• Published 28th Apr 2023
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Ruby Palace - Mindrop

While exchange students in Japan, the girls get trapped in the hottest, newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life. The only way out is to beat the final boss in the Ruby Palace at the top of Aincrad.

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Episode 52 — Holly

Episode 52 — Holly
Twenty-Fifty Day in the Month of Holly (December 25) in the Year of the Dragon
Floor 35 — Front Line 49

Their Christmas tree stood proudly in the meeting hall, wrapped with gold garlands and blue orbs. It was the last vestige of blue and gold in their headquarters. None of the Wondercolt banners were up. All of them had been replaced by the Christmas decorations and banners. The meeting hall also had a few more tables that they would need to seat everyone. The dining room table was placed in the center and two work tables were added on the ends, both pointing towards the door to create a blocky, C shape, master table. With the tablecloths on it, the five tables passed as one.

They had plenty of chairs, albeit two different styles. To visually tie the differences together, they all had red bows on their backs. The tablecloths were red with gold horse heads as the border. The evergreen napkins likewise had a gold horse head embroidered on their face. The horse heads were more stylized than what the guild badge could be, but that was the point. The guild badge was for quick identification. What they could make or wear was significantly more detailed.

While everyone else made the tables look pretty, Malus, Bladescape, Kiefer, and Natora helped move their couches down from the second floor. It wasn't a problem if their guests went up there, they had nothing to hide. After all, Lisbeth had spent the night. They just didn't want to spread out onto two floors when they were supposed to be together. The main hallway had plenty of room and with the dining hall now empty, it made another good place to put sofas and cushioned chairs. It kept them together even when they spread out more.

They had just finished finalizing everything when Diemond gracefully came down the circular staircase. She walked like a princess and sparkled like one too. SAO did have makeup, but none of them had been using it, not even Diemond. That was until today when she radiantly sparkled from her nails to her eyelashes. Her hair had icicles and snowflakes woven into its locks.

"Wow, Die, I forgot what you looked like in makeup," Thunderborne heckled.

"Darling, I always shine my brightest and look my best," Diemond kindly replied. "But sadly it is true, in Aincrad looking my best requires me to swing a rod of iron from inside a metal suit. It does leave a lot to be desired for fashion and beauty. I forgot how divine makeup makes me feel." She let out a long, content sigh. "It felt so good to put on this morning. I've missed doing my beauty regimen. Aincrad isn't lacking anything. We might have had our original avatars stripped from us, but it has a full complement of makeup, hair dye, nail polish, and anything else one might need to customize how they look. You can even get your hair cut. Or rather, styled. They can take or add hair to fit the style since it doesn't grow in here. Thankfully Aincrad does not replicate split ends.

"Now, enough about me, I know the boys will give me plenty of attention when they arrive, which will be soon. You all have this place looking fabulous! Brava!" She gave a few small claps for them. "The table is properly set too. That's wonderful."

"Crystal Prep had several formal dinners each semester," Knightstar said. "I helped set up and attend plenty while going to school there. It was a requirement to learn that aspect of high society. I better be able to remember it all. Setting it up and knowing when to use each piece of tableware is a lot easier than actually doing it during a dinner; when the pressure is on."

"That is something everyone should experience at least a little," Diemond stated. "But no, it's not easy to give a formal performance in those settings. We can put it out properly without expecting a performance from our guests. Setting the table properly is important for atmosphere, but it's our loungewear that will ultimately set the mood."

"About that," Natora said. "I doubt Diemond is, but is anyone else concerned that the boys in Fuurinkazan are going to come way too dressed up?"

"Absolutely," Bladescape said, letting out a laugh. "Klein will no doubt use it to transition to a pickup line. Agil will come relaxed, I'm just not sure what he has, not that it matters."

"We certainly are wearing high-class 'relaxed' clothes," Thunderborne stated.

"I've got it taken care of," Diemond said, waiving the concern off. "I didn't expect them to have something to match the mood I'm setting."

Bladescape's vision flashed as a notice came in. It was from the Headquarters, letting her know someone was in the front room. Every Wondercolt got the same notice, but Bladescape was the one who went to get the door. That was her duty, her honor, as head of the guild. She was the appropriate person to greet their guests.

She opened the door to find Klein, Dynamm, Dale, Harry One, Issin, and Kunimittz standing there in sweats and T-shirts. Klein still had his red bandana on, but otherwise they looked like they had just come from the gym. It was perfectly acceptable attire for their casual holiday celebration. Fuurinkazan had promised that they would bring the drinks and they certainly came prepared. They all had bottles or kegs with them.

"Welcome, everyone," Bladescape said, smiling at them as she stepped back to let them inside. "Please, come in."

"Doll face, did you dress up just for me?" Klein asked as he stepped past her with the largest keg on his shoulder. He was absolutely showing off by how he carried it.

"Nah," Bladescape replied. "I did it for Agil."

"Ouch!" Klein exclaimed. "That's cold."

Dynamm and Dale began to tease Klein for setting himself up for that one.

"I hope I'm not late!" Agil said as Bladescape started to close the door.

