• Published 18th Mar 2021
  • 2,358 Views, 60 Comments

A Robotic Titan - Rob_Rhapsody

guy makes a Mechagodzilla costume, meets a merchant, buys a backpack, sent to Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 2

I awoke a few days later to Twilight tapping on my maintenance hatch. I powered up and looked at my shoulder. I opened the hatch and let her inside. She climbs up the ladder and smiles at my screen. “Sorry for being gone for so long but I had to do something important.”

“It’s alright, but I’ve been busy too, I’ve been working on blueprints for a new body for me to walk around in, see what you think.” I said sending the blueprints through the printer.

Twilight lifts the blueprints with her magic and looks it over. “This looks very complex.”

“They are. At my current size I can do a lot of damage, so this should allow me to walk among you.” I said. “All you need to do is find these parts.” I printed out a list of parts for Twilight to find.

“Think you can handle it?” I asked.

She looks the list over and nods. “I think I can find all this, I will start right away.”

“Great!............... what do I do until then?” I asked.

“Um.. I could ask Pinkie to keep you company if you want?” Twilight asked.

“NO!” I said quickly. “I mean, no thank you, maybe your other friends might wanna keep me company.” I said.

“I can ask but most of them are busy with their jobs.” She said.

“Ok, I’d love to hear some music, do you know any ponies that do techno, funk, or dubstep music?” I asked.

“You know, we do and I happen to know a DJ she may want to meet you. Can I bring her here?” Twilight asked.

“Sure! I’d love to meet them!” I said.

“Great! I’ll be right back.” She teleports out.

“It’s weird how my life turned out.” I said to myself.

After a few minutes Twilight and a white mare teleport back in. “We are back. This is vinyl scratch.”

“Hello I am MFS-3 Kiryu, Multipurpose Fighting System Type-3.” I said in my best baymax impression.

“Whoa, this is so cool and would make a great party hang out.” She said bobbing her head.

“That is a very bad idea, love the idea, but it’s a bad one.” I said. “Can she even hear me?” I asked.

Vinyl looks around as she walks around still bobbing her head and that's when I notice she has some kind of pony headphones on. “Yeah this place looks great! I definitely need to throw a party here.”

“She can’t hear a word I’m saying. Ok then let's shake things up a bit, Twilight, hold onto something.” I said. I began moving my torso and neck around, shaking the ponies inside.

“Whoa! What's going on!?” Vinyl asked as she tried to hold onto a pipe.

I stopped shaking. “Twilight, take her outside, show her where she is.” I told her.

“I don't think that is necessary.” Twilight said then used her magic to remove the headphones from Vinyl’s ears. “Vinyl this is my friend, we are technically inside him.”

“Hello.” I said, making her look at the screen.

Her eyes widen and she lets out a squee as she rushes over and looks over everything. “Oh my gosh it is so advanced! This is so cool do you play music? Do you like music? How can you speak? What do you run on?” and the questions kept coming as Twilight left giggling.

‘What the hell did I create!’ I thought to myself.

“I like music, yes, I speak with speakers, and I don’t know what I run on.” I told her.

‘Why didn’t they say what Mechagodzilla’s power source was?’ I thought.

“So you and I are going to be spending some time together, anything you wanna do?” I asked.

“How about we share our music? I should be able to hook my P-pod to your systems.” She said showing it to me.

“Ok, but first, let me show you something cool.” I said.

“Sure robot dude.” She said watching the screen.

I began playing a music video from daft punk by Pentatonix on my screen.

“Did you like that?” I asked.

“Hay yeah I do! It was awesome, did you make that?” She asked as she started writing down the notes.

“No, it’s just a mashup of a few songs from a pair of artists from where I come from, if you want I can upload them to your device if you hook it up.” I said.

“Absolutely! In fact if you want I could sell any music that you have and get you lots of bits I'm sure the songs would sell like cupcakes!” Vinyl said as she hooks up the P-pod.

“How about every song I have?” I asked. “How does 4,000 songs sound?” I asked. Vinyl’s eyes widen then she falls over. “I’m gonna guess that’s a yes.” I put all the songs into her P-pod and waited for her to wake up.

A few moments later she starts to wake up. “Ugh crazy dream of a talking mix board.”

“I’m not a mix board, I’m a giant robot.” I said. Surprising her. “And all the songs you wanted are now on your P-pod, you’re welcome.” I said.

“Holy Celesita! It wasn't a dream.” She checks them and whistles. “That is a lot of songs.”

