• Published 28th Apr 2023
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Ruby Palace - Mindrop

While exchange students in Japan, the girls get trapped in the hottest, newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life. The only way out is to beat the final boss in the Ruby Palace at the top of Aincrad.

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Episode 40 — Adjusting Strategy

Episode 40 — Adjusting Strategy
Twenty-Ninth Day in the Month of Wisteria (August 29) in the Year of the Dragon
Floor 34

Bladescape scanned the gathered crowd. She made sure to not let her eyes settle on Klein of Fuurinkazan or move past him too quickly. They were not the only new guild to join the Assault Team for this meeting. Like the Wondercolts, most guilds had come directly from the Labyrinth. Every Wondercolt was in attendance tonight, but that wasn't always the case. Tonight they had important news for the Assault Team about the boss. Bladescape wanted all eleven members in their capes and color matching uniforms. As matching as Diemond could make them.

When they had run into Fuurinkazan the day before, saving them from being overrun, they had looked like they were a bit out of their league. They kept up with the Wondercolts and were solid backup as they all struggled to comprehend and overcome the sudden change in the Labyrinth. By the time the sun set, the rabid ash wolves had overrun the entire labyrinth, replacing all of the enemies and viciously hunting anyone in the labyrinth, always in large packs of no less than twelve wolves.

After spending more time fighting beside Fuurinkazan, the boys proved to be capable fighters and deserving of being ranked as members of the Assault Team. They were untested in some regards, but as goofy as they could be, especially Klein, they had solid heads on their shoulders and were far from reckless. They had earned their status after how well they did yesterday.

The guild members all knew each other in real life and stood in line together to get copies of SAO. They were deeply loyal to each other. They trusted each other and knew each other's limits and strengths, along with their own. They worked well together. It was natural to them. Those were invaluable assets to have in a clearing guild. Maybe half the assault team could claim that. Many had been assembled in-game and needed more time to build true trust and friendship, instead of a mutually beneficial exchange.

Klein was both annoying and flattering. He only called Bladescape "Doll Face." It was both a compliment and a pickup line. Japanese ideals of beauty idolized the porcelain doll look and Bladescape's olive skin and red hair had its own version of the porcelain doll. It was annoying, Bladescape just wanted to focus on the job, but Klein only did it with her, which also made it flattering. He was too afraid of Malus to even try a line with her. The same with Doombunny, but mostly because he was wary of Colorra; fascinated that someone had tamed a snake yet uneasy about the Ruby Krait. Konpeito and Knightstar had not received any of his cheesy pick up lines and attention; Bladescape got all of it. Klein had chosen her, but it was annoying and childish, yet harmless.

Still, he wasn't a bad guy, just lonely, and he certainly didn't have many options in Aincrad. Even with the large number of women playing, his pickings were slim. Many were too young for Klein, who was either in university, or had to have graduated from University in the past year or two. It was normal for Klein to try and pick up women and he clearly needed something normal to survive. If his lines ever landed him a 'fish,' he would likely not know what to do.

He had been shocked when they finally found the rest of the Wondercolts taking a break in a safe zone. Klein hadn't expected two boys to be in the guild. He didn't toss out his net at any of the other Wondercolt ladies, not even Diemond. His eyes were solidly fixed on Bladescape and she would rather them be on her, than anyone else. She could shrug him off, but she couldn’t shrug his advances off if they were aimed at one of her friends.

Kiefer and Reisenki had gotten along well with Fuurinkazan. Bladescape didn't have any concerns about losing them, but it had made her realize how hard it was being with nine ladies. That was just the nature of the guild since it was nine girls and two boys. The two of them loved being Wondercolts and not because they had been saved by Bladescape and accepted by the others. They knew they were valued members of the guild for what only they could offer, but Bladescape needed to figure out how to ensure they made friends outside the guild. Not just the boys, but all of their members needed to broaden their horizons. They needed more connections, which was admittedly hard to do as members of the assault team and clearers. They didn't have a lot of spare time.

