• Published 11th Mar 2021
  • 4,169 Views, 129 Comments

Sun's Butler - Hydreigon_Omega

After fleeing from the holy knights of Liones, Escanor finds himself in a land of talking ponies and ends up scoring a job as Celestia's Personal Servant

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Chapter 4

Discord sat on his throne, watching all the chaos of his magic unfold before his eyes. The disharmony was beautiful, it possessed a type of beauty that only a madman like himself could like. Even if the ponies managed to grab the Elements of Harmony, he’d have done enough damage to last another 1,000 years. He rested happily knowing he had already won the battle, and possibly even the war.

“Chaos is a wonderful, most wonderful thing!” Discord said, as he was going to take a sip of his chocolate milk.

“Not as wonderful as friendship!” Twilight said dragging his attention away from his chocolate milk.

“Ugh, this again!” Discord drank the glass out of his inverted chocolate cup before throwing it behind him, making it blow up in a comedic fashion.

“That's right!” Applejack said, “You couldn’t break apart our friendship for long!”

“Oh Applejack don’t lie to me, I’m the one who made you a liar.” He used his chaos magic to bring the element of honesty close to him before he used more magic to bring 4 more of the elements to him. “Will you ever learn?”

Twilight charged her horn as she prepared herself to use 2 different spells back to back, luckily for discord, he’d already planned for this outcome. “Oh I don’t think so.” Discord said as he shot a blast of chaos magic ending Twilight's preparation for the spells. “Did you really think I’d fall for that simple trick of ‘doing something while someone isn’t looking?’ You know I invented that right?” He fired another bolt of chaos magic at Twilight, and when this one connected Twilight was turned to stone.

“TWILIGHT!” Fluttershy yelled, seeing that her friend and the bearer of the element of magic had been turned into a statue.

“It's ironic that I had to go back on word on not turning ponies to stone.” Discord said as he stripped the five other ponies of their element, “Oh wait no it’s not, I’m the spirit of disharmony, you really should’ve expected that.” He fired five more bolts of magic as he finally turned all six of the ponies to stone. He let out one final evil laugh for slouching back down on his throne.

Using her sight heightening spell, Celestia just witnessed her own student and her friends each get turned to stone, her face went ghostly white as she saw the only hope for equestria vanished. Celestia tried to think of any way to stop Discord, but the only thing she could do is to evacuate Canterlot, but that’d only prolong the inevitable for a few hours, if they were lucky. Attempting brute force would only cause ponies to get hurt. Knowing that there was no hope for equestria left, she sat down on her throne and wept silently.

Escanor watched the princess weep, it pained him greatly to know that one of his only friends in this world was in such a deep state of despair. He could try and comfort her, but he didn't know what words he needed to say. There was only one thing he could do, but he knew that it’d cost him his friendship only friends even if it worked, but he was willing to make the sacrifice to protect Celestia’s kingdom. While the decision laid heavy on his heart, it was one that had to be done.

“Princess Celestia,” Escanor said, “I do not wish to be rude, but I wish for your permission on something.”

“What is it?” Celestia asked, her voice was no longer in its loving motherly tone but rather one of a woman who had fallen into the deepest pits of despair.

“I ask your permission to go talk to discord.” Escanor said

“WHAT!” Celestia snapped her head up when those words finally registered in her mind, “You saw what kind of power Discord possesses! And you wish to talk with Him?!”

“Yes.” Escanor said as he gulped down a lump in his throat

“And what makes you think that you can make him change his mind?” Celestia said, “He is quite literally a god, one of chaos and disharmony.”

“I don’t intend on changing his mind,” Escanor lied, “I am going to distract him long enough for you to find a way to defeat him.”

“What choice do I have? If you stay, the rate at which Discord’s magic spreads grows each passing second.” Celestia said, “And if you go I must watch my closest friend fall to Discords rule. Escanor I’m sorry for burdening you with this, but you are the absolutely last hope for all Equestria.”

