• Published 23rd Jan 2021
  • 663 Views, 4 Comments

Unity - Marezinger Z

Equestria is suddenly introduced to an emerging but enigmatic group known as All As One. While bearing a positive message, its motives and methods soon bring it into possible conflict with the Equestrian royalty and their message of friendship.

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Rarity relaxed before her idea board, mind rolling through possibilities as she sipped her afternoon lemonade. The languid moment was halted by rapid knocks at her door, although they were far from unexpected. She answered the call to find Pinkie Pie with a pair of boxed confections strapped to her back.

“Special cake delivery for my special friend, Rarity!” Pinkie announced with a bright grin.

“Excellent,” Rarity allowed her entry. “I can’t wait to see them.” She noted as they headed for the kitchen.

“They came out perfect,” Pinkie assured. “All ready for your evening sorry.”

“That’s soiree, dear.” Rarity corrected, magicking the boxes off of her and onto the counter.

“That’s what I said.” Pinkie countered with a few rapid blinks.

“Oh, they are indeed perfect.” Rarity beamed as she peeked into the boxes. “Thank you.”

“No problem,” Pinkie nodded soundly, a pamphlet falling from her mane.

“What is that?” Rarity noticed the slowly falling parchment.

“Oh, some pony in a robe gave that to me,” Pinkie explained as Rarity lifted it with her magic. “He was nice.”

“I’ve seen a few ponies like that about the town as of late.” Rarity began reading. “All As One… is that what they call themselves?”

“I guess so,” Pinkie considered. “Sounds kinda spooky.”

“Agreed, but I suppose if they aren’t causing any harm then it’s fine,” Rarity concluded. “No sense in judging harshly without knowing much.”

“True,” Pinkie concurred with a light waggle of her head. “Well, have fun tonight, I have some more deliveries to make.”

“I shall, dear,” Rarity quickly hugged her. “Thank you again.”

Pinkie waved and bounded back out onto the main road. Going about her day as normal, she noticed more and more ponies gathering around the strange, robed visitors and chatting excitedly about whatever they were hearing. Following her final delivery, she decided to reroute and headed for Twilight’s castle to see if she had any info on what was happening around Ponyville. Calling for her friend as she cracked open the castle door, Pinkie stepped in to only silence. As she skipped down the corridors the sound of voices both familiar and foreign worked their way into her ears. Tracing them to the study, she found Twilight in mid conversation with a robed Unicorn mare.

“Oh, hello there miss.” The visitor halted their talk as she noticed the new addition.

“Pinkie?” Twilight took notice as well.

“Hey, sorry to interrupt.” Pinkie apologized as she joined them.

“Not at all.” Twilight welcomed her over.

“I am called XXV.” The mare tipped her head. "A pleasure, miss."

“Like the number?" Pinkie eyed her quizzically. "Well, I’m Pinkie Pie. Welcome to Ponyville.” Pinkie greeted. “Are you with that ‘All As One’ thing too?”

“You know about them?” Twilight asked.

“I got one of your pamphlets.” She explained.

“Yes, I am part of a group that has been tasked with traveling across Equestria to introduce ourselves.” XXV informed. “That does prove to be the most efficient way.” She looked back to Twilight. “I felt it pertinent to introduce our group to the Princess of Friendship, seeing as she more than any might be interested in our philosophy.” She turned to the adjacent window, viewing the waning afternoon light. “I’m sorry, but we need to head out before it gets too late. We have a bit of a walk back to our camp. It was wonderful to meet you, Princess; and you as well Pinkie Pie.”

“Thank you for stopping by,” Twilight walked with her back to the front door. “Have a safe trip.”

“Thank you, we look forward to hearing your response.” XXV gave a pleasant wave as she headed out onto the road.

Pinkie came up behind Twilight as she closed the door. “That’s funny, I came to ask if you knew anything about them?”

“I still don’t,” Twilight admitted, a hint of troubled worry in her voice. “They speak a good message, great in fact… but, there’s just something… off about it all.” She turned back to Pinkie. “Kind of like it’s too good to be true.”

“You think they’re up to no good?” Pinkie asked.

“No… not really,” Twilight sighed. “I don’t know, XXV said that their group promotes a special kind of unity that transcends species. They’re open to all and she said they have members including dragons, griffons, buffalo, yaks and even hippogriffs.”

“What did they want with you?” Pinkie further questioned.

“Well, as Princess of Friendship, she said they recognize my ability to bring creatures together and asked if I would be interested in visiting their compound.”

“Are you going to go?”

“I want to talk to Princess Celestia first,” Twilight said surely. “My position has to be taken into consideration, I don’t want to carelessly give the appearance of being for or against anything.” Her horn lit as she prepared to teleport. “Would you mind waiting for Spike to get back and telling him where I went?”

“No problem.” Pinkie saluted as Twilight vanished.

