• Published 3rd Mar 2021
  • 1,914 Views, 10 Comments

Cuddles in Equestria Volume ll Twilight - RaritySimper44

Twilight meets Anon and they cuddle.

  • ...

For Research!

Anon was sitting in Fluttershy‘s cottage on her couch petting Angel bunny, he was sprawled in Anon's lap as he scratched his belly, he thumped his foot on his leg, a big smile on his face. He could hear the birds outside the cottage chirping as he petted the cute bunny. Suddenly the front door unlocked and swung open. Twilight and Fluttershy had finally arrived, they walked in and Twilight wasted no time trotting straight up to him and looking up at him with a big adorable grin. She was a few inches taller than Fluttershy but still, her head barely came to his chest while he sat down on a low-riding couch. He smiled back down at her, amused, oh my gosh she’s possibly cuter than Fluttershy. As much as he wanted to pet her he knew it wasn’t a good idea, I gotta at least buy her dinner first.

"I'm so excited to meet you Anon! I'm princess Twilight Sparkle, but you already knew that didn't you?" she said looking at him with a knowing smile, apparently Fluttershy talked about him a bit.

"Yes, yes I did," Anon responded as he stroked Angel's pudgy belly with his index and middle fingers, Fluttershy put a hoof to her mouth. She thought it was adorable, she didn't even need to say it

Twilight suddenly got on her hind legs and grabbed his shoulders and got in his face, her cute smile turning a little creepy, but still somewhat cute at the same time. "Do you know what you've done?" She asked, her face inches from his, her eyes nearly bulging out of her skull as she stared at him excitedly

Anon shook his head, "no um, please enlighten me?" Maybe give me some room to breathe while you're at it, why don't you?

"You've proven the multiverse theory!" She exclaimed with glee, her head going back as she yelled it to the heavens.

"I did?" he asked, stopping his scrubbing of Angel's belly a moment, he looked up at Anon with a glare and smacked his hand to get his attention, Anon quickly got back to scrubbing at Angel’s order.

"Yes! Do you know what it is?" She asked beginning to relax, just enough to get out of his face and sit on her haunches.

"I've heard of it, but I'm not sure, something about more than one universe?" He stated, scratching his head more than Angel, he got slapped for it.

"Yes, there's an infinite number of universes, if you can think of it, it exists in the multiverse."

"So there's a universe where Harambe lives?"

"Um...yes?" she said shifting her eyes to and fro awkwardly at the weird question.

"And there's a universe where Waluigi and Shrek are in Smash brothers?"

“Um, who are these people?” Fluttershy asked confused

"Well, there's an infinite amount of universes so…. Yes." She said, forcing a smile at him, obviously just as lost as Fluttershy.

“Is there a universe where smurfs have taken over the world after teaming up with the Hamster Lord?"

“I don't even know what any of these things are! But yes, it exists." She said in a slightly annoyed voice.

"Oh! Is there-"

"I have no idea what you're about to say but yes it exists." She said bringing a hoof to her head, clearly getting tired of Anon already.

"Okay. Do you know how I got here?"

"A rip in the universal fabric, that rip sucked you in, and here you are!" She stated, waving her hooves up in the air happily at this.

"Okay, can you get me home?"

"Well that's the thing, I could get you home possibly… if I can find the rip, assuming it's not closed. But even if I did, going through a rip in the fabric of space and time, it will chuck you out anywhere. It's a gamble and the odds are not in your favor."

"Can't you do it manually?"

"I don't know where to start in doing that. But if I could figure it out, I think it might be possible to get you home by using your DNA as a guide to finding your universe! Of course, that's just a theory, so yes, but also no."

"Oh." Anon said as he looked to the floor in disappointment, "so I'm stuck here for the rest of my life then…"

She took his chin in her wing to lift his head up, "Anon, I give you my word, I will do everything I can to get you home." She said with a sympathetic smile, her other hoof on his hand in an attempt to comfort him.

"Thank you Twilight", he said with a forced smile. He wanted to take her hoof in his hand but didn't quite feel comfortable with it.

