• Published 18th Jan 2021
  • 4,339 Views, 24 Comments

Squeaky Mark Crusaders - Runic Script

The CMC get a special delivery of some magic pooltoys that may or may not be a prank.

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Squeaky Mark Crusaders Sillybutts YAAAAY!

[One week earlier:]

“So why exactly are we looking for ways to prank my cousin and her friends in a library? Are you guys really that short on ideas?”

Silver Spoon looked up from her book, looking around for a moment before making eye contact with Babs. “Don’t ask me. I like libraries, but Diamond Tiara is the one who dragged us out here.”

Both of them jumped when the pink filly in question slammed a large book down on the nearest reading table. “We’re here because the librarian keeps all kinds of weird and useful magic books around and then loses track of them. And that means they’re up for grabs for whoever finds them.” She lifted up the cover to show it off to them.

“Patented Pranks for Perfidious Ponies…” Silver furrowed her brow before turning her attention back to her own book. “My father says never to buy anything that’s alliterated, because whoever made it obviously spent their time and effort on the name instead of on the actual product.”

Babs rolled her eyes, swapping some books between shelves. “How do you even know that book is actual magic?”

“Simple.” Diamond smirked and started flipping through the pages.

The other two fillies looked up to watch, staring as the book kept flipping through pages. And flipping. And flipping.

“...does that actually end at some point?”

“I have no idea.” Diamond grinned. “From what I can tell it starts with the basic stuff and the further you go back the more interesting and elaborate and magical does it get.”

The other two nodded, staring at the flipping pages again.

Silver frowned slightly. “Maybe you should… you know, stop? At some point.”

“Oh fine.” Diamond sniffed and opened up the book fully, looking at the page she’d stopped at. “Oh, this is… weird? Okay, so I might have gone a bit further into the book than I thought.”

Babs trotted over to look over her shoulder. “Pooltoy Possession Prank Potion? That’s… why would owning a pooltoy be a prank? Why would you need a potion for that? Just buy a pooltoy.”

“Oh hush up and let me read this.” Diamond huffed and blocked her view, reading and muttering quietly under her breath for a minute before looking up again. “Okay, so this is… really elaborate and kind of weird but the ingredients aren’t actually that hard to come by and if we pull it off this is absolutely going to get those blank flanks good.”

She pulled out a few pieces of paper from her saddlebags, along with a pencil, pausing to write down some bullet points. “Okay, so if I read this all right… this potion turns somepony into some kind of magical cursed living pooltoy or something? Except they’re not a normal pooltoy but they can blow all their air into somepony else to possess them, turn parts of them into a pooltoy version of the user and control them to an extent. Because of the curse other ponies will see them as a kind of merged version of the pony and the pooltoy and will think things are more or less normal no matter how they look and what they do.” She flipped a page. “The potion lasts about 24 hours and after that you just appear again where you possessed them… but the curse effects or whatever actually last for about a week.”

Babs blinked, trying to follow all that. “So… wait. You mean if we make that potion and drink it we can turn into pooltoys, curse my cousin and her friends, make them do all kinds of embarrassing stuff for a whole day and then laugh at them for six more days without anyone else catching on?”

“I… think? I think we’d need to experiment with some of the details but that seems about right.” Diamond nodded, writing down the list of ingredients and other instructions.

“If that actually works it sounds almost too good to be true.” Silver closed her own book and put it back on the shelf. “How would we test something like that, though?”

“Pinkie Pie?” Diamond Tiara shrugged. “She probably wouldn’t be mad if it fails completely, and nopony will really question it if she acts even stranger than usual for a day.”

Babs nodded. “Maybe that teacher of yours as well, if it works. We could see if we can set some things up in advance.”

“This all sounds like we’re going to get detention for a month.” Silver sighed. “But if it actually works it’ll probably be worth it just for the entertainment value. Alright, I’m in. Now what ingredients do we need…?”


“Fir- eep! F-first!” Sweetie Belle squeaked and blushed as her big rump got stuck in the door to Sugarcube Corner, then squeaked again as Apple Bloom wobbled into her and pushed her through into the café.

“Second!” Apple Bloom wobbled and sloshed around her, turning around to stick out her tongue at Scootaloo waddling up to the door. “Guess you’re a frilly filly then.”

“Well duh. That’s what my diaper says.” Scootaloo giggled, getting up on her hind hooves to waddle-dance and show off the writing on her padding. “I’m the frilliest filly in town!”

“Well plant yer frilly filly butt down over here or we can’t order.” Apple Bloom wiggled and flailed a bit as she tried to pull herself up onto the seat of the café’s extra-wide booth, squishing herself into Sweetie Belle’s big squishy flanks to make enough room for their friend.

