• Published 13th Jan 2021
  • 2,429 Views, 182 Comments

Classroom Changeling - Someguy458

In the middle of Biology Class, Rove Hummel turns into a Changeling.

  • ...

Chapter 23: The Note

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I once again woke in the warm embrace of Osmond — only this time, we were actually in a bed. I groaned, wriggling my arm out from under me to try and shut off the alarm, then remembered I had magic. The alarm clicked off, and only then did I remember that we both had school today.

"Os," I gently shook her, "it's time to get up."

She stirred, her pumpkin orange eyes blinking drearily open. "Rove? What day is it?"

"Wednesday," I replied with a smirk, "November 12, 2025 AD. A week and two days since I changed."

She pushed me lightly with a hoof. "Okay, no need to get so specific."

I giggled. "Not sorry."

When Os and I came into the kitchen, Mazarine was humming to herself, while Bea read something on her phone, using her magic to hold a stylus.

I smiled. "Glad to see you're finally using your magic, Bea."

She jumped at our sudden appearance, blushing. "Y-yeah, well, I've had a lot of time to pract—" She seemed to finally realize that it was more than just me there, as she suddenly asked, "Why's Os here?"

"Oh, y'know," I dodged the question, "some late night studying."

Mazarine raised an eyebrow. "Really now?"

Os, however, wasn't on the same page as me — either that, or she was too tired to get it. "What're you talking about? We—"

I elbowed her in the shoulder, making her flinch. But one look in my mom's eyes told me I wasn't getting away with lying. "Fine, we're dating now. You happy?"

She smiled. "I'm happy that you're finally happy."

Through the Hive Mind, I could tell she was remembering last week, when she'd asked me if I was going to do anything more with my high school life.

It was funny to look back at that after all that'd happened, so I smiled as well. "Me too, Mom."

Mazarine then winked. "Be sure to use protection."

I sputtered, face turning red. "M-Mom! Not in front of Bea!"

"You heard Mom," Bea stuck her tongue out. "Use some fucking protection!"

Everyone else shared a laugh at my discomfort, as well as Bea's comment.

"So," Os turned to Bea, "reading anything interesting?"

She nodded. "Project Hoof is taking place today, and you know what that means."

"Twilight's plan is about to unfold, right?" I guessed.

Mazarine nodded. "She and the other Princesses left last night."

Os blinked. "How do you know that?"

In response, she held up a scroll with her magic. We both read it; it was just a message saying that they were leaving, and that, if we needed to contact them for any reason, we could find Spike waiting at Lily's house.

"Yeah, that makes sense."

After a hearty breakfast for Bea (Mazarine was able to collect the love that the patrons of her restaurant felt for her food), and a bowl of cereal for Os and me, the three of us headed to school together. As we walked, people and ponies alike looked on at us, their auras seafoam blue (what I'd come to know as curiosity).

I responded by bringing out a wing and nudging Os's side with it. She glanced back at it, then carefully took my wing in hers in a 'holding hands' kind of gesture.

The auras of the onlookers changed, varying from apathy, to awe, to confusion. But that's when I stopped paying attention, as I didn't particularly care anymore.

Eventually, we got to our school. We said goodbye as Bea continued on to hers, and headed inside.

When we got to my locker, however, the mood was ruined. The door had been dented as though kicked, and a note had been attached to the outside:


Come to the football field at 4PM. I've got a score to settle with you.

— Harold J.

I blinked. What'd I do to upset this 'Harold' guy?!

Os frowned. "Who's Harold?"

I shook my head, "No idea."

"Are you gonna go?"

I pondered it. "I'll at least show up. I don't know if he wants to talk, or fight, or what. But I have a feeling that, if I don't show up, it'll get worse than a dented locker."

She frowned, but didn't object. The bell rang, and we headed off to our classes.

The first three periods were normal enough, even with the number of changed students and teachers. Ms. Una had come back, having changed into a taller unicorn (like Fleur De Lis), and was teaching Algebra again. Language Arts today was about the changed students sharing what they'd learned about their new bodies (I was surprised to see Lily show off her wings, however hesitantly), and English was same as ever, even if none of the students there happened to have changed besides me.

Then Biology came, and while the class itself was relatively the same (even with Mr. Adler now being a zebra), I couldn't help but feel like the other changeling in the room was trying to burn a hole through my skull with his eyes alone.

Then once the class ended, he stopped at my desk and gave me a hard glare. "See you at four, Rove," he growled, not even trying to be subtle, before walking out.

I blinked, connecting the pieces in my head. That was Harold? What'd I ever do to him?!

Mr. Adler came up to my desk while I was thinking. "What was that about? And what is making you pout?"

I frowned. "I found a note on my locker telling me to meet him on the football field at four. I think he wants to fight me?"

He blanched at that. "It pains me to hear of such a spat. Now tell me, why would he want that?"

"I don't know," I shook my head. "I think I remember him saying something last week, about 'paying for this'? But I don't know what I did!"

Mr. Adler's aura became golden. "I'll speak with the lad. Maybe an understanding can be had."

"Please do," I sighed in relief. He nodded, and I was allowed to leave.

The last bell rang, letting us all out for the day.

3:15 PM, 45 minutes from the fight. Was it too late to back out?

As I walked down the hall, I was stopped by Mr. Adler. "I have spoken with Harold, but for naught. He won't listen until he's fought."

"Did you go to the Principal?"

"As the transformations progressed, they've become more and more stressed, dealing with everything that's been messed. And even if I did stop the fight here, he'll only return when I can't be near."

I huffed. "Well, did you find out why he wants to fight in the first place?"

"He believes you to have spread this change, like a bad case of mange. I told him the real cause, but he found it too strange."

I blanched. "You told him about Equestria?"

He nodded. "The Princesses are enacting their plan currently, right?" I nodded. "Then one way or another, it will come to light."

I mulled that over, eventually deciding he was right. "Alright, but we're going to wait until they've made it public before mentioning it to anyone else."

He nodded, then took notice as I determinedly turned to walk away. "I'd advise you refrain from fighting, friend. Talking is the best way this can end."

"I know," I stated, more to myself than him.

As soon as I exited the building, Os came up to greet me. "How was your day?"

"Okay," I replied. "I figured out that Harold shares my Biology class."

Her tone dropped. "Did you figure out why he wants to fight?"

"He thinks that I 'infected' him with Equestrian Magic, making him transform."

She frowned, thinking for a moment. "Is it at all possible that that's what happened?"

I shook my head, "I don't think so. I didn't go anywhere near Lily after she'd changed, and yet I still changed!"

"But it's still a possibility?"

I shrugged. "I suppose there's a miniscule chance that it could've happened. Whose side are you on, anyway?"

"Yours, of course," she clarified, lightly slugging my shoulder with a hoof. "I'm just worried that he might have a point."

I held up a hoof. "Alright, I concede that there's a small possibility that he has a point. Only Twilight could really know for sure, but she's in D.C. right now."

Os nodded. "So, what do you plan to do about this?"

"I'm still going to show up," I began, "but now, I'm more determined than ever to talk it out."

She nodded, and we started towards the football field.

Author's Note:

Remember how I said that there wouldn't be any violence in this story unless something went terribly wrong?

Yeah, something's about to go terribly wrong.

EDIT (5/24/2022): Changed the time of the Princesses' departure from that morning to the previous night, and gave a reason as to why Mr. Adler can't intervene.
EDIT (3/6/2023): Added an illustration.