• Published 14th Feb 2021
  • 2,150 Views, 4 Comments

Cuddles In Equestria - RaritySimper44

Anon cuddles Fluttershy in an alternate universe.

  • ...

From Memes to Cuddles

Anon was sitting at home, eyes glued on his computer screen, he was looking at memes, he was growing bored, he had just gotten up. A cup of coffee sat on his desk next to him, This was his life, no other plans than memes. He also watched my little pony like a creep, but we won’t get into that. He yawned with a stretch, “gee it sure is boring around here!” He blinked and suddenly he was in a forest. He fell on his butt and looked around, “whoa, what the fuck man?!” He yelled in a panic suddenly he heard a low growl coming from somewhere, he squinted towards the noise and stared in horror, a pair of yellow eyes stared back at him, and suddenly a Manticore leaped out. Of the bushes, “OVERUSED TROPE!!!!!!!!!!” He screamed in panic and fumbled to his feet, he raced off in the opposite direction as fast as he could go. He didn’t look behind him, or where his feet were going because he tripped over something and fell. He screamed and as he did he heard a feminine scream as well. He looked behind him, something yellow and pink had just jumped into the bushes, he stared at the bush a while before looking for the manticore, it was nowhere to be seen, must have been a territory thing I guess. In reality, it served no purpose besides filler.

He shrugged it off relieved that it was gone, he suddenly saw the bush quivering, with a shaky voice he called out to it. “H-hello?” There was a whimper and a squeak in response. “I-its okay, I’m friendly, you can come out, I think.” I’m not dead yet so I guess it’s friendly too.

“H-how can I be sure?” Asked an obvious female judging by its voice.

There was something else though, weird she sounds like Fluttershy, but she doesn’t exist so that’s impossible. “Well… you can’t”, he bluntly stated to her.

“I’m not coming out then”, she stated firmly.

“Yeah okay, fair enough, can you at least tell me how to get out of this forest then?” Anon asked casually.

“Yes of course”, responded the bush just as casually, “just follow the dirt path.”

“What dirt path there is no- oh that dirt path”, he said as he spotted a dirt path below his feet trailing off behind him. “Thank you!” He said in gratitude as he walked off down the path.

“W-wait a sec!”

He turned around and ironically enough Fluttershy stood there halfway out of the bush staring at him shyly. At least he thought she was, her face was hidden inside her hair. Oh my god….It’s Fluttershy, Anon was freaking out internally as he tried his best to look as calm as possible. He didn’t say anything as he just stood there silently, mouth agape. She slowly stepped out of the bushes all the way. He grunted as he got on a knee, oh god, I need to lose some weight. “So um… Okay, I’m not gonna pretend to not know you, your Fluttershy, right?”

She looked at him surprised, “y-yes I am, how do you know who I am?”

“You’re the element of kindness, the elements of harmony make you pretty well known just about everywhere.”

She suddenly giggles lightly.

“What?” He asked, confused.

“I like your shirt, it's funny.”

Anon looked down and smiled, he was wearing one of his cat shirts; three cats in front of a full moon riding corn on the cob, popcorn is flying around in the background. “Thank you”, he said, feeling pride swell inside his heart.

“So um… what are you? If you don’t mind me asking of course.” She asked meekly.

“I’m a human.”

Her eyes brightened at this, as her wings shot open with excitement. “I always thought your kind was a myth!” She exclaimed excitedly as she flew into his face, startling him. She noticed this and her ears went down, “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to startle you.” She said, concerned in her eyes.

“Funny, I always thought you were a myth.”

“What do you mean?”

“Where I come from Pegasi are mythological creatures, yet here you are.”

“Where are you from, if you don't mind me asking.”

Anon hesitated at this, probably best not to tell her I'm from a different reality. She'll think I'm crazy. “I come from a place far away from here.”

She cocked her head at this, “okay, but where exactly are you from though?”

“I’d rather not tell you that if you don't mind.”

“Oh of course I understand.” She landed on the ground looking down towards it in disappointment.

Suddenly Anon had an intensely strong urge to pet her, “hey Fluttershy, can I pet you?”