Celestia illuminated her horn as she prepared a teleportation spell, suddenly a bright flash surrounded Escanor. It felt like he was being pulled through thousands of tons of snow in a mere instant. When the light faded Escanor saw that the land was completely altered, so much so that he couldn’t even guess what it had looked like before Discord contorted it. When Escanor looked straight forwards, he felt his entire body tense up with fear, right in front of him, not even 5 feet away, Discord sat on his throne towering over the human.

“Well, well, well,” Discord said, “What do we have here? You’re not one of my beasts of chaos, nor are you a pony. What are you?”

“I-I’m Escanor,” he replied, “I’m a h-human.”

“Escanor?” Discord asked, “Why you must be Celestia’s personal butler I’ve heard about. Let me guess, you're here to try and tell me about ‘magic of friendship’ and to make me end my chaos?” He looked like he was going to puke when he got to the part about friendship.

“W-well,” Escanor stuttered, “That was part of the plan.”

“Let's just skip that part, because it goes like ‘magic of friendship is amazing’ and then I’m like ‘not as amazing as chaos,’ and then things happen and then you're defeated.” Discord said, “But how about we do our own little song and dance. So here, I will give you an offer, one you can’t refuse.”

“A-an offer?”

“Yes, an offer.” Discord snapped his fingers and a throne popped into existence beside his own, and a appeared contract in his hand, “Turn you back on princess sunbutt and princess moonbutt, and you can rule beside me in this land of chaos.”

“I, I,” Escanor stuttered out, Discord eagerly waited for his response as he held out a pen for him, “I’D NEVER TURN MY BACK ON THE PRINCESSES!”

“Oh really?” Discord said, as he began to use his words to attempt to manipulate Escanor’s mind, “Surely you must know that she laughs at you and your pitiful form when your back is turned. All that she has done up until now has all been an act just for her to get some more laughs at her already pitiful ponies.”

Escanor looked down at the floor clearly believing what he heard, “Even if that is true.” Escanor said, “I’d gladly become a laughing stock if it means the princess can smile.”

“You know fully well that she might as well be manipulating you with what you're doing.” Discord asked, “Then why do you still hold her so highly?”

“Because only someone as beautiful, intelligent, kind and cheerful as her,” Escanor said, clearly believing every word that came out of his own mouth, “Could be so kind to someone as Dull, spineless, weak and useless as me.”

“Kind? A pony who traps others in stone is kind?” Discord asked, “Who’s not to say that she won’t do the same to you if you mess up?”

“Even if she did, I’d probably deserve it,” Escanor said, “And even after I wouldn’t admire her any less, she is the one who save me when I was still a shriveling wreck.”

Discord looked down at the pitiful human, and shrugged, he found out that he could contort anyone’s images in his mind. Not because he was more loyal than rainbow dash, or as kind as Fluttershy, but rather that he held his own self image so far below others, that using chaos magic on him would only make the land more harmonious, he gagged at the thought of making harmony using chaos. Seeing as he had actually been beaten at his own game, he used his tail as a whip and launched Escanor into a chaos manipulated building, completely obliterating the two. The only thing that Discord saw that was left of him was his pair of glasses which sat in front of his feet.

Meanwhile at the canterlot Castle, using her heightened sight Celestia saw Escanor get sent flying to what she thought was his death. She placed her face into her hooves and began to weep tears that only have been wept once before. Midway into her weeping session, she felt a strong, unknown, form of magic enter equestria. Could this be Escanor’s magic? She raised her head and cleared her eyes with her hooves and took one last look at ponyville. Every passing Second the power grew more and more, so much so that it probably completely eclipsed Celestia’s own Magic hours before she even detected it.

“SISTER!” Luna shouted from across the room, still being quite sleepy after just awakening from slumber, “What is this magic that we detect?”

