• Published 2nd Sep 2012
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Fallout Equestria: Wings of Steel - TicTac

A small group of Vertibuck pilots in a race against time to stop a Zebra plot.

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Chapter 3: Pursuit

Chapter 3: Pursuit

September 21st, 2077, 13:00 Shadow Field, Seaddle

A medical team had arrived and taken Swept Wing to a nearby clinic, his leg wrapped tightly in bandages. Princess Luna and Rainbow Dash had gone with them as an escort, as there were reports of more zebras in the area. The ground crew had returned from the armory with a mix of machine guns and assault rifles, and was left to cover the hangar with the rest of the pilots. 20/20 had been left in command.

“Alright, I want all the pilots up in the rafters. Make sure there’s crossfire all around that case, I don’t want any of those zebras within 20 feet of it! Ground crew, I want the machine guns mounted on top of boxes, and the ponies with assault rifles behind different boxes.” 20/20 said, moving up into the rafters with the rest of the pilots. “And now we wait.”

They didn’t have to wait long, a pair of flash-bangs rolling into the hangar and going off, stunning the ground crew nearby. These were followed by smoke grenades, which quickly filled the static air around the case.

“Shit! Open fire!”

The hangar filled with gunfire, tracers zipping every which way through the smoke-filled air. This lasted for nearly two minutes, the ponies firing blindly towards the rough location of the case.

“Cease fire! Cease fire!” 20/20 yelled, the gunfire stopping abruptly. “Get the roof open!”

The roof swung slowly open a moment later, the smoke clearing to reveal the scene.

The bodies of ten more zebras lay on the cement, riddled with bullet holes, but the case was gone.

20/20 flipped his radio on. “Commander Dash, the case is gone. The damn zebras got it back.”

“Acknowledged Corporal. Find it.” She replied.

“Roger that.” 20/20 said, his ears perking up at the sound of a helicopter taking off. “That’s not one of our engines! Everypony, get your Verts in the air!” He yelled, diving towards his own Vertibuck.

Swept Wing also heard the helicopter from his bed in the clinic. “Shit.” He muttered, looking around before slipping out of the bed and making a beeline for the hangar, a medic yelling something after him.

Swept Wing’s squad looked curiously at him as he came flying into the hangar, before finishing their very quick pre-flight.

Swept Wing galloped into his Vertibuck, strapping in as Golden Star started the engines. “Glad you could make it Sarge.” She said.

Swept grinned. “A bullet wound isn’t going to stop me from flying with my squad.” He said, shoving his helmet on.

“Alright ponies, form up on me and let’s get that case back!” The squadron lifted out of the hangar, just in time to see a zebra helicopter disappearing into the clouds.

“Shadow Tower, hostile is heading south, altitude roughly 10,000 feet. Requesting permission to engage.” Swept said, throwing the throttle forward.

No response.

“Shadow Tower, do you copy?”

Static still emanated from the other end.

Swept Wing groaned. “Sounds like they took out the tower too.” He muttered. “We’re going after them anyway!” He twirled the dial on the transceiver, tuning it to an open channel.

“This is Steel One broadcasting on an open frequency. A zebra force has just attacked Shadow Field and are currently fleeing, heading due south at 10,000 feet. Assistance is requested and will be much appreciated.” He said, leading his squadron up into the cloud bank the helicopter had disappeared into.

His earpiece crackled with a reply a moment later. “Hey bro! I didn’t think you ever wanted help from others, especially yer sister!”

A Vertibuck gunship flashed by a moment later, red highlighting over its panels.

Swept Wing chuckled. “Hey Swoop, and this is a special case. Fuckers shot me in the leg, not to mention stole back our pickings from last night’s mission.”

“Well, the rest of my squadron will be here shortly. We’ll lend you a hoof.” Swoop replied, forming up behind the Steel Wings as her squad started to arrive.

The flight of 16 Vertibucks was soon joined by four of the matte black EIS Vertibucks, making for a total of 20.

A red warning light began flashing rapidly on Swept Wing’s console. “Shit! Break formation and engage incoming hostiles!” He yelled, diving out of the formation as a large number of Zebra Interceptors dropped in from above.

The sky turned into a desperate dogfight, the nimbler Interceptors holding advantages over the Vertibucks in every aspect except armor and sheer firepower.

The four EIS Vertibucks were the first to go, scorching the air around them as they exploded, sending bits of shrapnel flying in every direction.

The Steel Wings and Swoop’s squadron held their own, downing several of the Interceptors by teaming up on one together.

“Heads up!” Swept and Golden ducked as machine gun rounds slammed through their plexiglass windshield.

“That was close, too close.” Swept muttered, firing off his last missile at one of the Interceptors, sending it spiraling out of sight.

One of Swoop’s squad went tumbling past, following the Interceptor towards the ground.

“Steel Eight to Steel One! We’re pulling out, Thunder Twister isn’t gonna make it I’m afraid. He just took three rounds to his chest.”

Swept Wing groaned. “Roger. All forces fall back, we’re not gonna win this one. Return to Shadow Field.”


September 21st, 2077, 17:00 Shadow Field, Seaddle

Swept Wing limped down the ramp of his Vertibuck, Princess Luna and Rainbow Dash waiting for him at the bottom. He snapped off a salute, which was returned in kind by the two mares. “The zebras escaped with the case ma’am.” He said. “We were forced to turn back by superior forces, and casualties of our own.” He looked over at where Thunder Twister laid, his body covered by a sheet.

“Understood Sergeant. The EIS is already working on how the Zebras found out it was here, and how to get it back.” Rainbow Das said. “And now, I believe Princess Luna had something for you.” She stepped back, Luna stepping forward.

“Sergeant Swept A. Wing, I first want to personally thank you for saving my life earlier today.” The Princess began. “And for that, and all the exemplary work you and your squadron have been doing, I hereby bestow upon you the rank of Second Lieutenant of the Equestrian Air Force. Secondly, for your actions today, I am awarding each member of your squadron with the Lunar Star, and you with the Celestial Sunburst in addition to that.”

“Thank you ma’am.” Swept replied. “Just doing my job.” He grinned, snapping off a salute.

Luna returned it. “We will have an official awards ceremony next week. Until then Lieutenant, you are dismissed.”


September 28th, 2077, 12:00 Royal Castle, Canterlot

Fifteen pilots walked down the aisle of the throne room, their blue Air Force dress uniforms neatly pressed. At the end of the aisle stood Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, and Commander Dash.

The pilots lined up along the front, and Princess Luna began to speak.

“The ponies that stand before me now have gone unrecognized for their heroic actions on multiple occasions, and some have even been serving in the war since it began, 17 years ago. This was only recently brought to my attention, and I decided to pay a visit to them last week. Now as you all know, while I was there, there was an attack by Zebra forces on the base. These pilots fought bravely, and one of them even saved my live.” She said.

“Second Lieutenant Swept A. Wing, I present you with the Celestial Sunburst for extreme gallantry and risk of life in actual combat with an armed enemy force.” She levitated out a gold medal that depicted Princess Celestia raising the sun and pinned it to Swept Wing’s uniform. “I also present you and each of your squad members with the Lunar Star for gallantry in action against an enemy of Equestria.” She levitated out a silver six-pointed star, overlaid with a dark purple crescent moon.

Each of the squad members got one, and Thunder Twister was awarded one posthumously. “I’d like to meet with you all after this is over. We have much to discuss.” Princess Luna said quietly.

“Yes ma’am.” Swept replied, he and the rest of his squad snapping off a sharp salute, which was returned in kind by Rainbow Dash, Luna, and Celestia.

“Lieutenant, you are dismissed.”