• Published 14th Feb 2021
  • 1,029 Views, 47 Comments

Cozy Zurg's Adventures! - Ultimus Pendragon

The most diabolical villain known as Emperor Zurg will one day conquer the known universe, with the help of his daughter Cozy Glow.

  • ...

A Wave Of Evil. . .Evil, Evil

Author's Note:

Back again with the evil, and that means. . .well, more evil. It's a simple equation, really. How will Cozy Glow and the Makeshift Duo be able to accomplish their mission? WIll our intrepid ponies be able to see the impending doom, and will Zurg's quest for the best root beer finally be complete?

Find out in this chapter and more to come.

''History is an endless repetition of the wrong way of living.''

-Lawerence Durrell.

Emperor Zurg's flagship slowly began to come to life, the thrusters once grounded being given life once again. The ground beneath charred in an instant, funneling the grass and soil into a depression, the opposing forces lifting the heavy, but majestic ship rumbling the loose debris. Cozy Glow could hardly believe what was happening; Mr. Zurg's ship was finally in the sky! Feeling a bit of a thrum, the next thing she could understand, and the ship took off, soaring high into the sky, passing cloud by in the blink of an eye.

''This is so amazing!'' Cozy cheered, zooming back and forth between the two large reinforced windows on either side of the Emperor Zurg's deck.

''Indeed,'' Zurg commented, his haughty air about his ship being complimented giving the dark lord a sense of confidence when his ship, The Dreadnought took off once again. ''Is the cloaking system active?''

''Yes, my lord!'' Aura replied back with a gumptious attitude. ''Engine power holds steady at 94%, and our navigation system is synced with the local terrain.'' Button Mash walked over to his fellow partner, nudging her to look at Cozy Glow practically burst at the seams with the idea of being in the air with Emperor Zurg and to help the mission go on of achieving the mission's goal.

''Excellent. Our mission has been pushed forward, and we will only have but time to implement our ideals to this puny world. Cozy Glow, report!'' Zurg commanded, the small addition tensing before zooming over to Emperor Zurg, saluting with a hoof as her button denoting her rank as a Private glistened.

''Mr. Zurg, Cozy Glow reporting-'' Zurg interrupted, his glowing eyes doing little to deter her report.


''-Me, Aura, and Button Mash went into the Everfree Forest, and we didn't find anything at first,'' Cozy remembered the expedition to the forest, only to be entranced by the cool staff that she found. It managed to give her the ability to move objects like a Unicorn, and to reverse or accelerate things from what Aura told her. ''But then I found this really neat staff and an egg!''

Emperor Zurg drug a hand across his face in annoyance; while not completely incorrect of a report, it still lacked, and that would have to be rectified in the future for the sake of the Empire. The powers of the staff greatly intrigued Zurg to the point where experimentation would have to be taken underway, though having his newest minion field test would produce more realistic results and lessen the chance of something going wrong to the others on his crew as he had yet to add more numbers to the ranks beside the one he recently had.

He would have to make these minions last, as well as their individual health care plans when this ripe world gets retro-fitted to his specifications.

''Euuugh. . .as riveting as that was, your mission still remains incomplete; the addition of this staff and our ship being sky worthy once again does tip the scale in our favor, so we will not squander this chance to make this world into the best version it can be. . .the Zurgy version, hahahahaha. . .'' Zurg chuckled to himself, seeing Button Mash and Aura self-diagnose themselves before waiting for their next set of orders from their lord. ''Button Mash will be your base for communications and Aura will be your escort as you begin the next part of our quest to spread our influence.''

''And what's that, Mr. Zurg?'' Cozy felt the staff move a tad from the sling on her back in response to the egg that sat nearby in a containment field. He merely pointed to the case as Button Mash trotted over, bringing the case to Cozy who looked at it in mild confusion.

''Go and 'convince' your friends and as many of the local townsponies you can that our new acquisition is a force to be reckoned with as you can, no doubt control the beast.''

''Huh?'' Cozy still didn't understand; she knew she had to do something with the staff and egg, but Mr. Zurg's words sometimes went over her head when she wasn't paying as close attention as she should have been.

''Just go into town and make sure you let the egg out, I'll explain what you have to do when we get there.'' Aura said, tapping her fellow loyalist on the back. ''Button, make sure you stay on the comms, we may need it.''

''Yea, yea.'' Button Mash said, waving the pair off as Emperor Zurg sat back in his chair, reveling in his feeling of a plan coming together, and before any could be the wiser. . .

Buzz Lightyear would finally rue the day he allowed his doom to spread to another sector of the known universe.

It would be his undoing.

Ponyville Outskirts. . .

Aura sat on the ground, her precepts unable to tell her much besides what she was seeing Cozy do; the staff she found made quick work of the egg that contained what she was able to tell was a Leviathan back to life, sprouting out in an almost petal-like flare of scales and mist before settling. ''Curious.''

Looking over the egg that became the Leviathan, Cozy Glow smiled to herself, knowing that whatever it was that she had to do would help Mr. Zurg's mission and help her with her friendship homework with Headmistress Twilight! Two birds with one stone. The look of surprise on Aura's face made Cozy giggle; she was the nicer out of her and Button Mash, and the fun things that they gave Cozy Glow the idea that the CMC would have to befriend the two of them. ''Hi, Mr. Leviathan!''

