• Published 9th Apr 2021
  • 4,503 Views, 165 Comments

Equestria's Hitman. - The_Chill_Author

[Displaced] Hello, my name is Hit, and I'm a Hitman. I serve under no one and I always finish the job. I serve for the highest bidder, who ever pays enough, will find their enemies head at their doorstep. I am Equestria's Hitman.

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Chapter 10: Meeting Old "Friends".

It was nighttime, and Princess Luna raised her moon high over all of Equestria. Twilight sat in her room by her desk, she had ink and quill caught in her magic. Thus, she began to write down her thoughts.

Dear Princess Celestia.

Hi, I’m currently writing this at 9 PM, I’ve come to report Hit’s journey so far. He has currently eight friends, those include me, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Cranky Doodle. But it doesn’t feel like he’s our friend, he’s been acting distant lately, more so than ever. Ever since that Jetstream guy attacked him he’s been super stressed. Wary, and he’s been a bit rude too. Just today, when Hit was going to the Everfree Forest, Spike asked him why he was going. And the bully told Spike to “buzz off”! The nerve of that guy!

This might be the hardest challenge you gave me, but I won’t fail you! I’ll get to the bottom of his anxiousness starting tomorrow - or today when you’re reading this.

Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight rolled the letter into a scroll and set it down on her desk, she turned around to see Spike resting on his bed. Sleeping peacefully. Twilight let out a soft smile.

“Spike, we’ll get the Hit we all know and love back in no time, I promise.” With that, she began to stretch and walk over to her bed, getting in and closing her eyes. With no idea what will happen to Hit.

Sombra was on the ground, he was beaten up with blood running down his mouth and nose. He glared up at me and snarled. I mirrored his expression and clenched a fist.

“Today is the day where you die, no more running Sombra!” I declared as I ignited my aura, a purple fiery Ki surrounded me and most importantly my fist. I cocked it back and glared down upon him.

Sombra’s horn lit up and he was surrounded in his dark magical aura, he clenched his fist as well. His fist swirled with dark energy, “I’ll never die, I’ll live forever! LONG LIVE KING SOMBRA! THIS IS YOUR END HIT!”

We both shot towards each other, our fists stretched out, and as they touched our powers collided against one another. We both glared at each other with venom in our eyes, our dual red eyes peering into one another. But then, suddenly Sombra’s eyes widened in fear.

“Hit, behind you, do you feel that?” Sombra said, I didn’t take my eyes off of him and glared down at him. But then I felt it too, we stopped our assault on each other and I looked back to see that the Crystal Heart was put into place. “The Crystal Heart, Hit! IT’LL DESTROY ME! WE WON’T BE ABLE TO FINISH OUR BATTLE!” Sombra shrieked.

My eyes widened, “No…”

The force field began to arise from it and shoot outwards towards us.

“NOOOOO!!!!” I stretched my arms out to try and stop it.


”Who… Art thou?”

I awoke from my nightmare and held my head, I began to breathe heavily and I trembled. ‘What the hell was that? I was in the Crystal Empire, but it disappeared, and I was fighting Sombra… But he…’ I look at my hands and I was still trembling. But from what?

Fear? Excitement? I’m not sure. I sat upright on my bed and took deep breaths. “I… I need to take a walk.” I pushed myself from my bed and put on my jacket and clothes. I opened the door and found myself in the main library, I sniffed the air and smelled nothing but the books. I somewhat missed smelling pancakes whenever I woke up but it’s night and I’m sure no one in this place is awake.

Moving quickly, I opened the door out of the library, and instead of Celestia’s warm and bright sun greeting me, it was the cold bliss of the moon. I took a deep breath and took in the cold air around me, I shut the door and continued to walk. During my walk, I headed to Saddle Lake where I can watch the water to clear my mind. When I arrived it was just as I imagined, dark water, unable to see in it. However the gleam of the moon let me see some of it, and with that, I sat down on my ass and began to watch in silence.

That was until a whistle pierced through it.

I suddenly shot to my feet and looked around, where did that whistle come from? The whistle was familiar. Like a scent that took you back to childhood memories, but I’ve seemed to have forgotten them.

The whistle came again.