Twilight instantly appeared at the gates of Canterlot castle; she hurried in and made her way to the throne room to see Celestia. Along the way, she spied another pair of the robed ponies within the castle talking with some of the high-society locals; as friendly as they seemed she felt a twinge in her gut as they noticed her and waved. Upon reaching the throne, Celestia offered her a warm smile at the surprise visit.

“Twilight, how unexpected.” Celestia stepped from the royal seat and met with her.

“Hello, Princess,” Twilight quickly greeted. “Sorry to show up so suddenly.”

“Not at all,” Celestia shook her head. “You know you are always welcome to visit; this place will be yours sooner or later.” She reminded with a smirk. “What brings you by today?”

“Have you spoken with any of those robed ponies that have been popping up all over?” Twilight asked.

“Ah, as a matter of fact I have.” Celestia nodded. “I was visited earlier this morning by one of their representatives.”

“Same here,” Twilight informed. “They invited me to visit their camp.”

“I see.”

“I didn’t commit to anything,” Twilight quickly added. “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about them first. I know this sounds weird, but… did they seem off to you?”

Celestia’s face seem to reluctantly sadden. “Yes, a bit.”

“Oh… that’s a relief,” Twilight sighed, happy to know her treasured mentor shared her gut feeling.

“That being said, I have still allowed them to speak freely within the city.” Celestia continued. “The message they speak is not without merit and they have not demonstrated any ill intent; still, even Luna agreed that we should keep a measured eye on their activity.”

“What do you make of it all?” Twilight inquired further.

“Well, I’ve seen something like this before; almost six hundred years ago.” Celestia began as her mind retraced ancient memories. “It was all so similar, a group of ponies wearing identical garb and spreading a message; although… their message was far darker in tone.”

“How so?”

“They claimed their leader to be a prophet of sorts and that he had seen visions concerning the end of the world.” Celestia detailed.

“What?” Twilight’s eyes widened. “That’s crazy.”

“Perhaps, but that didn’t stop them from convincing hundreds of ponies that the world was coming to an end; there was panic and widespread fear as more and more flocked to their so called leader as he claimed he could save those who devoted themselves to him.”

“What did you do?”

“At first, I tried my best to offer my own words of solace that no such fate would come to pass. After a while, it became evident that the only thing I could do was let his farce play out; when it did not come to pass, I was able to reconnect with those that had flocked to his side and put an end to his group.”

“That sounds dangerous,” Twilight noted. “If you know what can happen, why let this group just roam around?”

“As I said, their message is not outright ignoble.” Celestia reminded. “I must also consider how it would look if I, one who spreads the ideals of friendship and tolerance, were to immediately label them a threat and seek to silence them. Such a move would be more costly to me in the long run than allowing them to walk freely in the moment.

“I… yeah,” Twilight slowly concurred. “I didn’t think about it that way.”

“You will learn to, Twilight.” Celestia reassured. “You already demonstrated such insight in not openly accepting their proposal without further information and seeking my council on the matter. You become a wiser Princess with each passing day.”

“Thank you,” Twilight humbly accepted the praise. “Given what you’ve told me though, I think I should go; it might be the only chance I have to get inside and learn what I can.”

“I think that would be best,” Celestia agreed. “Still, even though you are a Princess, be on your guard.”

“I always am, Princess.” Twilight smiled with renewed confidence. “I’ll let you know what I find.” Twilight stepped back and teleported herself away once more.

With a clearer opinion on the matter, Twilight headed out the next morning to see All As One for herself. Giving her friends a heads up as to her location, she followed the map on the back of one of the readily available pamphlets that marked their encampment. Far removed from any major hub, the collection of temporary tents and dwellings rested in a clearing; surrounded by a heavy wooden wall, the camp gave off the appearance of a fort. Twilight glided downward and landed before the parted entry; no one seemed to stand guard so she stepped into the grounds and was soon approached.

“Princess Twilight,” A stallion made his way to her. “We had hoped you would visit us, this is a great honor.”

“Thank you,” Twilight smiled. “I felt I should see your group first hoof so I could learn more.” She glanced around, noting some familiar faces from Ponyville who had seemed to answer their call alongside all manner of robed creatures. “Is there some creature in charge that I may speak with?”

“Of course,” The stallion began walking towards the massive tent at the camp’s center. “Our three heads are here to meet with all who wish to know more about what we offer; they are second only to our glorious leader.”

“And who might that be?” Twilight asked, keen for a name.

“The majestic Princess Unity.”

“P…Princess?” Twilight stammered. “You mean… another Alicorn?”

“Oh yes,” The stallion nodded. “Her wisdom and philosophies are the basis of All As One.” As they approached the entry, he gestured inside. “Please, I know they will be thrilled to see you.”

Twilight entered and found more visitors and group members; she immediately noticed a trio in royal blue robes that made them grandly stand out against the sea of white robes.