Bladescape had to whip her head around to double check that it was him. The outside door wasn't even fully closed yet. She hadn't missed him. He had just arrived.

She smiled at him. "Agil! It's so wonderful to see you. Please, come in. You're right on time."

"Wow," Agil said as he stepped fully inside and saw their headquarters for the first time. He turned to Bladescape to say something but all he said was another "wow." He was in khaki slacks and a fitted black shirt. "The invite said relaxed and casual, but clearly you have a different idea of what that means than I do."

"Diemond does what Diemond does best," Bladescape said with a laugh.

"It looks like everything is set up for down here, but I would love a tour of the place if I could get one," Agil added.

"Of course you can," Bladescape said. "We just wanted everyone together, which doesn't work well when the living room is on the second floor. It just feels different."

"I feel you there," Agil stated as he took another look around. "This place couldn't have been cheap. When did you get it?"

"Pretty much right after Mishe was found," Bladescape admitted. "And no, it wasn't. It wiped us, but we have always been smart with our finances, thanks to Knightstar."

"That's good, cause the Wondercolts are known for their generosity," Agil said. "That's important, but so is a place of your own. If I had heard that you sacrificed on your own place to help others, I would call that a bad move. You're only as good as you are because you have a good home. Or, well, because you were taking care of yourself before you got a home."

"Actually, we had one in Tolbana," Bladescape admitted. "That was a lucky thing. We rented the upstairs of an NPC house long term. Like, a few months. It was a place to fall back to, albeit a plain one. Still, Konpeito could raise her cooking skill there without fighting other players for the limited public ovens and ranges. Plus, we could store things there. Then the NPCs moved because they could afford to with the income renting it brought, and they apparently had a kid on the way, however that works, and they wanted a better place, so they offered it to us first, before posting it to the open market."

"Wow," Agil said. "That’s lucky. I almost wish I could have seen it. That would have been one of the earliest places bought. The intermediate players only started settling down in the late spring. The crafters started buying cheap places around that time too, not stores yet, because of the moving front. I'm still operating from a vendor cart, which can be tough. My one-bedroom hovel on the thirtieth floor isn't much more than a bed in a small room."

"We do have some other considerations," Bladescape admitted. "Like the kitchen." She motioned for Agil to follow her as she started the tour. "The Tolbana house is actually still owned by me. I bought it from the guild to help cover the cost of this place. Mostly for sentimental reasons. It had a fireplace to cook with, but this…" Bladescape trailed off as Agil whistled at their kitchen.

"I can tell Konpeito uses this entire thing," Agil said as they watched Konpeito and Reisenki work.

"Yeah, she does," Bladescape admitted with a laugh as she led Agil to the dining room. "She loves that today she gets to cook for everyone. This is making her year. But back to what I was saying. When you have eleven players, a guild has not only different needs, but also a different budget. We were primarily looking for a place that had the amenities for our crafters and players, less so with the bedrooms. We needed a big kitchen, a big enough place for us to eat and gather, plus crafting rooms and such.

"The guild tax comes in handy. Ours isn't high. We've adjusted it a few times. No matter what, it's been hard to notice that the taxes were automatically removed. Okay, floor bosses I can sometimes tell, but daily, it's not noticeable. Anything a member needs, they still make plenty to cover. Factor in reduced costs for bed rentals and food, well we still sometimes rent places purely out of convenience and occasionally eat out, but if Konpeito or Reisenki are cooking, it comes out of the guild's funds."

"That's a sweet deal you have set up," Agil said as they got to the second floor. "You have to have a good overhead if you are doing that."

"I guess," Bladescape shrugged. "It makes sense, at least to us. They raised their skill and we get fresh food, better than what can be bought. Especially for Konpeito. Reisenki is learning from her, but she has been baking for a long time. She is more familiar with food than he is and has naturally adapted to cooking in Aincrad. Reisenki chose the skill to help her out and all of us. We really appreciate that and he certainly has made it worth it with how well he is progressing and adapting to the skill. Eleven players are a lot for one person to cook for. As a guild, we give each other the best we can."

Agil peeked into Knightstar's library. The door was open. Knightstar would have closed it if she didn't want it to be seen. It was in perfect order.

"That's all of Knightstar's work?" Agil asked, shocked.

"Most of it is hers," Bladescape clarified. "But she has been getting some of the player made material and classic books now being sold. But yeah, we collect a lot of data for her. Like I said, we give to each other a lot in how we work and function as a guild."

"Meanwhile you lead them where they need to go," Agil said.

"Yes," Bladescape nodded as she led him up to her room. "But I do have to keep all of it in mind. Natora helps with that and so does Knightstar, but yeah, it mostly falls on me to ensure that we do what we need to in order to keep the promises and status quo we set, plus drive the machine that helps us help each other."

Bladescape pointed to the two doors at the end of the hallway. "Two bathrooms with pretty nice tubs are on each bedroom floor. If you ever need or want a hot bath, all you have to do is ask. I have the feeling your hovel doesn't have that amenity."

"No, it doesn't," Agil admitted. "I like that I don't get dirty, but a relaxing bath does sound good. I’ll take you up on that soon."

