• Published 8th Sep 2012
  • 4,071 Views, 124 Comments

Walkin' With The Sun - CountDerpy

Will Darrell still love Tia... even though she is a pony princess?

  • ...

Release The Panic

Darrell was paralyzed in fear as he beside Celestia in her chariot as they flew to Ponyville. It wasn't that he was scared of meeting Tia's friends and her student, or the fact that he was in the tightest and most girly looking armor set the guards had. It was more from watching the ground move thousands of feet below him. He was deathly afraid of heights, and even being beside the woman..er well mare.. that made him feel like he could conquer the universe wasn't helping him. The prospect of falling to his death was not something that he wanted to think about, but he was staring right at it.

"Darrell, for the love of me will you calm yourself? There is very little chance that you would fall that far before someone would catch you." Tia said as Darrell stuck his head over the side of the chariot, the contents of his empty stomach spilling out into the air. Tia rolled her eyes before using her magic to set him back up right. "Please try to calm down, I do have a reputation to uphold here."

"Easy for you to say. You do this shit all the time! I've never even been on an airplane before, let alone a damn flying carriage!" Darrell yelled before letting another mouthful of foul liquids fall to the ground below, his face a dark green color.

"It's easier if you don't look down and please try to contain you bodily functions. Who knows where that stuff is going to land." Tia sighed


"The GRRRRREAT and POWERFUL TRRRRIXIE thanks you for coming to her show!" Trixie screamed out above a crowed of less then 5 ponies, all of whom looked bored out of their minds as she ducked back into her wagon with the stage wrapping up behind her.

"Once again, you have outdone yourself Trixie." She said with a sigh as she opened her window. "Was there every any doubt."

Trixie looked up into the sky just as cold mass of stomach juice landed on her face and seeped into her nose and mouth. Her screams of shock and horror could be heard for miles around.

The carriage landed moments later outside the small village on the edge of the forest. Darrell didn't know what to think of it at first, being used to big city living for most of his natural born life. It reminded him more of a small city in the Amish country, with the small cottage style houses and dirt roads that crisscrossed through the town.

Tia stepped out of the carriage and offered a hoof up to him. "Welcome to Ponyville."

Darrell gladly accepted her hoof and stepped down from the carriage, his body shivering as the cold fall dirt pressed against the sensitive ends of his hooves. He looked back up at Tia and sighed. "Ponyville, huh? Doesn't that seem like the most obvious sounding names ever for this place?"

"More or less, I didn't exactly name it so I really don't see the problem." She said as she began to walk down the dirt road that lead through the middle of town. Darrell followed close behind, his eyes darted around the town, catching site of all the ponies that inhabited the town exiting their homes to come bow before Celestia.

So she truly is royalty. He mentally sighed. Watch I bet she has a stuck up nephew that is just going to LOVE the ever loving shit out of me.

Tia looked back at him with a sly smile. "I love your sense of sarcasm."

Darrell face-hoofed as they walked on, more ponies beginning to shuffle out from their homes to greet Celestia as she moved deeper into the small town. It was odd to him, not just because they were bowing down to his girlfriend. Some of them stared at him as he moved past. Some whispered to the others nearby, some glared like he didn't belong or shouldn't be walking by their princess. Other, mostly the children, pointed at him in awe. He figured from the fact that there were only two alicorns there, he stuck out like a sore thumb to this small town.

"This town certainly has it's charm." Celestia asked as she looked back at Darrell. "It's a nice change of pace, or at least better than having to sit in High Court all day listening to politicians prattling on about taxes and things like that."

"I can see why, that sounds boring as hell." Darrell said as he continued to look around at the ponies who had now left their bowing positions to carry about their day. "This place kind of reminds me of my hometown in Iowa."

"Oh? You mean the place that you call Cornfuck?"