“Princess, we are so pleased to see you here.” The Unicorn in their center bowed. “I am known as Alpha.”

“That’s… a unique name.” Twilight noted.

“We forsook our birth names when we took up our mantle as head of All As One.” She continued, gesturing to the large Earth Pony stallion to her right. “This is Gamma,” She then gestured to the fairer Pegasus on her left. “And this is Sigma.”

“An honor, Princess.” Sigma bowed.

“Likewise.” Gamma did the same.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” Twilight greeted in return. “I appreciate the invitation.”

“Of course, Princess,” Alpha tipped her head. “All are welcome here, but we thought it imperative to reach out the royalty of Equestria above all else.”

“Speaking of which,” Twilight ran her eyes across the trio. “I heard that you answer to a Princess Unity.”

“Indeed we do,” Sigma confirmed. “We are her eyes and ears when it comes to the goings on of the world.”

“We are her tongue, that her word may spread.” Gamma continued.

“We are her will, seeing her work done.” Alpha concluded.

“I see,” Twilight smiled uncomfortably at their eerie proclamation. “Would it ever be possible to meet with her? I would certainly love to meet a fellow Alicorn.”

“Princess Unity only makes herself known when it is absolutely necessary.” Alpha informed. “She trusts us wholly to engage the world on her behalf.”

“Sounds like the private type,” Twilight jested, not getting much of a response. “Anyway, if that’s the case I do have some questions for you about All As One; if you don’t mind.”

“It is our duty to inform the world of what we are and what we stand for,” Gamma noted. “We will answer all your questions to the best of our ability.”

“Thank you,” Twilight nodded in acceptance of the offer. “Firstly, I must admit, your group appeared rather suddenly and all over the area; just how long has All As One been active?”

“We will confess, under the orders of Princess Unity, recent expansion has been swift.” Alpha began.

“All As One was founded almost ten years ago now,” Gamma continued. “We three were instrumental in its creation.”

“We were the first to experience Princess Unity and she herself made those important first steps,” Sigma carried on. “As time went by, she entrusted the three of us to act as her hoof in the world to spread her message.”

“Given the outright variety of creatures I see here, it seems that your message has been well received.” Twilight noted.

“Indeed.” Alpha nodded.

“Princess Celestia and I work towards the same goal, spreading the message of friendship in order to bring creatures together.”

“That is true,” Sigma took over. “However, what we offer is something beyond mere friendship.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“We say this without any disrespect, Princess,” Gamma began. “But friendship, as wonderful as it is, still lacks something that All As One offers.”

“What is that exactly?” She tilted her head in suspect.

“True oneness between the species.” Alpha explained. “Friendship is basically a peace treaty, it creates harmony between different creatures but at their core, the differences they feel still remain. That harmony is also fragile, able to be broken far easier than it is to be forged; All As One goes beyond a mere treaty and offers true kinship by removing those core differences.”

Twilight felt a great unease wash over her at the bizarre notion. “Removing?” She repeated.

“Removing is perhaps a harsh word,” Gamma took over. “In essence, we help creatures shed the ideology that creatures are fundamentally different in any way. We are born into this world seeing ourselves as Pony, or Dragon or Grifffon; we give our children names using conventions that lend themselves to acknowledging the differences in species, we create species specific culture and tradition that further breeds these seemingly natural differences. All As One removes all of this, so that when creatures look at one another all they see is another being that is no different from what they are; once they cross that bridge, true unity is achieved.”

Twilight absorbed their ideology with careful measure. “That sounds… unsettlingly familiar.” She confessed.

“Does it?” Alpha asked.

“My friend and student Starlight Glimmer had an ideology similar to your own,” Twilight detailed. “She hated the cutie marks that made us unique and sought to get rid of them entirely in hopes of making all ponies equal. What she didn’t realize though, is that stripping ponies of what makes them unique leads to a world of gray where individual will and imagination is lost. Those things are what make the world so special and vibrant. What you suggest sounds like taking this to the next level; culture and tradition are important and are what help the world continue to evolve. I won’t say that you aren’t right about the harmony of friendship being fragile and easily broken, but again, that is what makes it so precious and so worth fighting for.”

“You yourself have had to fight for your very life against creatures who wanted to undo your work, haven’t you?” Sigma asked.

“Well yes, more than once.” Twilight confirmed.

“If those creatures embraced true unity, they would not have become threats in the first place.” She continued. “True unity removes concepts like good and evil, friend and enemy or right and wrong; unity brings a peace that will forever be beyond the reach of mere friendship and harmony. Is a peaceful world, devoid of conflict, not worth any price?”