"And this is my room," Bladescape said as she opened the door. "Rooms were a secondary consideration and we were willing to double or quadruple up, but this place has twelve bedrooms, six on each floor. Everyone has the same size and they are considered personal property. Only guild administrators can open a member's door through an override procedure. We do get privacy from the others."

"And plenty of space," Agil said as he slowly turned around to see it all. He was scratching his head in shock. "I recognize every weapon you mounted, which was a good move. Earlier, I didn't use 'hovel' lightly. It's not just missing a tub, my place is half this size. It fits a bed, small table with a tiny lamp and a single chair that's too small for me. I've got a window barely bigger than my head to look out of while sitting at the table and to help give me light during the day. I also have one chest to store stuff. Everything is basic and it takes up all of the space I've got. I'm happy to have all I do, I'm just shocked to see the difference in what a guild can achieve compared to a single player."

"It's definitely got its advantages," Bladescape said. "Specifically in the amenities a headquarters can provide, but you would be in a different spot if you were always with the Assault Team, advancing the front. You now spend most of your time as a merchant. You do a lot of amazing and valuable stuff, more than most players realize, but you have to put that profit back into the business."

"True," Agil replied. "I do it so naturally, it's hard to remember sometimes."

"When we first ran into Fuurinkazan, they had quite a few pieces that we had sold you," Bladescape added with a chuckle.

Agil laughed heartily. "I remember when they bought it. It wasn't the first time they had come to me, but you missed each other by only a few minutes. Klein bartered hard for that katana. He thought he got the better of me. Probably still does. I didn't know you would soon work side by side in the next boss raid."

"And here they are today!" Bladescape happily exclaimed. "Joining us for this celebration. We couldn't have seen it coming back then, but we're glad it did."

"You all are a friend to everyone," Agil stated. "Many players would call you friend, but you only call a few friends."

"That's the nature of our position," Bladescape said with a nod. "Giving away map data like we do does a lot of that. We don't hesitate to heal or give out health potions and crystals to those in need. I think it's fair to say that most of the assault team and a quarter of the clearers have been healed by us, directly or indirectly. Being a consistent element and strong force in the boss battles helps too."

"It's the little things that go a long way," Agil said. "That's why I'm glad you have this place. You deserve it. I know it only makes you better."

"We are trying to build more ties with some other guilds," Bladescape added. "That's one of today's peripheral goals, but that's difficult. Players befriending players is way easier than befriending the whole guild. We have our connections…"

"But that's about all you will get for most of them," Agil finished. "It's how gamers think. SAO may be non-gamer friendly, but the Assault Team is primarily made up of hardcore gamers and most of the clearing guilds are too. Which is what we need, but it doesn't make the front a very friendly place. Even those on the front without a gaming background are now hardcore."

Bladescape let out a laugh at the images that statement brought to her mind. No, the front lines were not friendly. Even after the arrival of the KoB, while they kept things civil, it still couldn't be considered friendly. Everyone was looking out primarily for themselves, then their guild. Rarely did they think about others outside that immediate circle, because they had their own guilds to help them out. The frustrations of the day often ended up directed at players in other guilds, rather than letting it screw up their personal group dynamics.

Bladescape showed Agil the roof and then they went back down to the party. He was impressed with the forge and their view. Fuurinkazan was split into a few groups, getting their own tour of the headquarters, so it was the perfect time to introduce Agil to Lisbeth. They had never met. In all the chaos of everyone arriving, Agil had mistaken her as a Wondercolt because of her exquisite lounge wear. The two of them were quickly talking business stuff, specifically about different weapons and how they calculated the price.

Diemond interrupted everyone once the last tour was back. She was standing in the doorway to her work room. "While it's wonderful to have you all here, and we are so very thankful that you accepted our invitation, it's Christmas. That's always been about more than just a good time with friends and family. I've got something for our visitors, so that everyone fits in and is nice and relaxed. We've earned this day off and the upcoming meal! So to you all!" She toasted, raising a wrapped package above her head. "And no, I don't expect anything back. I am absolutely swimming in clothing I've made as well as the material necessary to make a whole lot more. This is no big deal."

Diemond had made them each similar lounge wear. She had done her best to match the outfit to the player, be it through their looks or their energy. In short order, everyone was relaxing in the same style of clothes and with drinks in hand, just like Diemond had imagined.

They shifted to the meeting hall as Konpeito declared that dinner was finished. Malus and Thunderborne helped bring the last of the food to the table while Klein cracked open the big keg he had brought in, which held the really good stuff. Issin and Dale helped him fill a glass for everyone.

Bladescape was at the center of the table. She was the guild leader, meaning her place was predetermined. The other predetermined spot was across from her, where the other guild leader, Klein, was seated. He was just as important as she was to this group. Konpeito and Reisenki needed the closest chairs to the kitchen. Soryuto and Kiefer were near Reisenki with two chairs reserved for Alnair and Gauvaine, assuming they made it. Everyone else filled in randomly.

Klein was standing as he raised his glass. "A toast; to friends and comrades for the good year we have had. May the next one be our last one stuck here!"