She stared at him silently, things were awkward now, her face was suddenly red, likely from embarrassment. Obviously asking ponies if one could pet them wasn’t the most appropriate question to ask. “Um...what?”

“Can I pet you? I understand if you don't want me to pet you, sorry if it's offensive or not appropriate, I'm not really… how do I put this…” He thought about it, a smile came to his face after a moment's consideration. “I'm not accustomed to your customs.” He stated, smiling proud at what he felt was mildly clever.

Fluttershy giggled a little at this, “I'll tell you what, tell me where you're from and I'll let you pet me”, she said with a sly smile.

Anon smiled at this, clever girl, “okay, I'm from an alternate reality, a place called Earth. Where I come from you are a cartoon, for little girls. I love this show l, don't ask how I got here, or why I, as a grown man like a little girl's cartoon. I don't even know. One second I'm on my computer looking at memes, and drinking coffee, the next I'm in a forest!”

Fluttershy stared at Anon silently as if he were crazy. He finished and waited for her response, she cleared her throat. “I'm, um, going to need a minute to let that sink in….”

“Oh yeah of course I completely understand what you mean.”

After a minute she smiled at him, “okay then, um… a deals a deal, you can pet me. J-just m-maybe my ear for now? I haven't really been pet before so I'm nervous.”

“I understand, only the ears got it.”

“Yeah, okay, please be gentle, they're very sensitive.”

“I promise I'll be as gentle as I can.” He said as he gently grabbed her ear in his hand and began stroking it and scratching it between his fingers. It was furry and soft, softer than anything he’d ever felt before, like the finest silk. A deep blush was spreading across her cheeks, and her body was tense. She was clearly nervous, but she was smiling and seemed to like it at least a little. Anon gently brought his other hand to her chin and began scratching beneath it, she immediately yelped at this and jumped in surprise. Anon quickly pulled his hand back in surprise, he stared at her awaiting her next reaction.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you, I just wasn’t expecting you to pet me there is all.” She said ears down as she looked up at him apologetically.

“Don’t be sorry Fluttershy, I shouldn’t have done it, I’m sorry, I just couldn’t help it is all. Can you show me the way out of here, please?”

“Oh, yes of course follow me, my friends will really want to meet you.” She trotted off down the dirt path followed close by Annon.


Anon and Fluttershy walked out of the forest, a cottage was overlooking them on a hill, flowers were filed up the pathway to the cottage, and next to the setting sun, it was quite a sight.

“Thank you, Fluttershy for your help.”

“Of course, um… I’m so sorry, I never got your name”, she said as she stopped and stared over her shoulder at him.

“My name is Anonymous, but you can call me Anon if you want.”

“Well Anon, you don’t have to thank me, I couldn’t just leave you in there, it’s dangerous at night, besides, what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t at least help you out of that forest?”

“We’re friends?”

“Of course, you seem really sweet, and I did have a pretty good time with you even if we didn’t do very much. You can stay at my home tonight if you like by the way, I know you aren’t from around here.”

“Wait, you believed me when I told you I was from a different reality? He asked, surprised.

“Well, um, I don’t know about that…. But I know you're not from Equestria at least. Besides, you’d probably cause a lot of panic in town if you just wander in there, I think it would best if you stay with me. At least until my friends and I get you acquainted with Ponyville.” She stated as she continued walking.

“Oh, right, ponies are used to seeing humans are they.”

“Not any that I know.”

“Yeah, I think it’s best I stay with you too, I can only imagine what would happen if my people saw fictional beings walking around town like tourists.” He stated as they walked up the dirt path to her cottage. Uh oh…. I’m not gonna become a lab rat am I? He decided to bring this up to her later. He stared at her flower garden, impressed by how beautiful it was, “wow Fluttershy, your flower gardens gorgeous!”

“O-oh, thank you….” She said blushing slightly at the compliment. She opened the door and motioned for him to go in, the first thing he noticed were all the animals in it. The second was how clean the cottage was. “Um, is everything alright Anon?” She asked, a little uneasy.

