• Published 9th Apr 2021
  • 4,502 Views, 165 Comments

Equestria's Hitman. - The_Chill_Author

[Displaced] Hello, my name is Hit, and I'm a Hitman. I serve under no one and I always finish the job. I serve for the highest bidder, who ever pays enough, will find their enemies head at their doorstep. I am Equestria's Hitman.

  • ...

Crossover Chapter: Time For You to Get a Watch.

T'was but an early day for Hit in Ponyville, the trees were looking nice. The ponies were walking fucking rainbows, the birds were chirping. As Hit began to strut down the roads of Ponyville, Twilight by his side with a notebook armed and ready. Spike is there too but let's forget about the wee lad.

"So, out for groceries again?" Hit asked Twilight, "Do you mind telling me why you're coming along?"

"Last time you went out on your own you single handedly brought down a group of criminals! And besides Spike won't stop bugging me about seeing you fight in person." Twilight answered Hit's question.

"Understandable, so pra-" Hit then stopped in his tracks. 'HOLY BLACK ON A POPO!!! The fuck's that? I've only felt this high of a Power Level when I fought Sombra… Who I demolished like tr- You know what, forget it' Hit then sighed

"It doesn't bother me, it doesn't bother me." Hit said, sighing, "Okay it bothers me, it bothers me a lot!" Hit said with a frown.

"Uh, Hit? What are you talking about?" Spike said, tilting his head. "What's bothering you?"

"I'll return, stay here and don't follow me." Hit then shot into the skies, Twilight then looked up.

"HEY! WE STILL NEED TO GET GROCERIES!" Twilight cried out, before letting out a sigh. "Faust darn it."

Hit closed his eyes and searched for the power level. 'If I were someone with a big power level where would I…' Hit opened his eyes, "Of course, Manehatten. Because who WOULDN'T go to Manehatten? I swear if I have to fight off a Saiyan I will kick them to the… (moon) You know I shouldn't do that." Hit then flies to Manehatten.

As Hit began to fly to Manehatten in mere moments he found himself near the city. Hit then descends before entering the city, walking normally to blend in with the crowd.

"Hey mommy, why does his hair look like the thing you play with?" A Colt said, talking to his parents. I had to take a deep breath before continuing on.

'I will never get tired of that joke.' Hit said in his mind, he then looked into an alley. 'This… Looks like where Cell came out of when he met Piccolo. Oh well, Mr. Sandman…' Hit thought as he walked into the alleyway, on guard and observing his surroundings.

'Alright the guy should be here…' Hit looked at a garbage bin. 'No, it couldn't…' Hit opened the said garbage bin and peered down in it and saw…

A human. A human man with brown hair and a blue jacket with a 23 on its chest over the heart with black pants and a blue watch-like device on his wrist, appearing to be passed out.

"..." Hit stared at the man for a solid five seconds, not uttering a word. "...Why were you in a garbage bin?" Hit asked the Human, grabbing him by his hair and pulling him out before promptly dropping him.

The man screamed and grabbed his head and butt with one hand each, rubbing them as he shot a glare at Hit. "What the hell man I was!-'' he said, his face turning to a look of confusion as he stared at Hit for a long moment, before he pinched the bridge of his nose. "God damn it Paradox! I told you not to send me to other dimensions while I'm sleeping!!"

The man stood up with a sigh and smiled at Hit. "Sorry, a time traveler from my dimension loves sending me to other Displaced world's without my permission."

"First of all, who the hell are you talking to? Second, dimensions? Third, what is Displaced?" Hit crossed his arms and goared down at him.

"I was talking to the guy that sent me here from my home. Yes, dimension multiverse is a bitch and I'm not talking about dragon ball super multiverse. And displaced are humans that have been sent to different visions of equestria throughout time and space, typically we buy something from someone at a con and poof were in a new reality." The man said. "My name is Dillan, I'm a Ben 10 displaced. I have Ben 10 ultimate alien powers with the colors of ben 23."

"...Either you're talking out of your ass or you're telling the truth. Given my situation I believe you, now, I'm going to go now and report you to Celestia." Hit turns around and begins to walk out of the alley.

"Report me?" Dillan asked Hit, an eyebrow raised in confusion as he followed the purple man.

"Yes, you are a being that is new to this world and a different race than the others." Hit explained as he began to make his way out of Manehattan.