“I really like music. There’s multiple genres in there too, hope you enjoy them.” I said.

“I will man!” She said with a grin. “So what else can you do?”

“Go outside and see.” I said. I disengaged my rocket pack and carefully put it on the ground, then I placed my wrist cannons on the ground next to it.

“Alright um.” She looks around. “Which way? I don't wanna end up in your junk or something.”

“Down the ladder one floor and to the left. Continue until you reach a door, then you're out.” I said.

“Alright.” She followed my directions and was soon out on my shoulder. “Whoa your super tall!”

I looked down at her and nodded. I walked over to a clearing and opened my mouth and fired my maser at a large rock, it blew up into a million pieces. “SKREEEEOONK!” I roared.

“HOLY BUCK! That was bucking awesome!” She cheers. I walked back to where I was and opened my chest panels up, then I charged up my best weapon and shut it down and closed up my chest. I opened my maintenance hatch to let vinyl inside.

“Oh ya want me back inside?” She heads back inside.

Once vinyl was back inside we began talking about music. After a few hours Twilight returns with a lot of equipment. “I’m back, and I think I found everything on your list.”

“Great, here’s another list for special parts.” I said printing them out. When Twilight read it she blushed bright red. “I did say they were special.”

“B--but why would you n-need something like this?” Twilight said flustered. Vinyl gets curious and leans over and looks at the list.

“I’m male, why else?” I said.

“B--but you're a robot!? How can a robot have a gender?” Twilight said, confused as her mane starts to become wild.

“Who says I can’t have genitalia?” I asked.

Vinyl laughed and pat twilight’s back. “If you let me add a few things I’ll work on that part for you, and I expect to try it out some time dragon dude.”

“I would enjoy that very much.” I said.

“Then we got a deal! Twilight teleport me to Canterlot and then we can get the last parts.” Vinyl said with a smirk.

Twilight and vinyl teleported away and came back a half hour later. “I can not believe a place like that actually exists in Canterlot!” Twilight yells blushing bright red.

“How old are you?” I said looking at Twilight.

“Oh um well I am 18 years old.” She said then taps her chin. “Um do you know how long a year is?”

“Yes.” I deadpanned. ‘Oh soundwave is back.’ I thought to myself. “Can we please begin working on my new body?” I asked.

“Sure where do we start?” Twilight asked.

“We start with the “skeleton” then build onto it by following the blueprints I gave you, Twilight you work on the body, Vinyl you work on the rest, I’d help if I could but there aren’t any arms in here. We should probably have some installed, it might help later.” I said.

The ponies nod and start getting to work making the ‘skeleton’ of my new body. I watch for a while as it starts coming together. I saw Vinyl add a few parts that weren’t in the list, but I didn’t say anything because I was sure she was adding a few sound systems, speakers, bass, tweeters, subwoofers, projectors, lights, stuff like that, I was actually hoping for that.

After a few hours of hard work they have finished my new body and hooked it up to my terminal. I shut down as I transferred myself to the new body. Now I can shift my consciousness from one body to another.

The two unicorns teleported me to the Golden Oaks Library. They took me to a corner and covered me with a white sheet.

When I came back online I could feel that I was covered by a sheet of some kind, so at least my touch sensors were working. I could hear voices, but my optics weren’t on yet so I couldn’t see anything.

—3rd Person POV—

“Uh, Twilight, why did you bring us all in here to show us a sheet?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“I’ve brought you all here so you could see this!” Said Twilight, pulling off the sheet.

Once the sheet was pulled off, it revealed a large robotic unicorn stallion.

“Behold!” Said Vinyl. “The first, most advanced, robot pony ever built!”

“Magnificent.” Said Rarity.

“Oh my.” Went Fluttershy.

“My gosh.” Said Applejack.

“AWESOME!” Said Rainbow.

“PPAARRTTYY!” Pinkie said, jumping into the air tossing confetti.

“Twilight….. why does your robot look like the robot kaiju?” Asked Rainbow.

“Because I am the robot kaiju.” Said Kiryu, surprising everypony.

They all looked in his direction with wide eyes.

—Kiryu POV—

“What?! How?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

I looked at her and took a step forward. “Simple, I had them build this smaller robot.” I said, pointing a metal hoof at Twilight and Vinyl.

“So you two built this thing so he couldn’t break anything by accident?” Asked Applejack.

“Not entirely, I had designed it to act as a smaller replica to my original body, only with a few modifications, hence the pony form.” I said.

“Well, darling, I find your new look quite dashing.” Said Rarity.