“Yes yes. Don’t rush me, Pinkie isn’t going to throw us out if we take too long.” Scootaloo planted her padded butt down on the seat, bouncing a bit on her inflated diaper.

“That’s right! But I might have to help you fit through the door again.” Pinkie Pie giggled, pronking up to them. “Hiya, girls. Did you guys have a good day at school?”

“Ugh… don’t get me started.” Scootaloo crossed her forelegs over her big balloon belly, blushing lightly at the thought of the school day. “Diamond Tiara and her friends played some weird prank on us to embarrass us in front of the whole class.”

“Yeah, they made us look like the bunch of big dumb dorks we are.” Apple Babs nodded, then paused and reached up to squish her big pooltoy head back to its original size and look, looking a bit dizzy as she shook it. “Wait, what’d Ah just…?”

“Well, I got juuuuust the thing to cheer you up. I got a special delivery just yesterday and now I got your favorite special orders ready just for you!” Pinkie grinned and bounced in place a few times before rushing back into the back of the store, coming back in through a side door pushing a small cart full of tanks and barrels ahead of her. “Ta-dah~! It’s a bit bulky, but then so are you. So just let Pinkie Pie set you up with your favorites.”

“Our favorites? Wait, what do you mmmfff?” Scootaloo squeaked and flailed, cheeks puffing up even more as a large pink paci was stuffed between them, plugging her silly grinning mouth. A hose connected to a large helium tank on the cart and she only had a few seconds of confused flailing before the first bulge of the gas reached the paci, her cheeks ballooning out big enough to keep the paci trapped in place and the rest of her body slowly swelling up to match.

“Oh hey, is that a full barrel of Sweet Ammmlll mmhhmrr? Mmmh…” Apple Bloom blinked and wiggled a bit before relaxing happily as a hose was stuffed in her mouth for the second time that day, bulges of cider running from the large barrel down the hose and her belly growing bigger again to lift her hooves off the seat and then some.

“Wait, so what do I get?” Sweetie Belle blinked down at the large and normal-looking milkshake sliding in front of her. She took a long sip through the straw, smacking her lips as she tried to place the taste before a sudden rumbling and swelling from her butt distracted her and left her flailing to not get pushed off the seat by her own rump.

“You like it? It’s my new special ???-shake! It’s ???-tank flavored~” Pinkie giggled, clearing out the cart to make room for Apple Bloom later.

“???-tank…? That’s my favorite flavor~!” Sweetie Belle blinked as her Silver Spoon head shrunk back down, shaking away the dizziness. “Wait, why would I… I mean, uhm… I did say it, and it does taste pretty good. And fizzy~” She giggled, taking more sips from her straw, slowly draining her glass as her rump rumbled and inflated.

Pinkie grinned, bouncing away again to leave the girls to their snacks and tend to the other customers of the shop. “Have fun then, let me know if you need any help moving when you’re done~”


“Ugh… I’m full…” Apple Bloom groaned and squished a hoof into her belly, squished into the available room in the cart. “Nothin’ like a good belly bed full of cider to lie down on for a nap.”

“Well, you’re not the one who has to pull your big belly bed around town.” Sweetie Belle squeaked and wobbled, blushing as the harness strapped around her rump squished her butt with each step pulling the cart.

“And you’re not the one who has to look at a huge white butt the whole way to Sweet Apple Acres.” Apple Bloom blew a raspberry in her direction. “Besides, it can’t be that heavy with Scootaloo helping lift the weight. Ain’t that right, Scoots?”

“Mmmh mmm-mmmh mmmfff!” Scootaloo wiggled her hooves and nodded faintly, her own tail tied to Apple Bloom’s as she bobbed in the air above the cart. Her body was almost completely round, squished in by her big stretched and inflated pink diaper, with only the inflated stumps of her hooves and the big ballooned cheeks of her head poking out of her body, paci still properly plugging her mouth.

“Yeah, well, don’t think I’m going to carry you all the way up to your room when we reach the farm.” Sweetie Belle wiggled her rump, taking a step back to squish it in her friend’s face to make her point before going back to trotting along and pulling the cart. “Think you’ll be able to walk when we get there?”

“Ah think Ah’ll be able to roll, at least.” Apple Bloom snickered. “Don’t worry, Ah’m sure Ah’ll manage. Or Ah’ll just have to ask mah sis to help.”


Apple Bloom huffed and sloshed, rolling and wiggling up to their farmhouse’s porch and flopping down on her belly bed for a quick break. “Ooog… Ah mean, Ah know there’s nothing such as too much cider but maybe mah belly could be workin’ along with me a bit more. We’re on the same side here, buddy.” She poked and squished her tummy again, letting out a fizzy burp and giggling. “Yer right, y’all are doin’ a lot of work already holdin’ all that cider.”