Twilight shook her head confidently. I understand the desire for true peace, more than any creature; but I can’t see how abandoning the things that make us unique is ever a good thing.” She offered them a sincere smile. “Yes, I have had to fight and I’m sure I will have to fight many more battles; but those are fights I will always be willing to have if it means not only protecting our bonds of friendship but also protecting every creature’s right to maintain what makes them unique. If we didn’t have anything unique about us, we would have nothing to share with one another to make us love one another that much more. We wouldn’t have unique foods, or music, or art; we wouldn’t be able to become friends or even fall in love because of those very differences.” Saying all of this aloud made Twilight feel even more confident about her position on the matter. “We may never have full peace, but some costs are just too high no matter how logical or right paying it may seem.”

The three robed ponies gave each other questioning looks before turning their attention back to Twilight.

“We see,” Alpha began. “Our ends may be the same, but our paths of reaching that end seem to diverge.”

“I don’t want to seem hostile,” Twilight assured. “I may not agree with your methods, but creatures are free to pursue life the best way they know how; if your path has made you happy then I am glad.”

“We appreciate that, Princess Twilight.” Gamma tipped his head.

“Even so,” Sigma interjected. “There will no doubt come a time when Princess Unity’s message will become at odds with your own. Such an inevitability makes me believe we should demonstrate the superiority of unity.”

“I agree.” Alpha concurred. “Princess Twilight, would you object to a demonstration of what unity can achieve? Friendship is a powerful force, literally magical in many cases, but unity can achieve even greater heights.”

Twilight let out a concerned hum. “What exactly do you mean by a demonstration?”

“Allow us to join you and the other Princesses in Canterlot,” Alpha explained. “We can speak again and show you first hoof what unity can achieve for differing species; it should impress you enough to make you reconsider your stance.”

“Well, I suppose that couldn’t hurt.” Twilight thought it over briefly. “I’ll contact Princess Celestia and see what she thinks; with her okay, I’ll send word back here to you.”

“That is acceptable.” Alpha nodded.

“Thank you, Princess.” Gamma did the same.

“We will happily await her decision.” Sigma copied them.

“Very well,” Twilight acknowledged. “I will get back to you as soon as I get an answer.” Twilight bid them farewell and headed back into the sky and towards her home; a part of her deeply shaken by the bizarre encounter.

Twilight took the night to think before returning to Canterlot the next day, wanting to fully process her thoughts and feelings about All As One. Upon her return to the Equestrian capitol, she made sure that Princess Celestia was fully free so they could speak in peace. Celestia led her to her chambers, shutting the door behind them as Twilight sat.

“So, how did your visit to All As One fare?” Celestia sat across from her at the tea table.

“Creepily enlightening,” Twilight said with a shudder. “Their message may be good, but everything about them gives me the creeps.”

“How so?”

“Remember what I told you about our confrontation with Starlight? Well, it’s like they stole her idea and took it to the next level. They think that true peace can be achieved through unity; but by unity, they mean stripping away everything that makes a creature an individual so that they see the world in a warped neutrality.”

Celestia frowned at the idea. “I see, that is troubling.” She looked to her former pupil. “What was your response?”

“I disagreed as politely as I could,” Twilight answered with a sigh. “But I made it clear that my principals and beliefs in the magic of friendship still stand.”

Celestia smiled proudly. “Well said.”

“The weirdest part of all… they’re led by another Princess.” Twilight eyed Celestia in confusion. “A Princess Unity, have you ever heard of her?”

“Why no,” Celestia was taken aback by the idea of another Alicorn of which she was unaware. “Was she there?”

“No, they said she only shows up when she feels it’s necessary.” Twilight explained. “All As One is led by three ponies; a Unicorn, a Pegasi and an Earth Pony, it's kind of like a twisted version of the EUP." She laid her hoof to her chest. "They've even given up their birth names and call themselves Alpha, Sigma and Gamma now. Even their members are referred to in numeric fashion."

“That is strange.”

“No kidding,” Twilight agreed with a troubled laugh. “They think even names lead to a break in their unity; it’s like they deconstruct you until literally nothing is left but their own ideology. It… honestly scared me to even think about it.” Her eyes grew hard. “They want to come here, to demonstrate the power of unity… whatever that means. I told them I would ask you first.” She shook her head in muddied thought. “I honestly can’t tell if they’re dangerous or not; all I know is that I think what they are doing is going to lead to trouble.”

Celestia took a long breath as she thought about the many ways this could play out. “Well, even if they do attempt some kind of aggression, I would rather it be on our ‘home turf’ as Rainbow Dash would say.”

“Should I go ahead and invite them?” Twilight asked.

Celestia slowly nodded. “Yes, but we will take great precaution just in case they overstep their bounds. I will let Luna know of all this as well.”

“Okay,” Twilight nodded in agreement. “I’ll bring my friends too, just in case.”

“A sound idea,” Celestia stood. “Very well, give them my blessing to come and we will see what their unity is all about.”