I quickly turned to face the whistle, it came from the Everfree Forest, I narrowed my eyes and flew after it. Being careful to not ignite my aura as I did so, I followed the whistling and found myself at my ‘dojo’. I looked around, I saw the various logs and materials I’ve gathered from places beyond the Everfree so as to not disturb the wildlife. I saw the training dummies I’ve made four of them in total, I raised my guard and looked around. Adopting a fighting stance I tried to sense Ki.

But I couldn’t find any Ki, I thought about calling out but I ultimately decided against it.

I then heard the whistle.

I turned to face the whistle and saw an Abyssinian in a blue and black martial arts gi. Time slowed down for me and I saw their eyes, judging by them, it was a female Abyssinian. She held a balled-up fist and readied to throw a punch. I quickly crossed my arms and blocked the strike, making a loud smack from the force that emanated from it. I wasn’t pushed back and decided to push against the Abyssinian. It was dark but I could make out her fur, it was orange fur with some darker shades of orange stripes on her body. As we pushed against each other, she grinned and flicked her tail.

She jumped back and landed on her paws and lunged towards me, with her fists ready to pummel me. I clenched my fists and went into a defensive stance, as she threw a punch, I dodged out of the way and threw a punch of my own. She narrowly avoided the attack by tilting her head, our fists were stretched past each other. But then she opened her free palm and a Ki blast formed from it.

My eyes widened, only a select few people know Ki, and now that I thought of it, she looked somewhat familiar. With nowhere to go, I phased through the Ki blast and saw that it was barreling towards a tree. If the Ki blast connected, it would make a loud sound that would surely wake up everyone in Ponyville and the Everfree. I flew in front of the blast and held my hands outwards in front of me, I caught the Ki blast and condensed it into nothing, dispersing the blast.

“I didn’t know Abyssinians could live past three hundred years,” I said, looking at the Abyssinian in the eyes. She chuckled and loosened her stance. “So, Roxxane, tell me your secret.”

The Abyssinian laughed and placed a hand on her hip, smirking at me. “That would be my many greats grandmother. My name is Tigress; I heard you're a big deal, one of the biggest assassins in the business! I want to see if I’m able to kill you, the ultimate test for an assassin, to assassinate the infamous Never-Miss-Hit!” Tigress adopted a fighting stance and glowed in a bright blue aura that shone through the darkness.

“So, someone really does want me dead, huh?” I mused as I looked around to see if any of the Everfree animals have been alerted by the brightness. But then, I felt something coming towards me, it was small, I could feel the air around it… A bullet. I quickly avoided the bullet and huffed. “A bullet? You must underestimate me if you think a-” I then felt the bullet pierce the back of my leg. I opened my eyes wide and fell to one knee.

“HAH!” TIgress shot forward with a fist out and tried to punch me, I phased right through her and made her go through me. She halted herself from going further and shot a Ki blast, moving quickly, I turned around and went to my feet as the Ki blast closed in. I then leaned back and slammed my boot into the Ki blast and sent it far away into the sky, above the clouds where it could be seen or heard.

I felt another bullet coming my way and I dodged it, but then I felt it coming back. I spun around and caught the bullet with my fingers and crushed it. “So, the bullet tracks you, is that it?” I asked as I turned to face the one who shot at me.

I heard a chuckle and out came a stallion with red fur and long black hair which is tied back. He has red eyes though his right is made of gold with a crosshair mark on it. He wore a mercenary outfit and had a gangster mask over his nose that hid his mouth. He also had a hat that hid some of his features. He had many bullets across his chest and leggings, his clothes were brown like the dirt, even his boots. He had long sleeves and long pants and gave me the vibes of Texas Red.

“You’re partially right, but mainly, it’s my golden eye. They don’t call me Golden Bullet, the Golden Eye Hunter for nothing.” Golden Bullet said pointing to his eye, “I have an ability called Marksman, it means if you’re locked onto by my golden eye, my bullets will always hit’cha.”

I looked down at my bleeding leg, then back at him. “So, if I destroy the bullet, they won’t hit me, huh?” I asked, I saw Golden Bullet nod and I looked between him and Tigress. “How much are they paying you two to fight me?”

“40 mill, but we’re splitting it up between the four of us,” Tigress smirked and my eyes widened.

“The four of-” In the corner of my eye, I saw a unicorn with a light grey coat, black messy mane, and dark blue eyes. He wears a Brown Trench Coat with a tattered suit underneath, black fingerless gloves, and black boots. He had his fist clenched in Ki and magic, he then slammed his fist into my rib, and I was sent spiraling towards the trees. Thinking quickly, I flew forwards and barely managed to not hit a tree. I sighed and looked at the unicorn. “And you are?” I asked with an annoyed expression.

