• Published 18th Jan 2021
  • 4,339 Views, 24 Comments

Squeaky Mark Crusaders - Runic Script

The CMC get a special delivery of some magic pooltoys that may or may not be a prank.

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Pooltoys and Pranks

“Have we ever gotten mail to our clubhouse before?” Sweetie Belle poked her large cardboard box with a hoof, inspecting the label curiously.

“It’s Derpy, nobody really knows how her mail delivery works. Just be glad it works.” Scootaloo frowned at the contents of her own box, giving the rubbery grin on the face of the Diamond Tiara pooltoy a light bop with her hoof. “The real question is, why would anyone send us pooltoy versions of them of all ponies?”

“Ah think the real real question is, who in their right mind inflates a pooltoy before boxing it up in the mail? These big boxes are expensive.” Apple Bloom snorted, leaning in closer to the grinning face of the Babs Seed pooltoy. “Huh, they even got the freckles ri-mmmph!”

“So I guess this one will have- eep!” Sweetie jumped back as her box popped open, the Silver Spoon pooltoy inside popping out to full size. She huffed and picked it up to set it on the floor properly. “Even when they’re toys they’re annoying.”

“Yeah, well, what did you expect.” Scootaloo snickered, bopping pooltoy Diamond’s face again. “It’s Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, even their faces are annoyimmmrrph!” She flailed as the pooltoy suddenly pounced on her and pushed her over, pressing its suddenly not so rigid anymore grin to her mouth.

“I still don’t get why anyone would make these, though.” Sweetie Belle sat down in front of the Silver Spoon pooltoy, giving the big grinning toy a sceptical grin. “Do you think this is supposed to be some sort of prank?” She blinked and turned her head. “Uhm… girls? What are you-?”

Scootaloo was on her back on the floor, blushing and giving muffled complaints as the Diamond Tiara pooltoy forced a long kiss on her, slowly deflating as it huffed and puffed all the air into Scootaloo’s cheeks and from there her belly and rump.

Apple Bloom was slowly pushing herself up again on wobbly legs, grimacing dizzily as she slowly wheezed out the last of her own excess air, a shrinking bit of rubber around a valve the only thing left of the Babs Seed pooltoy, disappearing completely only a few seconds later.

“G-girls? Are you eeep!” Sweetie Belle squeaked as a pair of puffy inflated rubber hooves grabbed her cheeks, pulling her head back around to the Silver Spoon pooltoy that seemed to be grinning even wider, or maybe that was just the sight of its grin getting closer and closer just before Sweetie’s thoughts were all jumbled and blown around from a whole lot of air being huffed and puffed and squeaked into her head, cheeks puffing out and ears stretching and inflating for a moment before the air started to travel down her throat and down into her rump, thoughts getting whirled around even more and leaving her completely dizzy.


“Ugh… did anyone else have weird dreams last night?” Scootaloo groaned, resting her head on her desk as they waited for class to start.

“Kind of? I don’t remember much but I think it was one of those embarrassing-yourself-at-school dreams…” Sweetie Belle blushed. “At least I’m pretty sure ponies were laughing at me.”

“Yeah, I had one of those dreams where you realize you’re wearing clothes in class.” Scootaloo blushed as well, sitting up as Miss Cheerilee entered the classroom and hoping nobody would ask any details on what clothes she’d been dreaming about. Sometimes dreams were just weird. “What about you, ‘Bloom?”

“Ah dreamt about cider, Ah think.” Apple Bloom shrugged. “Lots of cider, but that’s still not really anythin’ unusual in mah family.”

Sweetie hummed and nodded, before looking around with a frown. “Did any of you hear something about Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon? They’re not at their desks.”

Apple Bloom looked over at the two empty desks curiously. “Huh, reckon they’re late or somethin’? Miss Cheerilee doesn’t seem to care so maybe they’re already excused.”

“Maybe they’re at some hoity-toity rich pony thing with their families.” Scootaloo shrugged, then grinned. “Hey, at least that means we have a whole day without seeing their dumb faces and having to hear their- whoa!” She yelped and flailed as her stomach suddenly expanded rapidly, turning pink and squishing against her desk and chin. “H-hey, what’s going mrrrrph!” She tried to push her belly down with a hoof so she could look down at it, but all it accomplished was making her cheeks bulge out comically as well with a pink tint before her belly expanded another few inches to squish into her muzzle even more.

“Scootaloo? What’s happeneeek?!” Sweetie Belle squeaked and grabbed her own desk for balance, blushing bright red as she was pushed up and forwards by her rump suddenly ballooning out under her, squishing against and around her chair and turning a shiny grey silver color, complete with a cutie mark of a decorative silver spoon. Sweetie Belle grimaced and blushed even more as her rump wiggled and wobbled on top of the now rather small chair, feeling much more sensitive with the way it squished and squeaked against it. “W-what’s going ooooon?”