Everyone drank with him and then Bladescape stood up. Outside of Agil, the others didn't necessarily know about their motto. She didn't raise her glass yet as she gave a brief explanation. "The Wondercolts chose a motto, 'mo ghile mear,' which means 'my valiant hero' or 'my darling hero.' It can be either an exclamation of pride or a lament for the lost. Or both at the same time. So, in remembrance for those we have lost, be it against a floor boss or elsewhere, no matter what the reason, mo ghile mear." Everyone drank to that. "And!" Bladescape exclaimed as she enthusiastically raised her glass. "To all of us, for what we have achieved and what we will achieve in the upcoming year, mo ghile mear!" Every Wondercolt said it with Bladescape and then everyone took another drink.

"Now for food!" Konpeito exclaimed. She began to list off the three main meats; fish, beef, and some kind of poultry. Then she listed all of the side dishes, which included gyoza, meat pies, several curries with rice, vegetables, two noodle dishes, five pasta dishes, several types of salads, and even two different soups.

Konpeito had to duck out several times to deal with desserts being baked, but otherwise they all had plenty of time to enjoy the food and talk to the people around them. Although their toasts had mentioned it and that they wouldn't be together without the catastrophe that SAO became, the real world disappeared for a bit as they forgot about everything that was wrong with Aincrad and focused on the present and the company they had. It was a wonderful gift they all shared with each other.

Soryuto ducked out at one point and soon came back with Alnair and Gauvaine. Diemond must have given Soryuto their loungewear as they were also dressed in similar fashion. Bladescape nodded to them as they entered, both of them saw it, but only Alnair was able to nonverbally acknowledge it. Everyone kept going as their final dinner guests joined them, taking the seats by Soryuto and Kiefer. It was quite clear from their looks that Alnair and Gauvaine, particularly Gauvaine, were not used to being out. She had an almost dead-like look in her eye. No one pushed them, letting Soryuto, Kiefer, and Reisenki interact with them and keep them comfortable. Konpeito jumped in at times, which was a healthy dose of chaos to their lives as they adjusted to being around a lot of people.

Konpeito had been right that they couldn't have too much food. Fuurinkazan could pack it away and Agil was also a heavy hitter. The drinking didn't stop either as they ate their fill. There was some food left over, no one was left with even feeling slightly hungry, but it was way less than Bladescape expected.

Alnair and Gauvaine didn't stay very long. They were gone before most people realized it. It was a quiet exit. Everyone eventually spread out as they socialized, making full use of the furniture that was brought down. Soryuto broke out her lute and played for everyone. Konpeito would join in with her flute if she wasn't dealing with desserts in the kitchen. Issin could sing quite well which allowed Soryuto to play duets for them to sing together.

Bladescape stayed at the table with Agil, Klein, Lisbeth, and Natora, talking about different things.

"Did any of you hear anything about the special event boss that was supposed to appear last night?" Lisbeth asked. "I only heard a few rumors of its impending arrival, but I was here last night and I didn't get the morning news."

Bladescape knew the rumors. The Wondercolts had decided to not pursue it. If they could find where it was going to appear, they would be facing a boss potentially as strong as the current floor boss. They had to assume they wouldn’t be the only guild after him, meaning several of their members would possibly be pulled into a fight they didn't want to do. Beyond that, they knew nothing.

"Yeah," Klein groaned. "But it wasn't in the news. Fuurinkazan went after it, well we followed Kirito who knew where to go. We planned on fighting it with him. He caught on and wanted to fight it alone, but before we could solve that argument, we found out we had been followed as well, by the Divine Dragon Alliance. They were willing to get dirty to get their hands on the special drop. I told Kirito to go on alone and let Fuurinkazan deal with the DDA. It took some work, but I finally struck a deal with them. The loser of the duel would head back. It was Yamata's squad, so he took up the challenge. I won. A little while later, Kirito, all by himself, beat Nicholas the Renegade."

Klein snorted, annoyed. "The kid has a stupid death wish. He pulled it off, but his attitude is a problem. Last night, he had basically struck his own name off the Monument of Life, expecting to die. Not caring if he did. I hope I got through to him. I don't know what happened. It wasn't the same Kirito I met the first day. It wasn't even the same guy we fought with against the wolf master. Something changed."

"He disappeared off the front for a while," Natora said. "April, May, and June. Before he was a renegade. Afterward he was a downer, but I don't know what happened. I don't know who he would even tell if something happened."

"Not me," Klein huffed. "What I got out of him was mostly inference. He was hoping the revival item was a sign that the dead were merely held in a reserve state until it was over. The system would kill them only when it all was done. That the revival item would bring someone back from that state. He blames himself for someone's death, enough to not care about his own, but I don't know who. Anyone on the front has lost someone they knew. It's been brutal. We've all suffered. I just hate to see him punish himself."

"So, what does this revival item do?" Agil asked. "I heard the rumors and it sounded too good to be true."

