• Published 24th Feb 2021
  • 2,490 Views, 68 Comments

Pets of Ponyville - FIM Fiction

There are so many stories of people becoming the Mane Six. This is people becoming their pets.

  • ...


The sun rose over the land, beckoning to all to be awake. Celestia herself ate, awaiting her sister. Philomena flapped awkwardly over, bonking into Celestia, before rolling onto the table. "Goodness! Are you alright?"

Pacifica rolled to her feet. "Yes and no. I'm a phoenix, but I also died. So I'm now immortal, and have no idea what to do. Anyways you can't understand me so Ima call you ugly, then Ima take your breakfast."

Celestia watched as her bird grabbed her pancake, before flying off. She stared for a few moments, before her sister groggily entered. Her sister grabbed a pineapple, and was about to bite into it when it was also grabbed by the phoenix.


Tim had lived a simple life, yes. And it was true he was now a rock, yes. But things could be worse, yes? Yes. He saw a hoof poke his face. Every side of him was his face, yes. But that was not really important to the hoof, yes? Maybe.

He stared at the hoof. It was pink, yes. And fuzzy, true. And slightly damp. he stared at the pony. It smushed it's face against his. Pink it was, yes. Bleeding it was, yes. Bleeding from trying to break something far stronger then it, yes.

Tim felt proud and sad. He was stronger, yes. But she bled, true. And so, he rolled out of the way, yes.


Patrick bounded out of the whole. Finally, he was free! His stomach grumbled heavily. "I- I need food." He watched the stone that blocked his path role into the woods, before coming back with an apple. He snatched the apple, scarfing it down. Patrick stared at the rock. "Wait... How did you...?" He shook his head. "Get me more Apples." He watched as the stone rolled away once more.

(This will probably be a side series, if enough people want this to be a thing. Otherwise, it will just be here to be here.)


Fluttershy hummed to herself as she got food out. Sh walked over to where Angelo slept. "Time to wake up!" she softly sang, opening the curtains.

Angelo hissed, before rolling off the couch and landed with a light thump. He groggily got up, suffering a mental hangover. "Necesito mis cigarrillos."

"...What?" Fluttershy asked, tilting her head. "I'm sorry Angel. I don't understand."

"Eh." Angelo weakly waved a paw at Fluttershy, before his stomach growled. "Food. No talk, just munch." he rapidly blinked his eyes, his mental pattern not used to not being hung over and no nicotine in the system. A bowl of food was set next to him. He stared at it for a moment, before faceplanting into the bowl. He munched on the food, hmming happlily.

Fluttershy let out a small giggle. She grabbed a brush and began to clean Angelo, singing softly.


Olivia awoke with a yawn. She stretched her legs, before glancing around the room. Rarity was still asleep. Olivia got up, jumping out of bed and landing with a thump. "Ow. I need to learn how to land. And to jump." She let a sigh of relief, seeing the door open. She gently walked down the stairs (more of hopping down each step) and jumped out a window. "Alright, let's explore the town." Olivia said.


Winona leapt out of bed as a massive ringing woke her up. "WHAT WAS THAT!?" she barked.

"Meh." Apple Bloom whacked her alarm clock, shutting it off. She let out a yawn, stretching her arms (fun fact: Horses front legs are called arms). "Hi Winona." she groggily said. Apple Bloom shook her head rapidly. She hopped out of bed, looking energized.

"BREAKFAST!" came the shout of her sister from downstairs.

Apple Bloom quickly headed down, Willow right behind her. Winona sat next to Apple Bloom, opening her mouth.

"Nope. You gotta eat dog food." Applejack said, pulling Willow down. She set a bowl of food on the ground. "Enjoy."

Willow sniffed at the food. It smelled weird, but not that bad. She opened her mouth to eat, and hesitated.


Willow set her food next to Poochie. "Willow! What on earth are you doing!?" Willow looked up, seeing a tall woman in an elegant dress, lined with actual silver.

"I'm eating with Poochie!" Willow proudly said.

Her mother tutted softly. "I know you like to eat with servants and staff, but no matter how you eat, eat like a lady." She picked up the plate and brought it to the dining room. She set the plate on the table. "A lady always eats at a table."


Willow whimpered, before grabbing her bowl. She lifted it and set it on the table, next to Apple Bloom. She then proceeded to eat, being careful not to make a mess.

"What in heaven?" Granny Smith exclaimed. "The dog's gotten manners!"

"Eyup." Big Mac said simply. His eyebrows raised, but not his eyelids.

Breakfast was soon finished. "Bye! I'm off to school!" Apple Bloom said, running out the door.

"School? SCHOOL!" Willow ran out the door after Apple Bloom. "I can't be late for school!" She screeched to a halt, looking at Apple Bloom. "Where's school?"