“Sweetie Belle? Why does your rump look even more big and dumb than normal?” Apple Bloom flailed and pawed at her cheeks as her head started to inflate, mane flattening out even as it inflated and gaining a second, shiny light red tone in it. Her face tanned to a light brown complete with freckles, smirking around her huge plump balloon cheeks, muzzle and even her ears ballooning out bigger. “Everypony look at that big dumb squishybutt not even fitting on her chair~!”

“Apple Babs! Class has barely started and you’re already disrupting it.” Miss Cheerilee glared over at Apple Bloom, earning herself a thick balloony tongue blowing a raspberry at her. The teacher simply huffed and rolled her eyes. “Since you three apparently are starved for attention, why don’t you start with Show and Tell today? I have the things you left here yesterday. Silver Belle, Scootiara, that means you two as well, come up front.”

The three fillies all squeaked in surprise, trying to give a denial but failing for various reasons. Scootaloo barely managed a squeaky mumble with her cheeks puffed up and her muzzle still squished into her big ballooned belly. Sweetie Belle was still blushing bright red and only managed an embarrassed squeak of her own, biting her lip as her rump squished into the chair again. Apple Bloom tried to say something, only to hear her cousin’s voice coming out with “What’s Squishy Belle going to show and tell about, her giant butt?”

Sweetie Belle whined and blushed even brighter, wiggling to get her big butt off her chair and then helping to pull Scootaloo away from her own desk that she was squished into. Apple Bloom had little choice but to follow them to the front of the class, stumbling and almost tripping as her head suddenly shrunk back again to normal size and coloring, leaving her bumping dizzily into the nearest large obstacle.

She blinked and shook her head clear, then blinked again as she realized that what she’d run into wasn’t actually Cheerilee’s desk or the blackboard, but a large barrel of Sweet Apple Acres cider. She stared at it in confusion for a few seconds before squeaking as her hooves inflated to a light tan and started walking her in front of the barrel, grabbing the short hose connected to the spigot and stuffing it into her mouth.
Her eyes widened as one of her hooves moved to crank open the spigot, the first large bulge of cider traveling down the hose before she could even think of spitting it out again. All she could do was clamp down on the hose and try to wiggle her hooves to close the spigot again, pretty certain that anything would be better than spilling a barrel of cider and having her family find out about it.
That was all she could think about it before the first big gulp of cider hit her and gushed into her mouth, puffing out her cheeks and making them slosh audibly. All she could fully focus on was gulping down the cider as fast as it came, blushing and squirming weakly and giving a few muffled mumbles around the hose in her mouth as her belly filled up more and more with cider, growing bigger and sloshier and inflating with the familiar brown tan. She barely even noticed her hooves deflating again, only one forehoof still inflated and holding the spigot open while the other three pressed and squished into her belly, not even touching the floor anymore as they rested on her sloshing tummy.

Scootaloo was wobbling and waddling around her big belly, letting out a relieved breath and relaxing a bit… only to find her relieved breath come out as more as a squeak, and most of the air from her belly moving into her hooves and head, slowly turning the tips of her hooves pink. Her front hooves moved up on their own to squish her cheeks before feeling up her muzzle to find a big squeaky rubber grin, squishing and stretching it for a moment.
Just as she was starting to whine and blush her hooves dropped again, instead carrying her over to a bag and pulling out the items inside: a large shiny and sparkly inflatable tiara in gold with pink rubber pearls on top, and a thick orange inflatable rubber diaper in the same color as her usual fur, except for the pink frills along the edges, the transparent valve on the front surrounded by the words "Frilly Filly Fashions" and the picture of what looked like a heart-shaped royal seal depicting the tiara over a diaper and a pacifier, printed onto the flanks like a cutie mark.
Scootaloo only whined and blushed more as her hooves grabbed a brush to neaten up her mane before plopping the tiara on top, then stepped into the diaper that was already quite thickly inflated, squeezing and squishing herself into it until it was sitting nice and tight. A moment later she felt her hind legs deflating back to normal size again, all the air going back into her belly to make it squish and squeeze around her suddenly quite tight diaper, forming a second valve where her belly button would be. Her forelegs deflated as well, making her belly only bigger still and her diaper even tighter. All four legs still kept just out of her control though, forehooves squishing into her cheeks and showing off her silly rubber grin as her hind legs danced in place, waddling and dancing clumsily and showing off her diaper to everypony in the class.

