• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 1,593 Views, 2 Comments

Summertime Gluttony - MetalBrony20

Cirrus Sweep, a chubby, nerdy colt, finds himself alone for the summer holidays. Can he resist the siren call of his neighbour Blossomforth's cooking, or will his budding gluttony get the best of him?

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Day Six - Developing Urges

Morning dawned on Ponyville. Celestia’s sun was rising into the sky, casting the first rays of light upon the town. 6 days had passed since the start of the holidays, and ponies were no less eager to leap out of bed. Some ponies were fine with sleeping through the early hours of the day, swaddled in their cosy bed sheets. Cirrus was snoring gently, resting upon his back. The partial food coma from yesterday at blossoms house ensured that he fell into a quick sleep. Suddenly, his bedside clock rang, a high-pitched beeping echoing around the room, Cirrus stirring with a groan.

Reaching over, he shut it off, rolling back into the covers with a small smile. A smile that dropped almost immediately as a long rolling growl emanated from his stomach. Cracking open his eyes, he was greeted with a rounded mound. Placing a hand upon the swell, he gave it a small rub, feeling how soft it was. Working his way further up, he felt his moobs slowly jiggle with each breath. Before he could contemplate them further, another moaning rumble emanating. “Alright alright…” Cirrus mumbled, inching himself to the edge of the bed, rising to his feet.

Standing up, he could immediately tell something differed from yesterday. Padding slowly towards the bathroom, he let out a loud yawn, scratching his ass as he went in. Entering, waddled over to the faucet and grabbing a flannel. Last night, He’d decided to not button up his pyjama shirt, on account of the stifling heat of the day, in addition to the large slab of blubber that clung to his waist. Now, the full extent of his binge was apparent. Just from a small glance, an already sizable amount of flab had been put on. His belly swelled out to a greater degree, just starting to sag over the waistband of the pyjamas.

More mass had forced his sides to sag out, developing a set of wobbly love handles, resting atop his widened hips. Placing a hand to the side of the dome, Cirrus subconsciously hefted the small slab of flab up, feeling the new mass added to it as he attempted to adjust his pyjama bottoms. In addition, the newly accumulated gains had expanded his behind. The blue pyjama bottoms still fit, though they were stretched out wide. All in all, he’d managed to gain roughly 20lbs, leaving him at 180. Washing his face, he could swear his clothing creaked and groaned with every small sway he made. “Hmm, wonder what that was...” He murmured, grabbing a towel from the rack, drying his face. With each swish, his abundant butt flesh sloshed around in a gelatinous manner.

Before he could continue his self-inspection, his stomach roared once more, announcing its displeasure of being so empty. Thumping down the stairs, he entered the spotless kitchen; the work surfaces bereft of snack. Opening the cupboards, he pulled out a box of oatmeal, pouring out a good amount, dribbling in some milk. About to take a seat, he paused for a moment, before giving the bland meal a dusting of sugar. Plunging his spoon in, he stuffed the boring, yet nutritional broth into his mouth.

Although this was his usual morning meal, his stomach, stretched out from the night, was begging for something more. Spooning another mouthful, he was already feeling less and less enthused with it, his stomach gurgling for something more filling… something more ...fattening. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask Blossom if she’s got something cooking at her place.” Staring back at the soppy mush, his mind agreed with his stomach. “I just hope she’s up at the moment.”

Leaning over, his pudgy digits grabbed the receiver of the wall mounted telephone, the hanging coiled cord dangling over his arm. Punching in her number, he held his breath as the phone rang. A few moments of the dial tone echoed through, before a small click and fumble of plastic on plastic crackled through “Hello?”

“Oh, hi Blossom, it’s… erm… Cirrus.”

“Hey Cirrus, it’s a lovely morning isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it is nice out, isn’t it?” Despite it being morning, he could swear her voice was as perky and energetic as it usually was.

“So, can I ask, why did you call?” Cirrus paused, coiling the cord around his finger like a spaghetti strand.

“Well, uh, my breakfast options are limited right now. Can I grab a bite to eat at your place?”

“Huh, I was just about to make my breakfast and all. Yeah, you can swing around for something… how do waffles, hay-bacon and eggs sound?”

“Good.” He said, biting back the urge to drool.

“Great! I’ll see you in a bit!” With that, he replaced the receiver back into its cradle. Grabbing the disappointing bowl, he dumped it into the sink. He could wash it up later, it’s time to get something both filling and tasty.

