• Published 2nd Apr 2021
  • 4,596 Views, 36 Comments

Return Of Puffony - Runic Script

Discord's maze ends up a bit more chaotic and hypnotic than expected.

  • ...

The Grand Twinale

Twilight wandered through the maze, trying to keep a mental map of all the turns she had taken. Left, right, left, left, down, right, dead-end, turn around...
It was becoming quite difficult to imagine how everything fit together, and after a while she wasn't entirely sure she hadn't just been wandering around in complete circles. Eventually, though, she came to a small clearing.
"Well, this is promising?" She wondered aloud, trying to notice anything of note. Perhaps Discord had hidden her element behind some special magical illusion so that she couldn't see it.

A bunch of spotlights suddenly appeared to shine right in her face. By the time she managed to blink away the spots and calm herself down again she was looking up at a massive neon sign displaying the words EQUESTRIA'S NEXT EGGHEAD in blinking letters.
Discord appeared in a puff of smoke only a second later, holding a microphone and wearing a showmaster's suit. "Helloooooo Canterlot and welcome to Equestria's Next Egghead, the only show where ordinary ponies can go up in a battle of wits against the personification of chaos himself and win a GRAND PRIZE!"
He snapped his fingers and the whole clearing turned into a large show stage complete with a game show desk in front of Twilight that had a large screen and an even larger plush purple buzzer button with her cutie mark on it.

"Discord! What is all this?" Twilight shouted as she found herself sitting at the desk, and trying to push the chair back to get to her hooves. The chair was rather firmly stuck in place, however, leaving her with very little wiggle room between herself and the desk. "I'm not here for a game, I'm here for my element!" She glared at him, still blinking the bright light out of her eyes as they aimed directly at her.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Discord wagged a finger at her. "Really now, I haven't had such an impatient contestant in eons. I just told you that if you win you get a GRAND PRIZE, didn't I?" A large neon sign complete with fireworks displayed the words GRAND PRIZE behind him. "Of course, I wouldn't fault you for realizing that I'm simply smarter than you. If you'd rather keep walking around this maze until you find something, be my not-guest." He waved off and turned around, the razzle-dazzle around them starting to fold back in on itself.

"Wait, I-" Twilight began, scrunching her muzzle a moment later. "Alright, Discord, what is this grand prize?" She asked, trying to play along. Worst case, hopefully he'd just waste her time and she can get back to looking later. With how massive this maze was, though, she might as well give it a try. Besides, she couldn't let him get away with insulting her intelligence like that!
"Hmmpph, you're not so smart, I bet I'll ace any questions you give me. This is just a game show, after all." She crossed her hooves, eyeing Discord.

"Oh yes, absolutely. It's the greatest game show you've ever seen!" He snapped his fingers and the whole show unfolded around them again, lights flashing and signs blinking. "And the GRAND PRIZE is one single wish from the master of chaos himself. Of course you need to do quite well indeed to earn enough points for that one."
He stepped aside so that another Discord dressed in a bunnysuit with lipstick could push in a large and colorful wheel of fortune. Twilight could see all kinds of fields on it like History, Maths, Princesses, Literature, Music and Peerage but also far more odd fields like Diapers, Plush Panic, Balloon Bonanza, Chaos Round, Genie Wish and Lucky Ducky. "Go on then, spin the wheel for the first round, if you're feeling lucky~"

Twilight placed her hooves on the wheel as it was pushed beside her, letting out a puff of effort as she yanked down on it. The wheel was terribly heavy, but once she got it spinning it continued going for quite a while. She stared at the wheel as it spun, going around and around and around... the colors of the subjects blurred together into a swirl. Twilight wasn't sure how long exactly the wheel had spun, but it had been very pretty to stare at...
There was a beep as the wheel finally slowed and stopped on "Princesses", Twilight shaking her head as she prepared for the first question.

Discord clapped the selection. "Ohhh, lucky indeed, our contestant starts out with one of the easier questions. And here it is! As everydraconequus knows, Princess Celestia is quite boring and no fun at all. Name three ways she could make her daily court more fun and interesting! You have 30 seconds to come up with your answers, and don't forget to hit the buzzer when you do~" He pointed at Twilight's desk where the screen was showing the question in front of a slowly swirling spiral background and the buzzer button had begun to constantly pulse rings of colored lights outward to show that it was activated now.

Twilight's mouth hung agape as she stared at the question in her desk screen. "What kind of a question is that? It's all subjective!" She looked down at the button, watching the colors pulse slowly. She let out a grumble, chastising herself for not guessing Discord would try to pull something like this. After a few more seconds she pressed the button, which let out a cartoony squeak!
"Uh... Celestia could... have free cake samples... invite Pinkie to plan a party during it and... um... wear silly hats?" She wondered how that would in any way help Celestia's daily court sessions, since those weren't exactly supposed to be fun, but hopefully the answers would satisfy Discord.

"Let's see what our audience said then!" Discord flipped over a wall to reveal a large screen with ten blank spots on it. "We have... silly hats!" The number 6 flipped over to display the answer. "We have... cake!" The number 9 flipped over to display that answer as well. "And we haaaaave... Pinkie Pie!" The number 2 flipped over to show a bouncing picture of Pinkie which stopped bouncing to wave at Twilight.
"That's three right answers, and a whole lot of points for our contestant! Twilight Purple is off to a great start, folks!" He rolled up the screen and snapped his fingers, 3.000 points appearing on Twilight's desk screen as the 'assistant' rolled the wheel up to her again.

Twilight scrunched her muzzle again, resisting the urge to correct Discord on her name before taking to spin the wheel again. This time it did seem a bit easier to get moving, the wheel spinning faster and faster after she pulled on it. She watched the colors swirl around, trying to keep her eyes on her desired subjects, only for things to keep swirling around and around...
She wasn't entirely sure, but she thought the assistant Discord's outfit looked a bit... thicker, somehow.
She was broken from her trance as the wheel beeped again, this time landing on "Music". She gave a sigh of relief, hoping she could keep her streak of 'normal' topics going.

"And the name of the game is music!" Discord announced. "And not just any kind of music! I hope you've heard circus music before, because your task this round is to play something you would hear in a circus... on these!" He pulled a cord and Twilight along with her desk were suddenly buried under an avalanche of big, puffy plush music notes in all colors of the rainbow, making a cacophony of noise all around her as they fell down and making more music and other sounds whenever she pressed down on them too much trying to get free. "You have five minutes to prepare before you have to play your piece."