Sweetie Belle blushed as she saw both her friends getting forced into embarrassing outfits or positions by their puffy limbs. That said, she couldn’t see any other props beyond what the other two had already claimed, and she didn’t want to get laughed at for her butt and failing something as simple as Show And Tell class. She turned around to see if she’d missed something somewhere, only to squeak as her legs puffed out and locked up, hindlegs straightening out at the same time that her forelegs buckled and lowered themselves to the ground.
It only took her a second to realize that she had accidentally left herself with her back to the rest of her class, and was now raising her big inflated silver butt up high, even shaking it lightly at her laughing and giggling classmates as a big grey rubber valve popped out from one buttcheek. Her face burst into a deep red blush, the poor filly whining and trying to hide her face against the floor from all the embarrassment, nearly convinced that it couldn’t get any worse or more embarrassing than this… until one of her forelegs lifted up again from the floor, leaving her balancing her front on just one leg while her other hoof started to slap and squish her rump.
She whined and blushed even more, nervously raising and turning her head just enough to look behind her, watching herself wiggle and shake her huge rump tauntingly at the rest of the class and even her teacher, slapping it and pushing her hoof deep into her squeaky squishy buttcheek.

“I think that’s enough of that.” Miss Cheerilee sighed and walked over to them, picking up the cider barrel and showing that it was at this point quite thoroughly empty. “I think everyone has gotten a good look at your diaper, your butt or how much cider you can drink. Now if you three can take your seats again so we can begin lessons for the day?” She herded a blushing Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle back to their desks before giving Apple Bloom a skeptical look. The filly blushed and wiggled her legs, trying and failing to touch the floor until Miss Cheerilee just sighed and started pushing and rolling back to her desk.

The three fillies didn’t pay particularly much attention as classes went on, blushing and trying to hide from the giggles and whispers of the rest of the class. Apple Bloom was rubbing her oversized sloshing belly, Sweetie Belle was squeaking and blushing as she tried to squish her butt down to a smaller size with her hooves while Scootaloo tried to at least take off the tiara and diaper, only to find her hooves veering off course at the last moment each time to either squish her puffed up cheeks or slap her diapered rump.

After about an hour they were finding themselves getting more and more fuzzy-headed though, as their heads started to inflate more and more to look like the pooltoys that had started the whole problem, thoughts getting jumbled as if someone was derailing them. Scootaloo blinked slowly, trying to ask her friends if they were feeling odd as well, only to find herself giving a squeaky yawn and slowly closing her eyes.


Sweetie Belle yawned and blinked awake slowly, wobbling as a dizzy spell hit her when she tried to push herself up from her desk. She blinked again and rubbed her eyes, then gasped as she looked around the empty classroom. “Oh no! Is school already over?!” She blushed and wobbled off her chair, moving over to Scootaloo’s and Apple Bloom’s desks to shake her friends awake. “Girls, come on! I think we fell asleep in class!”

“So? I mean, it wouldn’t be the first time.” Scootaloo groaned and waved her off, grinning and yawning as she sat up and stretched. “At least we’re done with having everypony laughing at us, if everypony else went home, right?”

Apple Bloom nodded, sitting up and looking around. “There’s that Ah suppose… hey, I already feel a lot better, too. Do you think whatever weird prank thing that was is over now?”

Sweetie Belle blinked, looking down at herself. Her mane was curly and bouncy as usual, her forelegs and hind legs looked normal and her huge squishy inflated rump had no hints of silver or any pictures of spoons on it. She gave it a poke with her hoof, pushing and squishing her hoof several inches deep before pulling back and giving her rump a slap that set it jiggling, blushing and giggling. “Yeah, I think you’re right! Everything seems to be back to normal.”

“Huh? Oh yeah!” Scootaloo jumped up clumsily, waddling as she turned around herself to look herself over, poking her squeaky diaper, squishing her hooves into her big squishy ballooned belly, her puffed out cheeks and her big silly grin. “I can move and stuff like I want! No more getting forced into dumb dances, now I only show off my diaperbutt and my silly grin when I want.”

Apple Bloom wobbled and wiggled her legs. “Ooof, yeah. And Ah can go back to guzzling cider at my own speed. Gotta keep myself at just the right size of big and sloshy.” She smirked as her hooves did indeed barely touch the ground around her belly, wiggling and shuffling forward around her desk.

“So, uhm… what do we do now?” Scootaloo waddled around on her hind legs, squishing her cheeks and twirling from time to time. “Hey, did any of you ever find out why Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon weren’t in school?”

“Probably somethin’ to do with that prank they played on us.” Apple Bloom blushed and scrunched her muzzle, poking her belly to make it slosh and gurgle. “We still gotta figure out a way to get back at them.”

Sweetie Belle hummed, slapping and squishing her rump to squeeze it between the desks. “We could go to Sugarcube Corner? We can plan there, and if anyone can tell us where they are and what they’re up to, it’s probably Pinkie Pie.”

Scootaloo nodded, waddling out the door. “Sounds like a plan. Last one there is a frilly filly!”