• Published 2nd Jun 2021
  • 1,110 Views, 56 Comments

Imperial Forclousure - The Sound of Loneliness

A young, orphaned pony discovers herself being related to one of the oldest and most powerful creatures in all the land.

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The Midnight Communion

"Istir? What kind of name is that?" Nightmare Moon wondered aloud, giving the now silent circle a curious glance. "I've never heard it before," Twilight, standing next to her, gave Nightmare Moon a surprised stare.

"You haven't? I was certain you would know much more about her than I do, after all, your sister seemed to understand the moment she heard the name."

"I am quite sure I have not. You said you were trying to use her power but accidentally trapped yourself in the loop?"

"That is true, but aren't you interested in her more?"

"Twilight, there are very few other creatures I would be interested in more than you. And this... primordial creature, as you describe, is not one of them. At least she is so important that neither I nor Luna ever encountered or even heard about her in all our years."

"But if she woke up..."

"Why, but she did not. Those ignoramuses from my cult could not summon a familiar if they all combined their skill, let alone the source of all fire. Actually... this reminds me of someone," Nightmare Moon suddenly lost her line of thought. "My memory seems to be failing me recently, well, no matter."

"Then, what do we do now?" Twilight asked in the end.

"We chart a teleportation circle and then we go get Luna. Those zealots won't stop us even if they try. Sombra will meet us there and relay us the latest intel. We will only be absent for a few hours at most, my sisters will not even know we were gone at all. And they will be well treated while we are away."

"Does that also mean that you mean to return to Equestria at a future point?" Twilight asked hopefully.

"One day, perhaps. Frankly, I don't want to see that place again for now. I think I had quite enough of it."

"But what about the ponies?! Your Majesty, everyone needs you back! We need to restore the harmony, otherwise, even Windigos could return!"

"Twilight, Windigos are an old foa's tale. They were that way even in my fillyhood. Equestria wasn't founded after their defeat, the three tribes simply realized that they can achieve more by working together, rather than warring. A much better founding myth than some outside menace forcing us to unite, don't you think? That old story is almost insulting," Nightmare Moon suddenly looked past Twilight. "Spike!" The dragon, who was only sitting on a chair and keeping himself occupied by cleaning his claws, almost fell off.

"Y-yes?" he quickly jumped up.

"Spike, I took a brief look through the documentation provided by Queen Star Sky and outlined my suggestions in a letter, you may find it here, on the table. Please, take it to the Queen and tell her that there is also a more private matter I would like to bring to her attention. We intend to leave in the next few hours and it would be best if she could make a few minutes for me. As soon as you are done, fetch my sister, Princess Celestia, Mister Rich and Miss Tiny from the camp."

"...Okay," Spike was taken off guard by Nightmare Moon suddenly giving him an errand. He took the letter from the table and unsurely made his way out.

"Adorable, isn't he?" Nightmare Moon purred in his wake. "He's grown so large now, but he's still as timid as he always was."

"Well, dragons grow depending on the size of their hoard. Spike has a reasonable one in his room. He was against the idea initially, but I convinced him to get himself some gems and old coins that the treasury was taking out of circulation. It is unhealthy to repress one's natural process," Twilight explained. "So, now what?"

"Now we chart the circle. Say, do you still remember where our destination is, or should we wait for my sister?"

"No, it will be fine. I'll do it," Twilight pulled herself a piece of chalk and began to immediately draw the shape on the floor.

"In that case, I trust your judgement, Twilight. As of now, tell me, how come you are here of all places? I must admit, my sister and Shadow lacked detail in their description of the events."

Twilight gave off a heavy sigh,
"I failed," she stated. "After you were gone we had to decide on what to do. We gathered together and decided on who would do what, it looked like we could still salvage the situation back then. It quickly became clear that I should have chosen better."

"Experience is what counts in matters like statecraft," Nightmare Moon injected.

"Yes, I see that now. Far too late," Twilight grimly said.

"What happened next?"

"Not only did we fail to manage the state, but we also quarreled among each other," Twilight hopelessly continued. "AJ especially. She was trying to reanimate the dying agriculture and she just wouldn't let it go!" Twilight whined. "I kept telling her again and again that we couldn't spare a whole ten percent of our budget for agricultural subsidies, but AJ just couldn't get it. Additionally, both she and Rainbow kept arguing with Rarity, who was handling relations with the cabinet."