"If that's the case I can transform into an anthro pony." Dillan said, looking around for a moment. "But unless they're ok with changelings in this dimension I don't think that's a good idea, I'd probably be accused of being one and arrested."

"Yes, there are Changelings in this world and even still, you are an extraterrestrial being capable of shapeshifting into many different races. As you are right now your strength is comparable to the Sirens, comparing you to Sombra is me being nice. Now I'll be off." Hit then begins to fly; he then looks down at Dillan. "And if you even think about wreaking havoc on this world, I will fold you like a piece of paper and throw you in the trash… Before I throw it at Celestia because she is a bitch." Hit looks away from Dillan and flies to Canterlot, crossing his arms as he does so.

Dillan blinked, before taking off after Hit and getting next to him, glancing at the assassin. "I'm at the level of the sirens huh? I guess they're about as strong as Captain Ginyu, I keep my level at his, in my base just so people won't freak out too much when I meet them."

Hit glanced back at Dillan. "Dillan, right? So indulge me in your 23 forms and if you say Saiyan…" Hit breathed in from his nose, "I will rip off your tail. Because the moon is always full here if you plan to stay the night. And it's such a hassle fighting giant gorillas, and yes I fought one, don't ask." Hit said as a bird perched on his head and used him as a ride.

"23? Oh no that's just what I started with, I've lost count on how many I have. Though I will say I have all the pokemon that can mega evolve, all the legendary and mythical Pokemon, frieza's race, namekian, the cold forces races, all the ones seen in the show and yes Saiyan. But no need to worry, I won't go oozaru unless I'm transformed into Saiyan form." He said

"...Definitely speaking to Celestia about this." Hit then ignited his aura like an engine and shot to Canterlot, destroying the sound barrier. As he did so, he looked back and… Of fucking course, Dillan was right behind him. He began to lowly growl before dissipating his aura and dropping down casually. Like before they feared him, and the guards then stiffed up.

"Oh my god he's hot." One of the Female Guards said, glancing at him as he walked by.

"He looks so… So… SO…!" The male guard said, looking at Hit with star eyes

"Badass!" The guards of Canterlot say at the same time. Hit then frowned deeply and picked up the pace as he walked up the stairs to the palace.

"Greetings, I am meeting up with the Princess." Hit said looking at the two guards.

"Alright, go on ahead and… Is that thing your pet?" A guard said, pointing at Dillan.

"No, his name is Dillan. Say hello, Dillan." Hit turned to Dillan.

"Hey, and hey! Don't talk about me like I'm a thing or I'm disabled!" He said getting ignored.

"Hello indeed." Hit walked past guarding the door and entered the palace as he did. He looked back and Dillan was still there. Hit rolled his eyes and approached the doors to the Throne room. He kicked down the door and saw Celestia stuffing her face with strawberry cake.

"Hitty! Welcome back, have you tried this cake? It's amazing, strawberry on cake, who would've known these two sweet things work together! I mean it's kinda like us, you're sweet!" Celestia said, ignoring Dillan's presence.

"Princess Celestia-" Hit began but Celestia put up her hand.

"Call me Tia!" Celestia said, "Or you can call me Lest, Celly, Ci-Ci, or you can call me… Mommy." Celestia said, fluttering her eyes.

"Ok gag!" Dillan said.

Hit looked at Celestia for two seconds. "Anyways, we have a visitor from beyond our planet. His name is Dillan, say hello Dillan." Hit said, glancing at Dillan like he was a dog.

Dillan growled and punched Hit in the side, briefly powering up to full power knocking the wind out of the assassin. "Greetings your majesty, I am a visiting dignitary from another dimension."

"Oh. My. God. YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!!" Celestia pinched Dillan's cheeks, Celestia had moved so fast that there was an after image of her on the throne. "And Dillan, what a cute name you gave him Hitty! Mind if I call you Dilly, also nice spell you gave him, granting him speaking. Classy."

"You donut do you not realize that-" Hit was interrupted by Celestia's laughter, Celestia slapped her knee and put a hand on Dillan to support herself.

"I'm just joking with you Hitty, so is that all you came here for? Do you want anything else from me? Not even-" Celestia was cut off by Hit.

"Fuck you." Hit spat at Celestia, Celestia pushed Dillan away, her strength yeeting him next to the Throne room one and only door.