“Yes, Princess.” Twilight rose, feeling better in the knowledge that they stood together on this. I’ll have Spike send word as soon as I hear back from them.” Horn shining, Twilight vanished in a flash of magic. Once back in Ponyville, she asked Spike to pen a letter agreeing to Alpha, Sigma and Gamma’s request; having him take it personally with instruction to not stay any longer than necessary. While he was away, she went to Pinkie and had her assist in gathering their friends together so she could speak to them about what was happening. Soon enough, the seven were together in Twilight’s castle as she had them gather around the map in order to explain what was going on. “Sorry to pull you all away on such short notice, but this is important.”

“All the more reason we should be here,” Applejack assured. “Just tell us what’s wrong.”

“It’s about All As One,” She explained. “I’m sure you've have had contact with them by now in some form or another.”

“Those robed weirdos?” Rainbow Dash asked. “They’re even up in Cloudsdale.”

“That’s a bit harsh, dear,” Rarity noted. “We don’t know much about them.”

“Well I do,” Twilight informed. “Now at least; and they aren’t as wholesome as they seem.”

“What happened?” Fluttershy queried.

“They invited me to their camp and I was able to meet the three ponies who are acting leaders of the group. Long story short, what they're preaching sounds nice on the outside but their methodology is questionable.”

“I had a feeling,” Applejack snorted. “Even Big Mac said they gave him the heebie jeebies.”

“What exactly are they doing?” Starlight asked.

“Well,” Twilight looked to her with a hint of hesitation at reopening a sore spot. “It reminded of what you tried to do back in the day. They think they can eliminate conflict by removing everything that makes us individuals; culture, heritage, values… even our names; replacing it all with a hive mind mentality of equality driven by their own principals of unity.”

“Wow,” Pinkie pursed her lips. “That does sound like Starlight.”

“Hey!” Starlight eyed her.

Old Starlight.” Pinkie clarified with nervous innocence.

“Well, that certainly shines a different light on things.” Rarity admitted.

“That sounds awful,” Fluttershy added. “Taking away what makes us unique would be like painting a gray rainbow.”

“They sound like whack jobs.” Rainbow Dash insisted. “So what, we going to take them down or something? Cause I’m game.”

“That’s why I asked you here,” Twilight looked them over. “They want to come to Canterlot and show us what their unity is all about. I want you all there too; we don’t know what they intend to do, but Princess Celestia is not going to take any chances.”

“You bet we’ll be there.” Applejack nodded.

“If they try anything funny, we’ll tie them up in their own robes.” Rainbow Dash bravely added.

“Okay then,” Twilight nodded. “I’ll let you know what they say and when they intend to be there. Until then, just act like everything is normal. There are a lot of creatures who are interested in them and if we make any public move without pretense then we’re going to look like the bad guys.”

“Can do.” Pinkie promised.

“I think I’ll just… avoid them for now.” Fluttershy said timidly.

“I’ll keep an eye on the students too,” Starlight added. “They did try to access the campus once but I told them it wasn’t right to interfere with school when it’s in session. I’ll let Trixie in on everything too.”

With that, they ended their meeting and Twilight saw them off for the time being. In spite of how on top of things everyone was being, she still felt a hanging dread at not knowing just what cards All As One still held. Spike eventually returned, delivering a message from the trio that in three days time they would be in Canterlot. With that information, Twilight had Spike pass along word to the Princesses so they could begin preparations. In turn, Twilight would let her friends know the following morning and then would begin a very tense waiting game.

The day had come and Canterlot was well ready for the arrival of Alpha, Sigma and Gamma; at least, that is what they thought. The trio did not come alone, a procession of their followers as well as creatures from all around who had been inspired by their message were at their backs. Princess Celestia had ensured the castle was at low capacity, with mainly her royal guard and a few notable names present for the meeting. From her balcony, she watched the small parade head down the streets of Canterlot; the citizens looking on with a mixture of awe and concern. With a heavy breath she turned and found her sister at her door.

“Sister, are you ready?” Luna asked.

“Yes, let us see what unity has to offer the world.” She responded confidently, following her down to the throne room where her guard, Twilight and her friends stood at the ready. The grand doors parted and under the murmurs of those behind them the three heads of All As One and members of their group entered the throne room.

“Princess Celestia,” Alpha began. “We thank you for meeting with us under these circumstances.”

“Of course,” Celestia nodded. “Your presence in Equestria has grown quickly; that being said, Twilight has explained to me the basis of your philosophy and I stand with her on the matter. Even so, I am willing to see what that philosophy has to give in return for its steep cost.”

“As we explained to Princess Twilight,” Sigma took over. “We want the same thing, a peaceful world; but your approach, while admirable, does not offer the creatures of this world a true solution.”

“Unity is a solution that does more than merely bandage the problem, it brings resolution and togetherness on a level that simple bonds cannot hope to.” Gamma continued.