"Whoa, calm down girl!" Apple Bloom giggled. "I'm going to school. Stay here." Willow wimpered, but obeyed. Once Apple Bloom left her sight, she sprinted after the child.


Odin stared down at Spike. "Hey. Hey wake up. Sun's up, time to open the library."

Spike groaned as he awoke, before letting out a scream. He smacked Odin's face, before scuttling out of his basket.

"I'M UP WHAT'S WRONG?" Twilight shouted, waking with a start.

"Farewell I'm going on break!" Odin quickly flew out the window, fluttering to the ground. "Progress."


Once in town, Willow saw many children heading a certain direction. She followed them to the school, and leaped into a desk, sitting with a happy pant.

The classroom soon filled up, many children petting Willow. Cheerliee entered the room. "Alright class-" She stopped, before letting out a sigh. "Children, please sit in your seats." The students quickly did so. "Now, whose dog is this?"

"She's mine." Apple Bloom said. "I made sure to tell her to stay at home, but... I guess she followed me." A few scattered snickers 🍫😋 could be heard.

Cheerilee shook her head. "Could you please bring her home? I'll provide you your make up homework later.

Apple Bloom nodded, her ears flattened in embarrassment. She headed over to Willow. "Come on Winona." Willow growled, barring her teeth and shocking Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom turned to Cheerilee. "She doesn't want to leave."

"Phh, the dumb dog think's she's a student!" Diamond Tiara mocked. A laugh traveled through the classroom.

"Idea!" Willow jumped out of the desk, running up the the front of the room. She sat down next to Cheerilee's desk. "Hi! I'm Willow, but you guys can call me Winona." She grabbed a piece of chalk in her mouth, making marks on the blackboard.

\/\/ | |\| (

Willow spat the chalk out, not being able to stand the taste any longer. She blew a raspberry, before facing the others. "I enjoy reading, and I LOVE head pats." She bended her legs in a makeshift bow, and headed back to the desk.

Cheerilee let out a laugh. "Well, I'll play along Apple Bloom, but just for today. Everypony, this is our new student for today; Winona!"


"Life. What defines one as alive? Is it our senses? That which-" Gabriel's inner thoughts were interrupted by a blue glow covering him. He was then levitated upside-down. "What in the nine circles of hell?" He was floated out of the room, past Pinkie. "Hello."

"Oh no not again!" Pinkie grabbed onto Gabriel, yanking him. "Pumpkin, let go! My baby is not your chew toy!" she shouted, yanking hard. "Pumpkin! Drop it!" she grunted. The blue glow suddenly disappeared, sending the two crashing into a dresser at the end of the hall. "Ow. Gummy! Are you alright!?" Pinkie asked, rushing to set Gummy back on his claws.

"We need to make some tacos and guacamole." Gabriel responded.

"Tacos? Why tacos?" Pinkie asked in confusion.

"It always makes me feel better when I make someone else feel better." Gabriel said.

"Hmmm... Alright, we'll add tacos to your party!"


The sound of a school bell would usually have shook Scootaloo awake. However, she was awake. Awake and amazed. Despite having the worst mouth writing of anypony in the classroom, Willow had gotten the best grades and seemed rather proud of her self.

"Class dismissed." Cheerilee said. The students slowly left the room, a crowd gathered around Apple Bloom and her dog. Cheerilee scratched her chin. 'Should I let Winona be a student? She's quite eager to learn, but she is a dog!' She shook her head. "I'll have to talk to the board about it." she said to herself.

Willow hopped in the Crusader's wagon, starting to sing softly to herself.

"Oh wow! Your dog is more talented then you!" Diamond Tiara said, half in amazement and half in mockery.

"How did you train her to do all that?" Zipporwhill asked.

"Ah guess she learned from watchin me!" Apple Bloom said, pride swelling in her chest.

Willow stopped singing and looked at Diamond Tiara. She felt sad looking at her. Willow hopped out of the wagon and nuzzled Diamond. "Hey, it's gonna be alright. Don't worry, okay?" she gently said.

"I- Hi?" Diamond pet Willow, wondering why the dog decided to comfort her. A sharp whistle pierced through the air.

"Winona! Come!" Applejack shouted. Willow immediately ran over. "Bad girl! Bad. You know better then to head to the school house." Applejack gave a glance to Cheerilee. "Sorry if she bothered ya."

"The opposite, really!" Cheerilee said. "Winona was a student today, and surprised all of us with how much she knew!"

"...Say what now?"

I hope you all enjoyed that chapter! I know I did!
Let me know what you think about the Pinkie Clone. Want more of it?
And who knows what sort of pranks a bored and confused phoenix can get up to?