Klein swiped up his menu and popped something out. He caught a blue orb encased in gold. "It must be applied within ten seconds," he spat. "Give or take. When the death's effect light ends, it can't be used to revive them. It's a really quick window. I have it set on my shortcut menu to not waste that opportunity."

"How'd you end up with it?" Lisbeth asked. "Didn't you say Kirito got it?"

"He did," Klein said as he stashed it back in his menu. "I was recovering from my duel with Yamata outside the boss arena. That big tree in the forest labyrinth on this Floor. Fuurinkazan stayed with me, we didn't go to back him up. Kirito gave it to me when he came back through. It didn’t do what he hoped it would do, so he didn't want it. I have a feeling he was going to rush the floor boss until it was over. I hope he doesn't, but I can only do so much. He's alive. I checked before we came." Klein swiped up his menu again. After a few clicks he confirmed Kirito was still on his friend list, meaning he was alive.

"How did you get him to accept a friend request?" Natora asked. "The kid is so deep in his Beater status that he won't accept friend requests, not even from other beaters. I've tried; a few times."

Klein shrugged. "Now he is. He accepted my request before Kayaba's stupid tutorial, when we still had our avatars. Kirito showed me the ropes. If I didn't have the guys, I would have been with him as he rushed ahead of everyone else. What he taught me, I was able to teach to the others. It was a great boost, but we didn't know where to go for XP and such. We got stuck with all of the others, fighting for limited respawns in the safer areas. It put us behind the rest and we never got up to speed like we wanted. We were always just shy of where we needed to be because of the blitz that happened for the early floors. But we're here now and Fuurinkazan isn't going anywhere!"

Bladescape chuckled. "Good. Because we need more solid guilds on the front. The bulk of the Assault Team burden still falls on the Divine Dragon Alliance, the Knights of the Bloodoath, and the Wondercolts. The DDA is the largest, the KoB the strongest, and we are…" Bladescape wasn't sure how she wanted to sum up the Wondercolts. She didn't want to be arrogant or sound boastful.

"Friendliest," Agil stated. "The Wondercolts are the friendliest."

"Thanks," Bladescape smiled. "I was going to say smallest, which is dumb. But yeah, those are the three guilds at the upper echelon. I don't want three. I want five or six strong guilds who can field at least one party as the upper echelon. You have potential. Gael Guild has potential. So do the Imperial Dragoon Guards, Amatsukami, Toraijin, Baekje Ōuchi, Kawakatsu, and Kiniro Kotaka Toi. Meigibu had potential, but they are relegating themselves to being clearers since they lost three in the last boss raid they were in."

"You certainly know the players," Agil said. "Or rather, the teams."

"It's kind of important for me to know who we will need to work with," Bladescape said with a shrug. "And who we can rely on."

"What's your honest opinion of the Knights of the Bloodoath?" Agil asked. "You know what it was like before."

Bladescape slowly nodded. She took a moment to formulate her thoughts carefully. "They are not my speed. They are sharp looking with great standards for their members. They only take in the best, but that also means they are rigid and focused. They are the strongest guild for a reason, despite what the DDA wants everyone to think. I like Asuna, but she has changed in some ways now that she is a leader. Still, she remembers the old days and is good to the Wondercolts. Commander Heathcliff is a solid man, but distant with outsiders. I trust him to lead us in the boss battles. He makes a good champion, inspiring a lot of players, which we need.

"Godfree is the head of their vanguard unit and their head trainers. He keeps them on par with their level quotas. Him I like. He is the opposite of the others; fun loving, great laugh, nice beard and hair. We have chatted plenty of times while leading our own level training or while I was training on my own. He seems to always be in a good mood and able to brighten mine if it needs it. I really don't know anyone else in their guild, just those three. That's my assessment of them. Well, that and they are way, way better than Kibaou and the ALS ever was. They at least have class."

Agil and Natora chuckled with Bladescape as they remembered Kibaou's annoying, yet funny, moments.

"He raged a lot," Agil added. "For being as short as he was, it just made me want to laugh instead of take him seriously."

"Lind has let the DDA get away from him," Bladescape stated. "I'm not sure what's up. But they have shifted. They pressed a lot back then, but they were not as shady as Kibaou. Maybe I'm biased and missed something, but I didn't see their recent shift to walking between the line of green and orange cursors coming. They didn't care so much about special or rare items. They used to see the value in the players themselves, now they require some piece of elite equipment to even be admitted to their ranks. I do wonder if he's been pushed out."

"As far as I know he is still in charge," Agil said. "At least officially. A council set against him could easily be keeping him as the figurehead. But you're right, they have changed. Diavel wouldn't like what they became."

"No, he wouldn't," Bladescape said, taking a drink from her mug.

Noise from the hallway caught all of their attention. Bladescape looked at the time, but she knew the answer. Their dessert guests had arrived, yet she hadn't gotten a notice of their arrival. They had set a time to arrive after, not an exact arrival time. Bladescape was supposed to meet them, which meant someone had met them at the door. Only one person was able to anticipate something as unscheduled as their arrival would be, and that would be Konpeito.

"She's right in there!" Bladescape heard Konpeito say. "And my pie is about to burn!"