"That is the one! Good old Cornfuck. New York was still a better place, but Cornfuck had it's charm." Darrell sighed as he remembered his old hometown. The miles and miles of endless farms, the smell of dirt and cow shit that seeped into everything, and the all of 25 really old people that lived there. It was nostalgic.

"Really? I thought you hated it there" Celestia said with a raised eyebrow.

Darrell looked back at her with a small smile. "Oh I hated it more than a prostate exam, but it still had it's charm."

Celestia giggled and looked back at the road. "Well, it looks like we are here."

Darrell looked at the building in front of them, well it was more of a tree than a building. It was more of an odd tree actually, with a telescope hanging out of an upper floor window, or in fact just the fact that the tree had windows and a door. He sighed. "I've heard of tree houses, but this is ridiculous."

"No, this is ridiculous." Celestia said as her horn flashed and beside the tree house formed a tree that was in the shape of a house.

Darrell rolled his eyes. "Same difference."

Celestia smiled at him before walking up to the door of the tree house. She lifted her hoof to knock on the door, but quickly stopped as the door flung open and a pink pony launched out of the door at high speeds. The pony was able to look at Celestia and Darrell as she zipped by, yelling as she went.


Darrell had to do a double take as the pink blur rocketed past him. He wasn't sure if that was a pony or some shape-shifting she demon that had come to claim his soul and just barely missed him. He looked over at Celestia with a look of shock and fear. Celestia returned his look and smiled. "If there was only one thing that I could teach you about this realm, it would be never to try and understand Pinkie Pie."

"You mean that...thing...that just zipped by doing at least 175 in a 10 zone?"

"Yes, that thing is a pony that to this day does not cease to amuse and peak my interest."

"PINKIE PIE!" A voice called out from the tree. "Get back here with that! It is a highly volatile chemical! It's not fruit punch!"

"A highly volatile chemical?" Princess Celestia asked with a raised eyebrow towards the voice. "What kind of volatile chemical, my dear student?"

"Oh, Princess Celestia! How um...nice of you to drop by...right now." Darrell looked towards to the speaker. He wasn't surprised to that Celestia's student was a unicorn. She was lavender in coat color with a dark purple mane and tail, a streak of dark pink and a lighter purple layered in with her monotone hair color. She gave a sheepish smile to the large white alicorn before walking over and hugging her. "It's nice to see you again. Also don't worry about the chemical. It's nothing dangerous it was just a recipe for an energy drink I wanted to create so I could stay up a few extra hours to study."

"That's good to know, and it's nice to see you again as well." She said as she leaned down and nuzzled the unicorn. "Now, shall we see ourselves inside. We have some important matter's to discus."

"Important matters? What kind of important matters?" Twilight said before her eyes fell upon Darrell. Her eyes lit up almost immediately with a look of shock and disbelief. She instantly stopped hugging Celestia and ran over to him, circling and visually scanning his body. "I can't believe it! Another alicorn, and a male at that!"

"He is part of what I wished to discuss with you. Please may we go inside an-" Celestia's sentence was cut short as a loud explosion was heard behind her. All three of them stopped and turned around, a very large pink mushroom cloud had formed in the center of town, the shock wave nearly knocking Darrell off of his hooves as it got to them. When the wave passed, all three of them looked dumbfounded at the explosion of pink.

Twilight stared in awe. "Oh no, Pinkie drank the energy drink."

Darrell looked back at the two. "Is that bad?"

"Maybe we should just get inside and carry about our business. Maybe with a shielding spell around us as well." Twilight said in a hurried manor before turning around and quickly rushing inside.

Darrell turned a dumbfounded face towards Celestia. "It can't really be that bad, can it?"

"I have no idea, but better safe than sorry." She said as she walked into the tree.

Darrell stood outside for a few moments, staring out at the clearing sky before turning to face the tree. She sighed and walked inside. "This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder."

Author's Note:

Well here you go, a new update. It is finally good to be getting over my writer's block and starting to get some actual work done. Now if I could only find where my case of Monster wen- *BOOM*......shit