• Published 2nd Apr 2021
  • 4,596 Views, 36 Comments

Return Of Puffony - Runic Script

Discord's maze ends up a bit more chaotic and hypnotic than expected.

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Jest For Fun

Rainbow jumped around another corner, once again cursing that dracon-something under her breath for taking her wings. She glared around for any draconequus or trap to take her frustrations out on before running forward again, heading for the next corner of the maze.

As Rainbow wandered through the maze, there was a bit of music playing around one of the corners. It sounded vaguely carnival like, peppy and bouncy, and turning the corner revealed a clearing with three large rings like those found in a big top lying on the ground

Rainbow blinked, twitching her ears and glaring at her tail until it stopped swishing along with the music. She stopped for a moment before slowly moving closer to the rings and looking around the clearing, finally poking the first ring. "What the hay is this supposed to be?"

"Why, haven't you been to a circus before?" Discord's voice suddenly filled Rainbow's ears as he jumped from behind her, wearing a fancy ringmaster outfit. "It's the best place to spend the day! Watching jesters show off their pranks and stunts, I'd even say they're more fun than a Wonderbolts show!"

Rainbow yelped, jumping and turning around to glare at him. She reared up on her hind legs to swing her hooves at him, only to stumble and flail as her missing wings failed to balance her out. "Discord! I'll- w-whoa...!"
She flailed again and stepped back, flushing red and glaring harder. "First off, not a word. Second, nothing is better than a Wonderbolts show!"

Discord smirked, but zipped his mouth shut at Dash's request, only to unzip it a moment later. "Why, Dash, have an open mind! You haven't even seen the kind of things jesters can get up to! I know how much you like pranks, surely you'd love to see some of the ones they can do, right?" He leaned into Dash, wrapping his lion paw around her shoulder

Rainbow kept glaring at him. "I don't care what your weird jesters do, I've already seen what your clouds can do and I don't want any of it!” She huffed, puffing her cheeks out a little and trying to push off his paw. "And don't bring my pranks into it, I'm gonna prank my hooves through your face if you don't give back the Elements!"

Discord just tapped Dash on the muzzle, tutting softly. "Now, now, that temper will get you nowhere. Just sit down for the show and I'll give you your element back, as good as new! I'll even give it a polish!" He conjured up Rainbow's necklace, rubbing his coat on the gem to make it dazzle and shine even more brightly, drawing her attention to it.

She squeaked and scrunched her muzzle, blushing and trying to glare even harder. "That's not-! That's... I mean, that is..." She blinked, eyes slowly drifting to the gem of her necklace. "Y-you give it back? Just like that? That's... was it always that... shiny...?"

"Just like that, but only after the show! Otherwise you might not stick around. Now..." Discord snapped his fingers as a cushy chair appeared beneath Dash. "Enjoy the show!" Discord disappeared in a puff of smoke as music began to play, the sky dimming as spotlights shown down to illuminate the rings

"After the show... eep!" Rainbow squeaked and flailed as the chair bounced her up, landing in the seat and flailing more as she sunk several inches into the cushions. She blushed and pushed herself a bit higher again, crossing her arms and trying not to give Discord's chair too much thought as she looked out at the rings.

A large bouncy ball dropped from the sky, rolling around the rings of its own accord. The lights followed it, making its shiny black and pink pattern flash in Dash's eyes as she stared at the swirling colors. It rolled around and around and around, rolling to the center of the rings as it slowly grew bigger...

Rainbow blinked and frowned, then blinked some more, leaning forward without realizing to get a closer look at the odd ball and its shiny... swirly... colors... She squeaked as it started to grow bigger, leaning back again and staring as it continued to seemingly swirl pink and black despite not rolling anymore.

It stretched and it grew, still shimmering in the light. There was the sound of strained vinyl before with a POP the ball burst, leaving a mare dressed head to toe in a jester outfit the same colors as the ball.

Rainbow squeaked again and almost fell over at the sudden pop. She shook her head as she thought she saw Discord's yellow eyes, but the jester just giggled and bounced over to Dash, pulling her up from the chair. "Oooh, I'm so glad you've volunteered to help with the show!~" Rainbow yelped as the jester pony was suddenly at her side and pulling her out of the seat, stumbling and flailing after her. "W-wait, what? I didn't... I didn't volunteer for anything! I'm the only one watching!"