“Oh, yeah, sorry Fluttershy”, he walked in and she closed the door behind them. The animals all rushed over to greet her, everything from blue birds and mice to bears and hawks came to give their greetings. The bear picked Fluttershy up and hugged her firmly, getting a giggle out of her.

“Oh my, are my animals a problem? I hope you don't mind a few animals.”

“A few? This is what you call a few? You're a hoarder Fluttershy.”

“Um… so you, don’t like animals? She asked, looking at him nervously.

“Oh no, I love animals, I was kidding around, sorry if I hurt your feelings.”

“It's okay, I don't joke around much is all.”

“I understand”, probably best to not tease her anymore…

“Your house is so clean, I'm surprised that there's not crap everywhere.”

“Oh goodness no!” She said in surprise, a look of disgust on her face. “The animals have manners and I make sure they know it's not okay to do, well, that in my cottage. There's a bathroom they can use, otherwise it's strictly outside. Although there are accidents from time to time, it's pretty rare.”

“Oh, okay.”

“So”, she said flying off, she rummaged through the animals as if they were clothes until she pulled out a kitten, she flew over to Anon smiling wide, “DO YOU LIKE CATS!”

A big stupid smile came to his face, “I LOVE CATS!”The kitten hissed and swiped at Anon upon being put in his face.

she smiled sheepishly at him as she put the kitten down. “Apparently cats don’t feel the same about you Anon.”

He laughed at this, “more like they aren’t used to me yet.”

“Are you hungry Anon?”

“I’m starving!”

She smiled, “take a seat on the couch and I’ll get us some sandwiches”, she trotted off into the next room leaving Anon alone with the animals. In an instant he was surrounded. He started feeling uncomfortable at this, a rabbit suddenly hopped onto the bear's head and stared at him.

Maybe I ought to introduce myself, “hi, Angel, I’m Anon”, the rabbit just stared at him, nose twitching as they stared each other down.

“Oh, Anon I’m so sorry”, he turned to find Fluttershy in the room now, everypony please give Anon some space. At her words the animals slowly dispersed across the house leaving him be.

He gave a sigh of relief at this, “thank you Fluttershy.”

“Of course, so um, what exactly do humans eat?” She asked sheepishly.

“Good question Fluttershy, we’re omnivores, so we eat meat and fruits, veggies, etcetera, etcetera.” He held back his love for meat out of fear of how she’d react.

“Oh my, those are so rare in Equestria, which do you prefer? I’ve got some fish if you want some meat.”

And just like that, his hesitance went out the window, “I’d love some, could you cook it as well please? Humans don’t normally eat raw meat.”

“Okay then, I’ll get us some food made in a jiffy Anon”, she then walked back into the kitchen. Anon sat on the couch twiddling his thumbs for about five minutes before getting up and walking to the kitchen.

“Hey Fluttershy, is it okay if I help you cook?”

“Oh no, you're my guest, I couldn’t possibly!”

“I understand, I won’t push it, but I really wanna help, let me know if you want any help okay?”

“Thank you Anon, but I can handle it, you must be tired, why not go relax on my couch while I get everything ready?”

He nodded, “thank you”, he went and sat back down on the couch to avoid insulting her, the animals came to him again. This time Anon decided to do something, he reached out to the closest animal- the bear and stroked its head, it let out satisfied grunts at his touch. He reached his other hand to another animal and pet it as well, maybe I can distract myself after all. His stomach suddenly growled, he held it in pain, come on Fluttershy, chop chop, Anon’s hungry! Time passed fast because Fluttershy suddenly came back with their food, and some tea along with two cups. All the animals moved aside for her as she walked towards him.

She set both plates on the table and sat in the chair beside him, “I hope you like it, this is my first time cooking fish.”

“Oh, yeah, most creatures don’t eat cooked meat do they?”

“No, I’m surprised you asked me to cook it.”

“Humans can’t eat uncooked food, well, fish I think they can eat raw, but it tastes better cooked. It's healthier too. Anyway, I’m sure it's fine”, Anon assured her. “Oh um, by the way do you have a fork and knife I can use, please?”