"Twilight," Nightmare Moon interrupted. "Do I understand correctly, you had a whole council for determining policies?"

"I... Yes," Twilight sighed. "It was too much to handle everything on my own, I couldn't do everything at the same time alone!"

"I understand, continue."

"Well, I ended up discharging AJ from the council, but it was too late. The rest of the officials in the Empire already felt where this was going. I was facing a tide of resignations on all levels. The worst was the cabinet, however. All of them stepped down except for Cloudy Dawn. I had to replace them, but I learned that I couldn't just appoint someone I knew well with a crumb of experience, so I took a risk."

"Flim and Flam brothers, I've heard."

"It was more than just them, but yes. At first, they did well enough as joined economy ministers, they even managed to earn profit for us by giving treasury loans. I breathed a little easier and focused on resolving other issues, soon after during the cabinet meeting they, together with the new Minister of War, presented me with an ultimatum that I had to pass the law to limit my own powers, or they will depose me. I... had to agree."

"Most unfortunate. Was my Guard or my Shadow not enough to protect you?"

"Physically, yes. But I couldn't simply arrest everyone involved, the dungeons aren't large enough. The streets were already starting to fill with angry mobs. Even Starlight, who didn't dare to do anything while you were there, started to spread her beliefs again. She was quickly gaining followers too."

"Who?" Nightmare Moon asked. "This... Starlight, I do not remember that name."

"Starlight Glimmer, Your Majesty. She was trying to take away everything that made everypony special. I told the Princesses about her and you later had her serve in your Guard." Even with Twilight's help, Nightmare Moon still failed to remember. She had to assume that this was another memory that she lost due to Sombra's tinkering. Too bad.

"Continue," Nightmare Moon said, while still trying to remember who this Glimmer was.

"Soon after things escalated with the street protests and your sister took it as a signal that it was time to leave. She took some of the most valuable treasures left in the Palace and left on a ship, Shadow followed her. I tried to speak to the crowd to appease them, but they were done hearing promises. The Guards were willing to use deadly force to protect me, but I forbid them. I simply gathered my things and left, I was no longer wanted. The Guards followed me here. The rest you are already aware of."
As Twilight took to silence, waiting for the judgement to be issued, a long moment of silence followed. She did not cower, but she had no gut to look up into the eyes of someone who she failed so terribly.

"You did well, Twilight. Especially considering how poorly prepared you were," Nightmare Moon said gently. "It takes decades to truly master the art of statecraft. It includes more than merely understanding the inner workings of a state. You also must know how the people you rule operate. Some skills you cannot study but only gain with experience. Throw guilt away, learn from your experiences and do better," Nightmare Moon did her best to soothe her former Princess, but she knew it would take time before Twilight would be free of her regrets. The door creaked.

"Lady Moon?" Sky Star peaked around the only remaining door.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I am sorry for calling on you like this," Nightmare Moon quickly floated to the Queen, "but I must speak with you before we depart, this is important. I detailed some of my suggestions in the letter, I hope you will have the time to read it later, but there is a more important issue. Your Majesty, forgive me for being so direct, but are you considering marriage?" The question created an almost tangible area of silence in the room. Sky Star looked past Nightmare Moon at Twilight, who responded with the same stunned look that was on her own face. "Your Majesty, I again beg your forgiveness for asking such an improper question, but you absolutely should consider both marriage and an heir as quickly as possible. I understand that modern culture does not facilitate... practical marriages, but your realm itself is in grave danger. Without a husband and an heir, your house has no continuation if anything befalls yourself. I ask you to forgive me for prying into your private life, but I must insist that you start searching for candidates if you have not as of yet. Frankly, I am shocked that your mother did not make any arrangements for you."

"I'll... see what could be done..." Sky Star managed to stammer out.

"I recommend choosing among your nobility, but I understand that there might not be many options in your land. Marrying a lowborn is not unacceptable, but the crown's reputation will suffer as a result," Nightmare Moon continued. "I again apologize, but this is the matter of utmost importance, my own example illustrates as much. Now, we will depart. I will assist you more once we return. I am sure, Luna will be delighted to meet you again. Twilight, what is your progress?"