"Well then you’re the only one who can volunteer, how lucky for you! If you were just watching, we wouldn't have any volunteers, so you must be one!" The jester giggled, bouncing her rear into Dash's and making the pegasus squawk in indignation. "You look awfully athletic, I'm sure you can balance on a ball like a pro!" She laughed, tossing Dash over to another ball that had appeared out of nowhere.

"W-wait, that's not what I- gah!" Rainbow yelped and flopped face-first onto the rubber ball, eyes spinning and head dizzy from the swirling shiny black and pink that filled her vision for a moment. She blinked and yelped again as she was bounced up again, flailing as she belly-flopped and started bouncing and flipping around on the ball helplessly. "H-hey!"

The jester only giggled as Dash was sent bouncing along on the ball, barely able to keep her balance as it rolled around the arena. She clapped her hooves as Dash rolled by, giving the ball a playful shove to send it rolling in another direction. "You're a natural at this! Ever thought of being a jester yourself?~"

Rainbow squeaked and flailed, slowly and clumsily getting her hooves back under herself but unable to stop the ball and unable to completely stop bouncing on top of it either. "W-what? No, I've never... I..." She blinked, trying to keep her eyes on her hooves to keep from falling off but instead finding herself pulled deeper and deeper into the shiny black and pink spiral of the ball rolling along below her. "I've... never thought about... being a jester. I'm a weather pony... and future Wonderbolt..."

The jester gave a small cheer at Dash's comment, watching her sink deeper. "Oh, perfect, that's the first step to being a jester after all! No need to think about things, just let that puffy cushy stuff fill your head instead! Bounce without a care or thought, and you'll have so much more fun!"

"W-what? That's not... that's not what I meant...? No need to think..." Rainbow blinked, frowning in confusion. "I mean, uhh... puffy cushy stuff... what?" She blinked again, letting out a 'whoooa' and flailing as vertigo hit her hard, feeling like she was bouncing left and right and upside down and in all directions, but always with the black and pink rubber swirling under her hooves, filling her vision, always bouncing deeper down into the spiral but never back out again...

"Just puffy cushy things filling your head, like the air in the ball! Sinking deep deep down, but never bouncing out again! Letting it swallow and envelop you, sinking so deep, cradled by vinyl..." The jester jumped onto the ball, landing and bouncing on Dash's back to help shove her deeper in...~

"Puffy... cushy things... deep... sinking... mmmfff..." Rainbow squeaked and wiggled, drooling and staring and trying and failing to think about what was happening. There was a muffled sound of surprise as her face was suddenly pressed into the rubber, her whole body squished and sinking into the ball until only her tail stuck out of the top, before even that was swallowed.

The jester proudly strutted on top of the ball, wiggling her rump as she rolled it around expertly. "Just feeling so dizzy like a jester ought to be! Never quite steady on your hooves unless it's on a big bouncy ball, so you stumble around, bouncing off things and giggling as you look for something cushy to balloon~"

Rainbow squeaked and yelped and squawked and squeaked some more, blushing and flailing and getting even more dizzy as she was tumbled over and over, squeaky shiny swirly pink and black all around her. "Whoawhoawhoawhoawhat are you dooooooing?"

"Just helping you get in the mood! Round and round and round and round and..."
The jester went on and on, repeating herself as she rolled Dash around. Dash tried to kick against the interior of the ball, but its puffy interior padded any blows and left her dizzy. She wasn't sure how long the jester rolled her around for, a couple minutes, or a few hours, everything was swirling in her head and making it hard to think.

"W-what mood is that supposed to round and round and round and round and round and round..." Rainbow yelped and flailed and kicked, flailing and groaning as she got more and more dizzy, feeling like she was spinning around for hours, round and round and round and rubber and giggle and squeak and shiny and silly and bounce and show off and...

The ball came to a sudden stop, Dash thumping against the cushy interior lining as it did so. Her head still swam, and she wasn't even sure if she could really say if she was rightside-up or upside-down as she lay in the ball. The walls squeezed as there was a hiss of air, and the vinyl began to deflate, folding and squeezing her limbs to fit to her form

Dash wiggled and wobbled, trying to push herself up and only managing to roll round and round and round over, black and pink colors still swirling in front of her eyes. She blinked and squeaked as the walls started to come down on her, flailing a bit and getting herself tangled up as the rubber fit itself to her form.