Fluttershy had her mouth an inch away from her salad she had stopped to look at him, she forced a smile as she pulled away, “oh um, yes give me one second”, she got up and trotted off to the kitchen and came back with a fork and a vegetable knife. It's the only one I have.

“That's fine, thank you Fluttershy.”

Anon and Fluttershy then began eating, Fluttershy looked at him expectantly, “well, how is it?”

“It's pretty good, for your first time cooking it.”

“Oh good, I was afraid you might not like it.” They ate in silence for about five minutes before Fluttershy cleared her throat, “um… A-Anon, can you um… pet me again, p-please?” She asked, hiding half her face behind her mane, the half exposed was a deep red.

Anon looked at her with an excited smile, “sure can, just come on over to the couch so it's easier for me please.” She nodded and hesitantly got up and sat next to him, “okay so is it just the ears still? “

“Um.. I’m okay with you scratching my chin too, but the ears definitely need a good scratching.”

He nodded in confirmation, “are you ready?” She nodded, a nervous smile on her face, he began by scratching her ear. She was tense like before but not as much as she leaned her head into his hand. Blushing as he scratched and rubbed it gently. His other hand began scratching under her chin, her blush deepened as she pushed her chin into his hand. She laid herself in his lap on her side, so she could get comfortable. He began scratching down her neck to her chest and back up to her chin. A purr erupted from her. Huh, so ponies do purr, I read a fanfiction about something like this.

She rubbed her cheek across his leg as he pet her, he chuckled at this, “are you a pony or a cat, I’m confused.”

“Mmm, was her only response to this as he rubbed her throat down to her chest and back up, still scratching her ear.”

Suddenly the thought of being experimented on came to his mind, may not be a good time but I can’t relax until we have this conversation… Anon cleared his throat, “hey um Fluttershy?”

“Hm?” She asked through her purring, her eyes were closed with a small smile on her lips as she had her head on her hooves.

“Will um… Equestria be wanting to do experiments on me?” He asked fear in his voice.

She sat up and looked up into his eyes, she put a hoof on his arm to try to calm him, "oh Anon, how long have you been worried about this?"

"Um… a while…"

She hugged him, "you poor thing, I’m not going to lie, yes probably." Anon went pale as he stared at her in utter horror at the thought of becoming a lab rat. She took his hand in her hoof, and began stroking it with her other, she took his chin in her other wing to make him look her in her eyes. "Anon, I promise I won’t let anypony hurt you, I’ll personally make sure that any experiments done on you are consensual and safe."

This eased Anon’s mind a little, "thank you Fluttershy."

She gave him a hug in response. "Feel better?"

"A little."

"Good, now get back to petting me, I need more attention!"

He laughed at this, yes ma’am, can I pet your mane and back?"


He began petting her head, stroking her mane, allowing it to slide through his fingers. She moaned in satisfaction as she rubbed her cheek against his leg again, she repositioned herself to her back so her belly was up. Her tail flicked gently to and fro as he pet her head and began rubbing her chest, now able to reach more surface area of her chest. He rubbed down to her belly and scratched her belly and sides, she immediately began giggling and squirmed under his hand, kicking and flailing her hoofs about, almost in a panic. He stopped smiling down at her amused. "Ticklish much?"

"Yes, very…" she said meekly with a nod, blushing deeper than he’d ever seen her blush, yet still giggling a little nervously, as she eyed him warily.

"Sorry, I’ll try not to tickle you anymore."

"Thank you." She repositioned herself again so she was laying on her belly, by now she was all the way in his lap. Anon began petting her back with both hands now, her purring had doubled in volume by now, giving a loud sigh of comfort once in a while.

Suddenly Anon remembered her friends, "hey Fluttershy, when can I meet your friends?"

"Tomorrow", she mumbled sleepily, her eyes were closed and her breathing and purring had slowed to a steady pace. He nodded as he stroked her from head to tail like a cat. She nuzzled his arm and grabbed it in a hug as she began taking a nap in his lap.

Author's Note:

I bet you're wondering how Anon got here aren't you,? Well, don't worry, because Twilight's next! she'll explain everything.

Comments ( 4 )


I like this.

deliciously memey and self-indulgent

Short and cute, well done 👍

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