“Thank you.” I told her.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! Here’s chapter two! Disclaimer: I do not own the art in this chapter, I only modified it a little so it would look more like how I imagined my character to be. If you have a problem with it, let me know and I’ll take it down

I’m sorry it stops there, but as I have explained before I have been having trouble. So, if you want to see more, you’ll have to send me a pm so it can become a comment driven story. That way, things can go by faster.

Comments ( 23 )

Also I just added chapter two

If you want more, you have to come up with it yourself

Guess I’ll just have to wait then cause I can’t write for shit but hey you can so good on you

The triple maser canon, I kept the absolute zero weapon

What are those two weapons, and why do you prefer one over the other?

Good question! The triple maser cannon is from GODZILLA TOKYO SOS, but the Abolute zero weapon is from GODZILLA AGAINST MECHAGODZILLA.

Kiryu's ultimate weapon is the Type-3 Absolute Zero Cannon (3式絶対零度砲 3-Shiki Zettaireido-hō), also known simply as the Absolute Zero (アブソリュート・ゼロ Abusoryūto Zero), equipped in his chest hatch. As its name suggests, this weapon fires a beam that instantaneously freezes the target to absolute zero, the lowest theoretical temperature of -273.15 degrees Celsius or zero kelvin, at which all atoms cease movement. Because of this, a target struck by the Absolute Zero will be instantly frozen on an atomic level, smashing its atoms and causing it to collapse under its own weight. The Absolute Zero consumes 40% of Kiryu's energy reserves, and as such cannot be used heavily in combat. The Absolute Zero was shown to instantly freeze and disintegrate skyscrapers when fired at them. Its observed impact on Godzilla was much lesser by comparison, presumably due to interference from being fired underwater. The Absolute Zero was unable to kill Godzilla, though it did open a gaping wound on his chest that would prove critical in defeating him a year later. When Kiryu was repaired the following year, it was deemed to not be cost-effective to repair the Absolute Zero as a key component, a synthetic diamond 1.25 meters in diameter, was damaged and so it was replaced with the Type-4 Triple Hyper Maser Cannon.

  • Kiryu - Possesses a Twin Maser Cannon in his mouth. After being modified in Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S., Kiryu has a Triple Hyper Maser Cannon installed in his chest.

When Kiryu was repaired, his Absolute Zero was replaced with the Type-4 Triple Hyper Maser Cannon (4式3連装ハイパーメーサー砲 4-Shiki 3 Rensō Haipā Mēsā-hō).[12]While this attack was undeniably less powerful than the Absolute Zero, it proved crucial in defeating Godzilla, as Kiryu used it in conjunction with his Type-99 Double Maser Cannon to strike Godzilla's chest wound after it was reopened by the Spiral Claw, which critically injured Godzilla and left him helpless as the Mothra larvaeencased him in silk. The hatch covering the Hyper Maser is equipped with claws that allowed Kiryu to restrain Godzilla and carry him out to sea.

You just got schooled.

I only want him to remain flight-capable, via rockets in his legs.
Also to have some form of weapon located in/under his horn.

Ok. But like I said, you’ll have to write that part. As in you have to write a minimum of 100 words.

That's not a pony that's a horse.

You know I wouldn't mind crossing over with this but only after I restart my dreamer adventure story because I have a lot of new ideas and have changed my character it was mostly because I had to because one of my co-authors who is my ex made it impossible to continue

Ok, I just need to give him a token, unfortunately I haven’t thought of anything I could give him. Or where he could be even remotely useful.

I made a new story called a noir way of thinking instead of just rebooting dreamer adventures

So when will Kiryu start exploring in his new body?

Whenever I can get out of my funk, I’ve been stuck on a couple of my stories, and I don’t know what to do.

Which ones are u stuck on? And if u can't find a way out of ur funk, u could just put them on pause and come back to them later until ur ready to continue. Trust me, if u focus less on the crossovers that put u in a funk, it gives u time to clear ur head and restore ur patience.

Can’t really do anything, I haven’t been able to do anything for months! This slump is driving me crazy and I can’t get out of it! Ideas for the future of some of my stories are all I can think of, but I can’t even begin to think of how to progress through them in order to get there! If you wanna help, be my guest, send me a pm and we can probably work on it for a while. However, this story is probably dead to be honest. I need to try and focus on my other stuff. Of course that just brings my endless cycle of madness into full circle, I wanna focus on my stuff but I can’t think of anything for the characters to do, I can think of the future, but I can’t focus on the present, so that’s my whole issue!

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