She pressed and squeezed against the vinyl as it shrank and deflated, grunted as she stared into the swirls. She clenched her eyes and gave a mighty shove, before there was a soft snap and she felt herself flop to the ground. Opening her eyes, there was still a faint swirl of pink and black in them as she stared through the goggles of her new rubbery jester uniform. She wobbled and blinked, stumbling and spinning around and watching the world spin even more even after she stopped, still feeling dizzy. "W-whoa... w-what's... what's going on here?" It took her another few moments until she managed to steady herself, finally able to look down at herself.

Dash was wearing a suit just as creaky and squeaky as the jester's, with the same black and pink color scheme showed off on the vinyl. Her rump also felt rather... stuffed... as if there was more vinyl packed around her rear than the rest of the suit. The jester clapped happily as Dash stood up, grabbing Dash's forehooves and bouncing on her hind ones. "Oh my, you make a lovely jester! Look how silly you are!"

Dash squeaked and flailed to keep up and bounce along with the jester, still clumsy on just her hind hooves. "W-what? I'm not... I..." She blinked, the bouncing pony in black and pink swirling against the black and pink spirals in her goggles. "I-I... I'm not... a lovely, silly jester...?" She blushed and bounced a bit more enthusiastically, only to keep up and keep from falling over of course, ears twitching at the loud crinkling of her diaper cheering of the audience.

The jester gasped. "You're not? Well, we better fix that so the audience gets a good show!" The jester let go of Dash, letting her fall to her back. She felt something poke the front of her suit, and a soft hiss of air. The jester bounced into view, holding what looked like a hoof-pump. "Lovely silly jesters need to be full of air, so if we get you full, you'll be a lovely silly jester too!"

Rainbow squeaked and flailed for a moment before landing on her rump to the sound of an even louder crinkle cheer. She blushed as she ended up on her back, barely able to push her head up again before she found herself face to face with the jester again. "Full of... why would I need to be full of air? Is this like that cloud eating hazing thing at the Wonderbolts?" She scrunched and grabbed for the hoofpump to start pumping herself up keep the other pony from doing something else embarrassing that she could be doing herself. "I want to be a lovely silly jester! D-don't want, I mean. I don't want to wait for being a lovely silly jester."

The jester giggled, holding the pump just out of Dash's reach as she tried to snatch it from her. "Ooh, you don't want to wait? Are you sure? I'll give you the pump and you can blow your diaper up big and round if you let me know how much you want to be a jester! Maybe if you shake that rear of yours, or pull some silly pranks, or talk about how much you love to bounce against your performance ball for the audience~"

"What?" Rainbow flailed and wobbled jumped to her hooves, huffing and blushing and squinting into the swirls. "I just told you, I want to be a jester more than anything else! I'm already a Wonderbolt, so you know I'm an expert at slapstick and physical comedy in front of crowds, so why wouldn't I want to be a dumb silly crinklebutt jester on top of that?!" She tried to think of a way to get her point across before drooling and giggling grinning and turning around to strike an awesome pose with her butt high in the air, shaking it back and forth. She was gonna suck a puff paci eat her diaper suit if that didn't make her stance on the topic clear.

"Oooh, that sounds pretty clear to me!" The jester leaned forward, causing the plunger of the pump to press down and pump Dash's rear up quite a bit. "With a butt like yours, you'll be the biggest, dumbest, silliest, most helpless loved jester in the show! Head as full of air as that rump of your suit!" She'd toss the pump to Dash, giggling and pressing her muzzle into Dash's rear to stare at the pattern. "Well, show us what you've got!"

"Hah! What I've got is the biggest, dumbest, silliest jesterbutt in this whole show!" Rainbow grabbed the pump, jumping into the air and flapping her wings to start pumping with her whole weight. "And once I've shown you what some real pony padding pumping looks like, my rump is going to be full of more air than even my head!"

The jester giggled as Rainbow began to pump her rump bigger, crinkles cheers from the crowd growing louder as it stretched outwards. Bigger, rounder, her diaper spread her legs apart as it ballooned outwards, tail being swallowed up by the vinyl and rump. "Such a silly air-headed jester, you can't even see that your butt's ballooning towards a pin!" The jester laughed, sneaking up behind Dash and holding a comically large pin against Dash's ballooning backside. With every pump the needle poked deeper, threatening to pop her pamps!

Rainbow blinked, pumping even faster while looking at her quickly growing backside, the black and pink of her padded rump swirling and growing and pushing out all other thoughts. She giggled and wiggled her rump, pushing it out further into the pin. "Don't be silly, I can't see any pin at all! I can't even see you, so who's the silly, airheaded jester here?"

