• Published 2nd Feb 2021
  • 2,722 Views, 318 Comments

The Lost Crafter - Jeffrey1000

Steve, the last Crafter, is transported to Equestria. In this new land of magic and wonder, he must fight off numerous challenges so he can finally achieve the peaceful life he’s searching for.

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Chapter 36: Going Back Down

Author's Note:

I’m back after God knows how long. Expect another one either in two weeks or two months. We’ll see how it goes. Enjoy!

Steve arrived in Canterlot, ready to get back to work. He had spent the past night in Ponyville helping Princess Luna fit in with the rest of the townsfolk. After a few hours spent in vain, Twilight’s plan had finally gotten the kids to accept and not be scared. Or maybe they were and they just found it fun. Steve didn’t question it. He was just happy it all worked out.

“Finally, back home.” He said to himself. The train pulled up at the station and opened its doors. Steve promptly exited, ready for city life again. He checked his watch. 6:00. “I got time for breakfast.”

He wandered through the barren city, with only a few ponies wandering the empty streets. Turning down one of the streets, he headed for his favorite breakfast place. Finally, he could have a good breakfast sandwich.

“Ah, Steve! Good to see you back!” One of the mares smiled, as he walked in.

“Hey, Shine. Good to see you too.”

“What can I get you on this fine morning?” She asked.

“Just an egg and cheese bagel and a warm espresso.” He told her.

“Right away.”

“Thank you.” He told her before wandering off to the side. The crafter stood by the counter, awaiting for his order to be finished. The place was mostly empty, save for a small group of ponies in one of the corners. They appeared to be looking at him with a curious face, though at this point Steve was used to those kinds of looks. He played off as just some more ponies who didn’t really get to see him that often.

“Your order, sir.” The mare came back out with a bag and a cup.

“Thank you.” He told her as he took the contents of his breakfast. The crafter took a seat, near, but not next to, the other ponies. He ate his sandwich as he skimmed through the newspaper. Mostly just boring political stuff and a few sports. Once he finished eating, he through got up to throw his stuff away. And that’s when everything went black.

“Hello?” Steve cried out as he woke up. “Hello?!”

The room was empty. There was just black walls and the chair he was strapped to in the room. Not a single light, aside from the one shining through the door.

“Hello!” Another voice cried out. He recognized it.

“Shine!” He cried back.

“Steve?! Is that you?!” She yelled out.

“Yeah!” He told her. “Just wait there! I’ll find us a way out!”

“Could you two keep it down?!” A third voice angrily yelled.

“Who the fuck are you?!” Steve yelled back.

“That is not important. But you two are prisoners! So, please, shut the buck up!” The voice replied.

“Who’s holding us hostage?! And where are we?!”

“We are the Equestrian Freedom Fighters and you and your friend over there are going to be our tools to gain power and influence.”

“Ma’am! Ma’am!” A reporter cried out.

“You over there!” Celestia pointed out.

“Is it true that Mr. Steve was captured by an extremist group?”

“We’re in the process of confirming that. We don’t know for sure, but the evidence left behind strongly suggests that this was, indeed, an extremist group.” Celestia replied.

“Over here! Over here!”

“Ma’am!” The reporters cried.

“Captain, scramble your eastern search parties, triangulate every last sighting of the EFF.” Celestia ordered as she walked through her long hallways. Steve was nowhere to be found throughout the entire town. She needed everyone’s help if they were to find him.

“Yes ma’am.” Captain Armor said. “Lieutenant! Get me a…”

“Scarlett, issue a public announcement that we’re currently in an inner conflict between the EFF and the current government. Declare them as hostile, and be ready to issue an announcement of them being a terrorist group. It’s only a matter of time.”

“Yes ma’am.” She wandered off.

“Colonel! Round up these stallions for questioning. They seem to be the best lead we’ve got.” She ordered.

“Yes ma’am.” The colonel told her. She entered the office and closed the door behind her. Looking out the window, she pondered the one question that was on her and everyone else’s mind:

“Where the hell are we?” Steve asked again.

“I told you, I’m not gonna tell.” The stallion, who Steve deduced was a guard, replied, annoyed.

“Fuck you!” Steve replied.

“Well, buck you!” He spoke sharply.

“Fuck you!” Steve shot back.

“Could you two please shut the buck up?!?!” A fourth voice, female, shouted angrily.

“Sorry, ma’am.” The guard replied.

“Thank you.”

“Who are you?!” Steve asked. The door opened and in stepped a dark blue mare with a jet black mane.

“My name is Midnight Moon.” She told him. That name sounded familiar, but he didn’t know from where. “You might have heard about me as an activist for rights for ponies. Well, I now lead the peaceful group that is the Equestrian Freedom Fighters. Despite what the name suggests, we never fought violently. Well, up until now.”

“What do you mean?” Steve asked. She frowned in response and turned his chair around. He could finally see what was behind him: a window overlooking Canterlot.

“You see that castle? Well that is our first target.” Steve gasped in response.

“Ma’am, they took the bait. They’re inside questioning them now.” One of the guards informed her.

“Excellent. Everything is going just as planned.”

“Listen, I can help you out. Just tell me what you know about Steve and I can get you what you want.” The Colonel urged.

“I will not tell you a damn thing.” The suspect replied.

“It’s no use, Colonel.” Lieutenant Stone replied, leaving the room and entering the hall. “He’s not breaking. Now I need to take a minute.”

“He’ll break before you get back.” The colonel told him, staring into his enemy with a cold stare.

“I will not.” The suspect replied, matching the gaze. He heard a whistle from one of his comrades and he pulled a match out behind his back. He lit it and touched it against a rope that led down his back. The colonel wasn’t completely oblivious and heard the sound of sizzling come from behind.

“What the bu…everypony run!” He cried out in desperation before tripping in his attempt to escape. “Bomb alert! It’s a trap!”

Ponies scrambled left and right, but few could escape the hall where the other two had also lit their bombs. The suspects counted down.


“Open the door!” One pony cried.


Another fiddled with the keys, before turning the lock.


Lieutenant Stone pushed one of the ponies through and grabbed another with him, before throwing them onto the stairs.


He looked back as the Colonel made a dire scramble, along with 4 other ponies.

“Close it!” The Colonel yelled despite being stuck on one side of the door. Stone shut the door and heard the blast of the explosion on the other side. Then, they’re all pushed back against the wall by the shockwave. He lifts his head up slowly.

“Buck…” he barely groaned out.

“Lieutenant, are you okay?” One of the guards asked.

“I’m okay. Inform the process that the EFF is a terrorist organization.” He told him. The guard nodded and ran upstairs. Stone looked back into the room. 5 dead bodies lay there. 5 dead bodies thanks to those who felt their voices weren’t heard. 5 dead bodies from a group Stone once supported. He sighed. “Oh, how we’ve changed.”

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