"I am done!" Twilight proudly said. "We can depart right now!"

"Hmm..." Nightmare Moon came to examine the circle, leaving a still exasperated Sky Star. "You are missing focusing rods, have you by any chance discovered an alternative?"

"I did!" Twilight beamed. "The focusing tools are still needed, but those don't necessarily need to be physical. I experimented with conjuration and discovered that Starswirl's Force Staff can do the same, saving the need to carry physical rods. Since we can create the staff in any image, we can even make one with suitable powdered material to serve as a battery!" Twilight excitedly explained. Nightmare Moon was glad to see the young alicorn happy again, but she only understood the minimum.

"Are you sure this is safe? Force Staff is a combat spell, it could do much harm when cast."

"Well, it is not exactly a dedicated combat spell. It is a weaponized telekinesis spell if we are to be completely precise," Twilight contradicted. "I simply charge an area so that it would attract and then summon crystals to put on top. No one will get hurt unless the attraction value is terribly miscalculated."

"Have you tested this?" Nightmare Moon was still unconvinced. "Will it even transfer charge from the focus to the circle?"

"Theoretically, there is no reason why it wouldn't, air is conductive after all."

"Let's test it later. Your innovation is, as always, commendable, but I would rather not utilize untested methods with regards to the risks involved."

"I understand," Twilight was no longer giddy. "I will fetch the rods," with that, Twilight went away again. Only then did Nightmare Moon remember that the Queen was still there. A sudden realization dawned in Nightmare's mind.

"I am sorry for leaving you out so uncourteously, Your Majesty. I was expecting you to have more duties for today," Nightmare Moon started to gently nudge the young Queen.

"My duties are rather few and far between compared to my mother's," Sky Star answered with a sigh. "I understand how unimpressive this must look to you. My people were always few, but the war with Storm King brought us down to merely a few dozen thousand. My cabinet rarely needs my consent due to my mother's constitution and my duties are mostly confined to general politics and formal occasions."

"Why this is rather fascinating, Your Majesty," Nightmare Moon was quick to contradict. "It sounds marvelous to have more time for your own agenda. I sometimes had to work for the entire cycle with no sleep and little rest. My duty to raise both the sun and the moon meant I had little time for anything else besides more work. I cherished my moments with others when I had them, no more than a few minutes. It was my dream to have a whole night to spend with my sisters. I am rather glad to be free now. I miss feeling my sister's soft fur but nothing in the world is ever free of charge, is it?"

"No, I suppose it is not," Sky Star reluctantly agreed. "May I ask a more personal question, Lady Moon?"

"I have precious few secrets left, Your Majesty. What troubles you?"

"Did you get what you wanted in the end? I mean, after you had the power you struggled so long for." The question gave Nightmare Moon a long pause. She was remorseful of her past actions, that was true. But she also learned much and perhaps some others benefited too.

"No," Nightmare Moon finally answered. "I have many regrets, most of them are much too late to atone for. I was very foolish to go down that path. Every night on the throne was miserable afterwards."

"Did you not enjoy your power? That seemed to be a trend along the ages," Sky Star asked again.

"Storm "King" was an idiot," Nightmare Moon said straightly and with disdain. "He was a warlord, not a king. To win a land is trivially easy with some time to prepare and when picking the correct moment. It is ruling your land that is hard. I had to make sure that my subjects were provided for, but also to make sure they were well protected while also being as free as they could be under circumstances. Even those who would not approve of me ruling them I had to care for because if I would not, that would mean that I only take care of the subjects loyal to me. That is no way for a monarch to behave. I wanted no groveling at my hooves for my favor, that is no sign of greatness. The true greatness is reserved for those that can rule so gracefully that none of your subjects can say they are forgotten, loyal or not. Even if they are outright hostile to me, they were still my subjects, withdrawing my favor from them would've meant failing in my task to protect them."

Nightmare Moon could see that her heartfelt speech was making an impression, Sky Star was staring at her with open wonder,
"How would you protect those who show you hostility?" she asked in bewilderment.

