• Published 24th Feb 2021
  • 2,490 Views, 68 Comments

Pets of Ponyville - FIM Fiction

There are so many stories of people becoming the Mane Six. This is people becoming their pets.

  • ...


Gabriel sat on the kitchen counter. "Ah, food. Tasty. Nutritious. And needed for substance." He stared at the nachos. He ate one and hummed. "Hmm... We need salsa."

"Way ahead of you, Gummy!" Pinkie said, slamming down some tomatoes. "Hiyah!" The tomatoes exploded as Pinkie punched them. "...Whoops."


"Hey Sam, check to see if he's following us."

"... Yeah. He still is."

Steve sighed. "How many time have we squashed him?"

"We could eat him" Bob suggested.

"Don't eat Nazis, you've no idea where they've been." Greg said. "Besides, he would probably come out the other end and I don't want a wiggly man coming out my butt."

Adolf trudged through the swamp after the Hydra. He couldn't die, but that didn't mean he couldn't be torn apart. His best chances of survival were to stick with this monster.

Sam thought to himself. "So we can't kill Hitler... Can we reform him?" All heads turned to Sam, who sunk a little from the stares. "J-just a suggestion."

Hitler gulped as the heads all moved to peer at him. They seemed to be judging him, each head holding different expressions.

"...Fine." Greg said. "I guess we don't have a choice, seeing how we can't kill him."

Bob rubbed his chin on Sam's head. "Could we cut off his limbs and sell them as exotic food, seeing as he'll grow them back?"

They all looked at Bob for a moment, horror growing. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU" "THIS IS WHY WE'RE NO LONGER FRIENDS" "Dude. Just no."

Sam bent down and gently picked up Hitler, before tossing the man onto his head. "Well, I guess this is your redemption arc! Hopefully. Please don't make me regret this."

"What do we even do with Hitler?" Steve asked as they tromped through the swamp.

"Vore" Bob said simply.

"Overruled." Greg said with a glare.

"Have him paint vore." Bob said.

"N- Actually..." Steve hummed in thought.

"I said No!" Greg growled.

"First off *uck you, second off, we don't know what we look like. Sorta. So we can have Hitler paint us." Steve explained.

"...Fine," Greg agreed.

Sam gently set Hitler on the ground. "Stay." he said firmly, forcing Hitler to sit. He reached over and ripped a massive chunk of bark off a tree and set it beside the Nazi, before grabbing some slime and spitting it out near the wood.

Adolf looked at the wood and the slime. "What am I supposed to do with this?" The hydra struck a pose, each head bearing a unique expression. One was smug, the second confident, the third smiling shyly, and the forth... He could only describe it as horny. "I'm not going to paint-" The forth head slammed into the ground, tearing up dirt with it's giant teeth. Adolf jumped back in fear. "Holy crap, alright already!"


Patrick rode out into the country side. "Oh, I'm a rolling stone-" He stopped, looking down at the rock beneath him. "Hey, is that offensive to you?"

The rock wobbled in response.

"...Yeah, we need to find a way to communicate. Maybe Maud could translate." He turned to the forth wall. "Alright, I'm guessing as a Pinkie I have the ability to talk to the audience, or something." He scratched his chin. "So first the obvious. Why aren't I hanging with the other Pinkie? Because POP goes the weasel, that's why. So... Give me some ideas. Like where should I go?"

This was strange of the pink one, yes. But doesn't make much difference, true. But stranger still was being a stone, yes. Strong, formidable, and with what feels like an ancient purpose. Tim supposed it was ironic, after all.


Pacifica looked out at the city of victims. "So, capital city."

"Full of rich jackoffs," Tavener added.

"With pockets loaded with gold." Pacifica commented.

"Gold ain't worth crap here." Tavener said.

"Ah. Frick."

"Why frick?" Tavener asked.

"I paid a crap load of children to steal a thousand gold. But that's... Hm." Pacifica rubbed her chin with her wings. "Oh dang, my wings feel weird as heck." She frowned. "They kinda hurt."

"Just preen them." Tavener said, ducking his head as a guard ran by.

"What's preening?"


"WHY? WHY ME?" "Ew ew ew ew!" "I hate birds now." "Why are there so many pooping birds!?" "I hate a dream it would end this way."

Willow whimpered as she hid beneath the desk. "Why are you doing this?"

"Revenge!" the hawk laughed.

"But Boss isn't even here!" Willow cried out.

All the birds stopped. They turned to face the hawk. "Uhhh... Oops?"

"We missed bread from the park lady because you said we were pooping on jerks." a bird growled. "We missed bread!"

"Get him!"

"Well goodbye I'll be leaving now!" The children all watched as all the birds started chasing the single hawk.

"Yeah, got lost you big meanie!" Sweetie Belle shouted. The students cheered as the birds all left.

"So... Winona can still come to school tomorrow, yeah?" Scootaloo asked.


A mouse sat on an officer's hat, watching as creatures moved through the busy street. He noticed movement, and uttered a single word. "Grunt"

Grunt froze in his tracks, dropping the food from the trash can he was robbing. "D-Domino! You're alive!"

"Correct. Which means the others will likely be here as well." he said, still watching the street. "We all failed that robbery. That fault falls on me for not setting up the signal jammer. We will regroup with the others, then make preparations. Finding the Beats and Clyde are number one priority."

"Yessir!" Grunt said, saluting.

"In the mean time, meet the owner of our new safe house, Officer Cuffs." Domino said, tapping the hat.

Officer Fisti Cuffs gave a small chuckle, petting the mouse on her head. "Don't worry little cutie. I've got plenty of room for you in my garage."


Olivia walked calmly through town. "Goodness, wakings a lot more work when your legs are shorter." she said, walking up to a market place. She sat to the side, watching people go about their day. "How do you seek opportunity as a cat?"

"Cat videos." Odin said, walking over. He sat down next to her. "So, are you going to Gabriel's party later?"

"He's been here for a day and he's already throwing a party?" she asked, laying down. She looked more like a dog then a cat loafing.

"Oh yeah, it's the talk of the town." Odin replied. "It's gonna start sometime after four."

Olivia tapped her chin. "Maybe later. But that gives me plenty of time to relax and people watch."

"Very well. I am going to practice flying." Odin said, getting up. "And if you need someone to talk to, the Library has a quiet corner." he said, flying away.

Olivia said nothing, and somehow found more interest in a pony sniffing a carrot.


Angelo stared at a mirror. "Geez, I'm fat." he said. He turned, staring at his tail. "A bit chunky, but mostly adorable. How the hell I'm I gonna look menacing like this?" he growled. Angelo let out a sigh, hopping towards the exit. "Ah well. I figure something out."

"Hello, would you like to buy-" Angelo quickly kicked the store salesman in the jaw in fear, knocking him unconscious.

"I suppose that will do." Angelo said, rubbing his chin. He glared at his foot as it kept tapping. "That's gonna be going a lot, isn't it?"

Finally done forgive me for the near year gap.
Still trying to figure if I want to how to comedically kill Hitler.

Comments ( 5 )

I don’t know that’s just feels like random nonsense and meandering

Ngl, kind of wondering what kind of heist the rat will have to plan for. Oh and that gives you a good opportunity to give the crew a squirrel since this heist will be ‘nuts’. And idk why, but since rise of the beasts is coming soon, I just imagine either a reincarnated gorilla or leviathan (who knows about Beast Wars), just say ‘Maximize!’. (Edit: nearly forgot, when the rabbit kicked the guy in the face, kind of reminds of a secret penguin force that is a group of 4…)

I was unaware you could post a blank nothing.

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