The pile of plush notes shook a bit as Twilight swam to the surface, and her face burned a bright red as it finally squished out between them all. "F-five minutes?" She looked down at the collection of notes around her, gulping at the prospect of composing something in that short of time, let alone with all these notes. There was a squeak as the 'assistant' rolled a large whiteboard with a musical staff running along it, presenting it to Twilight. She picked up one of the notes, which let out a high-pitched wheeze as she squeezed it between her hooves.
Twilight began to place notes upon the board, occasionally going back to press on their surfaces to hear how the song was coming along as she composed. The colors did seem to help, in a strange way. A circus should have a colorful tune, so she should use lots of colors, right?

"Four minutes! Remember, you also have to play the piece~!" Discord taunted her, watching her try to put together a melody. Every time she went back to the pile it seemed larger and puffier and more colorful, colors tumbling over each other as she dug through it and filling the air around her with a variety of silly sounds. What's more, sometimes when she pushed on one of the notes she'd already picked it let out a different sound than she thought she'd picked. Not a wrong one or even a worse one, certainly, but definitely a lot sillier sounding than she'd usually go for, with wheezes and parps and loud crashes slotting together into a melody she couldn't help humming to herself as she looked for the next piece. Upbeat and silly and easy to remember, something that didn't get boring even if you hummed it over and over again, humming and nodding your head to the beat and singing humming some more and bounce, bounce, bounce your rump, give the notes a squish and pump~

Twilight continued to write out the song, adding in extra musical parts beneath the ones already on the board. A bouncy underline to keep the beat, swaying backing to match the melodies within, she was hardly even thinking about what she was putting down anymore, everything seemed to come so naturally! She hummed and giggled, swishing her rear left and right as she worked, the song now overlapping and bouncing around in her head. She scarcely noticed the time counting down, now paying more attention to just squishing her hooves into the notes to play the song over and over and over and over and pump, pump, pump them round, listen to the silly sounds~

"One minute left, better practice your song a few more times~" Discord smirked, dumping a bunch of odd pink notes of different sizes that seemed folded together with tapes. "Of course, I shouldn't help the contestant too much but I suppose I can at least give the little hint that the more notes together you can play, the sillier such a theme becomes~"

Twilight picked up one of the notes and tried to squish it into the staff, but it only flopped onto the ground and fell open. She poked at it, still trying to play the song with her other hoof. As she leaned over to reach for another note, she lost her balance and fell, landing on top of the open note. It let out a musical pomf as it wrapped around her flanks. She wiggled her rear, the sound repeating, and she just giggled. She bounced her rump like her song had said, still squishing the other notes, trying to wrap another taped up note to her flanks to get more silly sounds added before...

"Time's up! And that's the time for our musical contestant. But will she be silly enough to win full points in this round? She certainly does look quite silly with multiple layers of notes notably wrapped around her rump." Discord chuckled and poked Twilight's diaper note-butt, getting a loud mix of different sounds all melding together into a quite musical paaaaarp that rumbled her flanks and echoed through her head.

Twilight let out a soft moan as her padding rumbled, only to bite her lip as the embarrassment of what had just happened rushed over her. She shook her head, trying to focus on the song. She placed her hooves upon the notes and began to pump into them, her rump swishing left and right almost of its own accord.
Bounce, bounce, bounce your rump, given the notes a squish and pump
Pump, pump, pump them round, listen to the silly sounds
Feel them swell around your rear, music filling up your ears
Silly squishy songs to sing, head all empty of a thing!

Halfway through the song she tripped over Discord's tail her own hooves and rolled across the stage, landing on the next note with her rump instead of her hooves and bouncing up surprisingly high and surprisingly balanced, her own butt-notes mixing with the song she was playing.

Twilight let out a yelp as she tripped, her hooves flailing as she was bounced upwards. She landed on the next note with another pomf-paaaarp, bouncing up again. Her blush brightened as she did her best to try and keep singing, still bouncing down the set of notes. When she reached the end, the final note sent her sooooaaaaring up, only to land in the pile of unused notes which let out a cacophony of silly sounds, along with the large puff of her note-butt.

"What a fas-silly-nating finale." Discord snickered and pulled her out of the pile of notes. "Let's see how our audience liked it. Jury!" The spotlight moved over to a panel of Discords sitting at a desk, holding up signs one by one. An 8, a 10, a clown nose and a honk-horn.
"What a score! This is going to put our contestant up a lot of points and it opens up her first chance at a trouble-or-nothing bonus! For accepting a simple chaos dare she can double the amount of points she wins from this round."

Twilight's head was still swimming with the song stuck in the back of it, and she found herself occasionally humming to herself as she waddled her way toward her stand. "Oh... um... double points does sound good?" She shook her head, feeling a little stuffed up and like her thoughts were a bit sticky with molasses. Still, if she wanted more points, the opportunity to double hers had to be nice, right?

"And this round's chaos challenge is..." Discord opened up an envelope. "Getting the song you composed stuck in your head! Are you up to that challenge, Twilight Paaarple~?"

Twilight was still humming to herself, the bouncy song keeping her distracted from Discord's question. There was a moment of silence before she realized she was supposed to answer, which only made her blush at how silly she must have looked. "Oh! I think it's already a little stuck... but I can keep it there!" She dug a hoof in her ear, as if unsure if she was trying to pull the song out or stuff it in deeper. Either way, she made it a point to keep humming it to herself, her rear swaying left and right to the beat.

"Oh no no, it's at most an echo of that song." Discord grinned. “If you want to properly get the actual song stuck in your head, there's only one way~"
He moved over to grab all the puffy notes from her song up in his arms and carried them over to her, dumping them in front of her. Then he moved up next for her and pulled her left ear up with one hand, grabbing the first note with the other to stuff it deep into her ear.

Twilight winced at the strange sensation of the note being stuffed into her ear. She flailed a hoof weakly at Discord, but it didn't stop him from slipping another note into her. Her head, already feeling a little stuffed, was starting to feel even more so. The song was echoing louder in her mind with each note, and her thoughts were struggling to reach through all the fluff and stuffing going in. More and more and more notes were stuffed into her ear, the impossibly large pile somehow disappearing into her head.
"Mfffff, D-Discord! That's..." She tried to say the sensation was unpleasant, but each note only made her feel a little sillier. It was strange, and yet she couldn't bring herself to tell Discord to stop

"That's a wonderful way to get the song stuck in your head? Oh yes, I absolutely agree. All that fluff stuffed into your head, making you think of silly melodies and big soft plush stuffing... Oh, but there's something even more fun and silly to think about and we need to have the whole song stuck in your head~" He flipped her around once, somehow removing all the diapers notes from her rump at once and stuffing them into her ear one by one.

