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Twilight and Starlight: The Road to Zack Snyder's Justice League - Fanfic27

Twilight and Starlight go on a journey to discover why Zack Snyder's cut of Justice League is so special to so many people.

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Pre DCEU Synder Films

Location: Earth

Date: March 19, 2004
A portal opened and out steps Shadow, Starlight, and Twilight as they step in front of a movie theater where a remake of one of the most influential horror film is about to make it's premiere to millions .

"First thing you should know is that we wont have to worry about attracting any attention from these people as we are currently unable to be seen or heard as long as you two are near me." Shadow said.

"Ok, but where are we?" Starlight asked as she looked at her surroundings.

"We are currently outside a movie theater where a movie is currently premiering that will change one mans life forever." Shadow said

"And what man is that?" Twilight asked

"None other then Zack Snyder." Shadow said

"Who's that?" Starlight asked.

"He's the director of this film." Shadow said.

"So what movie did he make?" Twilight asked.

A remake of one of the most definitive zombie movie ever made, Dawn of the Dead." Shadow said.

"Will it be a successful film for him?" Starlight asked

"Well for him yes, but as for the studio who proved him the money, It became what they would called moderate success, it wasn't a flop, but it didn't do as well as they had hope it would." Shadow explained.

"Oh, ok." Twilight said .

"But the one person who would benefit most from this movie is Zack Snyder himself as he will go on to be handed a lot of well known projects in his future." Shadow said.

"But you said we'll be seeing something called the Snyder Cut and the way that your talking about this movie, that it isn't what you've been telling us about?" Starlight said

"True, but in order for you two to understand the Snyder Cut, you must first understand his story and the journey he went on and that is why we needed to start at the beginning when he started on his path as a director and later you'll understand why so many people love him and his directing style, which he style is quite unique compare to other directors of his time." Shadow said

Both Twilight and Starlight nodded as they agreed with the answer they were given.

"But the next film of his will become even more successful than this one." Shadow said with a smile on her face.

"And what's that?" Twilight asked

"Let's see shall we." Shadow said as she opened another portal for the three of them to walk into.
Date: March 9, 2007

The portal opened in front of the same theater they were at earlier but this time a different movie was about to premiere on this day. As the three mares stepped out of the portal Shadow started to explain to the other two the meaning of this day.

"Today is the day that Zack Snyder makes a name for himself, this is when people started to take notice of him as a creative person as well as an cinematic director who can craft scenery and fight scenes very well." Shadow said "This movie was also one that people were really anticipated to see."

"Why is that?" Starlight asked.

"Because this is the day of the release of his adaptation of the graphic novel 300, which is fictional retelling of earth own old history of two armies fighting a war, so people had really high hopes for him to nail this movie, even from those who were fans of the source material at the time." Shadow said.

"Wow." Both Twilight and Starlight said.

"This movie was actually more successful for Snyder than his last one." Shadow stated.

"Really how successful was this one compared to the other one he made?" Twilight asked.

"Dawn of the dead made $102 million worldwide on a budget of $26 million, while this one made $461 million worldwide on a $65 million budget." Shadow said

"Wow that sounds like a lot?" Starlight said at a lost for words about the amount she just heard.

"Yeah it's a lot." Shadow said with a smirk on her face amused by Starlight's reaction. "But as I was saying this was the movie that put Zack Snyder's name out there in the Hollywood world." Shadow said "Now we have one more stop to make before we get to his more important films that will truly have an impact on his fans and will influence what will eventually become The Snyder Cut."

Both Twilight and Starlight nodded at this response.

Shadow then opened up the portal to teleport the three mares to their final destination before they start to really get into the story of Zack Snyder's DCEU.
Date: March 6, 2009

The portal opened and the three mares stepped out to their final destination before exploring some of the more major films of Snyder's.

"So what is the movie that got released this time?" Twilight asked.

"Watchman, another film based on a graphic novel, but this graphic novel was more well known and more respected by their fans than 300, because Watchman has a more serious tone to it and it talk about really serious topics, like war and power, and if you have as much power as the main character in this novel what do you do with that power." Shadow said.

"Wow." Starlight said "That's a really insane tone for a movie to explore."

"Yeah this movie must've done really well."Twilight said with a smile on her face.

Shadow frown at this comment and said "Unfortunate for both the Zack Snyder and the studio this movie became a major flop for them as it was made on a budget of $130 million, but it only made about $185 million worldwide."

Both Twilight and Starlight felt disappointed in the results of the movie."

"But this is the movie that made Zack Snyder known for one thing." Shadow said with a smile on her face

"What's that?" Starlight asked

"His ability to put together the scenes that ended up getting cut from the movie, due to the length of the movie already being so long and make a longer more cohesive movie, that explains things better than the one shown in theaters. This is what people call a director's cut, where a director of a film release a different version of their film either with more footage added that ended up on the cutting room floor or even reshuffling an entire movie by placing scenes in a different place that they were when they were shown in the theaters. The cut of Watchman that was shown in theater was 2 hours and 40 minutes, Zack's Snyder director's cut or what he called an Ultimate Cut, a term he would later use for another director's cut of his. His Ultimate cut of Watchman clocked in around 3 hours and 35 minutes, which is currently the longest superhero movie ever made, at least until one of his later ones, which we will be discussing later." Shadow explained to them.

Both Twilight and Starlight barely had time to really think about all that info that was given to them as Shadow spoke up again.

"Now it's time to head back where we first met to explore the start of what will be known as the DCEU to people who will eventually become fans of Zack Snyder's version of the DC heroes and villains and the start of the passionate fanbase that Snyder will eventually gain due to his movies."

Shadow then opened her last portal to bring Twilight and Starlight back to the place where they first met to truly begin the road to figuring out the true mystery behind the Snyder Cut.

Author's Note:

Next Chapter will focus entirely on the film Man of Steel and will probably be a longer chapter than the first two were.