"In a way that they won't realize it, Your Majesty. A monarch has more tools than simple orders and decrees. If a group would raise their arms against me, I would divert them to fight an external enemy instead. This way they would spend their energy on defending themselves and their fellows from an actual threat, benefiting everyone. This exact scenario has played out once already, during my war with vile Queen Chrysalis. I trust you've met Rainbow Dash and Applejack? Well, they attempted to assassinate me inside my own palace, sadly I was unaware of their plot and was away at the moment, and could not stop them. They caused high casualties among my Guard, but were apprehended by Twilight herself. My High Judicator quickly petitioned me to allow him to put up a trial personally, but I instead allowed them to walk free. I arranged for them and their followers to be formed into an army unit and sent to fight the war instead. They were never violent since, even if my relations with both remained cold ever after. There are more ways to influence the realm than merely the strictly legal ones, Your Majesty."

"I see why your subjects always regarded you with such awe," Sky Star stated. "Your deception and manipulation skills are legendary even here. My mother even issued special requirements for recon teams sent to investigate your doings. She picked the ones who hated Storm King and drew a parallel between you and him."

"Her attempt was logical, but it ultimately would've not produced results," Nightmare Moon responded with a little chuckle. "In fact, I am surprised to learn that someone, as experienced as your mother, would misunderstand me so much. I did not 'brainwash' my followers to do as I will. I presented them with the set of variables that lead them to the required conclusion. Living creatures almost never have exactly the same lines of thinking, but they generally come to the same conclusion as the majority of others, with exceptions, of course. I adapt my tactics to the individuals and as such, it wouldn't have mattered what it was your mother's servants thought of me. If I wanted them to, they would have done exactly as I willed them to. They were largely beneath my notice, however, and I allowed them to gather all the intelligence they could."

"Is this why your life was so busy?" Sky Star asked. "I can't imagine all this planning was quick."

"Indeed," Nightmare Moon agreed, sinking slightly at the memory. "This is why I do it no more as it is not required. I grew averse to deceiving those I adore on a nightly basis."

"I see. I thank you for sharing your insight with me, Lady Moon," Sky Star dryly answered. "I need time to process your advice."

"Certainly, Your Majesty. Take all the time you require. Remember: this is your realm, I merely offer my experience for you to take advantage of. My sisters, Princess Celestia, Twilight and my retainers will be here soon."

Sometime later, after everyone Nightmare Moon called for had arrived, the time came for them all to depart. Twilight calmly opened the gate and the group silently ventured through, Nightmare Moon, Daybreaker and Twilight taking the lead, and Celestia coming in last. Spike was also allowed to come, which caused him to excitedly grin and enthusiastically follow them into the shimmering gate.
The outside opened them to the shimmering starry sky and a view from a mountainside. Despite the elevation, the nightly darkness did not allow most of them to see too much. Filth Rich reached into his bags and started to pull out a heavy, oil lantern.

"No," Nightmare Moon sharply told him off. "Light will immediately let them know we are here and I would prefer to not hurt anyone."

"Not the one to usually complain, Ma'am, but how are we supposed to find our way if we can't see where we a trotting?" Rich contradicted, quite unusually.

"Sister, would you help those of us who cannot see in the dark?" Daybreaker then systematically went to each one of them only sparing Shadow, and casting a spell on each. Rich blinked a few times, he could see now, but everything was grey.

"Why at night?" Tiny asked with a yawn.

"Luna cannot walk in broad daylight, little sister. You will understand soon. Now, Twilight. How far are we?"

"The usual disparity is around a kilometer. It is due to micro-inequalities of the charge," Twilight explained.

"Very well, I suppose we could afford a short hike. Sombra will meet us when we are on approach," Nightmare Moon took a moment to think. "Sister, Twilight, Celestia. While the thestrals are unlikely to resist us with deadly force, we must not lose our vigilance. Prepare to defend at the first signs of danger."

"Understood," Daybreaker answered with grim determination. Lastly, Nightmare Moon approached the youngest member of their group.

"Sister," she lowered herself to her eye level, one of the advantages of her position. "This is your first time in an uncertain environment. Do you remember how I told you to act?"

"To stay close to Mister Rich and do everything other ponies tell me to," Tiny obediently answered.