“You said that you wished to demonstrate your solution,” Celestia noted. “How exactly do you propose to do that?”

“We thought on the matter,” Alpha looked to her cohorts. “We could debate endlessly, but first hoof examples are best. Therefore, we have decided to let our glorious Princess Unity do so face to face.”

“She… she actually came?” Twilight asked.

“She is always with us, Princess.” Alpha drew her cloak back. “Sigma, Gamma.”

“Yes, Alpha!” They knelt at her side as her horn began to radiate intense magic. Their physical bodies faded and they were slowly drawn into Alpha, her eyes blazing white light as she tripled in size and began to sprout wings.

“How can this be?” Celestia’s eyes widened as she and the others bore witness to what was happening.

“They are… fusing.” Luna gasped.

“That’s possible?” Twilight looked about her only to find shocked faces lost for words.

Alpha, Sigma and Gamma ceased to be and before them stood an Alicorn of silver, her white eyes shimmering under her jade mane. The others around her bowed their heads as she further approached the throne.

“Princess Celestia, I am Unity.” Her voice was a medley of her three components. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you.”

“Unity?” Celestia looked her over. “How… how is this possible? What kind of magic could conceivably create this?”

“The magic of unity,” Unity smiled softly. “This is what is possible when creatures shed their needless selves and embrace true unity with one another.”

“That doesn’t make any sense,” Twilight countered. “I was told you created All As One, but… you’re them.”

“I am and I am not,” Unity detailed. “I am my own being; but Alpha, Sigma and Gamma are not gone, they are within my consciousness. I can feel and even hear them in a manner of speaking; however, to them it is as if they are dreaming.”

“That’s incredible.” Starlight admitted, greatly impressed with the idea of such magic. “So… your primary consciousness’ are separate? Then how did you create All As One?”

“The three of them were alone at one point,” Unity explained. “Three lost souls cast aside in one form or another for reasons that were beyond their control. Their longing to belong led them to each other and in turn to reflection, both of the self and of the world. Slowly they cobbled together their ideology of how they wished the world could work, how much better it would be if creatures could exist without those things that inevitably drove them apart. Alpha, being the astute magician, even began to research magic that could aid in their chosen path. But existing magics offered nothing in terms of what she was seeking, so she began to craft a new magic; while not adept, Sigma and Gamma assisted her and during one of their experiments… I was born.” She laid her wing her to breast. “I was aware, but I could feel them inside me; I felt their pain, their wants, their goals… and so I decided to let them know they were successful. With their three minds and hearts within me, the holes in everything closed and I was able to fully articulate that which they were unable. I wrote everything down, introducing myself and telling them they were on the right path; a path I dubbed ‘All As One’.” Unity smiled as her audience remained silent. “Your shock would suggest that you now realize the power of unity.”

Celestia left her friends’ side and approached the foreign entity. “I will admit, I have seen much over the past thousand years and still what I have been witness to today is something that seems unbelievable. But my shock is not one of awe, but rather of deep concern and fear for what you are proposing.”

“Fear?” Unity repeated.

“Yes,” Celestia nodded. “This magic that… binds creatures together to form some chimeric state, how far would it go? To achieve your version of peace, would you… literally call upon all the creatures of the world to assimilate into some grand amalgam?”

“You see the logical end and yet you deny its beauty?” Unity asked in return.

“What is she talking about, Princess?” Twilight asked.

“Think about it, Twilight.” Celestia glanced back. “This magic fuses creatures into one; right now it may bind together only three, but if progressed…”

“All of the world,” Luna finished the thought. “Every creature in existence sharing one form.”

“Yes,” Unity nodded with a eerie smile. “All As One. What more perfect peace could their be?”

“Your insane!” Twilight suddenly barked. “Even the most dreaded villain only sought to conquer, but you… what you want will be the end of everything!”

“Count me out!” Applejack said wholeheartedly.

“Yeah, I can’t bake pies when I’m stuck in some other creatures’ body.” Pinkie added.

“And how could there be a world of fashion when we’re all stuck wearing one dress?” Rarity turned her nose up.

“Sharing a body with Zephyr,” Rainbow Dash shuddered. “No way.”

“And who will take care of all the animals?” Fluttershy asked.

“All those amazing reasons aside,” Starlight too stepped forward. “I can tell you from first hoof experience that taking away individuality never ends well; do you have any idea what would happen if that many consciousness’ share one body? Such a creature couldn’t survive."

“Agreed,” Luna concurred. “It would be like holding a shared dream together, something with which I have experience; such a state cannot be sustained. Your unity would bring nothing but extinction.”

Celestia eyed Unity with pride. “I believe you have our answer Unity,” She said firmly. “I let you speak and walk freely, but knowing your intentions you are clearly a threat to this world and all its creatures.”