The jester just smirks and giggles, pressing the pin just a tiny bit deeper. "I suppose you're right, there's nothing to worry about! Just keep pumping away, and your show is soon to burst with popularity!" The jester laughed, Dash's suit crreeeeeaaaaking ominously as it swelled.

"That's right! I'm gonna be the most POPular jester in all of Equestria!" Rainbow grinned, eyes swirling and a bit of drool on her chin as she fantasized about having the biggest, bounciest diaperbutt, being a big dumb airheaded, air-butted jester bouncing and tripping and falling deeper and deeper into swirls, playing pranks on ponies and dragons that looked a lot like her friends. She giggled and pumped along, not even questioning why she was imagining all her old thoughts collecting in her inflating rump.

"That's it! You're the biggest, dumbest, silliest jester to ever show off that cushy butt of yours! The biggest prankster around, the most airheaded and cushy, clumsy, prat-falling, and trance-sinking jester around!" The other jester pulled the pin back, letting Dash's butt inflate so large it could swallow her whole, absolutely filled with her old thoughts before jamming the pin down and


Rainbow yelped and was blown forwards, tumbling head over hooves before landing on her back, head ringing and eyes swirling. She got back to her hooves, then gasped and spun around, pretending to try and cover her back with her hooves but really showing off her rump to the crowds, presenting a big hole in her rubber jester suit revealing a pair of oversized white boxers with pink hearts stretched over another diaper. "Oh nooooeees, I got a hole in my pamps! And right today when I'm wearing my silliest underwear, too!"

Squeaks and creaks from her suit Giggles and laughter from the crowd could be heard echoing in Dash's ears as she tried to cover her suit up. Thankfully, as she tried to hide her burst suit, she spotted a large patch on the ground printed with her drooling face and swirling eyes. Just perfect to fix her butt and make it bouncy again so she'd be even more embarrassed cool like a jester should be!

Rainbow gasped and grinned, quickly moving over to the patch and picking it up to try and smack it onto her rump, only to have it fall right off again. She frowned and tried the same thing a couple times more before growling and pouncing on the patch for a few moments of cartoonish play-fighting.
After almost getting defeated by a rubber patch, she got up again, trying to glare it into submission before pulling a large bucket of ACME Super Glue from behind her back and an even bigger paintbrush from it, slapping a nice thick glob of pink sparkly glue onto the back of the patch with an "Ah-Hah!”
Feeling quite proud of herself she blew a raspberry at the patch and stepped forward to pick it up again... only to trip over her own hooves and faceplant onto the patch, feeling it wrap around her face.
She got up again, hearing more laughter as she blindly turned her head and showed off the patch to everyone before trying to tug it off, flailing and rolling around as she stretched her face further and further out with the patch until it finally snapped off again. She quickly slapped it across her rump before turning to proudly look at the crowd again... showing off that her own face had gotten stuck now as a drooling smile with oversized swirling eyes, pink sparkly glue stuck on her cheeks like a heart-shaped blush and her mane having turned all thick, shiny pink and sparkly with glue as well, looking rubbery and fluffy with a large heart-shaped curl at the front.

The crinkles and creaks giggles and cheers continued as Dash pressed her hooves into her cheeks, giving them a squeeze and a tug as she tried to unstick her face from the expression it was trapped in. After a moment she remembered her suit, and how deflated embarrassing it looked! She quickly bounced her way to the pump, grabbing it and blow her rump up to proper size once again, so her drooling pattern could be shown off no matter which end she shook for the audience. She giggled and pulled at her mane, making it bounce as began talking for the crowd about what a big dumb jester she was!

The other jester pony giggled and exaggeratedly shushed the audience, sneaking up on Rainbow before pouncing onto her rump. She gave it a big squeeze, deflating it and causing all the air to travel into Rainbow's belly before going up her neck and blowing up her head.
"A-and I'm a big dumb airhead, drooling and giggling a-and hehehe I, uhhh, heheheeee..." Dash looked around in confusion, voice getting higher and squeakier as the air in her head turned to helium. She blushed even pinker and sparklier, hooves squishing her cheeks and trying to pull her head down as it started to float off, her hind hooves leaving the ground and flailing in the air as she slowly floated up like her head was a big giggling drooling balloon.

The jester jumped up to grab Dash's tail, swinging back and forth from it as Dash squeezed her overinflated head helplessly.
"Up into the sky our jester sails, while swinging around from her dumb blimp's tail!"
The jester laughed as she kicked her legs, waving goodbye to the audience below, Dash lifting her higher and higher and higher to become lost in the clouds~