"What should you do if you feel in danger?"

"To find a safe hiding spot."

"Good. Defend yourself only if you are cornered and do not hurt anyone you don't have to. Remember that the more harm you do to other creatures, the more of them would wish to harm you." Nightmare Moon gave Mister Rich a short stare, to make sure he understands why he was brought along. Then, she went back to the fore of their formation, leaving the aft to Celestia again.

The hike up the mountain was not even noticeable for the three alicorns, but the rest of the group was becoming more and more winded as the top approached. Shadow tolerated the extortion, but Spike, Tiny and especially Filthy Rich were all breathing heavily when they finally reached the top. It was less steep than the mountainside they just climbed, but not exactly flat either. It had a road leading to an ominous, large building, surrounded by patches of mountain snow and several yews, that somehow managed to cling to the rocky surface of the mountain's scalp. The road was ridden with sandbag walls, tank traps, razorwire and ditches dug on the sides. The entrance to the temple itself was fortified with earthworks and yet more sandbags. Nightmare Moon produced a heavy sigh, her old flock never abandoned its ways. There were no patrols and sentries visible, it might have been that they simply did not disassemble their fortifications.

"Twilight," Nightmare Moon sharply called.

"Here, Your Majesty," Twilight responded, forgetting yet again that she was not supposed to use the old title anymore.

"What was the situation with the thestrals when you were in office?"

"They were having a schism and generally hemorrhaging cult members. They seemed to have reformed since, they now accepted all creatures, not only thestrals. I've heard other tribes and even griffons joining up. They tried to preach to hippogriffs too, but without success. Queen Sky Star was quick to ask about them and outlawed them when I told her what they were. They couldn't set their hooves on Aris since."

"Well, it seems like they have not become less militant since my time. At the very least we know how they operate. They are harmless enough if they threaten us - simply disarm them. Do not kill them if you can. They are foolish, but they are violent due to fear. We would do good to not contribute. Watch for ambushes."

"There are no ambushes waiting for you here," Sombra's tired voice came flying only moments before its owner. "It is a worship night. All of them, save for the few temple guards, are holding a service now. They expect no complications at this time, especially coming from you. You can quite literally walk inside and head straight for the central chamber, Luna will be there, together with the new High Priestess."

"Did they have another one so soon?" Nightmare Moon asked. "The previous one... that maid, seemed capable enough."

"She wasn't to Luna's taste," Sombra loudly snorted at his own unintended joke. "Luna found her far too timid and appointed another instead. I imagine she would be the only one left in the little cult to still be loyal to you."

"Did you just say she was too timid?" Nightmare Moon reiterated. It raised a red flag with her, she knew her named sister well and anyone's relative timidness would be a cause to relate for her, rather than to repulse her...

"This is why you are here... with Celestia. You shall see. Time's wasting, let us move in. Your... vassal is getting impatient," Sombra nodded his disembodied face towards Celestia. She was indeed starting to pace.

"Celestia, calm yourself, your dear sister is okay. You will see her in just a moment, we only need to get a few rusty old monks out of the way. No need to hurt anyone. It will be just a moment and then you'll have Luna back with you, do you see?" She took a moment to soothe the Princess. And it seemed to work, to a degree.

"Just a moment more," Celestia nodded, taking a shallow breath.

Nightmare Moon worried for her, it brought back old doubts. Back when she was still living, she was hesitant to ask Sombra for separating her sister and Celestia. Her... indecisiveness was due to Daybreaker, now, past the initial shock, she was mostly calm about Celestia being around her again, but before Daybreaker was terrified of the idea. For a while she didn't have Luna with her either, so making Celestia go on would've only brought her more pain. It served to benefit no one.