“Really?” Unity lifted her hoof and her robed comrades assembled at her side causing Celestia to back off. “I believe that many, not to mention all those that followed me here, would disagree with you.”

“Do they even understand what you’re asking of them?” Twilight asked.

“They will, in time.” Unity assured. “But since you see us as a threat, it seems I will have no choice but to defend my followers.”

“Guards!” Celestia called her royal guard to attention.

“Friendship or unity, let’s see which is stronger.” Unity looked to her right. “VI, XIII!”

“Yes Princess!” a dragon and a griffon cast off their cloaks.

“Unite!” Unity bathed them in magic and the pair fused. A blue dragon with a griffon’s beak and talons, narrow avian eyes with feathered brow and spiked tail coated in a sleek plumage.

“XXIV, XIX!” Unity called out, a buffalo and a pegasi de-cloaking. “Unite!” Again she used her magic to fuse the creatures. A massive being with a pegasi’s sleek waist, a broad upper body, grand wings, buffalo horns and a thick beard. The pair took their positions at her side while the others fell back. “Meet Typhoon and Sky Hammer, two of All As One’s most prominent members and prime examples of the the superiority of unity."

“Sister,” Luna looked up at Celestia. “If we do this here, there is no telling what damage will be wrought.”

“Agreed,” Celestia quickly cast a grand teleport spell; before anyone was the wiser they found themselves on the shore opposite the castle that sat below the majestic waterfall.

“My,” Unity looked around. “Your magic is indeed as powerful as I had heard.”

“Twilight, take my guard and deal with those abominations.” Celestia instructed. “Luna and I will deal with Unity.”

“Is that so?” Unity rose into the air. “You are welcome to try.”

Celestia and Luna followed after her while Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie chased after Typhoon with the royal guard. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and a bubbled Starlight went into the adjacent airspace to follow after Sky Hammer. Everyone had prepared in some way shape or form for what might occur this day, but a full on battle with creatures unlike anything they had faced before was beyond even their most fantastic predictions. Typhoon, a being with the strength, durability and fire breath of a dragon combined with the reflexes, eyesight and razor sharp talons of a griffon posed a huge threat even against the combined assault he faced. Having battled amazing creatures and beasts before, Applejack and the others were not completely overpowered but even with the aid of Celestia’s royal guard they found themselves unable to penetrate the bevy of offensive and defensive abilities Typhoon had at his disposal. In the air, Twilight and the others were faring a tad better against the great Sky Hammer. With a pegasi’s speed combined with a buffalo’s sheer brute strength, the fused creature posed an incredible danger mitigated only by the powerful magic of Twilight and Starlight. Enchanting her hooves and resting on the clouds, Starlight gave support fire for Rainbow Dash who did her best to joust the heavy hitting flyer. Twilight teleported the slower Fluttershy about as a distraction while shielding her friends from its powerful blows. Even higher in the sky, the royal sisters pit their magic against the powerful Unity; who seemed able to predict their moves with disturbing ease.

“Sister!” Luna called out, teleporting behind Unity and drawing her attention; Celestia fired into her back but a powerful barrier raised in time to defend her.

“Are simple tricks all that friendship has to offer?” Unity barbed, looking back at Celestia.

“For a being that is technically no older than a colt, you are assuredly strong.” Celestia admitted.

“Hardly,” Unity looked back at Luna. “Your combined magic is more powerful, but you fail to see why you are losing.”

“Do tell.” Luna scowled.

“You fight together, as sisters; while I fight as one.” Unity explained. “I am three minds and hearts united, I can think and act far faster than either of you; in the time it takes you to coordinate an attack, I have already made my counter. Another benefit of the power of unity.” She watched as Celestia rejoined her sister’s side. “We can do this for as long as you like, but the outcome will remain the same. As strong as you are now, think of what you could be if you became a part of us. Power that exceeds your bonds of friendship, even beyond your bond as family.”

“I have become a monster before,” Luna countered. “I will not do so again.”

“That is your problem,” Unity shook her head. “You see me as a monster, something that should not be. I was born from three creatures who were let down by the world you seek to defend; I am the answer to this world’s failings and shortcomings.”

“I do not doubt whatever pain led them down their path.” Celestia sighed. “The world is never perfect...never. But an imperfect world is what keeps us striving to be better, to become better than those before us and push the world closer to that desired ideal. The pain and struggle, as cruel as it may sound to some, is part of the process. It is that process that makes us who we are, that makes us learn and improve; you seek to take that all away in favor of an immediate solution that does nothing but bring an end to everything. Destroying a problem does not mean you’ve solved it, only that you lack the patience, resolve and character to try. I’m sorry those within you suffered and I seek to push the world forward to a point where that kind of suffering will no longer be; but we need to do that side by side… not fused into a blank singularity.”