Closing his door, Cirrus exited his abode, the look of anticipation practically etched onto his face. Deciding that his pyjamas weren’t the best to be walking around in, he’d spent a while switching outfits. A loose pair of brown shorts swaddled his rear, whilst a nice roomy t-shirt covered his torso. Well, they would have been spacious, if it wasn’t for the accumulated mass ballooning his figure outwards. Even with only a few dozen pounds, his attire was already failing to cover him fully, his belly button just starting to peek out from under the cloth. Even his shorts had become tighter, the button clasping the sides together groaning from the effort.

With just a pair of flip-flops on his feet, he sharply knocked on Blossom’s door, the impact causing his chunky arms to jostle slightly. Seconds later, the mare herself was standing in the wooden frame, a dirtied white apron tied neatly around her waist. “Well, morning there big boy, you hungry for fresh homemade waffles?” She cooed out, twirling a spatula around.

As he was about to respond, his stomach cut him off, gurgling in agreement with her question, only intensifying as the delicious smell wafted towards him. “I’ll take that as a yes, come on in.” Entering, the door closed with a responding click, the tempting odour buffeting his face. Following her through, she gestured to the same seat from yesterday, planting his ass upon the cushion. Leaning back, the wooden chair creaked under his weight, Cirrus’s slab of belly rolling forward onto his lap.

“Here ya go, I hope you enjoy.” Blossomforth smiled, depositing an enormous plate crammed with piles of waffles. Thick streams of syrup were creeping down the pile, emanating out from the deep reservoirs. Off to the side, a greasy assortment of fried eggs and hay bacon glistened in the kitchen light. With nary but a thought, he snatched up the utensils, eagerly cutting out a great gouge in the fluffy treats. Wolfing them down at a breakneck pace, he didn’t mind the mess he was making, crumbs and spots of syrup spotting his lips. No, he only cared about satisfying the roaring beast his belly had become.

Between moans and quiet belches, he made quick work of them, polishing off the rest in a matter of moments, migrating his attention to the second plate. Forking the greasy slabs of hay, combining them with the yolk, and then stuffing them into his ever hungry gullet. Like a machine, he plowed through the egg whites, taking a bite or two out of his remaining waffle, now little more than a half soaked, half eaten crumb pile. Blossom could hardly contain her glee, both at his appreciation of her meal, and the effect said meal was having upon his form.

With every moment that passed, she watched as that gut inched steadily forward, rolling his shirt up once more. Growing progressively more taught, it swelled past his pants, continuing to smother his lap with the ample adipose slab. She could hear it moan and growl as he went from running on empty, to stretching the organ out into a tight dome. “So… are you interested in something extra?”

Reaching out, she prodded his protruding gut, gurgling aggressively from the appendage. “I… err, think I’ll pass. I’m feeling full to be honesuuuurrrppp!” He belched, flecks of food spraying out. Giggling, she pressed down again, pushing out another gaseous eruption. “Excuse me…”

“It’s alright… It’s just all that extra gas inside you, I’m sure you’ve got room for a little more.” From behind her, she whisked out a large bowl. Fresh strawberries and sugary cereal clusters complemented a hefty serving of strawberry yoghurt. Grabbing the spoon next to him, Cirrus plunged back in, ready for more.

With a clatter, Cirrus released the utensil, letting out another rumbling belch. He surveyed the carnage he’d inflicted upon the table. Only a few specs of crumbs, grease and syrup blotches remained. A heaping mountain of food packed into his tummy, which was gurgling constantly, finally satisfied. “Oh, man… that was really something.” He mumbled, licking his lips and fingers, before slowly getting to his feet.

“I’m so glad you enjoyed yourself. I appreciate your love for my cooking.”

“Well, I can’t fault it…” Waddling towards the door, he tried to ignore how utterly packed his gut was, and the occasionally slosh or blorp it gave. Grasping the door handle, he squinted into the still rising sun, shielding his eyes as he tried to exit. Key word, try. As he moved through the narrow entrance, an odd sensation gripped him. Looking around, he watched as the frame was lightly grazing the sides of both his swollen gut, and his bouncing butt seconds later. All the weight he had lost was flooding back like a tide of fat.

He felt a small push against his bottom, Blossomforth raising her hand in a mock guilty fashion. “As always, you can swing around whenever you want Cirrus.”

“Thanks Blossom, I’ll see you later.”

“Bye!” Closing the door, Cirrus was alone once more. Plodding back over to his house, he could feel the makings of a food coma, fatigue tugging at his eyes.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” He yawned, slinking back into his house, landing on the couch with a thud. As he settled down, he tried to ignore the groaning and creaking of the wood. “Alright… I’d better nap this off.” Mumbling, his eyes drooped, allowing him to collapse into the plush expanse, a grumbling snore starting up moments later.