• Published 18th Mar 2021
  • 2,360 Views, 60 Comments

A Robotic Titan - Rob_Rhapsody

guy makes a Mechagodzilla costume, meets a merchant, buys a backpack, sent to Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Author's Note:

Behold people a new story involving a Robotic reptile! This chapter has been made with the help of Harlock5399 and Deltorix. Enjoy! Don’t forget to give a like, follow, and comment!

Also before I forget, this story will have all the giant monsters from the entire Godzilla franchise. It might take me a while though so you might have to bear with me.

“Just a little bit more paint there aaaaand….. Done!”

Hi my name’s Jake, I’ve been working hard on my costume for comicon, I’m making a MFS-3 Kiryu costume, it’s finally done thanks to all those YouTube videos and other sites showing how to make it. I made a Mechagodzilla costume without the special weapons they gave it, they seemed a bit difficult to make so I decided to leave them out.

“Ok, now I just have to go into the building after The paint dries.” I said, feeling pride for my new costume.

(1 Hour Later)

The paint has finally dried and now I can put it on. I saw a guy wearing a t-shirt, glasses, and brown shorts, walking past. I got his attention. “Excuse me! Would you mind helping me put this on?” I said, gesturing to my costume.

He looked at my costume, then at me. “Sure!” He said. I began putting on my costume and he helped me put it on. “Nice Mechagodzilla costume dude, mind if I take a picture?” He asked.

“Sure!” I said, doing a pose.

“Nice!” He said. “Later dude!”

“Thanks for the help!” I said waving.

I began walking into the building and was greeted with a hundred stares of awe and amazement.

I walked around, a few people taking pictures as I passed by. I came across a stall with tons of different game and movie memorabilia. Three items caught my eye. They were the heavyarms accessories for Mechagodzilla.

The stall was being manned by a 7ft tall albino guy in goth makeup, he wore a pair of black pants, a black polo shirt, a black jacket and a black coat over his jacket. He had an assassin's creed gauntlet on his left arm, he wore grease monkey skeleton gloves with claws poking out of each finger, and his nametag said “Mamoru Shinigami”.

“Hey, you gonna buy something or you just gonna stand there?” He asked.

“How much for the Mechagodzilla heavy arms accessories?” I asked.

“These are just for show, these however..” he said going under the table and pulling out a blue set. “Seems like they would fit you better, plus they’re blue like the first MFS-3 Kiryu’s gear from the first Mechagodzilla from 2002 so it works better with your costume.” He said getting out a heavy arms Mechagodzilla rocket pack and matching dual laser cannons all painted with blue and silver instead of the normal gunmetal and silver.

“Wow! That’s way better!” I said.

“I know, it took me a while to make, but it should work for you. Anyway the price for the lot is $70.” He told me.

I thought it over. “Hmmm…… ok, you’ve got yourself a deal. You wouldn’t mind putting them on me would you?” I asked as I brought my arms into the suit and got my wallet and pulled out $70. I put my arms back out and took the money from inside and gave it to him.

He picked up the dual laser cannon attachments and installed them onto my arms. “Quick question, you into my little pony?” He asked.

“Yeah I’ve watched the whole show.” I told him.

“Good, you remember everything that happens in the series?” He asked, getting the rocket pack.

“Yes I do, why?” I asked.

“Just curious, read any Displaced fanfics?” He asked.

“A few, why do you ask?” I asked.

“Just making sure you know what’s going to happen next.” He said putting on my rocket pack.

“What do you mea-” I began before getting dizzy. I heard him say something else before I could black out.

“Good luck!” He said. Then I blacked out.

(Elsewhere In Equestria)
(Canterlot wedding/changeling invasion)

“HAHAHAHAHA.” Laughed a mad changeling queen as she looked upon her captives, the elements of harmony.

“You won’t get away with this and we’ll get..” Twilight said but was interrupted with a slap to the face.

“Save your energy, as of now you're nothing more than food, and just to quell any thought of a rebellion against your new queen I'll show you what I had in store for this city should the invasion had failed.” She said with a mad grin on her face.

Then all of a sudden the most terrifying sound was heard from outside.

All the ponies looked outside to see the largest insect they’ve ever seen. It resembled a cross between an anthropomorphic goliath beetle and a cockroach, with drills for hands. “Behold! MEGALON!” said Chrysalis gesturing to the colossal insect.

“What have you done! they were supposed to have gone extinct long ago!” Twilight yelled.

