• Published 11th Mar 2021
  • 4,177 Views, 129 Comments

Sun's Butler - Hydreigon_Omega

After fleeing from the holy knights of Liones, Escanor finds himself in a land of talking ponies and ends up scoring a job as Celestia's Personal Servant

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Chapter 3

Escanor looked out the window at the star covered night with his journal in his hand and pencil in the other. He wore some more casual clothes rather than his uniform, they were a dark grey shirt with a brown overcoat. Writing in his journal, he began writing poems and just jotted down his thoughts. The late night sky covered all the land he could see in its quilt of shadows only to be illuminated by the stars in the night. Back home, their beauty had brought Escanor comfort after a long day, and he was glad the same was true for this land.

Poems he wrote about his experiences in equestria. After being hired by Celestia he learned that he was no longer at his home world, but rather in a completely different world. No humans existed here, other than Escanor, so he felt a little more relieved to know he wasn’t in any danger of being found out by the holy knights. Though he felt sad that he wouldn’t be able to see his old friends, he was happy that he was given another chance at the life he was kicked out of. A life where he had a chance to make actual friends, ones that honestly didn’t fear him for being a monster.

“Escanor, why art thou awake at such an hour?” Luna asked, making him jump in surprise, “Our apologize for frightening thou, but it is not often we see others awake for such an hour.”

“It's okay really, I was just enjoying the night.” Escanor said, “Its beauty and tranquility are great for the mind and body after a long day.”

“Thou enjoy our night?” Luna asked, as she began to blush a bit, “We feel flattered at thou’s compliment. It is not often one compliments our great night on its beauty.”

“That’s the only flaw in the night,” Escanor said, confusing Luna, “Its beauty goes underappreciated, I wish others could spare the time to enjoy it like I do.” He closed his eyes as he began to recite one of his older poems.

“Welcome oh quiet night,

With its beauty so bright,

May you swaddle under your quilt of stars

So that we may hide our own scars.

Though the veil of darkness cover your face,

So may your stars sparkles through that veil,

May not the morrow cut your beauty short.

O come back night for life need your sweet embrace,

For thine embrace is sweeter than any mortal’s ale,

Yet for after the morrow you come again for ones seeking thy support.”

Luna stood in silence as a tear rolled down her cheek, “We never thought one would ever appreciate our night as much as thou.” Luna let more and more silent tears roll down her face.

Escanor moved beside Luna to comfort her, he knew that she needed a shoulder to cry on. Right on queue, Luna buried her face into the shoulder of Escanor’s coat. He didn’t know what Luna had suffered, or anything about her past, but he knew those eyes hid something of pain and sorrow behind their beauty.

“Why?” Luna asked, “Many ponies fear us for our actions of long ago, yet why doest thou fear us not?"

“Whether you want to believe me or not is completely up to you, but I understand what it feels like to be feared.” Escanor said, “I was born as a prince of a kingdom that no longer exists. All because I was born with.. A curse. These glasses are the only thing that keep it dormant. Every morning as the sun rises I become a monster, barely able to control myself, and because of this I was exiled and sentenced to be killed on sight.”

“Thou possesses a curse?” Luna asked quite startled, “Why doth thou not brought it to our attention earlier?”

“I didn’t want to lose my only friends because of it, but I thought maybe you’d understand me.” Escanor said, “The only reason why I’m still alive is because I escaped in a barrel floating down the river. I could never find a home, everywhere I went, including towns that I had saved from other monsters, they’d all chased me out. Until I eventually ended up in Equestria, while first impressions weren’t the best, I’ve actually grown to like this place.”

“We art glad that thou liketh our lands, and mine night.” Luna said, before she let out a small sigh, Escanor could see in her eyes that she was hurting.

“... I forgive you,” Escanor said, Luna’s head perked up as she heard that, “No matter what you’ve done, I forgive you.”

“Thou knows what we did?” Luna was clearly confused, the only ponies who actually knew what happened all those many years ago were herself, and her elder sister Celestia, almost all information about her was shrouded in legends.

“I don’t,” Escanor said, “But I could see through your eyes, even at the time we first met, you were hurting. About what? I don’t know, but what I said stays the same, I forgive you.”

“A thousand years,” Luna said, “If only we could’ve found thou a thousand years earlier, maybe we’d never lost all that time.” She turned to him, “Escanor, thou art mine closest friend, we see know why mine sister hast selected thou as her servant. We’re glad we have met thou during thy life.”

“And I’m glad I got to meet both you and your sister.” Escanor said, “You two have kept me alive even though I have done nothing of any real importance, I’d love to stay and chat some more, princess Luna, but it is getting rather late for me.”

The next morning happened like any other morning, he didn’t notice anything of any immediate change. Continuing his normal routine, he changed into his uniform and stopped by the kitchen to pick up the silver platter which had Celestia’s favorite wine. He balanced the platter on his hand as he went to where Celestia would be, but when he got there, he saw Celestia pacing back and forth, clearly she was stressed out.

“Is something the matter Princess Celestia?” Escanor asked

“Yes something is the matter,” Celestia said, “It shall be explained soon.” Escanor began to pour some wine, “No, I don’t need that right now, just let me be for a moment.”

Celestia continued to pace, muttering to herself. The front door swung open with a loud creak. Six ponies, two from each major race, came barging in the door.

“Princess Celestia,” Twilight said, “We came as fast as we could.”

“Thank you twilight,” Celestia said, “Thank you all.”

“Is this about the weather? What's happening out there? Why isn’t my magic working?” Twilight said, increasing in pace after each question before Celestia silenced her.

“I’ve called you here for a matter of great importance,” Celestia said, “It seems that an old foe of mine, one that I thought I’ve defeated long ago, has returned. His name: Discord.”

Author's Note:

This was a rather short chapter,
But don't worry I've promised you'll get to see Escanor kick some butt during the next chapter