• Published 13th Jan 2021
  • 2,430 Views, 182 Comments

Classroom Changeling - Someguy458

In the middle of Biology Class, Rove Hummel turns into a Changeling.

  • ...

Chapter 21: Binge Party (or 'How I Learned To Love That Pony Show')

I blinked. <You did?>

<Mm-hmm. Get back here as soon as you can, and Twilight will explain. Damn, it's still so weird to think that she's actually here.>

A little chuckled escaped my mouth. <Alright, we'll be there soon.>

Os stirred from under me, having been awoken by my laugh. "Rove? What's funny?"

I de-tangled my limbs from hers and sat up. "Just talking with my Mom. We need to get back to Lily's and—"

Os's eyes widened as soon as her gaze fell upon me. "Rove, have you seen yourself?!"

Huh? I glanced down at my hoof; I could barely make it out in the dim light, but it was a dark red now. "Wha— oh no, did I—?"

"—metamorphose into one of the new Changelings, either during or after our make-out session? Yep."

I groaned. "Alright, how bad is it?"

She didn't say anything; instead, she pulled out her phone and fumbled with it until the front-facing camera was activated.

I sighed, then looked over myself. My orange elytra was covered in brown mottling, getting thicker towards the base of my neck; my dark blue torso contrasted nicely with my dark red legs and head; my wings, tail, and fin were a nice shade of light blue; and my horn now had a second, smaller point just behind the first.

On the bright side, at least I didn't have those dumb-looking antlers.

"That's two transformations in the span of a week," I numbly pointed out.

"Three if you count your attempts at shape-changing," Os added.

"Not helping," I leveled a quick glance at her, not too harsh but still irked.

She seemed to get my intention and nodded. "Right, sorry. Just trying to lighten the mood."

I smirked. "Thanks, but leave the sarcastic comments to me."

She rolled her eyes, but still smiled. "Whatever you say, buddy. Now, what was it your Mom said?"

I blinked. Oh, right.

When we returned to Lily's home, we found Twilight and Mazarine waiting in the entrance foyer. As soon as I was in their sight, my mom began to stare at my new form. "Rove, what—"

"Yes, I'm aware I changed again, but that's not important right now; what's your plan?"

Twilight nodded, not at all fazed by the change. "It came to me when Pinkie turned on the radio; it was a news bulletin discussing how your leader is gathering top scientists from across the country."

I nodded, "I heard something similar while I was listening earlier."

"So I had an idea: I'm going to get Celestia and Luna, and we're going to go to the conference they're holding in a week."

Os gaped. "Y-you're bringing the Princesses here?!"

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

In response, my friend started to panic. I grabbed hold of her shoulders and got her to do a quick breathing exercise, regaining control of her breathing.

She had the decency to blush as she regarded Twilight. "Sorry about that; I'm a big fan of the show."

Twilight pursed her lips in thought. "I'm still rather curious about that, actually. And since the conference won't be for another week...."

Os looked over at me expectantly, as if I was the final authority. "What?"

"You wanna binge the series with us?" she asked, eyes pleading.

I shrugged, "I suppose it'd be worth a shot."

Os cheered.

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie bounced into the room. "I couldn't help but overhear you, and I have exactly one thing to say:


Then I realized something: "Wait a second, we have school tomorrow!"

Pinkie frowned, nearly deflating as she fell from the air.

Then she grinned. "How about Saturday, then?"

We agreed.

And so it was that, on Saturday, all of us returned to Lily's house and began the binge. It took two days of 12½ hour sessions, but by the time Sunday came to a close, we'd gotten through the first three seasons and the first Equestria Girls movie.

The entire time, the Equestrians pointed out little things, such as how the episode order didn't reflect reality, and how it took more work to solve things (like the Season 3 Finale) than what was shown; in return, we pointed out things such as the references to our pop culture and the inconsistencies we'd noticed, like their occasional use of the word "hand" (that one was, apparently, a fluke by the writers; even Spike consistently called his hands "claws" before they went to Canterlot High).

Twilight was particularly surprised at how many references there were to our world — particularly from Pinkie and Discord, but not exclusive to them — that were accurate to what actually happened. In fact, the show could be disconcertingly accurate, sometimes down to the word choice. She decided that, once she was done with this whole situation, she'd try and get in contact with the writers to see if she could determine what was going on.

Fluttershy wasn't particularly fond of the idea of strangers recording what she did, but we managed to explain that nobody was actually watching them (at least, not that we knew of), they were just... really good at guessing. Besides, the show's focus on morals helped reassure her that it was doing good.

Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity were all captivated by the idea of having such a large audience they'd never known about (although Rarity was rather displeased with how the writers tended to overblow her more shallow side).

Pinkie just kept smiling and quoting the episodes, even singing along with the songs.

Mr. Adler initially came to learn as much about Equestrians as he could, but eventually got sucked into the fun. I think it was the 'Huffy the Magic Dragon' joke in 'Over a Barrel' that finally got him to admit he was enjoying it.

(Speaking of that joke in particular, we were surprised to find out that it was also an adult joke in their world; apparently, there's a plant called 'magic dragon' that, when dried and burnt, the fumes act as an aphrodisiac. It's called that because the dried leaves' texture is similar to that of a dragon's scales. I was surprised that Fluttershy of all ponies had said it, but she said it just sorta slipped out before she could stop it.)

As for me? I can safely say that I now see what so many people like about the show, and I'd be lying if I said didn't enjoy myself.

Finally, as a capstone to the marathon, we decided to have some fun and watch The Princess Promenade (Lily had owned it since she was a kid). While it obviously wasn't canon to FiM, Twilight did actually recall reading a similar fairy tale when she was younger (it's actually where she got Spike's name from).

In fact, it was rather funny to them just how many characters shared names with ponies they knew. Rainbow Dash, in particular, walked out the instant that the pony sharing her name said 'Darling'.

Good-natured teasing from her friends ensued for the rest of the night.

On Monday, life continued on as normally as it possibly could. Mom went back to work (her burgeoning magic skills really helped in the kitchen), Os and I had another date at a bowling alley, I continued to practice my magic, and Lily even started coming back to school (granted, she was just as shy as usual, if not more, but it was still something)!

Meanwhile, the Equestrians came and went using the portal, sometimes venturing outside (luckily, Lily lived in a neighborhood of older people, so nobody recognized the main characters of the show). At one point, Lily's dad, Carson (who apparently had been away on a business trip the whole week), came home to find several ponies measuring the amount of magic that was in the air. After the whole situation was explained to him, he decided he didn't want to get involved with any of this, and headed to his room to catch some Z's.

Twilight also began preparing for her trip in earnest once the binge was over. She mapped out a route to Washington, D.C. that would only take her 9 hours of flight (not counting any resting or detours), then went through the portal to inform Celestia and Luna.

When she came back on Tuesday, though, her face was stricken with worry. "Luna isn't coming."

Os and I gasped. "Why not?"

Twilight shook her head, "She won't say. In fact, she won't speak to anyone until she speaks with, at the very least, you two."

Os and I looked at each other. What could she want with us? To congratulate us? To apologize for the hassle all of this caused?

Or maybe she was finally going to explain what those dreams meant?

Author's Note:

We're well and truly into the final arc of the story, fillies and gentlecolts. This is where several of the plot threads come together and clash with the stream of consciousness that is my writing style.

Yes, that's a 'with', not an 'in'.

EDIT (4/6/2022): Added a mention of Lily's father, Carson Brantley.