• Published 2nd Jun 2021
  • 1,110 Views, 56 Comments

Imperial Forclousure - The Sound of Loneliness

A young, orphaned pony discovers herself being related to one of the oldest and most powerful creatures in all the land.

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Filthy Snow

Rainbow Dash felt pretty miserable about herself right about now. She wanted to get away from all of this when she left. From scheming, snobbish nobles that cannot even be bothered to ask the people they are meant to guide how they feel about them; to sycophantic yes-mares with no principles what-so-ever. Here she was, again: dragged right back as soon as a noble spit wanted to see her. She stormed off, but she had no way of leaving.

"Divine Wind, is everything according to your plan?" Snow Strike cautiously asked. "Your last exchange did not look productive and you left so abruptly..."

"There is no enemy," Rainbow Dash shot at him.

"I am sorry?"

"There is no enemy coming after our clan. They tricked me to come. It was all a big lie," Rainbow Dash leaned into the castle wall and covered her face.

"Why, that is wonderful!" Snow Strike beamed. "It means none of our people would die to their honorless weapons."

"We came all of this way for nothing! And now we are stranded here!" Rainbow snapped. "We are stranded on the other side of the world with no way of getting home!"

"But you are knowledgable in these people's ways and many powerful ponies are your friends. Surely someone will help. Divine, you are painting far too drab; we may even benefit from our situation." Rainbow felt as if her master just slapped her across her face. Her gaze could have burned a hole in him.

"You don't understand! I didn't leave because I had no friends! I tried to kill a tyrant and for my trouble everypony looked at me like I had an executioner waiting for me! My friends didn't want to see me anymore, no one wanted to give me a job. To mock me further, she made me join her army and train soldiers for her! Everyone I would gladly have died for before, either betrayed everything we used to stand for or just gave up! I want nothing to do with this place of honorless cowards bowing to anyone who happens to have a title! I should never have returned."

"Divine, mind your manners," Snow Strike warned. "But I see your distress. Betrayal is the worst of offenses. Yet, perhaps we may yet find some gain from this venture. If we cannot return, for now, we could study these strange ponies and their ways and see how we can improve our own when we return home."

"Didn't you listen? I know their ways, I was one of them. They have nothing worth learning."

"These buildings look impressive."

"Don't you... aghhh!" Rainbow groaned in exasperation.

"Divine, what is happening?" Snow Strike sounded concerned. "I have never seen you this... agitated."

That seemed to give Rainbow a pause. She was angry because she was fooled, but this wasn't the first time she was angry. Very far from it. She was plenty angry when a colt she taught failed in a spar against a pupil a whole year younger, but she could always pull herself together in a couple of minutes.

"You are correct," Rainbow cautiously admitted with a courteous bow. "I lost control."

"Divine, peace! It is only natural, if I was exiled from my clan and then lured back by treachery, I would be furious!"

Rainbow slightly smiled,
"You... You are so much better than them," she said warmly.

After a moment of confused staring, Snow Strike puffed out,
"Why, certainly! I am much more honorable and..."

"Twenty percent cooler?" Rainbow giggled. "Nevermind, it's just what I used to say when something was better than something else."

"Oh... alright then. You should teach me the language, as we will be staying for a time."

The reminder made Rainbow sulk again,
"I suggest we just start going. If I remembered correctly, there was a train that could get us with a good part of the way."

"What is... a train?"

"Oh, it's like a huge snake made out of metal, that helps ponies travel and move things quicker. Like a ship, but on land."

"Fascinating! Divine, surely, we could bring a couple of manuscripts with us. All other clans would shower us in gold for such a boon."

"My Lord, even if we could find some plans on market, we will be unable to produce the necessary components," Rainbow shook her head slowly.

"Then we should learn its secrets first!" Snow Strike exclaimed enthusiastically.

Suddenly, the castle entrance was thrown open in the wake of exiting ponies and a particular apparition Rainbow hoped to never see again.

After a quick glance at her Lord, Nightmare Moon landed a heavy stare at Rainbow herself.

"Y-yeah... forgot to mention," Flurry Heart came trotting out, she looked dishevelled and shaken. Much more than Rainbow would've expected her to become in less than an hour. "We should bring them too, they'll be helpful pretty soon." Nightmare Moon glanced at the Princess, then at Rarity and finally Twilight. Neither one offering anything except frowns and uneasy looks.

"Leave them," Nightmare Moon sharply declared. "I have no use for servants like her any longer."