Twilight's head spun as the rest of the notes were squished tightly into her ears. Everything sounded just a bit muffled as she batted at one of her ears, trying to loosen the stuffed sensation. "Something sillier? Mmphh, I don't know if I want that..." Twilight muttered, a little dizzy from all the fluff now weighing her head down.

"You don't? Gosh, if that's true I must've pegged you all wrong. Why wouldn't you want more silliness, I thought that was the whole thing old Celestia was teaching you~" Discord hummed and headed back to the middle of the stage.

"Oh, no, that's not what I-!" Twilight began, trying to still look like a good student. Why a good student would want lots of silliness never crossed her mind, but Discord had asked about how Celestia could make her court sillier, so it had to make sense, right? "I like silliness! It's just... this is a lot?" She eventually stammered out as an excuse.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were still in the beginners lessons with her." Discord made an effort to look genuinely apologetic but quite a lot of the featureless audience was laughing at her. "Should I tone things down to Magic Silliness Kindergarten levels?"

"I... no... but..." Twilight scrunched her muzzle in embarrassment before hiding behind her hooves, hoping that Discord would just move on to the next game before she'd turn completely red in shame.

"Oh look, you do know a lot about silliness. Look at how embarrassed she is, that blush is definitely a sign of advanced silliness." Discord grinned and shone a spotlight on her, earning a lot of cheering and applause from the audience for her blush. "Embarrassing yourself like that sure is something to be proud of. A round of applause for Sillyestia's top student, everyone~!"

Twilight only blushed brighter as the heat of the spotlights shone down on her. She kicked her legs helplessly at the applause from the audience, feeling as if she was half her normal size. She tried to spin the wheel once again, but it felt so much heavier, and bigger than it had earlier. The wheel spun and spun and spun, colors swirling in Twilight's eyes as she stared into it...

Discord's voice seemed like it was coming from a great distance yet slipped right into her ears at the same time, announcing the next round even as the wheel was still spinning and spinning and spinning and drawing her in and swirly...
"And it looks like the next round is Foal Fashion! Something that our contestant surely excels at, the goal is for her to dress up in the cutest, silliest and most foalish outfit she can procure. With the choice to have either our magical wardrobe or her own magic at her disposal for this round, the real challenge of this challenge is not to find an outfit but to decide on just one! Or is it~? The rules certainly don't say that she has to!"

Twilight was yanked from her daze of staring into the wheel as a large wardrobe appeared in front of her, landing on the ground with a loud thud! She blinked, and took a careful peek inside. The wardrobe seemed to stretch on infinitely within itself, stuffed full of dresses, suits, swimwear, overcoats, every single kind of article of clothing one could imagine. She picked out a simple dress which seemed rather cute and slipped it on.
But is it foalish? A voice echoed in her head. Twilight looked down at the dress and frowned. It was nice looking, but it did seem a little... plain. She tried to light up her horn, only for a small pop to fizzle from Discord's suit pocket.

"Oh dear, our contestant wants to use the wonderfoal wardrobe and her magic?" Discord appeared behind her, looming over her. "Well, I'll allow you to have both, if you'd like, but you'll have to take a little handicap in turn. That's only fair after all, isn't it~?"
He pulled her horn from his pocket, brushing it off and shaking it out before snapping his fingers. There was a puff of pink smoke and it turned into an odd purple wand with decorative purple wings.

Twilight looked at the wand questioningly, taking it and rolling it over in her hooves. It... certainly was something. She gave it a tentative wave, and with a rattle and a puff of sweet-smelling pink powder, the dress she was wearing grew frills all along the hem. She blushed, looking over herself, and in her surprise ended up shaking the rattle wand again. It rattled softly, letting out a few sparks of magic. She stared at it and gave it another shake. There was another puff of powder and her dress grew another layer, a collar pushing her chin up cutely and helping her shake the wand again.

Discord chuckled, watching her from above and keeping a camera trained on her. "Looks like our contestant is getting into the groove. Hopefully she won't let herself get too distracted to actually win this round, we all know how much little fillies love shiny and pretty things~"

Twilight continued to wave the wand about, not really aiming it at anything in particular and just wanting to hear the silly rattling sound and watch the glittery puffs of powder some more. Clothes began to float off the rack Discord had provided, slipping themselves onto Twilight. She struggled a bit, though it seemed more because the clothes tangling themselves around her were getting in the way of her playing with the wand than actually disliking the clothes themselves. Her rump was covered in a crinkly cushion, frills puffing up along the rump and the skirt of her dress, while a bonnet tied itself around her chin. She let out an "mmph" as a pacifier was shoved into her mouth, and kicked her legs as booties slipped over her hooves, making it all the harder to hold the wand.

The wand rattled and puffed and made more clothes twirl and float around, all of them wrapping around her to magically feed into her outfit. Her diaper got thicker and puffier and crinklier and frillier, until it was a huge pink beanbag pillow almost going down to the floor with hot pink and red frills in heart patterns. Her dress got thicker and puffier and frillier, with several plushy layers of frills all attached to an inner onesie, wrapping around her barrel and back and squeezing her padding as a frilly fabric square with a button rested on her much too thick diaper bulging out of the open rump-flap. Her hoofsies were stuck in four unique booties, each one frillier and sillier than the last; the front left a thick pink crinkly bunny slipper made from a diaper, the front right a large white plush kitty paw with thick pink plush paw pads, the back left a ballet high heel keeping her on her hooftips and the back right a little plaid pink bagpipe bag with little pipes at the back that made a loud honk-paaaarp sound with every step.
The front of her dress had a large plushy fabric bib with toy blocks spelling out SMARTYPAMPS with a picture of Twilight dressed like a nerd foal arranging the blocks and her oversized bonnet had the words No thoughts, Just crinkles written on it. Even her pacifier was bigger than normal, with a picture of a tiny Discord pushing a stroller with a not much tinier Twilight in it around.

Once the final piece of Twilight's outfit had fallen into place, there was a soft ringing of bells and Twilight's wand disappeared with a puff of magical powder. Twilight looked around, suckling idly on her pacifier as she searched for where the wand had gone. Getting to her hooves (which required several minutes of rocking back and forth on her diaper just to roll forward enough), she spun around and around, searching high and low, shaking her butt as she searched and performing quite the show for the several Discord judges sitting in front of her.

