• Published 2nd Sep 2012
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Fallout Equestria: Wings of Steel - TicTac

A small group of Vertibuck pilots in a race against time to stop a Zebra plot.

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Chapter 4: Endgame

Chapter 4: Endgame

September 28th, 2077, 13:00 Royal Castle, Canterlot

The Steel Wings were all gathered in a small room off of the throne room, Rainbow Dash and Princess Luna stood in the front.

“Pilots, as you know, the Zebras have regained their megaspells.” Luna began. “We do not know how they got them, nor is that our priority. Our priority is getting them back, and not losing them again. You are the most experienced Vertibuck pilots this military has, and as such, I am placing you under the direct command of Commander Dash, who is in charge of getting those megaspells back.” She stepped back. “Commander.”

Rainbow Dash stepped forward. “Thank you Princess. Now, I have already alerted the EIS, and they have sent all of their available agents looking for the megaspells. As soon as they are located, I want you in the air and after them. Now Lieutenant, I trust that you can find a suitable replacement for Private Thunder Twister?”

Swept Wing nodded. “Yes ma’am.”

“Good, that’s all for now. Dismissed!”


October 2nd, 2077, 18:30 Neighllis Air Force Base, Las Pegas

Swept Wing’s Vertibuck swept across the runway, the tires giving a brief screech as he touched down. “How does Swoop stand this ‘no vertical landings’ thing?” He muttered, taxiing his Vertibuck into a parking area. He trotted down the ramp, and headed for the main building.

Once inside, he made his way towards the living area, easily locating Swoop’s room from the numerous times he had been there before. He could hear music blaring on the other side of the door, and pounded on it hard.

“What!” The reply came, the music going down in volume. Swoop opened the door partway, glaring at whoever was outside. “I was listening to my- oh, hey bro.” She pulled the door the rest of the way open. “What’re you doing here?”

Swept smiled. “Hey sis. I’m just dropping by to see if you’d be interested in filling a slot in my squad. Private Thunder Twister is KIA, so Steel Eight is without a pilot.” He said.

Swoop grinned. “And you want your sister to fill it? Well, I can’t say no now can I; Mom and Dad wouldn’t be pleased if I turned you down.” She said. “Just know this, just because you’re the squadron leader, doesn’t mean I’ll listen to you.”

Swept chuckled. “I figured you wouldn’t. I’ve already got all the transfer papers filed, so we can leave once you’re ready. My Vert is parked next to Hangar 8C, I’ll meet you there.”

Swoop nodded. “Got it, see you in a few bro.”


October 22nd, 2077, 05:00 Luna Needle, Seaddle

As thick bank of clouds dumped snow over the Seaddle area early Friday morning, a lone zebra rushed in to the Luna Needle. He waved his ID card at the receptionist. “I need to speak with Major Blueberry immediately.” He said, out of breath.

The receptionist nodded, hoofing him a swipe card for the express elevator.

The zebra took it, rushing over to the express elevator behind the desk. He took it up to the EIS offices, galloping out and through the maze of mostly vacant cubicles. He pounded a hoof on a door marked Major Blueberry, Seaddle EIS Department.

An old blue stallion opened the door, looking very tired. “This better be good.” He grumbled as the zebra stepped into his off. “What have you got Vladis?”

“We found the location of those balefire bombs sir.” The zebra replied, hoofing Blueberry a note.

Blueberry took it, reading through it, his eyes widening. “Good work, we’ll get a team briefed immediately.” He said, waving the zebra out. He sat down at his desk, and picked up the phone.


October 22nd, 2077, 06:00 Shadow Field, Seaddle

Rainbow Dash sat at her desk, drinking a cup of coffee. Running both the Ministry of Awesome and the Equestrian Air Force had taken its toll on the mare, leaving her both physically and mentally exhausted.

She groaned as the phone on her desk rang, picking it up slowly. “Commander Dash, what is it? Really? Alright, I’ll get them briefed right away.” She hung up the phone, downing the rest of her coffee before making her way towards the living areas.


