• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 1,595 Views, 2 Comments

Summertime Gluttony - MetalBrony20

Cirrus Sweep, a chubby, nerdy colt, finds himself alone for the summer holidays. Can he resist the siren call of his neighbour Blossomforth's cooking, or will his budding gluttony get the best of him?

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Day One - Planting the Seeds of Temptation

The hands of a large wall clock positioned over the blackboard, sluggishly ticked around with a dull clunk each time. Upon it, dozens of pairs of eyes gazed on, watching as seconds grated on and on. It was June, and not solely that; it was a sweltering summer's day. This resulted in a room full of sweaty students, just begging to be released from class. It was almost taunting them, the wide-open window trying desperately to vent the heat let in the sounds of ponies having a great time in Celestia’s sun. Most students took momentary glances at the clock, too distracted by thoughts of holidays and freedom to concentrate on their books.

Amongst the cohort, Blossomforth sat. Her light green and rose striped mane acted like a pillow, not even pretending to read as she tried to snooze away the last period of the day. She let out another huffing sigh, twirling a pencil between her lithe fingers. Looking around she caught sight of Cirrus Sweep, one of the few students trying to read their book. Last year, the two of them had gotten to know one another very well. Although, he’d become as acquainted with the mare’s cooking like he had with Blossomforth herself.

The result of which was a colt, swaddled in layers upon layers of soft, blubbery flesh. Gone from the thin figure he once possessed, as several months of delicious homemade desserts put an end to Cirrus’s baggy wardrobe. This required him to make many trips to Ponyville’s Wide and Tall shop in a vain attempt to accommodate his excess poundage. The return to a less calorific diet, and the baking heat as of recent acting like a sauna, had caused him to drop plenty of lard in the intervening period. It meant that he no longer got stuck trying to squeeze his doughy gut or gelatinous butt through doorways.

The clothing he wore now fit him well, formerly snug pieces now easily covered his rounded gut and jiggling moobs instead of riding up. Even his desk wouldn’t so much as creak or groan under the weight. To Blossom, that was a problem. Even though his appetite had increased, it wasn’t enough to keep the pudge on, dozens of pounds falling off him like autumn leaves, reducing the colt to just 160 lbs. Her smirk grew again, going over the plan in her mind. ‘DDDDRRRRIINNNNGGGG!!!’

The battered red bell chimed, the sonorous clanging ringing out. Within an instant, the motionless class suddenly scrambled to their feet, rushing towards the door. With Cirrus, it took slightly more effort, his entire form jostling as he rose up. Rising, he carefully tucked his paunch back into his pants. “Alright class, I hope you all have a wonderful Summer holiday, enjoy yourself, and drink plenty in this heat. I’ll see you all back here in September!” Ms. Windy called, falling mostly on deaf ears as the rush of fillies and colts dashed past her.

Finally, she was free from the stifling air and out into Ponyville market. Her bag was slung over her shoulder, various pieces of stationary jostling around as she walked through, appreciating the cool breeze on her skin. Before heading back home, Blossom took a slight detour through town. Taking a deep breath, she could smell the tender blooms that lined window boxes, hanging baskets and flower beds. Pink dahlias, blue hydrangeas, white and purple lilies.

Passing tall patches of sunflowers, she weaved her way through the streets and alleyways, heading for home. Turning the corner, her house now in sight, she caught sight of Cirrus. Even though she had wasted time looking at all the flowers, she’d still outpaced Cirrus. Giggling at each exaggerated step he took, causing his body to sway around slightly, his bubble butt wobbling around.

“Hey Cirrus!” She called, his flabby neck twisting to get a look at her.

“Oh… uhh, hey Blossomforth…”

“Silly, you don’t have to call me that. You’re my friend.” She smiled, giving him a slight tap on the arm. A light blush darkened his cheeks.

“S...sure thing, Blossom. Oh… can I ask you something?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Well, uuuhhh… my mom’s going to be taking a break for the entire Holidays. Would it be alright for me to come around to yours?” Blossomforth smiled, her plan falling into place.

“My mom’s gone, fixing some issues with her out-of-town shops. I’d be glad to have you come around.” With only a few paces to her door, a low gurgling rumble emanating from Cirrus’s flabby middle suddenly stopped her. “Hehehe… sounds like you need an after-school snack. How about you come over in a little while?”

“OK, sounds good to me.”

“Alright then, I’ll catch you in a while.” Unlocking the door, she slipped inside, rushing into the kitchen. Pulling out trays, bowls and piles of ingredients, she was more than ready to treat Cirrus. Retrieving a tub of butter, she grinned, thinking of all the ways she could fatten him up. “I hope your belly is ready for this Cirrus…” She mumbled. Now was the time to bake.