“What is that thing Twilight?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“A kaiju, a giant monster, they lived during the dawn of our world but died out due to lack of food.” Twilight explained.

“Not all of them! Most of them went dormant and have remained buried deep in the earth, I found this one under my kingdom, and it follows my every command.” Explained Chrysalis with an evil grin.

“And when it gets hungry it'll take more than ponies to quell its hunger it'll devour the changelings as well.” Twilight tried to reason with her.

“Like I care! This beast is my insurance policy, if anypony steps out of line, they get fed to it!” Said Chrysalis, beginning to cackle.

“You're a monster.” Twilight said.

“SKREEEEEEEEE!” Roared Megalon.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Cackled Chrysalis.


‘Mmmm, where am I?’ I thought.

“SKREEEEEEEEE!” Came a roar, not far from where I was.

‘I remember that roar! It sounded kind of like Megalon...’ I thought.

I tried moving my arm but realised something was holding me in place.

‘What the?’ I thought. I couldn’t see anything, I couldn’t feel anything, then all of a sudden my vision came in. I saw many different images, and blueprints of Mechagodzilla enter my field of vision.

System startup
Diagnostics running
Auditory systems 100% online
Visual systems 100% online
Weapon systems 25% online
Communications Systems 55% online
Diagnosis complete all systems online...beginning start up

‘What's going on?’ I thought trying to force my way out of whatever was holding me, I heard everything around me starting to crack apart, and finally I saw the light of the sun.

(3rd person pov)

The Earth shakes violently as a mountain in the distance begins to crumble.

“What's going on?” Twilight asked.

“Look!” Said Rainbow Dash, pointing at a shaking mountain in the distance. It started to crumble away until something metallic was revealed beneath it, then it exploded sending boulders, and huge chunks of the mountain everywhere until standing where the mountain once was a giant metallic monster.

It was made entirely of metal on its shoulders and was a pair of large blue octagonal almost cannon shaped weapons on his shoulders. on its wrists were another pair of strange devices. Along its back and tail were three sets of large metal spines. It’s body resembled a gigantic wingless dragon. On the left of its chest it had “MFS-3” on it.

“SKREEEEEEEEEOOONK!” It roared. It’s roar seemed metallic and distorted and travelled from a few hundred miles away.

“What is that thing!?!” Cried Rarity.

“I don’t know! there is nothing in history detailing a giant monster like that living in that mountain.” Twilight said.

The monster turned towards Canterlot and began looking at Megalon.

“Uh Twilight…. it’s looking this way.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“I hope it isn't hungry.” Twilight said fearfully.

The monster began walking slowly towards Canterlot. It held its arms out in front of its elbows to the sides. Megalon noticed the new monster and roared at it.

“SKREEEEEEEEE!” Megalon roared a challenge.

“SKREEEEEEEEEOOONK!” It roared back.

“Twilight what're they doin?” Asked Applejack.

“It looks like they are having a territorial dispute.” Twilight theorized.

Megalon opened its wings and took to the sky. The new monster watched Megalon take to the air. The new monster’s thighs opened up and revealed strange conical things, they began sending out a plume of fire. Then it’s back lit up to reveal more flames. The new monster began slowly lifting off the ground and took to the sky as well.

“IT CAN FLY!?!?” Exclaimed Rainbow.

“How can that thing fly without wings?” Twilight asked.

“No! That other beast will ruin my plans!” Said Chrysalis, stamping her hoof.

“Well it seems your big bug friend is about to be squashed.” Rainbow said with a grin.

The metal monster caught up to the other grabbing his leg before his flames stopped. They both came plummeting to the ground, with the metal one landing on his feet unharmed, sending out a few earthquakes, while the other monster crashed against the ground.

The metal one roared before stomping on the back of Megalon. It roared in pain before managing to push the metal monster off him, then getting to its feet. It tried to take off again, but from one of the devices on the arms of the metal one, a blade came out slicing the wing off the insect monster.

In response to this, Megalon spat out napalm bombs that exploded on contact sending the metal monster stumbling backwards. The metal monster stood still and panels opened up on the things on its shoulders. Multiple rockets came out and hit Megalon.

Lighting gathered around the insects horn before it struck the metal beast, but it seemed only to make him stronger.

The metal monster raised its devices on its arms and shot twin beams of energy from each one.

Megal roared in rage as it fired more bombs to little effect.

The metal one opened its mouth as its spines lit up and fired a stream of lighting at Megalon, it screamed in pain as it writhed and squirmed till it fell to the ground.