Having ensured that Celestia would be okay, Nightmare Moon led her company to the main entrance. There were two temple guards. Their night sight was unrivaled, but they didn't even know they were under attack, Daybreaker put them to sleep. Sombra took over the lead when inside. He lead them swiftly, warning them of any patrolling sentries. Nightmare Moon spent the fleeting moments examining the walls around her. The temple was old. Much older than her own palace, or even Celestia's old castle, and it made her feel a tinge of jealousy. She wanted her palace to be like this, to be built out of natural stone, masoned by workers, as they did in old times. She was told on many occasions that she was too old-fashioned, but it wasn't her fault that they used to build better in her age! It wasn't just the work quality and expensive materials that made a building. It was how it was built that counted most in her books. Machine-carved stone could never compare to the manually shaped. Once upon a time, she wished to rebuild the Castle in the forest and live there instead, but now she understood how much of a sacrilege it would've been. Machined stone would've taken all the value of the master masons' work that was put into it.

"Here," Sombra stopped before the set of twin doors. "Most of them should be inside, so will be Luna and the High Priestess. If you have any plans now is the time to voice them. Beware: Luna will not stand still and watch you attacking her people, she will come at you and no amount of talking will work on her."

"Luna will not attack us, Sombra. While you were building your quaint ice toys in the frozen north, we were caring for her," Nightmare Moon jabbed at the offensive comment.

"I am afraid she does not remember you," Sombra calmly explained, unaffected by the stab. "Since you were gone, Luna began to change. I... knew that soothing her was beyond my ability and tried to have her come back. That only led to her starting to reject me too. I gave her what she asked for, I left her alone. Eventually, your former worshipers stumbled upon her. They were leaving your city to return back to their mountain holds and seeing her, or you, as they believed, caused them to rally again. Luna herself has spent months simply sitting with no motion. I brought her the occasional animal but she no longer talked. I don't think she still recognized me. They managed to get her to talk to them, however. They were distraught with her seemingly having no knowledge of who they are or even who she was. From what I could gather, Luna had simply forgotten or blocked off her memory. She was seemingly coming back from her inner space, so I allowed them to continue. As concerning as our situation was, this cult seemingly offered to improve it. They kept speaking to her, telling her about you mostly, and Luna took to it. She believes she is you, except in a way that the Ivory Crescent describes you," Sombra then simply stopped and Nightmare Moon was grateful for that. The perspective of having to fight Luna was much to take in. She gave Celestia a look and Celestia stared back, that look said everything better than the words would've had.

"Sister, prepare your sunlight spells. The rest of you, do what you can to deal with any opposition, but do not harm anyone you do not have to. Remember, we have the advantage of overwhelming force and the element of surprise."

"We will do what you order, Nightmare," Daybreaker eagerly agreed.

"Must we really fight? Can't you just talk to them like you always do?" Twilight purpose.

"There are times when there is nothing to talk about, Twilight. You have nothing to say and the others have nothing to say to you. More importantly, you have nothing to offer. I have nothing to offer. I must take away their goddess, Twilight. There is no amount of pleading that would compel them and even trying would only give them time to organize better and possibly arm themselves, forcing us to hurt them more than we have to. But you need not to fight if you don't wish to, I will not compel you."

"I will, it's just that I wish there was any other way. Well, enough, let's do it. Stars crash down on me if I won't stand with my friends."

"Thank you, Twilight. It means a lot that you still retain your loyalty after so many years," Nightmare Moon sentiment was genuine too. How lucky did she get in life, it is an honor to lead such individuals.

"If you are finished giving praises to your servants, we do not have all night," Sombra hurried.

"Yes, I suppose we don't. Sister, breach the door and rush inside. We must clear the doorway as quickly as possible to avoid bottlenecking ourselves. Go straight for Luna and do what you must to make her yield. Twilight will deal with the rest of them. Shadow, Spike, don't let either my sister or Twilight be distracted from their spellcasting, we do not have the numbers to overwhelm them otherwise," Nightmare Moon finished her briefing with a momentary silence for any questions that may arise.

"What about us, Lady?" Mister Rich spoke his concern, he was making it clear in his voice that being in the middle of an operation like this was putting him out of his element. Well, too bad, Nightmare Moon decided to not allow her sister any more opportunities to cause pressing problems and needed someone to watch her while she is occupied.

"Stay close to Princess Celestia, she will protect you," Nightmare Moon responded. She was not entirely sure if Celestia would care or be in the position to do so once they are inside, but as long as they stay out of trouble they shouldn't need her to. "Begin."