Kirito apparently knew Klein and Klein acted like they were friends, yet Kirito was still stubbornly running solo. Klein had immediately pitched to Kirito to join them when they ran into each other as everyone assembled for the boss raid meeting, a request that had obviously been stated before, but the Black Swordsman denied it without giving it a second thought. Kirito was saved by the start of the meeting.

Asuna, as usual, opened the meeting. "Welcome to everyone who is new. I see many unfamiliar faces among us. We are glad you are here. The liberation effort needs everyone it can get. I'm Asuna, Second-in-command of the Knights of the Bloodoath. I run the meetings, but we look for the best solution for us all, from input from everyone. The first matter of business is to ensure that we clear the labyrinth. The Knights of the Bloodoath are aware of the change and how it has set all of us back, but at this time we have no insight into that."

"I do," Bladescape said. "Forgive my interruption."

"Please, Bladescape, tell us what you know," Asuna said.

Bladescape explained their run in with the NPC and the information shared. Asuna was thinking while the rest who were gathered talked amongst themselves.

"We need to figure this plant out," Asuna finally said. "It seems clear that this change was instigated by something we did, even if we don't know what triggered it. At least we know about it. I feel better knowing what we do know."

Doombunny stepped forward, Colorra was on her shoulders. She placed something on the table, a white flower with long, hooked petals. "I found the plant today, on our way back from the labyrinth," Doombunny explained. "There is a brook that is a bit off the main path from the city; halfway in between the city and the labyrinth. I'm very observant. It wasn't there yesterday, that's why I noticed it. It wasn't hard to slip off the path, grab it, and catch back up. It only drops one item, the flower."

"Good catch," Bladescape praised. It didn't surprise her that Doombunny found it. Either her or Konpeito would be the ones to find anything new among all of the visual clutter they were used to seeing. Bladescape had been looking, but even with Search, sometimes everything blended together and she had leadership matters on her mind. She didn't remember the brook Doombunny referenced and they had been in the labyrinth the past six days. Bladescape remembered the path well and what was immediately off it, but anything further away was just too much information for her to recall.

"Now we need a poison expert," Asuna said, looking at Argo.

Argo shrugged from where she sat, not approaching the table. "I don't know anything about the Skill, other than it's a Skill. Neither do I know players skilled in it. If anyone knows, please speak up."

No one did. They all seemed as clueless as everyone else. There was an uneasiness about the topic. Poison was for monsters, not the Assault Team, the de facto heroes of Aincrad.

"I know," Doombunny confidently stated. She immediately turned to look at Knightstar. "Knightstar, I lied. I don't have Sprint as a skill. I chose Mixing, which allowed me to make concoctions from Colorra's venom. Both poisons and anti-poisons. It was Colorra's idea."

"That's unexpected," Knightstar publicly stated. "Why hide it?"

"I didn't think you would approve," Doombunny admitted. She was looking and sounding very much like Fluttershy, not the colder Doombunny. "Not just you or the Wondercolts, but any of you in the room." Doombunny looked around the room as she continued. "But we are out of options and the Ruby Krait has the most venomous bite in all of Aincrad."

Doombunny pulled a vial out of a pouch and set it on the table. "I don't know how to make what the boss fears, but I have some poisons distilled from Colorra's venom that can be added to a bladed weapon. I don't have enough to cover the entire boss raid party, but I should have enough to cover a squad or two. It has a very short durability on the weapon once applied; five hits or three minutes, whichever comes first. It's a bit corrosive on the weapon, eliminating durability faster than normal."

"That's why you got that dagger made with silver," Knightstar said. "I thought the mix was odd, but you got a great dagger, so I didn't overthink it."

"Yes," Doombunny nodded. "That is why I had silver in the mix. It's enough to eliminate the extra corrosive effect, while still being lightweight and fast."

"How many flowers did you get?" Bladescape asked.