“Apple Bloom? That you?” The front door opened and Applejack stepped out, pausing to stare at her sister’s oversized belly before rolling her eyes. “Ah told ya to holler if ya need help gettin’ into the house, didn’t Ah?”

“Heheh, sorry sis. Ah was just about to. But Ah needed to tell you somethin’ important first, so can you come a lil’ bit closer?” Apple Bloom squeaked, head swelling up into a big puffy squeaky Babs head.

Applejack didn’t bat an eye, simply leaning in towards Apple Babs’ head. “Oh yeah? Well then, what’s so secret and important y’all needed me to mmmff mmm mmmh?” She flailed as big chestnut brown forelegs grabbed her and pulled her closer, pressing her mouth against the big balloony filly’s.

“Mmmh… mmmh… huh…?” Apple Bloom blinked, eyes spinning as she tried to shake off the dizziness. “Wha…? Did Ah miss something, sis?” She blinked, looking up at her sis Babslejack.

The older pony grinned down at her with her big ballooned chestnut brown and freckled head. “Nothin’ important, sis. Ah was just thinkin’ about how y’all might just be old enough to help with a very important Apple family duty.”

“Huh? I mean, yes! Ah’m absolutely old enough!” Apple Bloom perked up, trying to bounce in excitement but only able to wiggle and slosh helplessly. “What’s the very important duty? Ah’m totally ready!”

“Well, you’re already quite good at being a big silly sloshy cider barrel belly.” Babslejack grinned, a big bloated brown hoof stuffing something plump and rubbery into her mouth. “But every good cider barrel needs a spigot to supply all its friends and classmates and bullies and other customers with high quality Sweet Apple Acres cider.”

Apple Bloom scrunched and went a bit crosseyed trying to see the spigot sticking out between her cheeks. She tried and failed to spit it out, just to confirm that it was sitting secure and without leaks, then looked up at her sister again to nod eagerly. Her big sis said that this was an important duty so she definitely wanted to do it right and prove that she was responsible.

“Lookin’ mighty good on ya, sis.” Babslejack snickered, squishing Apple Bloom’s cheeks and poking her belly. “Ah’ll make sure to teach ya how to talk around it, or at least mumble around it. But first Ah think a little test is in order.” A brown hoof bapped the spigot and opened it up, holding a mug under it to fill it with fizzy frothy cider.

Apple Bloom’s eyes widened as she felt her belly slosh and rumble, fresh and cool cider rising up into her head and turning all her thoughts fizzy and bubbly as it poured out the spigot. She moaned and huffed around it a bit but dutifully held still until the mug was full, thoughts jumbled and full of fizz and bubbles even as the tap was closed again, her sister’s words echoing through her head like through a cider barrel as she talked about lessons and tips and being eager and grateful to serve her classmates, especially those three bullies of hers…


Scootaloo buzzed her wings, blushing and tumbling a bit through the air as the helium seemed to randomly shift between various parts of her body, making her float upside down from her big balloon belly one moment before stretching out and showing off her diaper around a massive butt the next, and bobbing from a giant pink head moments later before somehow inflating her wings into a big pair of lazily wiggling pillows. Still, it was definitely better than being grounded so she couldn’t complain too much, tumbling and drifting towards a familiar cloud house until she bumped into the front door, hoof flailing a bit until it hit the doorbell.

“I’m coming, I’m coming.” The door opened and Rainbow poked her head out, staring at the big orange and pink balloon on her porch for a moment before chuckling. “Well, looks like you really are my biggest fan now.” She snickered, poking the filly’s belly. “Hey squirt, classes already over? How was school and stuff?”

“Mmmh mmm-mmmf.” Scootaloo wiggled a little, bouncing up and down slowly on the clouds.

“Didn’t quite catch that.” Rainbow snorted, grabbing the paci-plug and tugging a few times before pulling it out with a loud POP and a long warbling squeak of a deflating balloon. She grinned and leaned back, flapping her wings against the breeze as Scootaloo blew out a steady stream of helium, shrinking down until only her pink head was still overly big. “There we go. Want to try that again?”

“Mmmh mmm-mmmf.” Scootiara mumbled, wiggling a bit and waddling a bit closer.

“Okay, now I’m not sure if that’s still the helium or if you’re just messing with me. Speak up, kid.” Rainbow raised an eyebrow, leaning in and turning one ear towards the filly.

“I said…” Scootiara took a deep breath, belly inflating a few inches before she grabbed Rainbow’s head and pulled her in, leaning forward to blow into the mare’s ear.

“Gyerk-“ Rainbow’s eyes widened and her wings flapped wildly as she suddenly started to feel lightheaded, more and more air rushing into her ear, Scootaloo blowing and blowing until she collapsed.