Unity hummed at the insinuation. “Beautiful words, Princess; unfortunately that is all they are. Words such as yours inspire hope, but hope is nothing more than a fleeting dream that interrupts a cruel reality. It would take a hundred, thousand years for you to accomplish what I can in a single pony’s lifetime. Unity is not hope, it is a resolution.”

“It seems we will never find common ground.” Celestia said almost reluctantly.

“It does seem that way.” Unity agreed, a part of her genuinely sad that she was unable to reach the Princesses.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight’s voice called out as she and the others flew up to their side with a bubbled Sky Hammer.

“Princess Unity!” Typhoon called up from the ground, standing over fallen guard and Twilight's exhausted and beaten friends.

Unity looked over the situation with an amused smile. “It seems we will have to call this a draw.” She looked back to Celestia. “Besting Sky Hammer is no mild feat, it seems your friendship is more powerful than I anticipated.”

“As is your unity.” Celestia stared back into her eyes. “I think we’ve both learned much today.”

“Yes, we have.” Unity cast her magic down and separated Typhoon, his components flying up to her side.

“Twilight, release him.” Celestia ordered.

“After all it took to get him in there!?” Rainbow Dash protested.

“Please,” Celestia insisted. “This fight is over.” Twilight did as instructed and Unity separated the creature and held the unconscious duo in her magic. “Unity, I don’t want this to turn into a war; but if you keep up with this mad plan then our paths are going to cross again.”

“We are two stars traveling the same celestial path in opposing directions.” Unity proclaimed. “Our clash will be inevitable, and only one will remain; but that collision will not be this day.”

“Please,” Celestia looked to her with earnest eyes. “It doesn't have to be that way.”

“Again, your hopeful words are just that; you know all to well that our philosophies cannot coexist.” She smiled but not in a sinister way, more so a smile of understanding. “For now, All As One will scale back its operation; clearly we are not as ready as I thought. Still, the next time we meet we will settle this and the world will embrace either friendship… or Unity.” Unity teleported away with her allies, leaving Celestia and her own to reflect on those final ominous words.

The aftermath of the battle was swift; upon returning to the castle they found that the other members of All As One had already retreated, however with word of what had transpired not all of their would be initiates fled with them. Injuries were treated and Celestia was quick to make a public statement; laying out in full what All As One truly was, the nature of their leader and the uncanny power of her magic. Messengers were sent from Canterlot to spread the word to all its allies to be on guard and as the day waned, an exhausted Celestia was finally able to return to her throne. Luna and Twilight awaited her, seeing just how drained the encounter had left their fellow Princess.

“Sister,” Luna stood at the side of Celestia’s seat as she rested. “Are you alright?”

“Yes, just tired.” Celestia assured with a small smile.

“I’m sorry, Princess Celestia.” Twilight apologized. “I had no idea how dangerous they really were.”

“None of us did, Twilight.” Celestia raised her hoof to calm her worry. “This was not your fault. Are the others doing well?”

“Yeah,” Twilight nodded. “No one was injured too badly, fortunately. Applejack already wants a re-match.”

Celestia nodded slowly. “I fear she will get her chance sooner than later.”

“I know this battle was difficult, but we must make sure we are ready for the next.” Luna said soundly. “This Unity is formidable and with her magic she can create even greater threats from those within her ranks.”

“She poses a unique challenge, that is for certain.” Celestia confessed. “Just when I feel I have seen it all…”

“We’ll be ready next time.” Twilight vowed.

“Indeed.” Celestia smiled. “But this is not going to only be battle of magic, this is going to be a battle of philosophy. We mustn’t just overpower her; we must show the world that friendship, trust and love between individuals is greater than what she offers.”

“I understand, Princess.” Twilight nodded. “Spreading that idea is my life now and I won’t let some creature like Unity undo all that we’ve accomplished.”

“I know you won’t.” Celestia looked at her proudly.

In spite of the battle, Twilight left the castle invigorated; Unity threatened not only the safety of Equestria but the very foundation of her beliefs and the scope of that challenge steeled her all the more to be ready for the day when they would face off again.

Comments ( 4 )

Destroying a problem does not mean you’ve solved it, only that you lack the patience, resolve and character to try. :trollestia:

Boom! :rainbowdetermined2: Truer words were never spoken!
Unfortunately, the world's history is full of those who sought to take a shortcut to get an easier way to fairness and equality, only to bring injustice and misery to everyone while keeping a select handful just a little "more equal than others", as the Pig called it in Animal Farm.

that's a very nice image you have there !

p.s. Can we talk in P.M. ?

The idea is interesting, but the execution is kinda...lacking. The ending doesn't really wrap up the story, some of the dialogue is pretty forced, and it just didn't hold my interest. I'm not gonna downvote, but I'm not gonna upvote, either.

Personally, I think it's a great setup for a sequel and maybe even a series.
It also feels like it would fit surprisingly well as a Doctor Who episode, with only minor changes needed to suit the different shows.

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