"Okay, now I have some questions for you." She said a big grin on her face, she had gotten her face closer to his.

"Okay, I'll answer the best I can…" he said unsure of himself, I'm literally the worst person to ask anything.

"What's your government like?" She said casually.

He stared at her silently, what the fuck kind of question is that?! "Um… well it's definitely not run by horses." He said smiling and hoping she'd find it funny.

She frowned at him unamused, "obviously, but what else can you tell me?" She deadpanned as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I don't know much else, government mumbo jumbo never really interested me." He defended with a sigh, avoiding eye contact with her.

She brought a hoof to her chin, "hmm", her eyes brightened suddenly, "oh! How advanced is your world?" She asked excitedly, obviously expecting a better answer this time around.

"A lot more advanced than Equestria, see we have these things called Tv's, and phones, you can-"

"We have those things here in Equestria." She said, cutting him off in the process.

"Wait what?" He asked confused

"I said we have TVs and phones", she whipped out an iPhone and showed it to him. "We call them phonies." She said casually.

"Phonies? Oh, I get it, phones, for ponies. Ha. You have TVs too?"

"Yep, I have an eighty-inch flat screen at home."


"Being a princess has its perks", she said smugly.

"I have a thirty-two-inch flat screen in my bedroom", Fluttershy said, catching Anon by surprise.


"Having a princess as a best friend has its perks too", she said with a wink.

"Huh, this is completely different from the cartoon in my world."

"Well duh, infinite number of universes, hello! Do you know the likelihood of going to that exact universe?"

"Not very likely apparently."

"Exactly!" Twilight said happily. Her face became slightly more serious, "Anon, I'd like to invite you to my house, I'd like to do a few tests on you." Before Anon could say no, she continued, "it'll be completely humane." She gave a big adorable smile that made it hard to say no.

"Um, I don't feel comfortable with going over there just yet."

"Oh, okay," Twilight said as her ears went down in disappointment at this.

"Um, Anon, can I talk to you a moment please?" Fluttershy said to him as she walked into the kitchen.

Anon followed her feeling uncomfortable, I can already feel the peer pressure.

When they got into the kitchen Fluttershy turned to him with a slightly stern face, "Anon, I really think you should go with her."

Anon looked away rubbing his arm, he didn't feel comfortable telling her he was scared of the tests she had planned for him.

Fluttershy put a hoof on his forearm and looked up at him with an understanding smile. "I know you're nervous, but I trust Twilight not to do anything cruel, and this is a good opportunity to make a new friend."

More like you want me out of the house so you can get some time alone. "Yeah I guess you're right." He said with a forced smile and walked out of the kitchen to Twilight, "alright Twilight, I'll go with you to do these tests."

A big adorable smile came to her face at this and she flew up to his eye level, "let's go!" Immediately they teleported to a medium-sized room. He looked around and was surprised to see they were in the old library. “Wait, this place is still standing?!”

She cocked her head confused, “what do you mean?”

“Well in the show the library is blown up by Tirek.” Anon explained looking around at the oaken insides before him.”

“What?! How did I let that happen?!" She asked in a worried tone, her ears went down at this, no doubt upset a little by the thought of losing her lovely library.

“Discord teamed up with him,” Anon said casually.

“How did he even get out for that to happen?” She asked intrigued.

“Celestia let him out so you and your friends could reform him.”

“Okay, now I know you're lying.” She deadpanned.

“I’m not, actually”, Anon retorted mildly offended by her accusation.

Twilight gave a huff at this, “right, come with me please Anon.” Twilight said as she trotted to a table and took a seat, Anon followed hesitantly and Twilight pulled a seat out with her magic for him. He sat down and Twilight scooted closer, "so before we talk about Tirek and Discord being reformed”- she said with a roll of her eyes. She really couldn’t seem to take it seriously- “can I get a hair sample?"

"How much?" he asked wearily.

"A small clump."

"Of course not!" Twilight stared at him surprised by his outburst, he cleared his throat, let's try that again, "um, no, I'm not comfortable with that."

"Please? I won't pull it out, I'll cut it!" She pulled out a chainsaw and started it up. The chainsaw rumbled to life and echoed off the walls of the room.