“Hehehe, got ya…” Scootaloo giggled, stumbling around a bit and eyes spinning as she felt more than a little big dizzy. She paused and shook her head clear, blinking a few times before she looked up at Diamond Dash’s oversized pink head with a grin.

“Hehehe, you sure did.” Diamond smirked back, stumbling and wobbling and flapping her wings to keep her balance. “I guess I did teach you a few things about pranking, huh? Well, that just means we can move on to the advanced stuff. I’ll teach you everything you need to know to be as cool and awesome and amazing as me. What do you say to that, huh?”

“You will?” Scootaloo jumped up, eyes wide and sparkling with excitement, eagerly shaking her frilly filly butt. “That would be the best! I was just thinking on the way here about how you’re the most amazing pony in Ponyville and if anyone knows how I can be the coolest and awesomest filly in town it’d be you and how I definitely don’t need to question anything you teach me…” She blinked, tilting her head a bit at the last part. It definitely had been going through her big balloon head earlier so it was probably right. And buttering up her idol was never a bad idea.

Diamond Dash snickered, turning around to squeeze her big head back into the house. “Don’t just stand out there, then, we have a lot of lessons to go through and not much time. That outfit of yours is a good start but we can make you sooooo much more awesome. We’ll definitely need to stop by Rarity’s place in a bit but first I can teach you a few cool moves and catchphrases~”


“Rarity! I’m home!” Sweetie Belle wobbled through the door of Carousel Boutique, letting out a squeak as her rump just barely squeezed through and quickly closing the door behind her with a blush. “Rarity?” She carefully made her way between ponnequins and racks of clothing, towards the back of the store.

Opening the door to the sewing room, she found her sister working away at another design at her sewing desk. “Hey Rarity, I’m home.”

“Hmm? Oh, welcome home, Sweetie Belle.” Rarity nodded distractedly, carefully sewing a sapphire into the fabric. “Did you have a nice day at school?”

“Uhm… not really?” Sweetie Belle carefully shuffled into the room, only to find her rump getting stuck in the doorframe. “Eep! I-I mean, uhm, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were doing something weird in class to make fun of us? I’m not really sure how to describe it or what happened, exactly…” She twisted and reached around to squeeze and squish her rump to fit it through, air going into her head to blow it up big and silver-grey, her horn starting to glow.

“Mmmh, mmh, that’s nice darling. Let me just… now where did I put that emerald…?” Rarity frowned and started looking around her desk, shuffling swatches of fabric and other gemstones to the side. “Oh, I swear I had it right here… ah! How did you get down there?” She huffed and bent down to reach underneath her desk.

“I’ll help! Let me just, uhm…” Silver Belle wiggled and tried to tug her rump free, horn lighting up again to grab the door. Maybe just a little shove would… “Eep!”

The door slammed shut on her rump, sending her stumbling into the room and right into her sister with a squeak. She blushed as she realized that she’d ended up right up against her sister’s rump, muzzle pressed up against Rarity’s butt and unable to pull away again before the slap from the door pushed a good amount of air from her own rump up to the front of her body to rush out of her mouth, making her dizzy and lightheaded…

Sweetie Belle blinked and tried to shake her head, eyes widening as she realized where she’d gotten stuck, head squished between her sister’s big balloony cheeks. She quickly started flailing her hooves, pressing them into the other pony’s squishy inflated rump and pushing until she managed to pull herself free, stumbling back and landing on her own big butt with a bright red blush on her face. She quickly looked away from her sister’s rump, instead looking down at her own butt to see that it hadn’t actually shrunk down much, barely a few inches smaller than before and still quite cushioned and balloony.

“Sweetie Belle! Honestly, stop fooling around.” Sweetie Belle looked up to see Silvarity give her an exasperated glare over her big squeaky grin. “Maybe I should consider giving you some personal lessons about manners since that school doesn’t seem to teach you anything like that.”

Sweetie Belle blushed a bit deeper but couldn’t help but perk up. She’d been thinking just earlier about how to get her sister to spend more time with her and how to be more like the other unicorn, hadn’t she? And now Silvarity was offering to spend time with her and teach her how to be more like her? “Would you?! I-I mean, uhm, if you’re quite sure that’s necessary.” She wiggled and glanced away, trying not to look too excited about the prospect.

“Oh don’t pout like that, it’s unbecoming of a pretty little balloonbutt like you.” Silvarity grinned a bit wider. “It’s a great opportunity for you, darling. I know all about manners and you can trust anything I teach you. But how about if you pay attention and take my lessons to heart, I take some time to make you a new outfit that’s sure to bring out your best qualities?”

Author's Note:

To anyone who hasn't seen it yet, make sure to check out this story I wrote in a collab with MintyCandy.
It has a stronger focus on hypnosis and diapers but it's just as silly as this one.