The audience was pointing and laughing cheering at her, obviously very entertained by watching and making fun of her performance. The Discord judges watched and snickered for a moment as well before holding up a bunch of signs showing a diaper, a dress, a bonnet, a bib and a pacifier.
Discord himself waited a bit longer before walking up to her and clapping his hands to get her attention. "That was quite a performance. You are a regular frilly fashion expert, it seems. That's a whole load of points for you, and as a little bonus you get to keep the outfit on top of all that."

Twilight blushed, mumbling a bit of thanks around her pacifier as she tried to waddle her way back to her podium. Some part of her, a very, very small part, still felt embarrassed and was wondering why she was putting herself through all this, but much more of her was concerned about making sure she could win the prize and be the best contestant foal she could be! Her padding was so big she could forego the chair and just plop her rump down with a crinkle as she reached her buzzer, looking up at the wheel which had begun spinning of its own Discord.

"And the next round is..." Discord grinned as the wheel spun and spun and swirled and spun before finally slowing to a stop. "Math! So let's get out our contestant's changing maths!" He clapped his hands and a bunch of Discord assistants trudged out carrying a large stack of thick plushy blackboard themed changing mats.
"Now if our contestant will get ready with her chalk." Another couple Discords carried out a bunch of buckets filled with colorful chalk dust that looked slightly like dry hoof paint.

Twilight took one of the mats and spread it out in front of her before grabbing one bucket of chalk. It was surprisingly heavy, and a large amount of dust spilled out to cover her outfit as she dragged it back to her board. She tentatively poked a hoof into it, more dust collecting on her hooves before she placed them at the ready on her chalkboard. She grinned as she couldn't stop herself from making a few playful hoofprints in the corner before looking up to Discord, confident she could finish any question asked of her.

"Well then, let's see what the first question is!" Discord pulled up a large screen and gave it a spin, tossing handfuls of chalk dust at it as it spun and turning it more and more colorful, spiraling around and around. By the time it finally slowed down to a stop, it showed a calculation that seemed to just go on and on.
96986 x 689 + 66986 - 9869...
The sequence of numbers didn't help, all of them looking like they were flipping and changing places and still spinning and spiraling around on their own or in groups.

Twilight's confidence quickly faded as she stared at the enormous equation, which she wasn't entirely sure wasn't still growing longer the more she stared at it. She began to slowly write out a partial answer, hoping to simplify things, but every time she looked back the numbers seemed to keep flipping and spinning over and over and over and...
Her board was becoming a mess of colors as she simplified and erased and scribbled out and rewrote numbers after numbers. She let out a whine of frustration as her board was soon too covered in chalk to work.

"Oh dear, our contestant seems to have some problems... and that's going to be a problem for her since this round is doing calculations with her points. Of course, the more points she erases and accidentally loses in her calculations, the easier they get~" He chuckled and spun the screen again, chalk dust flying away and swirling in the air to leave a much smaller question, but still with quite a few numbers and now swirls of colorful chalk dust all over the board, slipping and spiraling between the numbers and making the whole thing even more distracting to someone who wasn't quite able to focus on just the question.

Twilight pushed aside her first board and grabbed a new one, along with a few more buckets of chalk. Maybe it was the colors that were distracting her too much. The neon chalk mixed into her clothes, turning them a myriad of swirls and rainbows to rival Dash's mane. She continued to scribble and write, adding up 686, 999, 896, only to realize she had instead written a long series of swirls instead of 9s! She mussed up the numbers, staring into the pretty colors left in the wake of her frustration before crossing her hooves to add up what was left.
6 + 9 =...
She giggled and turned about, pressing her padding into the bucket of chalk before rubbing it against the mat board to write out a big colorful 69.

"Well look at that, everyone, it seems our little Twibright is indeed as smart as she claims." Discord smirked and grabbed the changing math, holding it up for everyone to see before wrapping it around Twilight's already padded rump and taping it up into a thick colorful diaper. "Well, it seems the front of our contestant's smartypamps still has enough space for the third part of this round, which is traditionally a text question. That means you'll have to write down the whole equation and give us the answer." He waited a moment for Twilight to get ready before continuing. "And here's the question! A silly frilly purple unicorn named Twilight has nine thoughts in her head. You subtract six thoughts and then subtract three more, how many thoughts does the unicorn have left in her head~?"

Twilight thought... and thought... and thought some more. Or she tried to think at least. Her head felt like it had been drizzled in molasses, everything bubbling up slowly and popping scarcely a moment after anything useful had been formed. If she had nine thoughts... and lost six... and lost three... six and three are nine, so she lost all her thoughts...
Twilight stuck her tongue out in concentration, staring down at the colorful board. Eventually she put her hooves into the chalk and began to write, adding in pictures to help aid her explanation.
She drew a frilly silly unicorn bragging about how smart she is, then Discord's paw reaching into her ear to pull out a puffy six, and a swollen three. The Twilight on the board was now sitting on her padded rump, giggling as she had zero thoughts in her head~

"Another round of applause for our contestant~" Discord grinned and reached into Twilight's ear, pulling out the big puffy numbers in question and showing them first to her, then to the audience. "Our silly little Twilight Sparkle here who has lots of points and not a single thought, and can't think of anything she could be happier about~"
He snickered, showing the numbers to her again before stuffing them down the front of her padding. "Gonna keep these nice and safe and far away from your head, how does that sound~? And just to make sure you don't have to think about anything for a while, I'll even spin the wheel for you." He pulled the wheel forward again to be right in front of her and gave it a nice long spin.

Twilight blushed as she felt the puffy numbers squish into her rump and between her legs, and she gave her diaper a squeeze instinctively. She stared at the wheel, watching it go around and around and around, leaning closer so she could get a better look at the swirling colors. Everything else faded away momentarily as she just stared into the wheel, the colors spinning in her head and removing any silly unneeded thoughts that were still there. Apart from the song, of course, which was still bouncing around in her head, accompanied by imagined flashes of color with every note.
Her muzzle hit the wheel with a cartoony honk, and it was brought to an abrupt stop, Twilight's nose pointing directly at "Plush Panic".