Rising from the rubble of the destroyed building Escanor stood at a stature he had not stood at in a long time. He felt his Muscles flex through the fabric of the suit Celestia had made for him. Escanor made eye contact with Draconequus as he approached him with a calm yet determined expression. Discord just stood there in shock, looking at what was once a frail human become totally jacked in a matter of seconds. Every step Escanor took to approach Discord, the land corrupted by chaos magic turned back to normal as small flames traveled from his footsteps.

“You're not a human are you?” Discord asked, “What exactly are you?”

“I am indeed a human, but I also am many other things.” Escanor said, “Many have called me a monster, while others revered me as a god among my kind, and yet there was someone who was even bold enough to call me their servant. But to you, I am Escanor, Lion sin of Pride, and the one who stands at the pinnacle of all races. Remember it well, for it is the last name you’ll ever know.” Almost as if it was on queue, the back of Escanor’s shirt ripped open to reveal a red tattoo of a lion's face.

“You’re a cocky one aren’t you, saying you stand atop all other races.” Discord said, with a hardy laugh, “But you're still forgetting who you're talking to, I am quite literally a god and embodiment of chaos and disharmony itself.”

Escanor laughed his signature prideful laugh, “Oh really now? I really hope you live up to your reputation, because I’ve been waiting for a proper fight.” He threw a punch at Discord who dodged it by swerving his head backwards as if he were a snake, “You're a nimble one, I'll give you that.”

“And I see you’re not going to accept my offer anytime soon.” Discord said as he hovered in the sky filing his talon before he shot a bolt of chaos magic at Escanor's chest which he easily shook off. Escanor's face scowled slightly in annoyance, he'd really though that someone who proclaimed themselves to be a god to at least be more powerful than this. Discord landed back down on the ground before walking up to Escanor and looked down at the human, He was easily at least two feet taller than Escanor.

Stretching his arm out back to the mountain, Escanor opened his mouth to give a single command. “Oh hear my will and come to my aid, Divine axe Rhitta, come to Me!” And from somewhere on the canterlot mountain, an axe began to twitch before flying off at immense speeds and landing in Escanor’s hand. Harnessing its momentum, Escanor decapitated Discord at such high speeds that when the axe hit the ground, he made a small earthquake from the impact. If only killing the incarnate of chaos would be that easy.

“I see you’ve armed yourself Escanor.” Discord said as he literally screwed his head back to his body. “Though it is rather unfair, so let’s change that.” Discord tried to snap Rhitta out of existence, he tried again and again and never succeeded. “Why isn’t it working!? That stupid axe of yours should be ballons or something by now.”

“Stupid axe? This is my Sacred Treasure, Divine Axe Rhitta, a weapon named after a maiden so loved by the sun itself” Escanor said, “It's impossible for such beauty to be tainted by lowly magic such as your own.”

“My magic? Lowly?” Discord scoffed, “You have yet to see what chaos magic can really do.” Discord flew back to hover right above his throne, he summoned all six elements of harmony to come to him. Discord snapped his fingers, the color in the elements began to change, turning the vibrant colors into pale and sickly shades of green, grey, and any other color that could be asociated with illness. “Behold my great creation, the elements of Disharmony! My weapon of pure chaos” Discord let out an evil laugh.

“A shame,” Escanor let out an arrogant sigh, “those gems would’ve made some fine trophies.”

“Oh, but they’re more than just mere trophies, because you have yet to see what they can do.” Discord said with glee, “Oh, how I can hardly wait to use them!”

“Before you show me your new power of yours, let me say one last thing.” Escanor said, “Apologize to me, That you were born into my world.”

“Hah.” Discord laughed, “If those are your last words, then behold my power!”

Discord snapped his fingers, then the tainted elements began to spin around him making a semi-solid sphere around him. Taking aim, Discord shot several bolts of his own chaos magic at Escanor, but when it passed through the sphere, his yellow bolt of chaos became what could only be described as a depressed and sick rainbow of colors. Escanor went wide eyed in surprise as he let the magic collide with him. The amount of chaos began to turn the land where Escanor stepped back into chaos even though the blast was nowhere near there. Smoke in black shades of green, grey, and even a little red, came up from the blast site.