''OOOOO!~ What in Equestria did you have to do that for? If you really wanted to talk to me, then all you had to do was ask!'' Aura saw the Leviathan stretch about and work out a crick in his long, scaly back as his pompadour and mustache remained poofy and unkempt. ''What can I help you with? H-Hello?'' Cozy looked at the creature with a bemused look as Aura's translation system began to analyze the body structure and internal vitals of the creature in front of them.

Cozy looked at Aura, completely unaware of what her partner was doing, only to have the thought of spreading Mr. Zurg's message and the goal of making his business boom throughout Equestria be stopped for a second by her new friend. He. . .was funny! Maybe she could have Mr. Zurg give him a job with the Empire. ''So, what do we do now? I can't understand what he's saying!''

Aura's optics short-circuited for a brief moment, her systems perfecting telling her what the creature said, but her wonder at why Cozy could not when she held the staff and turned him into an egg gave her the question about what avenue she should approach this from to get the mission done under any circumstance.


''Um. . .he's saying that he can help us, Cozy.'' Aura made her speech understandable to the two of them so the creature would not be any the wiser until she chose to enact her plan for Emperor Zurg. ''He said he heard about what Mr. Zurg wanted to do for Ponyville and he thinks he can help paint Mr. Zurg's idea.''

The mile-wide grin on Cozy's face would have grown even more if it were possible. ''How, how? What can we do to help?'' Emperor would hopefully praise her quick-thinking skills to somepony as impressionable as Cozy Glow which did make her wonder just how far would she be willing would her determination to the cause of conquering other worlds would go before. . .explaining would have to be done.

''Well. . .it's a little to take in, but I think we can help,'' Aura clicked her tongue as her eyes drifted to Cozy's staff and recalled the explosive energy that the Leviathan held would possibly give her the fuel needed. ''Here, follow my lead.''

''Excellent, excellent; yes, yes, yes, yes! Hahahahahahahaha!. . . Oh, what a wonderful sight!'' Zurg cheered from the bridge, Aura's optic up-load to the ship's megaplex screen that displayed the wonderful evil that began to take place in the small town square only gave Zurg all the more reason to dance like a mad warlord over the burnt ashes of buildings and grass. Aura's impromptu plan, once explained to the dark lord as the original change certainly provided an edge that would otherwise not be immediately found within the timeframe was a refreshing change of pace.

The mind and heart of his newest employee were beginning to have an iron grasp around Zurg's claws, making the work that needed to be done seem trivial with a ship.

Now to set the next trap.

''My lord,'' Button Mash called out to his master, looking at the glint in his eyes rise with each passing second, the vibrations of joy being felt from as a breeze of wind, more comparable to a small wave. ''Something about this feels a little off.''

''Nonsense, Button! Things are going according to my plan, as you and Aura are no doubt aware, more so than that dolt Cozy Glow, which begs the question,'' Zurg hummed, clutching a hand over his chin in thought.

''Lord?'' Button asked. Zurg shuffled forward towards the navigation screen, looking over the vast landscape of Equestria. ''How far would she be willing to go for the sake of evil?''

''Boss,'' Button called, the dark lord paying his subordinate no mind.

''One day she may be able to. . .surpass me,''

''Uh, boss?'' Button called a bit higher but to no avail.

''Nana Zurg would surely be coming for me with her nuclear rolling pin, even across the stars. . .'' the thought of planetary destruction upon his scalp made a wave of jitters run through the warlord.

''Emperor Zurg!'' Button Mash called out, hopping in front of his boss, the sudden action causing his neck to be caught by Zurg's claws as a glint of red flashed from his eyes.


''Ponyville is on fire.''

''What?! And I missed it?'' Zurg dropped Button on the ground, causing the robot pony to shake his head as the impact may have knocked something loose. ''Aura; report!''

A gargle of static followed from the ship's intercom before Aura's voice came in, albeit a bit panicked. ''Situation. . .questionable.''

''I said a report, you bucket of bolts, not a guess!'' Zurg's temper flared for a moment. ''What in the name of Buzz Lightyear is going on that I missed in a few seconds?''

If Aura could, she would just cut the call short; it would be better if he didn't know, but he was her boss, and a question was asked. ''Cozy Glow may have taken my expression 'light the town' a bit too literally.''

A gloved hand drug itself across Zurg's face as the ideas began to sink in. How bad?

''How bad could it be?''

''She's riding Ruhoo.''

''It has a name?!'' Zurg asked, groaning.

''It had an actual name; Steven from what I was able to tell, but Cozy seems unable to understand him,'' Aura said, her optical feed showing Cozy Glow riding around Ponyville with the creature in tow that shouted and spat fire from his maw as the citizens of Ponyville scampered about, some being zapped by the staff only, to be turned into infant ponies, screaming and crying about. ''Should we. . .stop them. . .if we can?''

Zurg was temporarily at a loss for words. Cozy Glow. . .actually began to make progress. ''I. . .''