The unicorn smiled and pointed a thumb at himself, “My name is Black Lash, I’m an ex-Royal Guard, and I’m also the one you saved, remember?” Black Lash said, I raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Allow me to refresh your memory, six years ago I ran across a couple of really tough guys, and I was getting my ass kicked. But then I saw a glimpse of you, you took them out and collected their heads faster than I could blink! But I saw you, you’re without a doubt the same person I met that day. And now, I’m here to see how strong you are.” He grinned and adopted a fighting stance.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, “Really? That’s your reasoning? I expect more from an assassin.”

Black Lash chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head, “I like fighting strong guys, what’s so wrong with that?” Tigress then went beside him.

“And I want to be the one who beats you.” Tigress said, “To pay you back for what you did to my ancestor. After you beat her in a fight, she quit being an assassin, but I won’t lose to you, no matter the cost!”

Golden Bullet took his place next to the duo, “And I’m gonna be the one who kills you, picking up your head is gonna be nice.” He grinned as he took out his pistol, cocking it.

I stared at the trio and narrowed my eyes, I glanced at Golden Bullet; he wouldn’t be too hard to take out given that he only has that Marksman ability. I feel like one well place punch would kill him. I looked at the other two; Black Lash and Tigress, they seem close in strength, I wonder if they know of the Fusion technique? Though that might be bad for me, it’d be a lot easier than taking the two of them on at once.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Tigress asked me.

“What?” I inquired, tightening my stance.

“Two’s a couple, three’s a party, and four…” Tigress smirked, “Is your doom.”

My eyes widened and I felt rumbling across the ground, I looked down and the earth erupted from the earth I saw the fourth assassin. A twenty-foot-tall behemoth of an Earth Dragon in sunglasses and a tuxedo, resembling Cobra Bubbles from Lilo and Stitch. However, he's also got a Dovakiin helmet on, giving him ram horns. The Earth Dragon had wings, which was a rare sight and on his shoulder was a boom box. I saw the Earth Dragon cock its fist back and slam it into me, the attack was slow, but I couldn’t avoid it. I had blocked the punch and on impact, my arms went numb and I was sent to the sky.

As I was in the air, I quickly steadied myself as Lash and Tigress flew after me with their fists out. I went into a defensive stance as they began their onslaught of punches and kicks toward me. I was pushed back as I did my best to defend myself until I felt a bullet pierce the back of my leg again. I cursed in pain and looked behind me, I saw Golden Bullet on the back of the Earth Dragon, my eyes opened wide as I couldn’t defend myself against him. And with me being distracted, Lash and TIgress slammed their fists into my gut. I wheezed in pain and spewed out a glob of spit before the Earth Dragon gave me a right hook that sent me spiraling across Equestria.

I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes, preparing for the worst, and with a scream, I crashed.

Spike opened his eyes.


I felt rocks dig into my back and I slowly opened my eyes with a moan of pain. I saw the night sky and the many stars above, especially the bright moon that shone over me. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw multiple rock formations; Badlands, I was in the Badlands. I clenched my teeth and sat up to hold my head. It was the first time in forever that I had blacked out from a punch like that. I had to be wary of that dragon. I then felt something wet on my head and I looked down at the hand that held my head, peering down at it, I saw blood.

I was bleeding.

“So even the invincible Hit can bleed,” Golden Bullet mused, looking down at me, as I looked up at him, I saw that he had rocket boots on. Next to him were the other three.

“All mortals do,” said the Earth Dragon, “Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Brock of the Dragon Lands. I’ve come to kill you for no other reason than money.”

I slowly went to my feet and glanced up at Brock, “Well at least someone has the assassin spirit,” I looked at everyone else. “You could learn a thing or two from him.”

Tigress glared, “Shut up! We brought you here so that you could go all out and not worry about those damn ponies!”

“I thought so, but I don’t think that’s the truth. You guys know of the Elements of Harmony and their wielders, you must have been scared to make a scene there, because you guys suspect that Princess Celestia might fight against you.” I concluded, Lash smirked.

“Right on the money, I guess you really do never miss, huh?” Lash dropped himself down to me and looked back at his fellow assassins. “Yo, can I get a few minutes of fighting him on my own? I want to see how strong he actually is.”