“You really should’ve taken me up on my offer, I almost feel sorry that I had to do this to you. Almost.” Discord said

“Is that really the absolute best you can do?” A very familiar arrogant voice said sighing as the smoke began to cleared, "I would've though you would have provided me with at least a small challenge."

“H-how are you not affected by my chaos?! You have no armor to block it!” Was this feeling that overwhelmed Discord fear? It couldn’t be… could it?

“Your chaos feared me.” Escanor said, “That is all there is to it.”

“Feared you? Ha” Discord scoffed, “I was wondering what kind of arrogant words were going to come out of your mouth next. Chaos, fearing a life form other than its own god is utterly preposterous.”

“In this realm,” Escanor said, “Self proclaimed gods like you are as numerous as the grains of sand… But I am unlike any other existence in this world, and I do not compare myself to something as trivial as the title of a ‘god,’ for I am Escanor!”

Discord watched him closely keeping track of even the slightest movements, normal he’d just have fun with opponents and torment them, but Escanor was different, his actions were completely unknown to Discord. He was sure that Escanor would try to attack him, but his body language was so relaxed that he couldn’t tell when he’d attack. When Escanor slashed again at Discord, he barely dodged from being decapitated by the Lion Sin again, even though he didn't escape unscathed, the only wound he had from Escanor’s attack was a deep slash across the chest from being caught off guard from the speed of the attack.

“Did you forget about my chaotic rate of regeneration?” The wound Escanor had made was instantly healed up, but something was still off, Discord smelled something. Wait, is that smoke? “H-HOT!” Discord looked down to see where the wound healed was now a line fire growing from it, luckily for him, he managed to pat the fire out in time to hear what Escanor had to say.

“A mane more beautiful than the heavens,

Lips colored with a most divine presence,

A perfect harmony of sweet aromas making any nose be pleasant.

Manipulative and yet self-sacrificing,

A mystery you are, O royal daughter of the sun.”

“Wh.. what was that incantation?” Discord said as he felt his magic begin fleeing from him.

“You dare call my poem an Incantation?” Escanor asked as Discord lost so much Magic he no longer could float. Escanor stood above the Draconequus looking down at the burning amalgamation.

“I.. I’m… Sorry” Discord coughed out through his burning throat

“I’ve changed my mind. You’ve greatly fouled my mood.” Escanor said, as he raised his axe to where it eclipsed the sun, and gave one final command to Discord, “Perish.”

Combining both his physical prowess and his magic, Escanor brought down his axe with such power ferocity that the blinding light generated by the strike could’ve been easily seen from Canterlot without the need of enhanced sight. With Discord being completely dead and having no chance of returning from the ashes, chaos from all across the land began to disappear faster than it came, and the six stone statues of ponies returned to their living state, even if they were currently unconscious, they were alive. The elements of disharmony returned to their much more vibrant and harmonious counterpart, all of Discords work had already started to become undone as they each clinked onto the ground.

Escanor’s eyes widened as he realized what had just happened, he lost control of himself during combat. Not that it mattered, he knew that he’d never be able to enter equestria again after he reached his day form without being seen as a monster and possibly being hunted to attempt to prevent him from over throwing the princesses. With his mind in check once more, he leapt into the midst of a dark forest, it’d only be but a few minutes before he lost control of his power again, and when that did happen, he wanted to be as far away from both Celestia and Luna so he wouldn’t hurt them. For the first time ever in his life, he felt fear while being in his daytime form. He was scared of losing the one thing he cherished in this world, his bond he shared with Celestia and Luna.

Author's Note:

I have no personal grudge against discord, but it is a real shame that I didn't see any way of him getting out of this alive. I wonder if I need to add the 'death' tag now?

Also, bonus points to whom ever can guess which fight from the Seven Deadly Sins manga I took inspiration from.
And the winner is Archanon, congrats.