"No, he said firmer this time."

She sighed and poofed it away, "okay…. Can I at least get a saliva sample?"

"Yeah sure." Anything to keep the chainsaw away from me….

She poofed a cotton swab and stared at him expectantly waiting for him to open his mouth. He did so hesitantly and she gently swabbed his mouth dry. She poofed away, Spike came in with a big plate of nachos a foot tall, Anon couldn't see his face, only his claws holding onto the rim of the plate. He set the plate on the table and smiled at him.

"Oh, thanks, Spike." He said taking some of the cheesy goodness, it melted in his mouth and he fell in love, he instantly began ripping into them.

"Yeah no problem, Anon right?"

"Yeah," he said as he ate away at the nachos.

"Twilight told me about you, you're pretty weird."

"You have no idea." He said leaning his head into his hand with a smirk.

"Not sure I really want to either. I see she hasn't taken a hair sample yet."

"Oh, she tried."


He looked at Spike surprised, "does she normally use a chainsaw to take hair samples?"

"Yes, I told her that it scares everypony off, but she keeps doing it, and then she wonders why she never gets any hair samples!"

Anon and Spike laughed at this, suddenly Twilight poofed back, Startling both of them.

"Hey Spike, thanks for bringing the nachos in," Twilight said as she suddenly teleported back into the room.

"No problem Twilight, he said as he walked out."

"So, let's talk about Discord,” she said with a smile. She levitated a small clump of nachos to her mouth and stuffed her face full, it was adorably disgusting.

“Okay, well I assume you mean the Discord from the tv show?”

“Obviously, so how did we reform him? Couldn’t have done that good a job if he teamed up with Tirek and blew up my library!”

“Fluttershy was nice to him and became his friend, so he was reformed because of her.”

“Seriously? Fluttershy of all ponies?”

“Yep, she actually becomes his lover at the end of the series.”

Twilight snorted as she held in her laugh, she almost lost her nachos, as she fought the smile on her face. Her cheeks were puffed out with food, they turned a little red from the strain of her struggling to breathe.

Anon smiled at this,” you think that's funny huh?”

Twilight recomposed herself and swallowed her food and breathed to try to calm herself. “Why would''-she stopped to fight back a giggle again- “why would Fluttershy m”- she giggled a little at last- “marriehehehee DISCORD?!” She finally lost it and laughed hysterically at this, nearly falling out of her chair, Anon caught her by the hoof though, and helped her sit upright again.

She wiped away the tears that had formed in her eyes and sighed, “thank you by the way, for helping me not fall out of my chair.”

“No problem. Hey Twilight?”

“What's up?”

“Are there any other humans in Equestria?”

“Yes and no.”

“Infinite universes?”

“Your learning!” She cooed and hugged him, he hugged her back and took this moment to stroke her back a little. He did so with the back of his hand of course so as to not get nachos on her. She tensed up but also leaned into his torso a little too, not seeming to care about the nachos on her face getting on his shirt. I don’t hear a stop, I wonder how far I can go before she draws the line? He continued, stroking from her withers to her hips. She relaxed a little but was still tense as well. She slowly slid out of her seat and into his lap as he did this making him smile.

“So Anon”, she started, a blush forming on her cheeks suddenly, “how does magic work in your world?” She asked, looking up at him?

“Oh we don’t have magic in my world”, he said as he brought his other hand to her ear and scratched it at its base.

“What?!” She exclaimed as her ears perked up at this, she was looking up at him but her head was leaning into his hand as he scratched the base of her ear.

“No magic at all, it's all fantasy and make-believe.”

Twilight pushed him away and got into her seat. She frowned at this, her blush deepening, was I in your lap?


She was silent a moment before finally speaking, sorry.

Don't be.

Okay, I won't be then, she suddenly poofed a clipboard and quill to her and looked at him excitedly with a grin that went from one ear to the other on her face. “Okay, explain this to me!”

“Well, we don’t have magic, not much else to explain.”