Bladescape barely had time to stand as Lobelia stepped into the doorway. She was in a pink floral pattern kimono. Bladescape bowed to her guest and received one back.

"Welcome, Lobelia," Bladescape said, moving around the table. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to greet you."

"Nonsense," Lobelia said with a smile. "Konpeito opened the door right before we announced our arrival. It was quite a surprise."

"Yeah, she has a knack for that type of stuff," Bladescape stated. "We are glad you were able to join us for this celebration."

"The invitation is appreciated," Lobelia replied. "Several others brought some desserts they made."

"Cool," Bladescape said. "You can join us at the table, or, as I'm sure you noticed, we have seating elsewhere for everyone to mingle." Bladescape could see Diemond chatting with several members of Meigibu, who were all similarly dressed as Lobelia. "And it looks like everyone is beginning to mingle. We had some music and singing happening for a while, which I'm sure will be started again soon enough."

"I'll join you at the table," Lobelia said. "I'm certain more music will happen. Kogitsune, Suiko, and Nora came prepared to play music, although they didn't know you had musicians. It will get rowdy and be fun when they do, which will be good for us all. Aside from that, you are dressed pretty. I wasn't expecting such refined outfits when you said casual."

"Diemond does what any fashion designer does," Bladescape stated with a chuckle. "Design beautiful clothes. She has always had a refined eye, even for casual lounge wear. I like them, but they absolutely are casual chic. She gave our dinner guests sets too so everyone's mood matched her image for dinner. Fashionistas have a vision and you don't get in their way without getting hurt."

Lobelia laughed as they headed to the table. They went around to the side where Bladescape was on because there were more open seats. Bladescape made the introductions before sitting down. "Lobelia, this is Agil, a friend and merchant. Then Lisbeth, our weapons smith."

"I'm many players’ smith," Lisbeth clarified. "But it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise," Lobelia said. "To both you and Agil. I see Klein has learned to hold his tongue."

Klein didn't even look at her. He was just staring at his mug.

Bladescape couldn't help but chuckle as she asked the question she likely knew the answer to. "He hit on you, didn't he?"

"Shikiku, actually, and Kamishi about had his tongue for it," Lobelia stated. "It was the most juvenile attempt I have ever witnessed and it did not leave a good impression with the guild."

"I kind of had to work beside him," Bladescape explained as they sat down. "We were stuck in a labyrinth, separated from our other party. They ended up in an unforeseeable bind and there was only one way forward. He still hits on me. Today, it was a bad one when they arrived."

Klein started to argue and then stood up. "I need a refill. Anyone else need something?"

Everyone needed refills and Klein grabbed their mugs to top them off. He also was going to get Lobelia a drink.

"Despite his childishness, we wouldn't have invited them here if they were not solid players," Bladescape added.

"I know you choose your company well," Lobelia stated. "Perhaps this will be an opportunity for Klein to redeem himself to our guild. The other members of Fuurinkazan were stand up fellows. Klein didn't ruin the reputation of the whole guild."

"I don't know if he has it in him," Lisbeth stated. "He's been dogging Bladescape all day."

Bladescape shrugged. "Dogs be dogs. I never was a huge fan of cats. It's slipped into an equilibrium, his usefulness balanced between his goofiness. At this point, it's what I expected from him. So long as he behaves well in the other ways, I can handle the overplayed pickup lines."

"Ha ha," Klein sarcastically laughed as he set everyone's mugs down. He didn't say anything more as he sat down.

"I'm sorry," Lisbeth prefaced. "But when you, Lobelia, and Bladescape were talking about outfits, you seemed to imply that you were in casual clothes, yet you're wearing a lovely kimono. I'm confused."

Lobelia giggled. "I can tell you are not on the front much, which makes sense for a smith. Meigibu is a guild of traditional Japanese class and society. We are the authority of what it means to be human and warriors. Think of us sort of like warrior geisha. As I'm sure you know, 'kimono' used to simply mean 'clothes,' but that meaning shifted as Japan was opened up to a global world and modernized. Today, all of our ladies are wearing komons, which used to be the daily kimono worn by everyone. All seven of our male members are in yukatas. Kimonos may not be considered casual anymore, but our guild wears traditional Japanese clothing, typically the more formal versions, and these are the most casual forms. I assure you; everyone is quite comfortable. I can tell that you have a different view of their comfort, which is fine. You are young. I don't know what your experience is with traditional attire, but you share the view of many your age."

"Yeah, my family never did that stuff," Lisbeth said. "I don't get their appeal. You say I'm young, but I can't tell if that's a bad thing or not?"

"It was an observation," Lobelia clarified. "You are young. Your age group largely agrees with your views. That is the main reason why age is relevant. The other is that you are not yet of marrying age. When it comes time, you may find yourself wanting to bring in some of the tried-and-true methods of our culture, such as wearing a Shiromuki. That is a far cry from everyday komons, but it is popular among brides, even today, for a reason."

"Okay," Lisbeth said, taking a drink to break herself off from the conversation.

"I like it," Agil said. "My parents moved to Japan after they were married, so they never wore any kimonos. And me, I would look out of place in one."

