• Published 14th Feb 2021
  • 1,029 Views, 47 Comments

Cozy Zurg's Adventures! - Ultimus Pendragon

The most diabolical villain known as Emperor Zurg will one day conquer the known universe, with the help of his daughter Cozy Glow.

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A Fool To Evil

Author's Note:

Hey guys, back at it again. Sorry for the long break, being active duty in the military really shows you how little time you have for some things and to manage the rest of what you do have. But I have missed writing, so I hope you enjoy this long overdue chapter and the rest of my stories when they all update.

A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.

-Baltasar Gracian.

Star Command. . .

Emperor Zurg.

His greatest nemesis. The bane of the galaxy. A connoisseur of root beer.

Questionable, but he knew that it had to all be a ruse. And wherever Zurg went, his rein of evil followed, and the innocents would suffer.


Evil was sadly, a force in the universe that could never truly be stamped out but could always be fought with the honor, glory, and rightness of good.

''Buzz, you there?''

And it was up to him to be the driving force behind it. Zurg was unlike any other evil-doer he ever faced in his career, and understanding the scope of his power and mind would only-

''-BUZZ!'' Buzz was brought out of his internal monologue and back into the present to barely avoid getting sidelined by a wall as he walked towards the chow area. ''You doing ok?''

The question caught Buzz off guard. Was he ok? Could he be. . .ok? With Zurg not within his immediate area of watch, it was hard to say. His gaze settled on Mira who held a questioning, yet concerned frown at her leader's recent behavior since Zurg was whisked away into that black hole. Barely he slept, ate only out of dire need, and often committed himself to countless patrols of the sector and beyond.

And all of them; dead ends. Something had to give. ''Oh, Mira. Yea, yea. I'm fine, just thinking.'' Buzz shook his head, mentally preparing for another round of patrol that was set to happen in the next few hours.

''About Zurg, no doubt. Boss. . .it's been close to 2 months since we saw Zurg get swallowed up by that black hole,'' Mira's tone of pleading betrayed the cautious glare in her eyes to Buzz. He never did too well with something unless he understood it first, in his own way; which took time. ''You may have to accept that he's gone.''

''And if not? Then what? We just let that monster run amok in a different sector of the galaxy? Or worse off; an entirely different one? One where the laws may be all that much more sarcastic, and Zurg can worm his sick, twisted grip around poor, defenseless worlds,'' Buzz rounded on his second, his finger poking a firm, but calculated pressure near the collar of her suit. ''And what would Star Command say or do to that? Incompetence, that's what.''

And again with the same response when he was asked about Zurg. Everyone who had an idea of what happened eventually got around to talking to Buzz to see how he was doing, or more so ordered since those in higher places could see his quest for justice going beyond the standard procedures of Star Command should his mind go off the rails suddenly. ''But for how much longer can you keep this up, Buzz? We tried everything we could, I think it's time to let it. . .go.''

Let go? How? How could he? It was Zurg! The bane of the cosmos; the dark lord who subjugated entire races, and held the record for the longest consecutive monologue. Few could stand in his way, and the message that would be sent by running for the hills with tails between their legs would only serve to push the narrative further. Someone like Buzz Lightyear would be remiss to up and leave things stand as they did. ''Easier said than done, Mira. I can't really explain it, but a part of me knows that he's still out there, scheming.'' Buzz looked to the vast expanse of the stars, a glint of defiance in his eyes. ''He's gotta be.''

Mira sighed, knowing once again, his mind would fail to be changed with just words. Everything under the sun of Star Command had been suggested to help Buzz ease into the acceptance that the greatest threat that the galaxy faced was now gone, and for him to move on.

Well, mostly everything.

''Well, whatever you plan on doing, you should make it quick. We do have other missions, you know.'' Mira said, handing the space ranger a tablet with a set of data entries that displayed the rampant crime rates in the various sectors of the galaxy, those with the highest bounties for capture, and the squads assigned. What caught Buzz's attention was the name at the very top of the list, listed in red.

Warp Darkmatter.

''There,'' Buzz pointed his finger at the lapdog of Zurg. He would surely have an idea of where his master was. Always in the midst, though never too far from the monster's hand, always scheming, and always a traitor in the eyes of Star Command and the Space Rangers. ''We need to capture Warp, and force him to tell us where Zurg is. He may even be sending him information and supplies for as much as we know.''

Mira furrowed her brow. Easier a task said than done. Warp was Zurg's second hand and not one to be taken lightly. If they held any hope, they would definitely need to have backup and a well-thought-out plan But, at the same, Buzz did have a point, but with the glare in his eyes and his recent behavior, Mira was not confident that he would be up to snuff when the time came. ''Right, I'll get in touch with the LGMs to see if they can engineer a few toys and tricks for us. It still may be a dead end for Zurg, but Warp can't be allowed to roam free.''

Buzz nodded as his second walked off after making sure he was as ok as he could have been before embarking on his patrol with XR and Booster. The two of them wouldn't be nearly as direct about the issue of Zurg with as Mira was, and whether for their own reason or their own personal way of going about it mattered little to him.

One of the greatest evils was still out there, plotting, planning, brooding. . .recruiting.

''You won't get away, Zurg!'' Buzz shouted to himself inside his helmet, forgetting that he failed to switch the dampening feature back on, surprising and causing a few of the other Space Rangers in his vicinity to flinch and look at him in confusion. ''Oh, sorry. My bad.''

Meanwhile, on Emperor Zurg's ship.

''AH-CHOO!'' Zurg sneezed, blowing a nearby minion away that was on their way to bring their lord his requested cup of Root Beer procured from the nearby settlement town known as Dodge Junction on their way back towards Ponyville.

''Query; are you ok, my lord?'' a nearby telemetry bot asked, one of the optics shifting and moving to look in Zurg's direction.

''Ugh, no! W-What was that about? I'd only ever sneeze if. . .'' Zurg trailed on, suddenly stopping to look at his prized drink all over his deck. Rage began to flow through him.

Then the realization.

''Curse you, Buzz Lightyear!~"