Rainbow instinctually made a step forward but controlled herself enough to not say anything she might regret. It didn't sound like now would be the best time to get on Nightmare Moon's nerves. She sounded irritated as is and when she was irritated... "honors" that could not be refused were swiftly bestowed.

"But... we need them!" Flurry attempted to protest.

"I said leave them. I will have my hooves full with you as is," Nightmare Moon said in a tone inviting no further discussion.

Flurry Heart grimaced, but obediently marched onward to the circle on the ground. In a few moments, all four of them were gone. Leaving Rainbow and her Master alone again.

"Divine, what was that?" Snow Strike asked in bewilderment. "Was that a stormcloud with eyes?"

"That was Nightmare Moon," Rainbow sighed. She almost regretted having to tell him. "She is... or was, the Empress of the Lunar Empire of Equestria and she is also the whore who ruined my home."

"Oh... so this is how she looks. From how you described her I envisioned someone much more intimidating."

"Oh, she was! I swear to you, she was terror incarnate. She wasn't always incorporeal like this. When she was alive, she dwarfed every pony around her in height and weight. But the worst was her magic. She had the ability to control the dream realm. She could enter anyone's dream and change it to whatever she wanted. Her name starts with Nightmare for a reason. It also didn't help that she is very intelligent and has hundreds of years' worth of experience."

"You sound like you envy her," Snow Strike pointed out.

If it was anyone else, Rainbow would have simply exploded, but for her master, she bit her tongue just a bit:
"My Lord, don't insult me like that! She is the evil witch that destroyed my life!"

"I wouldn't dare to compare, banish the thought. But I can't help but feel the same kind of effortless authority when you are leading warriors to battle. I always wondered just how you do it. She has that as well. In her very eyes, her voice, fascinating. Tell me more about her."

"My Lord, I ask you to abandon this course," Rainbow warned, she did not like where this was going at all. At this rate, her Master was going to become another one of Nightmare Moon's vassals. "She is known for her treachery. Her sworn enemies mysteriously abandon their cause to serve her instead. I have seen it dozens of times over. I beg of you! Let us leave while she has no interest in us, lest we become her puppets."

"She must also be highly adept at the art of negotiation as well," Snow Strike deduced. "But I shall trust your experience, if you believe that we shouldn't tangle with such a curious creature, then we shall not." Rainbow Dash breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Your Lordship. She is like a spider, once a fly touches its web, there's no way to escape. This is for the better. I suppose we need a place to stay before we can find a way to leave safely. I have overheard that one of my acquaintances is also nearby. I suspect he will be able to aid us."

"In what way? Divine, I must confess: I become tired of having to gather information from your visages."

"He will help us get home, or at least some means of surviving."

"You don't sound-"

"Master, please, let us waste no more time. I am anxious in this suspended state we are left in. You will pass your own judgment soon enough," Rainbow pleaded, unwilling to try Fate with idle chatter. Spirits were awfully unkind today as is.

Filthy Rich wouldn't say he was much of a carpenter, not by a longshot, but occasionally he had to hit a nail or two. Or a few more than two since recently. He took another one from his mouth, lined it up to a plank, cautiously aimed and hit it with his hammer. The nail was stuck in the wood so he let go of it. With a few quick strikes, sounding as dull thuds to his curious audience. A young crystal filly watched with curiosity at the ageing stallion working on the wooden frame for a house. Her interest was expected as wood was a highly uncommon building material in Crystal Empire. Crystal ponies would build with either crystals or stone, leaving wood for decorations and furniture. It was expensive as well, as growing trees was impossible outside Crystal City's protective dome of warmth. Filthy Rich, however, had no choice as they had no stonemasons in the camp and hiring them for construction was far beyond their budget now that Nightmare Moon was gone.
Rich had barely finished one side before he had curious stares following every strike of his hammer. Crystal Ponies would come asking what he was building several times a day. Sometimes foals would come to watch or "help" after school hours; although if their parents had any idea who were taking residence on edge of their shimmering city, the foals would be forbidden to as much as look in the direction of the expanding camp. Rich found nightmares unnerving, especially when they were trying to be more friendly than necessary. But crystal ponies did not seem to mind their new neighbors too much, even if they noticed something off with them while chatting with them or when they often came to buy a hoof-made shawl or other trinkets Rich had to sell. Not many were coming for repeated visits, Rich noticed.

This filly wasn't his only guest today, as it seemed. A pair of ponies were on their way and neither was a crystal pony. He could recognize that rainbow mane anywhere.