"Six," Doombunny answered.

"That's not a lot," Bladescape said, thinking. "With what you do know, how much of the poison do you think they will make?"

"Two or three vials of weapon gel," Doombunny admitted. "Not enough for the raid party or even a strike squad. Maybe one designated striker. That's assuming we can figure out how to make it into a poison. I've been working off Colorra's venom as my base and I really only know that. I don't know how to extract the poison element from the flower. Her poison is ready to be mixed, either in a concentrator agent or a diluting agent, depending on the use. The weapon gel requires a thickening agent to be added. It took me a long time to figure those three agents out. I'm sure there are a lot more available to create stronger poisons and anti-poisons. I just don't know them yet. Colorra gives me what she can, but even with morning and evening extractions and regular feedings to refill her venom glands, she can't produce a lot. They are small reservoirs for hunting and defense."

"Doombunny," Asuna said. "We've fought together before. I know you don't do boss battles, but you have. I'm asking you to consider going and being our poison damage dealer."

"That's a bold request," Doombunny stated. "But you are someone I will forgive because you know how much I hated that battle."

"I know," Asuna nodded. "That's why I asked only that you consider it. You’re capable of handling such a feat. How many dagger wielders are there in the Assault Team? Only a few, and only you have it as your only weapon skill. That takes a fortitude that few can match."

Doombunny nodded silently to Asuna. She didn't give an answer. Now wasn't the time to press her for one. She clearly understood why she was asked and what was at stake.

"Okay," Bladescape said. "We can do a powwow about the poison after, let's plan out the next two days and get the labyrinth cleared. And the raid plan."

"Better hold off on the raid plan," Argo stated from where she was sitting. "I'll hunt down that NPC and see what else I can learn. You guys clear that labyrinth and make sure it's clear. I'll use this new info to learn more about the boss. Clearly there is more to learn."

"Okay," Asuna said. "Then we meet back in two days?"

"Sort of," Bladescape said. "It's going to be a tough time dealing with the wolves for a single party. They are running in packs of twelve to twenty. I know it slows it down, but we need to make clearing squads of two or three parties, maybe four, so that we outnumber the packs, which will make clearing safer. Safety and efficiency is the goal. I know several guilds can form squads on their own, but for those that can't, I say we help get them connected for tomorrow and the day after. Then we all meet here, at the same time, in two days."

"That is a wise strategy," Asuna said. "I concur with the proposal. If you need it, we will be here as a facilitator. Otherwise, form squads of three or four parties, preferably, and clear the labyrinth in those squads. We will meet up in two days, same time and location, to cover the boss raid plan. Hopefully Argo will have new intel for us. If there are no other matters of business, you are dismissed. Good luck, everyone."

"The Wondercolts will openly share the labyrinth map data we have if it is of use to any party or person," Bladescape added.

"Wait," Lind said. "Free map data?"

"Why not?" Bladescape asked. "This is for us all, for our joint effort. That's the Wondercolts' standing policy for labyrinth data. Dungeons are different. There is a reason why we don't typically share labyrinth data among ourselves: it gets us experience and drops. There is typically more value personally and as a joint effort to all of our parts mapping it themselves. Now though, because of these specific changes, getting complete or more complete map data from others makes sense. It means getting to where we don't know faster. That means we can find the boss chamber faster. It also will make it safer, with less chance of unnecessary risk."

That started a whole trading situation. The meeting was over, and a few groups left, but most guilds sent a representative to Bladescape. They gave her the data they had on the labyrinth. Once she had everyone's data, she dispersed it back to the representatives. They all left having the same data. Kirito joined the co-op and so did Asuna for the KoB. The Divine Dragon Alliance was also involved. Agil would be there for the boss raid, but had other business matters to attend to. He wasn't clearing this labyrinth.