“Of course, why didn’t I see it before, I don’t sense any magical presence on you at all!” Twilight exclaimed and began writing on the clipboard. “Could I get a blood sample please?”

“Maybe another time, I’m not comfortable with that.”

“Understood”, she wrote on her clipboard again. “Okay then, so one more test, and then I'll be done.”

“Okay, what is it?”

“When you were petting me it felt really good, I loved it, you seemed to love it too, I saw the disappointment on your face when I pulled away. It wasn’t easy to do either, it took all my willpower to pull away from you.” Anon smiled a big stupid smile, he loved where this was going. “And so I’d like to continue with that and take notes on it. After we finish the nachos and wash up of course.” She said with a sheepish grin after seeing all the nacho mess on his shirt.


“I can’t believe all the cheese you got on my shirt Twilight!”

“You got it all over my ear, and in my mane, so I don’t want to hear it.”

He laughed at this as they sat down in their chairs again.
“Begin whenever you're ready,” Twilight told Anon, quill, and clipboard armed and at the ready

"Okay then", he scooted the chair a bit closer and gently brought a hand down to her back stroking her withers to her hips just like before. Unlike before however, she wasn't leaning into him, she was fighting it, she wrote on her clipboard as he pets her, I wonder what she could possibly be writing on that clipboard?

He brought his hand to her ear and scratched the very base of it gently, it was wet from her washing it. He was able to get his finger passed the fur to the skin underneath. Her magic flickered making the clipboard shake and rattle as her magical grip wavered. It certainly didn’t go unnoticed by Anon either, Oh my god she's struggling to concentrate! I wonder how much longer before she completely loses concentration? Anon thought wickedly as a cheeky smile came to his face. He upped the ante as he continued scratching the base of her ear.

His other hand petted her from the nape of her neck to the tip of her tail gently, lavishing her with as much affection as he possibly could. He took his hand from her ear and brought it to her chin and scratched. He was not disappointed. Not only did she push her chin into his hand- subconsciously no doubt- but her back hoof began gently tapping on her seat as well.

As all this happened she had grown incredibly tense as her muzzle scrunched from her struggling so hard to concentrate, refusing to let go. Her eye twitched and her teeth were gritted as she grunted and groaned, fighting him with everything she had. Sparks flew from her horn and a vein in her neck popped out as she strained and pushed herself to her limits. It was to the point her face was red from the strain, Anon of course thought this was all hilarious and struggled not to laugh at her struggling against his abusive behavior. He stopped petting her withers and brought a finger to her horn and scratched against it. He could feel the grooves in it, it was smooth except for those.

"AH!" Twilight yelped in surprise at the touch to her horn, Anon pulled his hand away startled by her cry. Her magic dissipated completely and her clipboard and quill fell to the floor. She glared at him and got a sheepish smile in return.

"Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you like that."

"You’re annoying."

He put a hand to his chest with a gasp, "I was only helping you with your research Twilight! What did you even write?" He picked up the clipboard from the ground and laughed, "oh my god, your handwriting is horrible!" Twilight’s writing was an unintelligible mess, it was like a five-year-old had written on it. Where it was actually writing, most was just scribbles on the page. “Let's see, here, feels goad, oh ceeltia it good? I think that's what it says, hard to read, you really need to work on your handwriting, Miss Sparkle."

Twilight snatched it away, still glaring at him, her cheeks flushed from embarrassment by his bullying, "it would’ve been better but someone wouldn’t let me concentrate!" Anon decided to try and be even more annoying as he took his finger and booped her nose. Her eyes crossed and her snout scrunched as she gasped at the unexpected assault.

Anon laughed at this, he wanted to pet, her but decided now may not be a good time. "Your adorable Twilight, you know that?" His smile was wiped off his face as she sneezed on him.

"Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!" She said ears going down with guilt, she poofed a tissue over to him and he took it from her.

"It's alright, I deserved it, maybe just try covering your mouth and nose next time please?" He replied as he wiped his face with the tissue.

Her face softened and she giggled, "yeah I guess you could call that karma, and this''- she booped him back with the tip of her hoof making him jump a bit in surprise. This was not what he expected her to do- "is for being so mean to me when you were 'helping' me with my research!" She stated playfully. He blinked a few times as he let his mind come to terms with what she had done to him, "I gotta admit, it is pretty cute."