Before Tigress spoke up, Brock intervened, “You get ten minutes, that’s it.”

Lash grinned and nodded at Brock thankfully, “Thanks, now then-” before he could finish, I lunged forward and punched him in the jaw, sending him back. I ignited my aura and followed after him, as he was sent flying, I flew above him and put my hands in a triangle formation.

“KIKOHO!” I shouted, Lash’s eyes widened as I blasted him with Ki. The result made a triangular crater, and I shot one more blast from the crater. “DODON RAY!” I shot a yellow beam from my fingertip and the crater glowed yellow briefly as it let out an explosion. I glared down at the crater.

Rule One of an assassin; never let down your guard.

“Phew!” I turned to face the voice and I saw Lash standing - or in this case hovering - before me. “You nearly got me, luckily I teleported fast enough to dodge it. Now then,” he cracked his knuckles and smirked at me. “Let’s get this started.”

For a moment I just hovered there in surprise before I glared at him, “I’ll show you that fighting me one on one will be your demise.” I clenched my fists and flew towards him, as he charged to meet me, I stopped time. I looked at him during my stopped time and reared my fist back to gut punch him, but then…

Lash teleported out of the way. My eyes widened, as the only people who could resist my time stop had to be stronger than me. I sensed his energy, there was no way! Unless he had activated an immunity spell. I turned to my left to meet Lash’s foot, fortunately, I blocked the attack with my right forearm. I continued time and frowned at Lash.

“An immunity spell, huh? Typically, they only last for thirty minutes.” I mused as I shoved him back, Lash caught himself and darted towards me.

“Yeah, I activated the spell on all of us when you were sent flying here,” Lash said as he sent a punch towards me, I tilted my head to the side and dodged the attack. There I punched him in his gut and he wheezed in pain. I then activated a Ki blast from my fist which was buried in Lash’s body, firing it, I sent Lash spiraling away. I followed him and my fists ignited in purple Ki.

“And you believe thirty minutes is enough to take me out?” I asked as I sent a barrage of punches his way, Lash raised his arms and began to block the attacks. “Do you?!” I punched Lash one more time and he teleported out of the way.

“Oh, it’s more than enough!” He shouted from far away, turning behind me I was met with a Ki rope. The rope forged out of Ki wrapped around my chest, the Ki rope tightened and I clenched my teeth in pain. However, the pain was just a smidgen of the agony that was to come. Lash pulled on the Ki rope and I, as a result, was pulled as well. There was nothing I could do but yell as Lash slammed his fist into my right cheek.

I growled in pain and grabbed onto Lash’s hand, his eyes brightened in surprise. He couldn’t go from me, and I couldn’t go from him. We began to punch each other repeatedly in the face. Though my punches damaged him, I was also taking damage. As he sent another punch my way, I phased through the attack and went through his body. There, I was behind him with my hands raised overhead. I clenched my fists together and brought my fists down like a sledgehammer, driving them into Lash’s skull as I sent him down into the soil of the planet.

I crouched down mid-air and shot towards him, Lash was on the ground, his eyes closed and groaning. I reared my fist back and prepared to stop his heart with my punch, but I was unfortunately stopped by a certain feline. Tigress zoomed in front of me and dropkicked me in the ribs, sending me crashing through the rocks and boulders of the Badlands before I stopped at a plateau.

I clenched my teeth in pain and looked on as I saw a multitude of bullets heading my way, I glared at the shots and used Kiai to destroy them. I looked to try and spot Golden Bullet and saw him hovering next to Brock. I went to my feet and looked back at where Tigress and Lash were. I saw that a dustcloud had formed and was clearing up, when it cleared I saw Tigress and Lash bickering.

“I had him right where I wanted him!” Lash said, clenching his fist angrily.

“You were going to die!” Tigress yelled in response.

“No, I wasn’t!” Lash protested

“Yes, you were!” Tigress shot back, “And besides, isn’t that enough to see how strong he is? He was schooling you!”

Lash opened his mouth to try and come up with a comeback but had nothing. He huffed and crossed his arms, “I guess you’re right.” He admitted.

Brock then descended behind them with Golden Bullet next to him. “Alright then, let’s go.”