It was mostly the representatives who were in the meeting room. The rest of the guild didn't need to be packed in tight with everyone else. The representatives also took the opportunity to establish squads, which took less time than compiling the map. The representatives departed as soon as they got the compiled map from Bladescape. The KoB was present throughout and so were the Wondercolts.

Klein was trying to convince Kirito to join up with Fuurinkazan as a squad of seven.

"Don't be stubborn or stupid, Black Swordsman," Bladescape said as she led the Wondercolts out. "We need you, Kirito." The look she got from Kirito was hard to read. He didn't seem annoyed at her or angry, but Bladescape knew she was missing some history between him and Klein. That's why she didn't try to encourage him to join Fuurinkazan, just to think about the bigger picture.

"Fine," Kirito grumbled. "I'll join Fuurinkazan's squad if the Wondercolts also join."

Bladescape stopped in her tracks. She slowly spun on her heels and had to walk back over to them. When she got to the two of them, she didn't know what to say. Kirito had caught her off guard. She hadn't planned on teaming up with Fuurinkazan again, the Wondercolts made a more than sufficient squad due to their individual levels, compared to the others Bladescape could see, due to the Circlet of Silver Sagacity's boost. It would mean she would have to endure Klein fawning over her. No, she would enjoy him fawning over her, but he wasn't fawning, he was cheesy and boyish. She could tolerate it though, probably, at least for the good of the squad.

Kirito was being silent, as usual, and Klein had that same look in his eye that he had when he had been chasing her the other day. Kirito cocked his head, realizing he was missing something.

"Well," Bladescape said since no one else was saying anything. "The Wondercolts and the Black Swordsman have worked together well in the past. Many times in fact." Bladescape looked around, but the KoB was gone. "If we are going to do this, I propose that we set ourselves up to be the point squad in the boss raid. Either to deliver the poison ourselves or to get Doombunny in close and protect her."

"Okay," Kirito said with a nod. "That's a good plan."

"That's fine," Klein said, shrugging. The shrug didn't hide his interest and Kirito raised an eyebrow at him, but didn't say anything.

They finalized the meeting time for the morning and set the location as the entrance to the boss labyrinth. The other Wondercolts were outside waiting for her.

Bladescape caught them up on the timing for the squad getting together. No one put up any fuss over being more than the eleven of them. They trusted her and all of them knew how hard it had been during the day. Kirito and another party were welcomed reinforcements.

They still had rooms rented in town, but needed to eat. They ate and then went to bed. It was a quick end to the day.

Natora joined Bladescape in her room. The two of them were still debriefing together. Every so often they skipped it, but they tried to at least have five minutes to debrief if it was needed.

"That got interesting," Natora said. "The whole night was actually interesting. Doom is something to discuss, but I'm interested in what deal you had to strike to put up with Klein and keep Kirito from soloing the packs."

"No deal," Bladescape stated. "Just a goal. We're going to forge ourselves into the tip of the spear, either to be the ones to deliver the poison in the raid or protect Doom while she does it."

"That's a wise move," Natora said. "If Doom doesn't join, you can at least claim that you were organizing it with her saying 'yes' in mind. A logical imposition to make. A logical reason why Fuurinkazan and Kirito should be with us for that. It's really just two squads we are talking."

"And we likely have two on lead," Bladescape added with a nod. "But yeah, Doom is making poison?"

"She's not the same as she is I.R.L.," Natora stated with a sly grin. "But she had her moments in the meeting where she looked like herself. Both selves. Doombunny is now merged with Fluttershy."

"She did come out a bit," Bladescape admitted. It felt good to see that. "Which was good. She isn't any more lost than we are. Well, Konpeito, the jury is always out on her."

"She is lost I.R.L. too," Natora said with a single laugh. "But no, Fluttershy is not lost, at least not completely. Knightstar took that extremely well. I was honestly a bit surprised she didn't fly off the handle over being lied to. Blatantly lied to. Doom did the right thing, which is tough to admit. I would have pushed her to not learn that skill, but that would clearly be wrong of me."