"And there we have our next round!" Discord clapped his hands and another wall of the stage lifted to show a huge playroom full of plush walls and plushie piles and other oversized toys and obstacles. "Twenty special plushies are hiding in this playroom. Our contestant has twenty minutes to find and capture them." He smirked, leaning over the wheel to look Twilight right in the eyes, his own eyes just as pretty and swirly as the wheel. "Of course, Twilight's diaper is already stuffed full with all her thoughts, but there's another place she can keep them that's nice and empty and spacey now, isn't there~?"
He moved back again, lounging on top of the wheel. "And that's all the advice I as the moderator am allowed to give. Here's the list of plushies, threetwoonego, time's ticking~"
The wheel turned into a screen showing pictures of twenty different plushies. Six of Twilight and her friends, three of the Princesses Luna, Celestia and Cadance plus one of Shining Armor, one Spike plushie, three CMC plushies, two plushies of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, two plushies of the town's musicians Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Melody, one Derpy plushie and one last plushie of what seemed to be a pink filly with swirly eyes, a propeller beanie and a cutie mark of a baseball and a screw.

Twilight hurriedly waddled her way into the room, stumbling a bit as the plush floor sank beneath her hooves. She landed in a pile of plushies, arranged to look as if they were sitting watching a circus. Twilight picked herself up off of them, apologizing for squishing them all under her rump before scanning the crowd. There was an assortment of plushies, but none looked like any on the list. Except for a jester the crowd had all been staring at, with rainbow mane and tail balancing on a big bouncy ball. Twilight picked up the plushie and tried to find a place to put it so she wouldn't lose it again. Her dress didn't have any pockets, her diaper was full of thoughts, her head was all empty, and-. She giggled upon the realization, feeling especially silly before she brought the plushie up to her ear and squishing its muzzle in. She gave it several strong shoves until its big rump squished through.

The plushie flumphed into her empty head, making Twilight think about how silly and giggly and bouncy her friend Clownbutt Dash was and how much fun it was to watch her shows and laugh at the silly jester. It only distracted her for a moment though before she was reminded of where she was by some cheering from the audience (and the plushies) for her first catch.

She began to search around the room some more, climbing on top of some oversized play blocks spelling out "POOF" to get a better view of the room. Everything just seemed to swirl together from so high up, though, and the blocks were even squishier than the floor! She leaned forward to get a better look, only to fall off and land head-first into a pile of padding. She blinked, trying to wriggle her way free when she found herself face-to-face with a Rarity plushie, rump swollen and bouncy from stuffing padding into her own diaper and dress! Twilight quickly grabbed Rarity and shoved her into her head as well, needing even more squishing to get the plushie’s bloated rump into her.
Once she had wiggled her way free, she was sent stumbling over to what looked like a concert. Two musical ponies were bouncing up and down on some puffy plaid padding, and Twilight recognized them as Vinyl and Octavia! She scooped them both up, shoving Tavi in her right ear and Vinyl in her left. With every shove their plush padding let out a few musical paarps, adding to the song already bouncing around in her head.

Her head already started to feel stuffed, yet at the same time still very empty and with more than enough room for more. The two musical ponies immediately started bouncing on the load of puffy notes in her head, getting her all dizzy and giggly as the Vinyl plush tried to play a silly energetic clown song while the Octavia plush pushed back with a more 'refined' frilly and crinkly song. At the same time she was distracted by thoughts of Rarity and how she should always keep at least a couple of her favorite diapers hidden away securely so her friends wouldn't try to add them to her own hoard. And possibly her assistant, too.

Twilight was slowly getting used to the bounciness of the plush floor, though it didn't help much when she had to squeeze her way through the tiny gap between two balloon columns. The balloons squeaked and creaked as she wiggled her way in, stumbling into part of the room that was filled with a sweet smelling gas. Twilight couldn't help but start to giggle as she took a deep breath, finding the scene inside remarkably silly. A big Pinkie plush balloon was throwing a party for Luna and Celestia, giving them plenty of plush cake to snack on, several thick diapers to strut around in, and cushy Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker suits to be stuffed into! Twilight scooped them all up, giggling uncontrollably as she did her best to squuueeeeze them all inside. She snatched up one of the plush cupcakes, which had been huge for the plushies but was just the right size for her and gulped it down, feeling her belly get all the fuller while her head still felt nice and empty and plush.

The Pinkie plush bounced and giggled and floated around her head, puffing out little clouds of giggle gas at the silliest moments to make her giggle helplessly cutely. Meanwhile the Celestia and Luna plushies were waddle-strutting around in their Nightwear Moon and Daydiaper costumes, pretending to pass all kinds of laws about diapers and silliness and arguing and competing over who could make up the silliest law.

Twilight struggled to squeeze her way back out, kicking and wriggling and giggling weakly. She wasn't sure how long she’d been stuck, but it couldn't have been that long, she still had time left to keep searching!
Twilight spotted a small plush bed, a bulge revealing somepony hiding beneath the covers. A worried little Spike plushie was bundled up in the blankets, tied up in a mismatch of knots and tangles. Twilight pulled and tugged on the blankets, but every squeeze only seemed to push some fluff around in the Spike plush, and she eventually decided to just shove him in, blankets and all, to keep him safe and snug. She peered under the bed, curious as to what might have been spooking the little plushie, only to be met by a mismatched cacophony of stitching! Reaching in, Twilight began to tug out an odd plushie, which was far bigger than there was room beneath the little plush bed. It's colors reminded her of her friend Fluttershy, and Twilight figured it was probably just because she hadn't seen Fluttershy in a while that she forgot exactly what the big squeakmera looked like. They were rather silly creatures, after all! Fluttershy was stuffed into her ear after Spike, and Twilight happily turned to keep her search going.

Having the little nervous Spike plush tangled up in all those blankets in her head made her think about what to do with the real Spike. Obviously he was still more of a baby dragon than she remembered, which meant she should also baby him more than she remembered doing. She could also put more time into feeding him with plush treats to help him grow bigger and plushier. Perhaps most importantly, all that fabric around him made her think about how much fun it would be to dress him up, playing with him like with a cute little plushy dress-up baby dragon and showing him off in all the cutest and silliest outfits she could find.
Meanwhile, having Fluttershy back in her head helped her properly remember how silly and chaotic the draconequus was, and also why she'd had so much trouble remembering that. Of course her friend was changing and switching animal parts so often that it was hard to keep track, she just must've just been in a pony phase recently.