“I guess your bug got zapped.” Rainbow said.

The metal monster took a few steps back, then it’s chest opened up to reveal a type of weapon. It began charging up and fired a blue beam at Megalon. Meglon froze and disintegrated, blowing away in the wind. The metal monster’s chest closed up and turned towards Canterlot and began walking towards it.

“Oh no, looks like we're next.” Said Twilight, becoming worried.

As soon as the monster arrived it turned towards Ponyville and stopped. It’s arms fell to its sides and it’s yellow eyes seemed to stop glowing, and its chin slowly fell towards the ground, steam rising from it the whole time. The monster stayed still for a good few minutes, not moving an inch.

“Twilight.” Asked Rainbow.

“Yeah?” Asked Twilight.

“What just happened?” Asked Rainbow.

“I think it fell back to sleep, the mountain must have formed around it over thousands of years and it only woke up because it sensed a challenger.” Twilight said not sure if it was right or not.

“This makes no difference! I still have Shining armor!” Said Chrysalis.

“Not anymore.” Cadence said as she reached her husband, and snapped him out of his hypnotized state. And with their combined love a giant wave of energy washed over the city, banishing the changelings.

“You did it Cadence! You and my brother saved Equestria.” Twilight said to her old foal sitter. “But I’m worried that we may have a new threat to deal with now.” She said as she looked out a window to the still form of the metal kaiju.

“Maybe not, after all, it took care of the other monster, why don’t we go thank him?” Suggested Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy, I know you care about all kinds of animals but it is a monster!” Rainbow Dash said, waving her hooves around.

“That may be true, but if this creature truly wished to cause us harm, it would have done so by now.” Said Celestia, looking at the metallic titan.

“Princess, should we go to investigate?” Twilight asked.

“Hmmm. I think so yes, but do hurry, so we can fix and redo Cadence’s wedding.” Celestia said.

“Of course.” Said Twilight.

The main 6 made their way to find a chariot. They all got onto a chariot with Rainbow and Fluttershy in front to pull it along. They flew towards the monster and landed on its left shoulder.

“Are ya sure this thing won't try ta squish us, Twi?” Applejack asked as the main 6 slowly got out of the chariot.

“I hope not.” Said Twilight.

“Hey lookie, there’s a door in his neck!” Said Pinkie.

“A door?” Twilight asks and they look at it before Pinkie hops up to the door. “Pinkie wait no! It could wake up!” Twilight tries to stop her but pinkie opens the door and at first nothing happens then lights start turning on inside.

“Twilight darling, I don't think this thing is alive.” Rarity said as she looked at the artificial lights inside of the metal kaiju.

Twilight looked up at the creature’s head then back at the hallway within. “We have to go inside, if this thing is a machine, we have to see who’s controlling it.” She said.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy said shrinking back behind her mane.

“Don't worry Shy, no matter what we find in there I can kick its plot!” Rainbow Dash said, throwing some punches.

The girls all slowly went inside and the door closed behind them, startling them. The girls jump when it closes and Fluttershy starts to panic. Rarity rubs her back as Rainbow and Applejack try to open the door.

“Girls, we need to keep going.” Twilight said, lighting her horn ready for anything.

The girls made it to a ladder that led up. A panel above opened up. The girls looked at each other.

“We’re not going up there are we?” Asked Fluttershy.

“I am afraid so Fluttershy, we have to find out who is controlling this thing.” Twilight said as she started to climb the ladder.

They all climbed the ladder after Twilight, when Twilight came through she entered a room. On the opposite end if the room was a chair, with a light coming from behind it. Twilight couldn’t see who was there because the chair was facing away from her.

twilight waits for her friends to finish climbing up the ladder before she takes a few steps towards the chair. “Um excuse me?” When she doesn't get a response she gently uses her magic to turn the chair and sees it is empty. “Huh? Is this whole thing empty?”

Twilight checks the computer. The screen said ‘Hello.

Her eyes widen and she looks around. “There’s somepony here? Where are you?” She calls out confused.

Twilight looked to the screen again. ‘You’re inside me.’ it said on the screen.

“Inside you? Wait, are you the kaiju?!” Twilight asked looking at the screen.

The screen typed out ‘Yes.’

“Oh my gosh! You are the first kaiju to speak with ponykind. What do you plan on doing now that you are awake?” Twilight asked while pulling out a scroll and quill.