October 22nd, 2077, 06:30 Shadow Field, Seaddle

Sixteen pilots made their way into a small briefing room, each grabbing a cup of coffee from the small counter next to the door. They took their seats, watching and listening as Commander Dash began.

“Good morning. As you all know, the megaspells that you captured from the zebras were stolen back several weeks ago. Well, one of the EIS informants recently discovered the location of them.” She pulled down a map, pointing at a yellow marker on it. “Their current location is just outside the zebra capitol of Roam, within the main zebra military base. Due to this, we will be sending you in with three flights of interceptors and one flight of bombers. This should provide enough of a distraction to get you close to the base.” She next pulled down a large satellite image of the zebra base, circling an inconspicuous crate that was set off behind a fenced in area. “From what our informant tells us, the megaspells are being held in this crate. It’s too heavy to lift with a Vertibuck, so you’ll have to get the case out of it. How you do that, is up to you. You will depart at 23:00, and your escorts will rendezvous with you over Hoofington. Pilots, you are dismissed.”


October 22nd, 2077, 23:00 Shadow Field, Seaddle

Eight Vertibucks took off from Shadow Field, headed towards Hoofington and then Roam. Though none of them knew it, events were transpiring that would make this mission their last.

A few hours after departing from Seaddle, the Steel Wings flew over Hoofington, their escort and distraction forming up above them as they left Equestrian airspace.

Swept Wing addressed his squad over the radio. “Alright, you know the drill. Low and fast, get in get out. Our escorts should draw most of the zebra fighters away from the base, and provide enough of a distraction for us to get in close before they notice. Steel 4 through 8, you’re going to cover me, Steel 2, and Steel 3 as we go in for the case. We’re simply going to blow the top of that crate open, drop the winch, get the case, and go.”


October 23rd, 2077, 06:00 Somewhere over Zebrica

The flight of Vertibucks hugged the ground, their escort starting their distraction, which was a bombing run, up ahead. As predicted, the bombers and interceptors drew away most of the zebra forces, a huge dogfight unfolding above the city of Roam.

As this happened, the Steel Wings struck the base, coming in guns blazing. Machine gun and gatling laser fire tore through any of the still-grounded aircraft, rockets and missiles streaking forth and destroying anti-aircraft guns while Swept Wing went straight for the crate.

“Fire in the hole!” He let loose a pair of rockets at the top of the case, blowing a hole in the top. He maneuvered his Vertibuck over the top of the hole, Steel Two and Three providing him with covering fire. Golden dropped the winch down into the crate.

“Got it!” Golden yelled, a green light on the console indicating the winch had attached. She brought it up, the case emerging from the depths of the crate.

“Bring it into the cargo bay. I’ll go check it out while you help out the others.” Swept Wing said, unstrapping and moving back into the cargo bay as the winch brought the case inside via a hatch in the floor.

“Yes sir.” Golden replied, bringing the Vertibuck out of a hover and bringing its guns to bear on the zebra base.

Swept Wing knelt down next to the case and opened it, the case popping open with a hiss. He lifted the lid, only to find that the case, was empty. “Shit!” He galloped back into the cockpit, strapping in and shouting orders into the radio. “The case was empty, I repeat, the case was- HOLY SHIT!”

A large cement slab in the middle of the zebra base slid apart, a large missile appearing beneath it.

“Abort! Abort!” Swept yelled, flipping his Vertibuck around and slamming the throttle forward. “Form up on me, we’re getting out of here.”

As the Steels Wings raced away from the base, the missile launched, rocketing up through the clouds an out of sight.

Swept Wing twirled the dial on his transceiver, switching over the long range radio. “Seaddle Tower, this is Steel One. The case was empty and there’s a big ass missile headed your way. Notify Princess Luna immediately.”

“Roger that Steel One, see you-“ The transmission cut off.

“Oh, they’re jamming us, wonderful.” Swept Wing muttered, switching back to the local radio. “Long range radios are being jammed, we’re on our own out here.” He said, seeing several more missiles launching around them. “And it seems like the zebras are putting those megaspells to use.”