Twilight bounced through the plush room, occasionally stopping to giggle at some of the plushies arranged in embarrassing situations. There was a Trixie plushie performing a magic trick where she disappeared into another plushie's belly, and a Zecora plush was brewing up a potion to turn more ponies into big balloons!
Twilight poked her head into a plush model of Ponyville's school, looking in to see the CMC showing off some diapers to the class. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were laughing at the fillies' embarrassing plight, waving shiny objects in front of their faces to make them dance and talk about how much they loved their plush diapers and being bullied!
It took quite a bit of struggling to reach her hooves in to grab each of the plushies, but soon they were all stuffed snug into her head, leaving her all the more fluff-brained, thinking of all the silly fun Diamond and Silver could come up with for the CMC!

It definitely left her with quite a lot of thoughts, having all those plushies all at once stuffed into her head. She now had two plushies' worth of thoughts all on how to bully prank others and make them blush and laugh at them, but on the other side she also had three plushies' worth of thoughts about getting pranked and embarrassed and blushing and helplessly doing silly and embarrassing things in public.

And what better a place to practice than up on a big plushie stage! Twilight's rump wiggled as she climbed up, the stage only barely big enough to fit her padded rump. She giggled and turned around, waving her rear at the plushie audience. "Everypony loves what a silly little filly I am!" She giggled, listening to the plushie audience cheer for her before she felt something poking her butt. She looked down to see a plush Applejack's muzzle squishing into her diaper, strings leading up to a set of puppeteer sticks. Twilight picked them up and began to parade the Applejack plushie around on stage, making her shake her butt and say that she wasn't a big dumb filly, only to gulp down a big barrel of cider for telling such a silly lie! The Applejack plush was made to waddle up to Twilight's ear and wriggle her way inside, Twilight still giggling at the nonsense as she paraded around on the stage.

Immediately she remembered what a fun silly filly toy her friend Applejack was, how fun it was to parade her around to make her do and say silly things, to bait her into telling silly little lies and gulp down another plush apple or sip of plush cider. It had been so silly and fun that she couldn't help herself in studying the magic behind it, inventing a spell only to accidentally end up with temporary strings on her own and spending a good hour with her friends parading her around, making her say silly things and making her give a Pinkie Prissy Padding Promise to randomly cast that spell on herself again every so often.

High and low Twilight continued to search, digging through piles of plushies and wiggling her way through tight confines of model castles and trains. She paused to think, trying to figure out where the rest of the plushies would be hidden. Several of the ones already in her head talked about how silly Cadance and Shining had looked stuffed into that changeling hive, and Twilight suddenly spotted a small plush hill in the corner of the room with a cave leading into it. She waddled over and did her best to wriggle inside, shaking her butt left and right as she squished her way into the snug plush confines. Crawling through the tight plush cave, she was suddenly bombarded by flashes of green, the sound of buzzy crinkling, and mean snickering. In the middle of the playset, the Shining Armor and Cadance plushies had been bound up in a cushy crinkly Chrysalis plushie, while changelings buzzed about growing fat off their love.
Twilight pulled the Chrysalis plushie against her chest, wondering how she was supposed to get them out... then decided that they probably were supposed to come together, so instead she tried stuffing the fat changeling queen and her recent meals into her head.

Her head suddenly turned all fuzzy and buzzy and glowy-green, her thoughts all turning towards how great changelings were and how much more fun it would be to let them establish a big plushy hive right in the middle of Equestria, letting them go out to hypnotize ponies and impersonate them for a while and do lots of silly stuff as them, growing big and cushy and plushy off their love and embarrassment and laughter. And of course part of getting Queen Chrysalis to agree would be to dress up her brother and his wife and make them do lots of embarrassing stuff and maybe let Chrysalis hypnotize and eat them every so often. That was only fair and also sounded very silly and fun to do.

Only a few plushies left, though Twilight wasn't sure who one of them even was! She let her rump fall to the floor as she looked around, scratching her head in wonder. All the plushies in her head were talking about silly, fun things... maybe they were very silly and fun ponies! Derpy was a rather silly mailpony, after all. Twilight began to waddle around the room, trying her best to be silly to find the plushies faster. She bounced on her butt, she let herself get squished by some big blocks and played with an oversized plush rattle.
As she waddled around, she squished her padding, listening to it crinkle. If thoughts were silly... and needed to be stuffed in her diaper...
She pulled open the waistband of her padding, spotting the Derpy and Screwball plushie squished snugly within the crinkly confines, each looking rather pleased at having been found. Twilight giggled and tugged them free, giving them a snuggle before dutifully stuffing them into her head.

Her thoughts immediately got a whole plushy load sillier, the Derpy plushie stumbling around and bumping into things and other plushies occasionally to jumble the few thoughts she had, while the Screwball plushie was just completely silly and chaotic, randomly pulling out plush decorations and toys and posters to hang them up and leave them lying around, or just being silly and twisting and twirling Twilight's trains of thought into funny and interesting new shapes. The thing all of it had in common though was that it made her appreciate Discord a whole lot more. The draconequus was so chaotic and fun and silly, she just knew that he would be a joy to have around and that she could always ask him for help to make any boring or bland ideas she had 1000% more fun.

The last plushie was the Twilight one! But no matter how much Twilight searched and searched and searched, she couldn't find it! She spun in circles, dove into piles of plushies, let several stretch her diaper as she stuffed them deeply in to keep them out of the way, but there wasn't a Twilight plush to be found! "Discoooord! I can't find the Twily plushie!" She called out in a last ditch attempt for help, sure that her time must be nearly up.

"Really?" Discord smirked. "I can see it just fine. But I suppose if you need a hint..." He picked her up and turned her around, letting her stare at one of the room's plush walls until she realized that the purple plush wall was actually a purple plush butt, of a huuuuge Twilight Sparkle plushie sitting in one corner of the room. It had her cutie mark and ears big enough for a certain pony to wiggle into, but not much else, wearing nothing interesting and looking quite boring and bland and not very happy and silly and frilly and crinkly at all!

Twilight gasped at the plushie's size and, more importantly, it's normalness! She reached to pull herself up onto the plushie's round rump, legs kicking to find a grip before she managed to tug herself up. She wobbled unsteadily up to the plushie's head, looking into the eyes. They weren't even swirling! Oh dear, she had to help this poor plushie! She bounced up to one of its large ears, poking her head inside. She wasn't able to see anything except more plush stuffing squeezing around, so she began to climb her way in deeper. Her butt wiggled as she became momentarily stuck, crinkly equations bouncing left and right as she struggled to slip all the way in.