The screen began typing again. ‘Well right now, nothing. I’m low on power, the last attack drained my power supply, so I had to shut almost everything down just so I could stay conscious.

Twilight tilts her head and before she can speak Pinkie gasps. “Oh my gosh! He is going to eat us to recharge his belly!”

The screen began typing again. ‘I don’t eat. I run on electricity. I’m a machine.

“Pinkie don't cause a panic! Um what do we call you?” Twilight asked the screen.

The screen began typing. ‘I am Multipurpose Fighting System Type-3 Kiryu, or MFS-3 Kiryu for short, I am also commonly called Mechagodzilla or Mecha-G, but you can just call me Kiryu.

Twilight read that all then askes. “Who made you?”

The screen began typing again. ‘that information is unavailable to me. But if you wanna keep talking to me, you’ll have to help me get more energy because I’m at 25% power.

“Oh um, before that, can you tell me, are you a threat to pony kind?” Twilight asked.

The screen began typing. ‘Not really, I do have enough firepower to end all life, but I don’t feel like doing that, so no, but seriously you need to figure out something so I can recharge.

“We will see what we can do.” Twilight said as she and her friends turned to leave.

The screen began typing again. ‘Wait, if you’re going to give me power, you can send it to me with microwaves directed at my spines. Also could you bring speakers in here, I’m getting tired of talking to you this way.

Twilight hears the typing and turns to read the message and nods. “Alright, we will try.”

The typing begins again. ‘Could you also bring a printer or something that can put images or words on paper?

Twilight nods her head. “I can at least do that, but you should save your energy until we know for sure that we are allowed to recharge you.”

The screen began typing. ‘Ok, but I never got your names.

“Oh I’m sorry, my name is Twilight sparkle and these are my friends. Applejack, Pinkie pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash.” She said while pointing to each of her friends.

The screen began typing again. ‘Nice to meet you all, I’m going to shut down now until I get power, until then, make sure you lock the door on your way out, goodbye my new friends!

Twilight smiles softly and nods as she and her friends slowly make their way back, Rainbow and Fluttershy having to lift the others down the ladder. When they get to the door Rainbow looks at Twilight and asks. “So Twi are we blasting this thing with the elements?”

“I don’t think so, he seems harmless enough, we should ask the Princesses and see what they think we should do.” Said Twilight.

“Alright then.” Rainbow said.

Rainbow and Fluttershy got into the harness on the chariot and waited for everypony to get in.

On their way back to canterlot Rarity is looking at the body of Kiryu and thinking to herself. Applejack looks over to Twilight and asks. “Twi, do ya think this fella is tellin the truth? Ah couldn't get a read on It.”

“I don’t know, but just think about all the things we could learn from him! He could help revolutionize the world as we know it!” Said Twilight, going into full on nerd mode.

Applejack smiles at her friend and chuckles as she pulls her hat over her eyes. “Alright Twi, if you trust the fella, then ah will too.”

The main 6 arrived back at the castle and went to speak with Celestia. “Princess, we met with the metal creature and he doesn't seem like a threat, and he's asking for power.” Twilight said.

“What kind of power? Are you certain it can be trusted?” Asked Princess Celestia.

“Well, he said he needs electrical power. He's a machine and is almost out of power as for if he can be trusted I am still not sure, princess. He said he doesn't have any interest in hurting us but we don't know him yet.” Twilight tells Celestia before adding. “But just imagine what we can learn if we are able to befriend him and study him!”

“Very well Twilight, if you wish to study him, you may, but you must do so deep in the everfree forest, away from prying eyes, he is to be your responsibility so make sure he behaves.” Said Celestia in her firm motherly tone.

Twilight smiles and makes a squee sound as she prances in place. “Come on girls! We need to charge him up!”

(Kiryu pov)

‘I really hope they return soon, and I really hope they decide to help me.’ I think to myself. I shut down and go to sleep, then I’m woken up by my power supply filling up.

I turn everything back on and look to my left to see Princess Celestia and Twilight shooting a beam of magic at me, somehow recharging me. I turned to them and looked straight at them. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash flew up to my face.

“Hello, can you hear me?” Fluttershy asked me.

I nodded slowly.

“Ok big guy we’re gonna need you to follow us.” Rainbow said gesturing with her hooves.

I nodded and waited for them to lead me to where we were going.

(Luna pov)

I am awakened by loud thumping sounds. I get out of bed and look out my window to see a huge metal beast near ponyville. “Oh no! My friends are in trouble!” I quickly used magic to fix my mane as I jumped out my window and started to fly towards the beast.