Spike was pacing back and forth in the bedroom, sweat rolling down his face. He had woken Twilight up to tell her what he was feeling. Twilight had some coffee in her magic and saw how nervous Spike was.

Twilight looked down at Spike confused, “What do you mean Hit is in danger? He’s Hit!”

“I know he’s strong but something’s happening! I swear!” Spike said.

Twilight sighed, “If it’s so bad I’ll wake Hit up,”

Spike let out a sigh of relief. “Thanks, Twi.”

Brock slammed his head into my arms, I had tried to block as I did before but the effect was the same but somehow even worse. I felt something in my arms break as I was sent back to the night sky, chasing after me was Tigress who punched my gut and sent me to the ground. There, waiting for me, was Black Lash who wrapped me around in a Ki lasso and spun me around.

I yelped as he did so and he was laughing, “So long, Hit!” Lash then threw me away, as I tried to break free from my bonds I felt various bullets hit my back. Normally, bullets don’t hurt me, but these ones were laced in some sort of magic. They pierced my back and fortunately, they didn’t hit anything vital. I turned myself around to see where I was being thrown at, and to my surprise, it was a giant plateau.

“Oh shit.”

“HIT’S GONE?!” Rarity yelled at the top of her lungs, Twilight had gathered all of her friends and summoned them to be in her library, they were all currently panicking and worrying over the missing assassin.

“Wh-what happened?” Applejack asked.

“I don’t know! I opened Hit’s bedroom door and he was gone!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Is he alright?” Fluttershy asked.

“I’m not sure, but Spike says that he’s in trouble,” Twilight said, they all turned to look at Spike who was pacing back and forth. “I’ve never seen him this worried before…”

Rainbow Dash flew up to Spike. “How much trouble is he in?”

Spike was shaking, “B-big.”

I looked above me and saw Brock with his fist cocked back, there was no way I could avoid it or block it, so I stared in horror.

“How big?” Pinkie Pie bounced, “Super big? Really super big? Really really really super big?”

Spike looked at Pinkie Pie with tears in his eyes, “Massively big.”

I yelled in agony as a bullet pierced my knee cap, I went to hold it but then Tigress and Lash slammed their boots into my gut, sending me high above the ground. As I fell, my head faced the earth and I was suddenly grabbed by Brock.

Instead of agony, I yelled in absolute unadulterated terror as Brock slammed me head first into the earth.

“We need to tell Princess Celestia!” Rarity said, “It’s so bad that it’s making Spikey-Wikey cry!”

Twilight hummed, “Celestia is currently sleeping, I’m not sure if we can notify her.”

Applejack turned to Twi, “What about Princess Luna?”

I shakily went to my feet and looked up above me, I saw that Brock was coming down upon me with his fists out ready to crush my bones. Summoning my strength, my fingertips were set ablaze in Ki, I pointed up at him and uttered these words.

“DODON RAY!” I cried out as I sent the twin Dodon Rays his way, the blasts clashed against his mud-colored scales, however, it wasn’t enough, it wasn’t stopping him! I shouted and two bulges appeared from my back, my purple aura spiked and I yelled as power erupted from me. Two extra arms sprouted from me and I fired the extra two Dodon Rays up at Brock. There, it had actually held him back a bit and I slowly pushed him.

“You forgetting someone?” Golden Bullet asked.

I gasped as I saw a multitude of bullets coming towards my way, I can’t use Kiai because it would make the energy that I was shooting at Brock lessen.

“And us too!” I glanced to my sides, and coming from my right and left were Tigress and Lash with their fists cocked back and ready to drive into me. With all of this distraction, Brock came down on me, digging into my shoulders and breaking my bones. At the same time, I was shot with a variety of bullets and my ribs were slammed into my Tigress and Lash.

Celestia woke up from her sleep, sweat rolling down her face.


I stood there in a smoldering crater, my head faced downwards and my vision was blurry. I let out a groan before I went to my knees and face-planted against the ground.

Author's Note:

If you don't know what technique Hit used, it is the Four Witches Technique, used by Tien Shinhan and used exclusively for the three-eyed warriors. However, Hit somehow replicated the technique and used it as his own.

I also want to thank my friends Lady Umbra, Shirtmechanic, and JNKing for giving me Golden Bullet, Black Lash, and Brock and add them to the story.

Hit seems to be in a tight spot, will he survive the encounter? Or is all lost? Find out in the next exciting episode of Equestria's Hitman!