Half an hour later, she was finished. A hand wiped away flecks of sweat from her brow. Atop the counter, an entire stack of warm gooey brownies sat. The smell alone was incredible, and she could bet the taste would be equally amazing. A sudden knock at the door drew her attention. Opening the door, she found Cirrus waiting. “Hey! Glad you made it, come in!” Nodding, he stepped across the threshold.

“Thanks Blossom, I just took a shower and got out of those sweaty school clothes, you know? I’m not late, am I?” Switched out his wardrobe, a t-shirt in a size more fitting for a grown stallion covering his top with an equally sizable pair of jean shorts stretched around his bottom and tree trunk legs. Not big enough, judging by how the topmost button was tightly clasped together, the zipper struggling to stay up, due to how his belly was tucked into them.

“Oh no, not at all. In fact, I just finished baking.” Walking through, Cirrus sniffed the air, his gut letting out another needy growl, the odor of freshly baked goods reaching him. She pulled a chair out for him, gratefully taking the seat. Plopping down, Cirrus adjusted himself, feeling the comfy seat cushion mould around his ass. Before he could even speak, a plate of cookies was dumped in front of him.

Grabbing one, he felt the still warm treat between his pudgy digits. The chocolate chips slightly melted, smearing onto his finger. Taking a bite, a small moan escaped his lips. “Mmm, so good.” This is what he’d missed all this time. Sure, store-bought cookies were great and all, but they couldn’t compare to Blossoms own creations. Soon, though, he was picking up the pace. His belly no longer screaming for food, it was instead content on working through the saucer sized delights. All the while, he made a half-hearted attempt at responding to Blossom’s attempts at conversation, his mouth being too full to respond.

Finally, he finished the plate, leaning back the best he could. Placing a hand to his tummy, he gave it a poke. His finger sank into the pliant, gelatinous flesh, eventually meeting the rounded swell of his stomach.Though minor, he noticed how tight his pants were. Just twisting his waist made the fabric cut into him, feeling like they would snap off. “BUUUURRRPP!!! Ooof… sorry.” Belching, he blushed, already making a complete pig out of himself. All he got in response was a small giggle, Blossomforth giving his gut a pat of her own.

“It’s okay. Now, do you have any room for dessert?”

“Sure, I have some room…” Within moments of speaking the words, the crumb filled plate was replaced by one heaving with brownies. Cirrus got to work, funneling the rectangular treats into the growing pit of his gut. Every moment he chewed and gulped them down, was one of decadent, hedonistic pleasure, reminding him of some of his novels. Blossom was content on observing his spiralling gluttony, each cuboidal chunk of cocoa goodness a literal calorie bomb. Compared to the batches she’d whipped up last year, they had been ‘upgraded’. They had more butter and more sugar snuck in, guaranteed to make him blimp up even faster.

As he pushed more down, getting ever closer to the bottom of the pile, the tightness from his middle got worse. A generous amount of crumbs dusted his lips, mumbling out praise between each mouthful, letting more detritus spill onto his shirt. Rubbing his stomach the best he could, he grabbed the last brownie, sluggishly chewing it. The sweet, chocolatey lump slid down his throat. As it did so, he could feel the strain on his trousers intensify for a moment, before a loud snap emanated. The button flew right off, and the zip flew open, allowing his overfull belly to ooze out of the confines.

Moaning, he kneaded his now exposed gut, the initial pain of the pants now gone, replaced with the dull ache of being stuffed to the gills. “Oh, I’ve missed your food so much, Blossom, Uuurrpp!” He belched, shifting himself minutely; rewarded with the furniture emitting creaks of distress.
“Don’t mention it, Cirrus, your welcome to visit anytime you want.” He smiled, taking it as his que to leave. With some effort, Cirrus stood up, his exposed belly surging forward. Shuffling, he opened the door, Blossom right behind him.

“T...thanks for the food, Blossom. If your cooking is anything like it was last year, I don’t think I’ll be able to keep away!”

“Aww… thanks. Don’t worry, I’ve got plenty of new ideas for cooking.” She grinned at her pun. “I’ll see you soon.”

“Bye!” Carefully, Cirrus made the quick trip back home, virtually hauling himself up the stairs and into his bedroom. Moaning, he lay back on the plush covers, listening to the gurgling as the mountain of sweets broke down into more fat. Still, he couldn’t complain too much, Blossomforth’s cooking in his opinion was second to none. As he felt a wave of exhaustion pass over him, he could only mutter out a few words. “I forgot how good her cooking was...”