The beast seemed to be following Rainbow dash. “I shall not let thee hurt my friends!” I fire a beam of ice magic at its feet trapping it before I slam into the back of its head with all four of my hooves, making a loud tink sound. “Run my friends I shall slay this beast!”

The beast turned to look at me and tilted its head. I flap my wings and back up as I charge my magic. “You shall not hurt my little ponies beast!”

“WAIT!” Said Rainbow Dash, getting in between me and the monster.

“What are you doing!? The monster is behind you! We must stop it before it destroys ponyville!” I tell her as I try to get around her.

“No he’s not, he’s not a bad monster! He saved us from a different monster, we’re leading him to the everfree so Twilight can do her egghead stuff with him.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“It...isn't an evil monster?” I asked, confused.


“No, he’s nice, just a little scary, but sweet.” Said Fluttershy.

My sister came up to hover next to me. “What they say is true sister, he means us no harm.” Said Celestia.

I blush lightly and lower my head. “O-oh I am sorry with his size and appearance. I thought he was going to attack.”

The monster lifted its right claw and gave a thumbs up. I look at my sister confused even more.

“I think he means it’s all good.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“I see...what is he?” I asked loyalty.

(Kiryu pov)

I took my left hand and tapped on the big MFS-3 on my chest. Luna flies down and reads the letters then nods. Then Celestia moves into my field of view. “Please let us keep moving. I am sure your presence is scaring my little ponies.”

I nodded and looked at Rainbow Dash.

“Oh. Right.” She said, beginning to lead the way again.

‘Let’s try flying again.’ I activated my thrusters and lifted into the air and began slowly flying behind Rainbow Dash.

After a while we get deep into the forest, we land and the ponies ask to be let inside. I hold still and wait for them to get on my shoulder. They land and head inside and soon get to the control room. “We are in, where do we put in the equipment?” Twilight asked.

I began typing on the screen. ‘There should be a spot to plug it in to the left of the screen.

Twilight nods and starts hooking everything up. “I think I got it.”

“CAN YOU HEAR ME!” Came a low monotone voice with feedback, causing all the ponies to hold their ears. ‘Oh great soundwave is here! I gotta fix that. Let’s see.’ I began trying again. “Is this better?” I asked. ‘Still a bit Robotic, but at least it sounds pretty good.’

“Yes we can hear you now.” Twilight said and rubs her ears. “As well as ringing.”

“Sorry.” I said. I began working on creating an avatar for them to look at, it was a bust of my Kiryu’s head kind of like max headroom. I made it so it’s able to bend or warp to be able to emote. “How does this look? I’m not pixels am I?” I asked.

Twilight looks at the image and everything with it. “This is amazing! What is it?”

“Just something for you to look at while we talk, so you’re not looking at a blank screen.” I said.

“Oh, well thank you.” She said with a smile.

“So did you hook up the printer too?” I asked.

“Yes we have managed to hook up everything you asked for.” Twilight told me.

“Great! I’m gonna shut down for a couple hours. I'll see you all tomorrow!” I said.

“Oh, um alright, uh sleep well?” Twilight said before turning to leave.

“Thank you, you sleep well too.” I said, shutting off the monitor.

(Twilight pov)

I make my way out of Kiryu and when I make it out of his head I look at his face. His eyes seemed to look at me.

“C’mon Twilight! I wanna get some sleep!” Said Rainbow Dash, already hooked up to the harness.

“Right. I’m sorry Rainbow.” I shake my head and get into the chariot.

Rainbow and Fluttershy bring us down out of the everfree. We all got off and everypony headed home except me, I took a moment to look back at his Kiryu and see his eyes dim and go dark.

“Oh, I hope he’ll be ok.” I said heading home. I walk into my library and Spike runs into me and hugs my leg. “Spike whats wrong?”

“There were giant monsters, I was worried one may have….” Spike began tearing up.

I hug Spike and rub his back. “Oh Spike I and our friends are fine.” I said to him. “Wait how are you home? I thought you were in Canterlot!.”

“I took the train home. What was that shiny monster you brought to the Everfree?” Asked Spike.

“His name is Kiryu and he saved us from Queen Chrysalis’ monster.” I tell him as I put him on my back and walk to the kitchen.

“So he’s a good guy?” Asked Spike.

“We think so Spike, now let's get you fed and into bed.” I said as I started making him dinner.