As the order was given, Daybreaker blasted the door with a concentrated wave of energy, sending its splinters inside. Daybreaker then rushed inside, as ordered, already preparing to give a bad case of sun strike to everyone foolish enough to stand in her way. Shadow reacted second, her training made certain she knew exactly what to do in a breach and clear situation. Twilight moved next, determined to demonstrate her conviction. Lastly, with a second of delay, Spike followed.

The hall was immediately alight with energy blasts and cries, first of surprise and then in pain. Ponies and other creatures jumped up only to be thrown back on the floor by a spell or a hard buck. On the far side of the hall was Luna, a look of bewilderment on her face that was quickly swept away by a grimace of pain as Daybreaker remorselessly burned her with a ray of her sun, pleasant and warming to all but a few creatures and deadly to the rest. Beside Luna stood a unicorn in a purple mantle, she was somehow familiar. She was light pink and her mane purple with streaks of teal.

"Starlight Glimmer," Tiny calmly said, barely loud enough to cut through the sound of battle. Nightmare Moon gave her a cautious glance. Starlight, managing to go through the initial shock without being made to yield, attempted to fight back, she cast an impressive fire arrow at Daybreaker. It would have even worked if she wasn't so horribly outmatched. Daybreaker effortlessly deflected the spell back at Starlight without even looking, forcing her to urgently shield herself. Her half-baked barrier couldn't withstand her own spell ending the short duel with a hard smack into the nearest wall.

Twilight, and her more physical helpers, did similarly well, over two dozens of cultists lying with no movement around the hall. It was over before any of them knew who was attacking them. Now, to the goal of this distasteful violence.

Luna was being repeatedly blinded and chased by Daybreaker's luminance until she was in the corner with nowhere to run. Daybreaker not even moving a brow at her wails of pain, unlike Nightmare Moon herself.

"Stop," Nightmare Moon ordered, drawing nearer, Daybreaker immediately obeyed. Nightmare Moon took a moment to observe. Luna was breathing heavily, light smoke coming off her still, pushing herself into the corner, away from the burning light.
Nightmare Moon didn't know what to say, somehow it never occurred to her to think about any certain words she would say. Perhaps she was too used to not needing to talk with Luna, she usually never needed to talk to be understood by her.

"Luna!" Celestia did not share her feelings. "Oh, Luna, I missed you so much!" Celestia rushed past everyone, dropping pearly tears in her wake. Celestia embraced Luna, continuing to cry in her sister's neck.
Daybreaker looked to Nightmare Moon for instructions.

"We must go," Nightmare Moon made an effort to focus on the task at hand, quickly formulating new orders. "Twilight, quickly, chart your circle. We must be gone before anyone comes to see about the racket."

Twilight was in a slight shock from what she just did, but a direct order was enough to restart her muscle memory.

"Nightmare, what to do with them?" Daybreaker asked aloud.

"Keep your eyes on them, we will be out of here soon."

"You... are trying... to kidnap me?" Luna said, her breathing still not completely restored. "How... dare... you. I will... tear... you... limb from limb!" Luna weakly pushed at Celestia, causing her nonetheless to stumble back as if she weighed nothing.

Daybreaker furrowed her brows and ignited her horn again,
"No! No more!" Celestia got in between Daybreaker and Luna. "I'll talk to her, there's no need for that!"

"Luna, this is your sister, Celestia, don't you recognize her?" Nightmare Moon carefully nudged, hoping to prevent the situation from escalating.

"She is no sister to me!" Luna gnashed, baring her fangs. "She banished me to the moon for a thousand years, she sent her lackeys after me and forced me to do her bidding on the threat of banishing me again!" she went on. "Once I am finished with her, that little time she spent on the moon will seem pleasing to her!"

Daybreaker shot Celestia a tired stare, prompting her to act. Celestia hastily turned around to face her sister,
"Luna, we came to take you home," Celestia stated. Daybreaker immediately sighed and lowered her gaze, Nightmare Moon had to agree. Perhaps bringing her wasn't a wise choice at all. She evidently still wasn't realizing the depth of their predicament.
"This terrible place is not fit for you, you belong with those who love you, dear sister. We will repair everything, it will all be normal again."

"This is my normal now, sister. Let me show you," Luna closed the distance to Celestia faster than she could blink.

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