"You were born in Japan, I assume?" Lobelia asked.

"I was," Agil said with a nod. "And I am a citizen."

"Then you have as much of a right as any other citizen," Lobelia stated. "Yes, many people do not look deeper than surface level to make their judgements, but culture is a learned behavior. It is accepted by the individual. It is true, culture and nationality are not always linked, however, that should not stop you from claiming it as your culture if you should choose too. I hear a regional accent, Tokyo, but that is it. It would be impossible to tell what your features are if someone could only hear you.

"We are all human beings. We are all one blood. How we think may be slightly different, but that does not change the universal truths. Culture is accepted and learned. It can change very quickly. Those who migrate to a new place often take up the culture of the new location. It is the main one their children know. Their grandchildren often only know it. Culture and language are chosen, genetics are not. They are what truly brings color to our lives, for we all wear different shades of brown. Even at this table, we all have different shades of brown, yet we are all human, with different genetics that are not actually very different, yet sharing one language and one culture.

"Well, walking in one culture in the case of Bladescape. Yet that is what is so beautiful about it all. She chose to join us and walk in our culture, something we take for granted, as a fact of life. She chose to come to Japan and experience our nation and culture for herself and learn it firsthand. It is truly admirable. Forgive my sociological rant. Society, culture, and migration studies are a passion of mine and what I studied in university."

"That does explain more about why you chose to structure your guild's core the way you did," Bladescape stated. "Understanding culture and society is important. Being able to apply what you learn is also important."

"Yes, it is," Lobelia said with a nod. "But the rumors are true. Shikiku encouraged me to own my status as a bride and to structure it after the beautiful traditions of Japanese society. Without her, those early days would have lost me. I never would have formed our guild and built us into the clearing guild that we are."

"Not to be rude," Klein said. "I'm just asking because I know what I'm like and many other guys. How do you know you will wake up as a bride?"

Lisbeth's eyes went wide in terror and Agil's looked like he was about to beat Klein. The question didn't surprise Bladescape, but she wasn't as ready to hear as she expected.

"That is a valid question," Lobelia calmly replied, shocking everyone except Klein. "Clearly you have never found someone truly worthy to pursue. Assuming the worst does not befall me, I know I will wake up a bride because my groom wants me. And not simply for my looks, the will of our parents, or something else surface deep. He wants me for who I am, for the vision he has seen of what we can become together.

"Yes, we have been in here a while and still will be at the rate we are going, but he wants me and I want him. We made an oath to be joined in marriage. The vows have not been taken, but the promise was given in witness to our friends and family. I would not have given my word to a man I did not believe would wait and continue to pursue me. Yes, this was unforeseen, but it is no reason to break that oath. I will be coming back to him. I have not abandoned him. I have gone away, against my will, but there is still the promise that I will come back. It is why I am glad to be on the front, progressing it how I can. He may not know I am fighting like I am, but he knows me. He knows I would not let this stand in our way and neither shall he. Otherwise, he would not be a man.

"Some day, you will grow up enough to find a woman worth pursuing. Marriage is not the end. It is the beginning of the greatest adventure of your life with a lifelong partner in that adventure."

"That's the best description of marriage I've ever heard," Agil said. "I'll have to remember that for when I get out. I'm glad it was me who put the NerveGear on that day, not my wife. I know she's holding down the fort, waiting for me. I'm not planning to spend a day in here I don't have to. I need to get back into a floor boss raid. The shop is great. I know it's important. Heck, Klein and Fuurinkazan made it to the front in part cause they came to me for equipment, the same with plenty of other players, but that's not enough."

"You are always welcome to join us," Bladescape said. "But you know that."

"Sometimes I miss the renegade days," Natora said with a sigh. "Back when I was seen as a Beater and we were pitted against the DKB and ALS. Kirito, Asuna, the Bro Squad and the Wondercolts saving everyone's butts as they pushed us forward faster than we could sustain. After that, I don’t, but those first few months, I do have a fondness for."

"I miss the Bro Squad," Agil said with a sigh. "But that's life. Aincrad or Japan, it's life. We see each other when we can."

No one could say anything else as a bell was madly rung. "DESSERT IS SERVED IN THE KITCHEN!" Konpeito yelled. "COME AND GET IT! FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE, BUT WE GOT PLENTY!"

"I had no idea she got a bell,” Bladescape stated. "I swear. And it sounded like a huge one too."

Everyone laughed as they all got up and headed to the kitchen. Konpeito and Reisenki had made cakes, pies, cupcakes, flan, cheesecakes, cookies, puddings, and there were several types of hard candies in bowls, including konpeito. What Meigibu had brought was clearly evident, there was no competing with a master baker like Konpeito, but that didn't lessen the contribution or how good it looked. There certainly was plenty, even for their crowd. It was hard to choose, but they knew they could come back for more. Most people would be back for seconds. Some would certainly be back for thirds. They also could wait in between servings.

"What level is your cooking?" Agil asked Konpeito. "I can't believe what my eyes are seeing."