He smiled and chuckled at this, "can we continue our research Twilight?"

"Of course, many more tests must be done. I really think we are close to a breakthrough!"

"Maybe try it without multitasking?"

"Yeah, I think that's for the best, especially considering what you did a few minutes ago," she said mildly annoyed.

Anon chuckled at the thought and brought a hand to her head and stroked her ear in his hand. She grabbed his hand with her hooves and pulled it into a hug and pushed her cheek into his wrist and rubbed against it. A purr finally rumbling out of her throat as he continued to stroke her ear.

"Well, you sure are a cheeky little thing aren't you?"

"Don’t ruin it", she stated as she paused her rubbing to glare at him.


Her face lit up suddenly, "I have an idea, her horn lit up before he could ask and they teleported to her bed. Anon was laying down and Twilight was in between his legs, "there, now let's continue."

He nodded and began stroking her from her withers to the tip of her tail. Twilight was purring loudly now as she pushed herself against his inner thigh as much as she could, her eyes closed and her ears folded back in bliss, a blush had come to her cheeks as her tail flicked back and forth, I’m seeing a pattern with the tail flicking here, he smiled as he gently grabbed her and picked her up. Her eyes shot open and her legs kicked a little.

"W-what are you doing?!"

"This", he set her on top of his chest and kissed her nose. She gasped as her face turned red as a tomato. Anon got a little worried, "too much?"

She smiled and nuzzled her nose into his before kissing him on the nose right back, "not at all."

Twilight melted into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her and stroked her sides. She flinched a bit and he moved that hand to her back assuming her sides were ticklish. She nuzzled his neck right underneath his chin forcing his head up. Her purring loud and powerful now as his fingers ran through her fur on her rump.

"A little to the left." She mumbled, her face pushed into his neck. He complied and scratched to the left, her wings flapped a little as she arched her back, "oooh yeah, that's the spot, right there!"

He scratched there until she calmed down and brought that hand to her mane, gliding his fingers through it as he stroked it. His other hand scratched under her chin making her hind hoof tap against his stomach, it didn't hurt a lot, it was like a mild smack. She pulled her face from his neck showing her blushing face, a silly smile on her face. She looked a mix between sleepy and high, she pushed her face into his roughly as she nuzzled his nose. He hugged her tighter and kissed her forehead a few times in return. She pushed her face back into his neck and wrapped her wings around him, her purring vibrated against his shoulder as she did so.

"Non, do you want to spend the night?" Twilight asked, her voice was muffled because her entire face was pushed into his neck.

"Fluttershy is expecting me to be home tonight I think."

"I’ll have Spike send a letter next time I see him, just stay the night, please." She squeezed him tighter as she said this. And looked into his eyes and gave him puppy dog eyes, Anon didn't stand a chance.

"Sounds good to me", he said as he continued petting her. Twilight hummed and pushed her face back into his neck in response to this.

Author's Note:

I think this one is better than the last, your thoughts? Affection therapy was a big inspiration to this story. Next, Anon gets introduced to Ponyville, maybe Pinkie will be next, not sure yet, or another Fluttershy cuddle fic. Possibly another Twilight fic. I like Twilight a little more than Fluttershy after writing this.

Comments ( 9 )

Thank you Senpai, I'm honored:pinkiehappy:!

What to cuddling? So would I, and we will. As soon as I get to her, I don't know when I will, but I promise you it is happening sometime this year.

cute! fav!

This is so adorable.

Catpones. Purring and all.

I see how this "affection therapy" can be a good thing, really makes you feel happy just to read this.

Technically, horses purr believe it or not. But yeah she's acting like a cat I agree,

So you also know about Affection Therapy eh?! BOI IT'S ONE OF THE TOP BEST:twilightsmile::ajsmug::yay: even i love it! and the latest chapter was posted almost one month ago and it was insane! And now i find these minichapters which are literally the Equal to AT^^ LOVE THIS ALL

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