Bladescape let out a heavy sigh. "Yeah, I agree. We all would have, but we have to recognize that she has Colorra. It makes sense. Colorra was clear that first day, she isn't a tamed beast. They are a partnership."

"It's hard to remember," Natora admitted. "I keep forgetting. The snake is apparently closer to an NPC than an animal; tamed or feral."

"I think so," Bladescape said. "At least, that's how we need to treat her. Both of them. We can't make Colorra a twelfth member, but she is. Just not talkative."

"Konpeito talks more than enough to cover Colorra," Natora retorted.

They both laughed over the quick remark. It felt good to laugh. They needed a moment of levity.

"It's weird, but it shouldn't be weird," Bladescape admitted. "Doom was right. Colorra changes the equation for her. Doombunny needs to use poison because of Colorra. That just makes sense, even if it's not the status quo."

"No, it's not the status quo," Natora said. "It's rare to have a fantasy game that doesn't put poison making into a gray or black skill, yet Doombunny is a white player. I guess that makes her gray, technically. Colorra certainly is gray. Or chaotic good or neutral?"

"I don't know," Bladescape said with a shrug. "Does it really matter? No. So I don't need to think too hard about it."

"Too true," Natora said with a nod. "Well, you look like you need sleep before you endure Klein for two more days."

"Hopefully one with Kirito joining us," Bladescape said as Natora left.

Natora just nodded to Bladescape with a smile and closed the door. Bladescape swiped up her menu and unequipped her armor. She equipped a cute set of pajamas Diemond had made her. They were short sleeves and shorts, nice and lightweight for the summer months.

Bladescape sat in bed and pulled out her Book of Memories. She couldn't remember everything. Some things were a haze, even after she read them, or they faded back to the hazy fog of her memory. There was a lifetime of memories in the book. She could only read so much and so fast. She read what she could as she relaxed and prepared herself for sleep.

Bladescape still hadn't dreamed at all. Everyone else had. Konpeito was still on the same dream, adventuring off to sugar valley and saving rock candy beings and whatever sugary candy things she did in there. It was too much for Bladescape to keep track of, but at least Konpeito was satisfied and happy.

BLADESCAPE: Level 59 — Two-Handed Sword — Searching — Weapon Defense — Leather Armor — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Sprint — Blade Throwing
NATORA: Level 55 — Two-Handed Spear — Purchase Negotiations — Sales Negotiation — Weapon Defense — Light Metal Armor — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Acrobatics
KNIGHTSTAR: Level 53 — One-Handed Sword — Shield — Light Metal Armor — Equipment Appraisal — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Acrobatics — Extended Weight Carry
MALUS: Level 56 — One-Handed War Hammer — Greatshield — Heavy Metal Armor — First Aid — Extended Weight Carry — Battle Regeneration — Fishing — Search
THUNDERBORNE: Level 55 — Rapier — Sprint — Acrobatics — Weapon Defense — Light Metal Armor — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Armor Pierce
KONPEITO: Level 55 — Two-Handed Axe — Cooking — Weapon Defense — Light Metal Armor — Martial Arts — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Music — Blade Throwing
DIEMOND: Level 54 — Mace — Greatshield — Sewing — Heavy Metal Armor — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Light Metal Armor Forging — Heavy Metal Armor Forging
DOOMBUNNY: Level 53 — One-Handed Dagger — Hide — Fighting Spirit — Blade Throwing — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Familiar Cooperation — Mixing — Search
KIEFER: Level 53 — One-Handed Curved Sword — Slash Weapon Forging — Light Metal Armor — Weapon Defense — First Aid — Katana — Battle Regeneration — Search
SORYUTO: Level 52 — One-Handed Sword — Shield — Light Metal Armor — Music — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Fighting Spirit — Armor Pierce
REISENKI: Level 54 — One-Handed Axe — Greatshield — Heavy Metal Armor — Equipment Repair — Metal Equipment Repair — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Cooking

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