"Rainbow Dash? Is that you there?" Rich put the hammer and nails down and went to meet them.

"It's me, I'm glad you remember me," Rainbow genuinely smiled.

"I couldn't forget one like you in a thousand years, come here!" Rich stepped close and wrapped his foreleg over her withers, Rainbow leaned into him. "Who's your friend?" Rich asked, catching a piercing glare from the stallion.

"Yes..." Rainbow nervously coughed and stood back. "Meet Snow Strike, he is my liege."

"Your who?" Rich proceeded to groan. "Don't tell me you are also into this whole nobility bullshit. I'm having enough as is."

"It's not that kind of nobility. I just serve him and he gives me land to live off in return," Rainbow quickly explained.

"That's technically how it always is," Rich sighed. "Okay, fine. I don't wanna know. So, are you here for Lady Moon too?"

"Let's not talk about that, please. Rich, I need to ask for a favor. I and my liege need to get home and there isn't anyone who will help us."

"Huh?" Rich looked over his shoulder back at his wagon. "Look, Rainbow, I know I used to have a lot of money, but that's not how it is anymore. Besides, I am kind of in the middle of something," he nodded at the building skeleton.

Rainbow visibly sank,
"Okay, I understand. See you around," Rainbow started turning.

"Wait," Rich reached out. "Just because I can't help you myself, maybe I can get someone else to help you out. I can try to get Princess Cadance to help you, she surely has some vehicle for you to use, or maybe she could just teleport you."

"I tried that way already," Rainbow shook her head. "She can't send me anywhere unless she knows exactly where it is, I mean if she been there already. I am here because she said that you might know something."

"Huh, when Twilight does it, looks simpler. She just does some calculations on some paper and we are off."

"Wait, you are here because you came with Twilight?!"

"That's right. Didn't Cadance tell you?"

"No! We didn't talk about her! I just want to go home, not sort through old garbage!"

"Garbage? Rainbow, I know you have problems, but she was your friend. Twilight is good people, even though Nightmare Moon managed to get into her head. You know she has ways."

"That's the thing! Twilight knows that and does it anyway! She knows what monster Nightmare Moon is from experience and serves her anyway because she thinks that friendship can change her! She... I... I don't want to talk about this."

"Alright," Rich cautiously backed off. "Do you need a place to stay? We can find a tent for you, it's warm even at night."

"Well, I guess if we are stuck here, we'd better stay away from any nobles," Rainbow sighed. "Alright then, show us our tent."

"Right over here, please. Also, I have to warn you from the start: don't get surprised when your fur starts standing up. You aren't imagining it, it really looks like they are faking it."

"Who?" Rainbow asked in confusion.

"The others. You aren't living here by yourselves." As Rich led them through the camp, its denizens started giving them curious looks. "I don't understand what they are, really. But they don't want to hurt anyone, they are a bit creepy though."

"Are they? They look like regular ponies to me," Rainbow stared back at the onlookers.

"They are... well, they are related to Nightmare Moon. Whatever that is supposed to mean. No one ever bothered to explain anything to me."

"Oh... Well, this changes things."

"They aren't dangerous, I swear!" Rich quickly assured. "I never saw them hurt a fly!"

"That's right! You didn't see!"

Rich suddenly stopped and turned on his heels, Rainbow narrowly avoiding bumping into him.

"I'd watch who you badmouth if I were you," he menacingly grunted. "Some creatures have friends who can get upset."

Suddenly, Rich felt himself shoved,
"Keep your distance," he glared at Rich.

"Keep your damn hooves to yourself!" Rich shot back at him. "You come to my home and you insult my friends!"

Snow Strike widened his eyes and gave Rainbow a bewildered stare.

"W-wait! Rich, since when are you bilingual?"

He produced an amused snort,
"I am not. When you go around the world a bit you learn useful things."

"Well, that is rather unexpected. I suppose we started on the wrong hoof. My name is Snow Strike, the Lord of-"

"Hold your horses! Sorry for being so direct with you, but no one really cares this far away from your home. If we are going to be friends, you better stop with that. I am done with noble snobs."

"Oh! I am horribly sorry! I meant no disrespect! May I ask your name?"

"Filthy Rich, like someone who has large amounts of money."

"I presume you are rich then?"

"I... I used to be once upon a time. Right then, your tent is that one, get comfortable. If someone bothers you, tell them you are my friends. I gotta go get that frame finished."

"Could we be of any assistance?"

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