• Published 1st Feb 2021
  • 400 Views, 5 Comments

Twilight and Starlight: The Road to Zack Snyder's Justice League - Fanfic27

Twilight and Starlight go on a journey to discover why Zack Snyder's cut of Justice League is so special to so many people.

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Justice League's Production/A Family Tragedy

"Now then it's finally time to get to the main event, the both of you been waiting for...... Justice League." Shadow said

"Finally!" both Twilight and Starlight exclaimed.

"Production began in 2016 and some key characters were cast in the movie such as J.K. Simmons as James Gordon, head of the GCPD and trusted ally to Batman, Amber Heard as Mera, protector of Atlantis and Aquaman's love interest, Joe Manganiello as the assassin Deathstroke, and Ciaran Hinds as the main villain of the movie, Steppenwolf. " said Shadow

"Wow!" said Starlight

"It was not know at the time, but it was soon revealed that actor Ray Porter was cast in the movie as Steppenwolf's master and ruler of Apokolips, DARKSEID!" said Shadow in a menacing voice

A wave of fear rushed though both Twilight and Starlight as they heard that name. Leaving them shaken and scared.

"Filming began on April 2016 and finished on December of that year, but it was not without it's problems."

"What does that mean?" asked Starlight.

"Shortly before filming began, after the reception to Batman V Superman, the studio began to panic at the reaction to the film and not having the film making more money than it did, decided to switch priorities and immediately told Zack Snyder to change a lot of specific things in his Justice League movie, such as making it more funnier, changing the look of the villain to make him "less scary", and to make it a brighter lighter movie overall, to make it a more "audience friendly movie".. whatever that means." Shadow said getting a little mad herself.

Both Twilight and Starlight began to get mad again.

"But what Snyder didn't know is that the studio was working behind his back to replace him as the director, they decided to bring in their competitors biggest director at the time in 2017 which was Joss Wheadon, who helped their competitors make two movies that both made over $1 billion, to come in and finish the film and do multiple re-shoots instead of Snyder." Shadow said getting a little angry at having had to say that.

Both Twilight and Starlight started to shake with anger at this.

Snyder tried to fight back against the studio after he heard about this aftyer he finished filming. he fought agasint them with all of his passion until......" Shadow immediately stopped mid sentence suddenly, realizing what happens next in Zack's Snyder life.

"Until what?" Twilight asked wondering why she stopped all of a sudden

Shadow began to tear up as she tried to continued "Until......"

"Until?" Starlight asked

Shadow remained silent and then began to lower her head to face the ground as tears fell down her face.

“Shadow what’s wrong?" asked Starlight concerned for her new friend.

"Yeah, why are you crying all of a sudden?" asked Twilight just as concerned for Shadow.

Shadow was staring at the ground and whispered to herself "They deserve to know what happens next."

As Shadow lifted her head back up to face the two mares in front of her, tears still coming from her eyes and dripping down her face she said

"Unfortunately for Zack Snyder while working on post production for Justice League, the most horrible thing that could ever happen to a father, happened on March 2017."

Shadow then stopped once again getting choked up with new tears starting to flow from her eyes, as she turned her head away from the two of them to compose herself.

"Shadow what happened?" asked Twilight now beginning to worry for her friend.

"You need to be strong enough for them to know." Shadow again whispering to herself as she turned back to face them.

Shadow then continued "In March 2017" Shadow said as tears continued to flow down her face "Zack Snyder lost his daughter Autumn..........

....she died by suicide."

Once those words were said both twilight and Starlight were at a lost for words and both holding each other hoof's to comfort each other as tears fell down their faces.

"Oh my Celestia, that's horrible to lose a child."Twilight said, but continued to cry silently to herself.

"And then to lose them by them taking their own life, I can't imagine what he was feeling when he found out." Starlight said while hanging her head low and weeping out loud.

"This was the thing I was most scared of sharing, because Zack was a father first and filmmaker second. Him and his current wife Deborah have eight kids, half of them were adopted, Autumn was one of them. Her death broke Zack's heart and made it difficult for him to keep his mind anywhere else except for thinking of his daughter who he lost too soon, and his family who needed him by their sides to get through tragedy they've experience." Shadow said as she let her tears run down her face and openly cried in front of her two new friends.

Both Twilight and Starlight were now crying along side her sharing the emotion that Zack was probably going through when he found out what happened.

"Sorry to break this emotionally moment, but the story's not over yet." Shadow said composing herself to finished up the events.

Both Twilight and Starlight started to compose themselves so they can finish listening to the story

"It was because of this lost and other heated arguments with the studio that had Zack made the choice that he needed to be with his family and not focus on this stupid game with the studio because his family needed him more than just some silly film. He once described himself as having no fight left in him and he left the project to go be with his family, leaving Justice League’s fate in the hands of Joss Whedon." Shadow said.

Both Twilight and Starlight were at a lost for words.

"This was the end of Zack's involvement with the theatrical version for Justice League, but soon, this will help start a spark of a fight and a new movement for Snyder's fans." Shadow said with a small smile on her face knowing that the future had a brighter outcome for Zack.

Author's Note:

I felt that I needed the tragedy to feel very emotional as I could describe it. It was very tough for me to write about, as I have dealt with an attempted suicide in my own life. Without going into details as I don’t want to reveal the identity of that person, I just wanted to let you know that, luckily that person survived their attempt and they’ve gotten help and has now been living a better life than before.

I’ve also had problems with serve depression and thoughts of suicide myself, but I’m always reminded that I have a loving family that supports me. So if you are going through some dark times just remember that there is always someone that loves you for who you are. You don’t need the respect of everyone just the ones that care about you.

Just remember you are not alone.

And if you need help don’t be afraid to get it.