aural senses, you would have happened upon this ages ago…”

“Hey, just because I can see all over this mountain doesn’t mean I constantly check every nook and cranny!” Aural scoffed, “I ain’t the mountain’s keeper, y’know.”

“Let’s try and get a closer look at things. But keep your heads down.” Fletcher declared, staring at Aural, “Including you, Aural. We are currently outnumbered here.”

“Not a big deal for me, but whatever…” Aural muttered.

The group sneaked around the area, sticking to the shadows and making as little noise as possible, before coming to a stop behind another pallet of drugs.

“Hold up.” Fletcher held up a hoof, “Get a look at this pony.”

Fletcher gestured to a burly Earth Pony stallion, who was perched on a makeshift platform, overlooking the processes, as he began barking out orders.

“Come on, move it!” He yelled, “We needed this shipped out hours ago! If any of you wanna get paid, hurry the hell up! I won’t be the reason the guys uphill get all pissed at us!”

“Uphill?” Fletcher repeated, “...Are they referring to their superiors?”

“I don’t know.” Survival murmured, “The way he phrased it makes it sound more literal.”

“But the only ponies uphill are the monks.” Caboose remarked, “...Although, given their bald heads, they can all pass for Heisenberg…”

“What the hell is going on? First death threats, then zoned out and/or tweeky monks, then a boulder being dropped on us…” Fury ranted, “And now we’re in a drug den in a middle of a mountain. What’s next, a screaming lunatic?”

On cue, there was a shrill scream.

“Wow. You’re on point, Fury.” Caboose smiled. Fury groaned in annoyance.

“What the hell was that?” The drug den head growled.

Running into the cave, none other than Aural’s prisoner came stumbling in.

"Gahhh!" He wheezed, still running in a panic.

The prisoner collided into several of the other workers, ricocheting across the cavern like a walking pinball.

"Hey!" One yelped.

"Watch it!" Another snarled.

The prisoner, still lost in his mad panic, crashed into a stallion who was carrying one of the bowls, causing them both to collapse on the cavern floor.

“What’s this now…” Survival frowned.

“Oh, boy…” Aural grimaced to himself.

“What is the meaning of this?!” The head of the operation roared, “You think you can just ditch work and then coming rushing in, screaming like a mad-”

He paused, immediately taking in the pony’s disheveled appearance… and lighting up in recognition.

“Oh my Faust, Narco?!” The drug head gaped.

“Crack!” The prisoner, named Narco, wheezed, as he got up, “Oh Faust be praised, I finally found you guys!”

“Narco? Isn’t he one of us?” A nearby drug mixer repeated.

“I think so. But I hadn’t seen him in months.” A pail carrier mused.

“Where the hell you’ve been?” Crack grimaced, “And why do you look terrible?!”

“Oh, gee, I don’t know, it might have to do with the fact that I was held against my will in this very mountain for over a year, eating nothing but grubs and scraps!” Narco snarled, “For Faust’s sake, Crack, I’ve been pushing product for you for over a decade! Didn’t you or anypony in this cave notice that I was gone?!”

Crack and his fellow drug makers shared awkward glances.

“I just assumed you got yourself lost in these caves.” Crack admitted, “I figured when you didn’t turn up for two weeks, that you died.”

“What?! No one gathered for a search party? Or even looked for me?!” Narco hissed.

“Hey, we weren’t gonna risk getting ourselves lost.” A female Pegasus sneered.

“Yeah, besides, we’ve been swamped, making these Japes!” A male Unicorn growled, “You have any idea what stress we’ve been under?!”

“Stress?!” Narco repeated, definite outrage in his voice, “You wanna talk about stress?! I was being held captive by a madpony, and he made me write the most horrid things!”

“What are you talking about?!” Crack blanched.

“I’m talking about letters, man!” Narco roared, eyes mad with fear, “He told me to write about awful stuff like feeding somepony their own hooves, weaving skin into carpets, even..." He shuddered. "...bucking the fear turkey!”

“Letters… turkey…” Crack murmured, before growing a snarl, “Wait… those death threats the guys uphill been getting. They were from you?!”

“I had no choice!” Narco wailed defensively, “It was that mad ass! He made me write them! He said he was gonna kill me if I didn’t! Oh, Crack, I was so scared!”

Narco buried his head into Crack’s chest as he cried. The boss looked less then comfortable with the situation.

Fletcher and the others had been observing the altercation from their hiding place, but were too far away to pick up the entirety of the dialogue.

“Just what is happening right now?” Fletcher frowned, “Who is that pony who ran in?”

“I don’t know, but look at him.” Survival pointed to Narco’s attire, “It looks like he has been down here for a while.”

"I know." Caboose scoffed. "Hasn't he ever heard of Neighman Marcus?"

“But how could he be like that when these guys are clearly doin’ fine?” Fury wondered, “And what is that guy even going on about?”

“I can’t really tell for sure.” Survival frowned, “I can barely pick up a word… we need to get closer.”

Aural's jaw set in a grimace. His enhanced senses had allowed him to pick up every word of the conversation. And he wasn't ready to let his former prisoner spill the beans to anypony else. He sidled over to Caboose.

"Hey, Little Timmy." He whispered. "Don't look now, but you got another bat on your flank.”

“Yeah, so?” Caboose whispered back, not paying him any heed as he watched Narco cry some more.

“Well, my senses tell me that there’s something off about it. There’s something around its’ mouth.” Aural explained. Caboose’s expression grew pale, “It looks kinda frothy. I mean, I don’t wanna alarm you, but either he just had a cup of ‘jo or it has-”

“RAAA-BBBBBIES!” Caboose screamed in abject terror, bucking around, “AHHHHH! GETITOFF! GETITOFF!”

In his panic, Caboose fired magic beams from his horn in all directions.

"Caboose!" Fletcher yelped.

"Whoa!" Survival narrowly ducked under one blast.

Caboose's beams tore through anything they hit; they cut through tables, blew up entire stacks of Jape, and even struck an unlucky worker on the side, giving him a painful burn.

"YEOOOW!!" The worker screamed.

“What the hell?!” Crack gasped, pushing Narco off him.

"Caboose!" Fletcher grabbed his friend. "Easy, easy! Just relax! You're okay... You're okay..."

“Huh… huh…” Caboose whimpered.

"Are you nuts?!" Fury roared at Caboose. "Not only did you just blow our cover, you nearly brought the whole cave down! What is your malfunction?!"

“I was scared!” Caboose cried, “Aural told me a rabid bat was on my back and I didn’t wanna go the way of Old Yeller! Tell him, Aural!”

Aural didn’t answer at first. Due to his aural senses, he saw the carnage Caboose had wrought, having not expected such a display of destructive power.

"Is this true, Aural?" Fletcher demanded. "Did you tell Caboose he had a rabid bat on him?"

“W-well, it’s not there anymore.” Aural lied, a bit shaken, “Lauren Faust, I was just trying to warn him. I didn’t think he would go nuts!”

“You told him a bat with rabies was on him! How else did you think he was gonna react?!” Fury snarled.

“Um, guys, I think we might be in trouble.” Survival said nervously.

The entirety of the workforce were glaring murderously at the group, clearly not happy at the intrusion.

“Just what do we have here…” Crack glared sinisterly.

“This… is not going to end well.” Fletcher frowned.