"I'm sorry," Konpeito said. "I know, it's sloppy work. I.R.L. baking is much easier and much more fun. In here I'm confined to the system and I haven't cracked a few things yet, like ice cream. Maxing the Skill doesn't magically mean you know everything that can be made."

"You maxed cooking?" Agil asked, shocked.

Konpeito waved it off. "Like a while ago. It was easy. I wish I could show you just how good I actually am."

Agil began to ask her if she could make Boston Baked Beans and Konpeito was never good at giving a straight answer. They were forced to leave him behind. Lisbeth was called away by Diemond and Natora ran into Kamishi and ended up speaking with him. Just Klein, Lobelia, and Bladescape ended up back at the table. Ultimately, that was a good thing. Bladescape had been concerned that everyone would stick to the people they knew and fail to mingle. That was not what was happening and it was a relief to see everyone getting along and making friends. Bladescape would mingle with others later, but she needed to entertain Lobelia a little longer.

"Well, I guess it is just us three guild leaders," Lobelia said as they sat down. "And since it is, this makes the perfect moment-" She pulled up her menu and took out three small cups and a ceramic bottle. "I procured this bottle of Yamahai sake. It wasn't easy to find something that is as good as this is. It's rare because it is player made. Making sake is a specialty Skill that branches off of cooking and it requires a quest. All of that was to say that I've been learning to appreciate sake in all of its varieties because my fiancé is a connoisseur of sake. This is my favorite in Aincrad, but it still pales in comparison to some of the real stuff. I wasn't expecting Klein to be here, but there is plenty and I clearly have enough cups."

Lobelia poured it into two cups and gave one to Bladescape and the other to Klein. Klein accepted it in a very specific way and immediately set it down so he could pour the third cup for Lobelia.

"You are full of surprises," Lobelia stated.

"My father ensured I was properly taught the etiquette of sake," Klein stated. "Sake was never something reserved for the elites of Japanese society. It was for everyone of any status, even with the formal rules when drinking with others. My father was never a fan of tea. That got too complex for his liking. I don't know a lot about the different types, especially the small batch stuff, but that's not what my father usually drank when he had some. But yes, this dog does have manners."

"Well then," Lobelia said, raising her cup. "To us and our three guilds. May we find success as we work to free ourselves and may we not lose anyone else."

Bladescape and Klein confirmed the toast and they all drank. Bladescape downed the small amount in one go and was shocked at how it hit her throat and tongue. It was very different from wine, mead, beer, or ale. At least what was in Aincrad."

"What is sake?" Bladescape asked after a cough.

"Basically it's a rice wine," Klein explained. "And you sip it. Even when toasting. This isn't hard liquor."

"Clearly," Bladescape said, coughing again. "I now understand the unique flavor. Rice wine makes more sense."

Klein and Lobelia taught Bladescape how to properly hold the cups, drink it, accept sake, pour it, and the intricacies surrounding the drink. The entire thing was complicated by the special, small sake cups, yet it still was significantly simpler than a proper tea ceremony. It was a good introduction to sake for Bladescape as they ate dessert.

BLADESCAPE: Level 70 — Two-Handed Sword — Searching — Weapon Defense — Leather Armor — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Sprint — Blade Throwing — Extended Weight Carry — Acrobatics
NATORA: Level 68 — Two-Handed Spear — Purchase Negotiations — Sales Negotiation — Weapon Defense — Light Metal Armor — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Acrobatics — Armor Pierce
KNIGHTSTAR: Level 64 — One-Handed Sword — Shield — Light Metal Armor — Equipment Appraisal — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Acrobatics — Extended Weight Carry — Armor Pierce
MALUS: Level 66 — One-Handed War Hammer — Heavy Shield — Heavy Metal Armor — First Aid — Extended Weight Carry — Battle Regeneration — Fishing — Search — Martial Arts
THUNDERBORNE: Level 66 — Rapier — Sprint — Acrobatics — Weapon Defense — Light Metal Armor — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Armor Pierce — Martial Arts
KONPEITO: Level 66 — Two-Handed Axe — Cooking — Weapon Defense — Light Metal Armor — Martial Arts — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Music — Blade Throwing — Bard
DIEMOND: Level 68 — Mace — Heavy Shield — Sewing — Heavy Metal Armor — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Light Metal Armor Forging — Heavy Metal Armor Forging — Extended Weight Carry
DOOMBUNNY: Level 64 — One-Handed Dagger — Hide — Fighting Spirit — Blade Throwing — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Familiar Cooperation — Mixing — Search — Listen
KIEFER: Level 65 — One-Handed Curved Sword — Slash Weapon Forging — Light Metal Armor — Weapon Defense — First Aid — Katana — Battle Regeneration — Slash Weapon Forging — Blade Throwing
SORYUTO: Level 64 — One-Handed Sword — Shield — Light Metal Armor — Music — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Fighting Spirit — Armor Pierce — Acrobatics
REISENKI: Level 64 — One-Handed Axe — Heavy Shield — Heavy Metal Armor — Equipment Repair — Metal Equipment Repair — First Aid — Battle Regeneration — Cooking — Metal Refining

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