She finally tumbled in with a loud pop and crinkle, landing inside what seemed to be a giant plush library, full of boring textbooks and order and no posters or toys or other fun things, and barely any fun books. Even the expansive fiction section was rather adult and grown-up bland and boring. At the front of the whole library was a pair of large windows looking out the plushie's eyes, with a large control panel in front of it complete with lots of levers and buttons and a microphone and a computer screen... although even all of that looked rather boring and clinical.

Twilight wandered down one of the aisles filled to the brim with boring facts on math and science. She began to pull books down and toss them aside, finding their contents regarding complicated history and magical theories far too boring when they could be much puffier and frillier! Instead she planted a hoof, still dusty with chalk, in one of the books and began to write over it, writing about how complicated math was boring, it was more fun to add layers of fluff to things, and guess how big a balloon was as it swelled! Rarity suggested reworking the fashion section, while Pinkie was coming up with all kinds of silly jokes to stuff into the most important sections of the library. Twilight happily followed her friends' suggestions, filling the halls with colorful picture books and silly stories, laying out play mats and toys she pulled from her diaper.

The more she worked to make everything in here more fun and interesting, the happier did she herself feel. It was a lot easier to just forget about all the boring books she tossed aside, so easy in fact that she couldn't even remember any of that boring math and science stuff. The new, much more fun and silly versions were so much better, anyway.
She'd managed to improve quite a bit of the space by the time she found herself standing in front of the three biggest and fanciest sections, titled "Magic", "Friends" and "Family".

Twilight started with the first section about her friends. After all, it should be the most up to date, right? But as she looked through, she found so many terrible mislabels! Clownbutt Dash was silly and bouncy, not a cool Wonderbolt! And Cluttershy was a squeakmera, not a pegasus! She began to rewrite the books, adding in how Applejack loved to eat plush apples whenever she told a lie, and how Pinkie was filled with giggle-gas she'd huff into other ponies, and how much Twilight herself loved to be teased by them all in so many puffy ways!

The more she wrote and corrected, the better and happier she felt, all the pony (and dragon and chimera and changeling) plushies in her head cheering her on and calling in even more suggestions for important things to add.

Her family section was also outdated, though at least less so! Cadence was still her foal sitter, but she hadn't stopped doing so, and her BBBFF loved to take her to guard training where Twilight could watch the guards stumble around in their new thick diapers practice their patrols! And all of her magic books were so boring and simple! She began to scribble over the simple dull equations and replace them with lovely chaotic magic, how to turn into a fat plushie by gulping down air, and how to stretch and squash yourself like a silly elastic toy!

Even Discord and his judges couldn't help being drawn in by how great she was at fixing this library, coming over to watch over her shoulder and giving her even more ideas for ways to make the magic better, with more squishing and huffing and puffing and crinkling and loads and loads of curses enchantments for outfits and accessories and toys.

Soon Twilight had completely overhauled the library, filling it with much more silly crinkly cushy thoughts updated books! She felt overjoyed as she admired her work, waddling up to the control panel once again. It was now looking far more fun, with colorful buttons and knobs all around, each one plastered with a cute picture as well. She began to toy with them all, giggling as she shook her butt and played, completely forgetting the original goal of the game.

All the plushies and Discords were cheering for her, the screens showing score bonuses and special achievements for all kinds of silly stuff she made the giant plushie do, while one screen showed an outside view of the plushie and what she was currently wearing and looking like.

The plushie now looked appropriately frilly and silly, wearing a colorful onesie with rattles and toy blocks and stars and suns studding it. Her rump had ballooned out from a thick diaper wrapped around it, which was making the buttons on the onesie's rump flap strain to hold it in. Cute booties slipped over each hoof to mismatch Discord's mismatched limbs, and a big puffy bib with "Empty Headed Foal" written in big bubble letters. The plushie was squeezing a big plushie Discord, bouncing on her butt and snuggling it tightly, with a big pullcord that the Discord plush would occasionally pull to make the Twilight plush shout out.
"Discord's the bestest sillybutt around! He knows what's bestest for emptyheaded foals like me!"

Discord snickered and watched, smirking at the sight. "Gosh, you sure know what's in fashion this season. I guess there's only one thing left to make this plushie plush-perfect." He snapped his fingers and a whole bunch of buckets and sheets appeared in front of the eye windows, filled with window paint, glitter, sparkles and lots and lots of stickers of all kinds and sizes. "So go on, go wild and show me what some real silly eyes should look like~"

Twilight did her best to operate the controls, and they came surprisingly easy. She took a hold of the paint and began to cover the plushie's eyes with bright colors. Red, orange, purple, pink, swirling around in spirals. Twilight stared into the colors as the windows were covered, idly poking and prodding at buttons to make the colors spin and swirl in different directions, or to add a splash or five of another color. She grabbed at some stickers, with bright stars and glitter filling her vision as well, everything so colorful and bright there was no turning her gaze away from the entrancing sight. She kept going, wanting more colors, brighter sparkles, faster swirls, until there was nothing of the paint, glitter, and stickers left to fill the eyes!

"Now that's a piece of art." Discord chuckled, leading the drooling and smiling Twilight back out into the big plush room and giving her a moment to collect herself. "Quite impressive, really, this show has rarely had a contestant on your level. I can't help but notice that you haven't actually captured the Twilight plushie yet, have you? And the clock is ticking, dear~"

Twilight mumbled a bit as she stared up the massive plush, admiring its adorable crinkly attire and swirling star-studded eyes. Her ear flicked as she looked at it, then to Discord, then back to the toy. Slowly, she waddled her way up to it's massive muzzle, which was bigger than she was, and tried to place her ear against it. It flopped against the plush surface, the nose squishing in ever so slightly. Twilight let out an "mmpph" as she tried to pull it deeper, but the plushie was so heavy, and her ear so small! She tried to squish and squash it, only pushing it in teeny tiny bit by bit

Discord snickered, calling over several other Discords from the audience to grab the plush's butt and slowly lift it up, pushing and pressing the toy forward to squish and squeeze it deeper and deeper into Twilight's ear bit by bit.

Twilight scrunched her muzzle and closed her eyes, kicking her legs as the plushie was stuffed deeper and deeper. Every shove made her head feel all the more stuffed full of fluff, made her feel sillier, frillier, and made her smile grow wider as she imagined being just how big and foalish the plushie had been! Deeper and deeper it was shoved, soon only the plushie's massive rump sticking out as Twilight giggled and gasped in delight. "Heeheehee, keep going Discord, I'm sure there's plenty more room left in there!"

"Well of course, not like there's any thoughts to clutter it up... although you'll have a whole library now, I suppose~" Discord snickered and climbed onto the plushie's rump, starting to bounce on top of it to push it deeper and deeper and deeper in.

Twilight just grew all the giddier with every bounce, the plushie squishing and squashing its way deep, deep, deep into her head. All the other plushies dwarfed by the massive cushiness of the big frilly unicorn. Every shove just made it more permanent. What a silly filly she was, how much she loved diapers and plushies and chaotic magic, and what an empty headed foal she loved to be for Discord and her friends to tease endlessly. With one final shove the plushie vanished into her head, leaving her dizzy, giggly, and a happy puffily padded foal.

Discord grinned, patting her head and looking at those incredibly pretty, sparkly and decorated swirly eyes Twilight was now sporting. "Well now, and just on time, too. It looks like our contestant has won this round with aplomb and aplush."

Twilight beamed, shaking her butt and parading in front of the audience. "I'm a silly frilly filly who's a big cushy foal at heart!" She looked up to Discord, eyes still swirling. "Did I win?~"

"Well, I'd certainly say so! Let's see what your final score says~!" Discord turned to a large screen that rapidly rolled through numbers before suddenly ending on a picture of Twilight at her silliest and frilliest, with the words SILLY FRILLY FILLY flashing overhead.
"Well, the numbers don't lie! You're an adorable little scamp who definitely deserves to win this adorable little scam, and you get one free wish from the Lord Of Chaos himself~!"
The audience applauded and cheered enthusiastically, streamers and confetti and diapers falling from the sky as the stage and surroundings slowly disassembled itself into something just big enough for the two of them in the clearing of the maze they'd started in.

Twilight gasped, her mind racing with ideas of what to wish for. New plushies, extra thick pampers, a big Celestia bounce house to play in? She shook her head, pausing to try and collect all her silly thoughts at once. A wish from Discord was a big thing, and she didn't want to waste it!
"I wish..."
She furrowed her brow, sticking her tongue out as she thought.
"For me and my friends to be let out of this maze... with our magic and flying... so that we can spread all of Discord's lovely crinkly cushy silly fun ideas across Equestria!"
She jumped up proudly, quite pleased with what she had come up with.
"andabigcushypairofpersonalizedpaddingforeachofustoshowoffourbutts" She muttered out after, trying to squeeze another wish into her first. She blushed and looked up to Discord sheepishly

"Mmmh? What was that last bit?" Discord chuckled as he snapped his fingers, the walls of the maze slowly lowering themselves. Another puff of magic and Twilight got a cute little plush horn tied to her forehead along with the pretty rattle in her hoof containing her magic.
One more puff of magic from behind her was echoed several times behind the lowering walls, and spread Twilight's hindlegs another inch as her diaper got even thicker. It was a nice sissy pink with purple frills and had on each flank a picture of an open book and several crayons floating in a magic aura, with a large picture of a frilly diaper and a big pacifier doodled across the pages of boring text.

Twilight cheered as she gave Discord a hug, tail wagging happily even with it partially restrained by all the fluff it was wrapped up in. Cluttershy and Dash bounced over, each sporting their own puffy diaper. Dash was wearing a deep black and pink latex diaper with a swirly eyed pegasus printed on the back doing flips on top of a bouncy ball, while Cluttershy's repeatedly changed color and pattern to match several animals, from a rabbit's tiny tufted tail, to a lizards scaly rump.

"There y'all are!" Applejack was the next to come waddling up, still wearing her plush onesie with the flap barely closed over a quite thick diaper. "It was pretty fun, to be honest, but Ah got that Discord to let us out of the maze again. Got me mighty hungry though." She chuckled and pulled out a plush apple, stuffing it into her mouth to chew on it. At the same time, her rump wiggled and crinkled before her diaper got another size thicker, straining the buttons of her onesie flap some more.
"Ohhh, there you are, darlings~!" Rarity waddled over next, hooves barely touching the ground around the massive sparkly, shiny and plush-gem-studded diaper stuffed with even more diapers that she was wearing. "Look at how many diapers I found in this maze, it's like a treasure hoard hunt. I'm almost sad that we're already done with our mission." She giggled, bouncing her padded and stuffed rump.
"Well, I'm not." Pinkie giggled from overhead, bobbing in the air and steering with little puffs of bright pink gas. "Both because I'm never sad when I'm this happy and giggly, and because I can't wait to make even more ponies happy and giggly~!" She twirled around, showing off a massive balloon diaper made of transparent pink rubber and with a hose attached to the valve. She took a long gulp from the hose before blowing out an extra thick dose of giggle gas all over her friends.

Everypony burst out into a fit of giggles, the gas making it all too easy to give in to the laughter as they pointed and made fun of each other's appearances. Discord scooped them all up into an impossibly tight hug, their diapers and bellies all squeezing together as he joined in on the giggles. "Such a wonderful group of friends you all are, I'm sure you'll help make Equestia a wonderfully fun place together!" He dropped them, letting them fall into a pile of plush padded prissy ponies. "Good luck, everypony! This is going to be such a fun day!"

Twilight squeaked and giggled, the whole pile squirming and flailing and pushing their padded rumps into each other's faces for several minutes until they finally calmed down.
She finally climbed out of the pile, stretching and blinking as she noticed the big glowing bulb of the pacsunfier dip towards the horizon and the big swirly backside of the glowing white poofmoon coming up. "Gosh, it's later than I thought! We should head back to the station before the last Pampship Express of the day leaves. I bet everyone in Ponyville can't wait for us to share all the fun stories and diapers of our latest adventure~"
She giggled, waddling and bouncing her rump as she led her friends back into the city, all the plushies in her head telling her what a smart filly she was and how much their not-plush counterparts were going to love hearing about all the great things she learned about the magic of pampship and the fun of chaos.

Comments ( 3 )

Well this was a wild ride, I think the best was RD and Twilight's chapter. I can see a lot of influence of Arbanis stories(he's a friend) in with the parpping musical stuff and the resorting of memories library. I hope you will keep up doing more of those kinds of stories and if you want to share ideas PM I have lots of stuff you might like.

Really enjoyed how silly and cartoonish this series was. The hypnosis and dressing up of each of the ponies was really fun.

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