"Sheesh, take me out to dinner first." Celestia said; crossing her arms and adopting a smile.

Hit looked to Dillan who was currently being peeled off the wall by some guards. "Do you see what I'm dealing with?"

Dillan nodded. "Yeah, and damn. She must be stronger than Frieza."

"That rreminds me, hey Hitty… Wanna have a spar?" Celestia said with a smile, "And don't worry… I'll be gentle." Celestia said in Hit's ear.

"Not today, don't care, don't need it, go fuck yourself!" Hit pushed Celestia out of the way before grabbing Dillan. "We're leaving before she takes my virginity."

"You're a virgin? EVEN BETTER!" Celestia called out.

"You weren't this needy last time!" Hit cries out, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"It's almost the Heat season for Mares!" Celestia responded and Hit… Opened his mouth in shock.

"...Let's go." Hit said nervously, it wasn't often he loses his cool with Celestia but the last time Heat season came about… Let's just say Hit nearly lost something he can never get back.

Hit paused as Dillan's energy began spiking, turning he saw his face was contorted in sadness and anger. "Damn it she called me Dilly…"

Hit then walked outside the Palace with Dillan in tow. "Do you want to know how I got myself into this situation? Because you and I both know I hate it here like I hate pineapple on pizza."

"... Was that a reference to that brief dragon ball super abridged?" Dillan asked.

"Correct." Hit answered Dillan professionally, god why is Hit so damn cool?

Dillan chuckles. "Anyway yes I do, if the celestia from my dimension was like that I'd… probably kill her and then revive her with the dragon balls."

"You have fucking- different universen different laws, different things." Hit then inhaled and shook his head. "Well it all began with me fighting the Sirens; they were all about as strong as Ribrianne each. Well I was distracted when Celestia popped up, pink hair at the time, to say hello. This made the Sirens run away and being the angry edgelord I am, I fought her. We were evenly matched at the time and we came to a conclusion to beat the Sirens together. We won and I got to go home… This was unfortunately not the last time we talked." Hit said with a groan.

"And she got the hots for ya." Dillan nodded slowly. "Oh and I can mix your DNA with the namekians, and give you a set of dragon balls if you want."

"Fuck no. Anyway, guess who followed me home that same day? Celestia went everywhere with me, my house, the store, the shower everywhere! She kept bugging me of wanting to be friends, and I REALLY do not see the purpose of having friends when you're an assassin. But… I conceded and became friends with her for a day, after said day I was assigned to kill Discord. Discord of all people." Hit said, crossing his arms, "Who wants to kill a chaos spirit?"

"Is that even possible?" Dillan asked. "From what I've heard he's literally made of magic and his physical form will only vanish if he loses his taste for chaos."

"I literally tried everything on Discord, beating him to death, drowning, burning, suffocating, snapping his neck, but then Celestia said something about Elements of Harmony and yet again… I submitted. And after a thousand years of not seeing each other she gave me a contract to kill Texas Red, an outlaw with a big iron on his hip. I'll give you a biscuit if you get that reference, but there was a catch… When I gave her the head… She wrote on INVISIBLE INK 'you work for me now, go to horse town, be friendly, GET A HUNDRED FUCKING FRIENDS' and now I'm here. I can't kill her and I'm her pawn." Hit said with a growl, "Just needed to vent right there."

"It's cool, also you know there's a way around that?" Dillan asked him. "If the contract said get a hundred friends I'm sure the people you've saved from this texes red guy would consider you a friend plus anyone else you've helped from evil people no one ever says you have to like them back."

"Dillan, you don't think I thought of that?" Hit said, staring at Dillan. "I have to truly bond with them and if Twilight says I bond, I bond and so far, no offense you're built like a fucking roulette." Hit said, looking at Dillan. "Meaning you're random, however if there's anything you want to do, go ahead and ask because I don't want to go back to Ponyville."

Dillan thinks and smirks at him. "how about we use my dragon balls to remove the writing from both the paper and the minds of the ponies?" He asked.

"I refuse your offer, while it may be thoughtful and kind, my pride as an assassin is too great. And besides I have never broken a single one of my contracts, I will never break one. Go ahead and ask something else to do." Hit said, crossing his arms and closing them.

"Well I'll be honest, we clearly don't have the same personality." Dillan said. "Obviously you don't like it here and I chose to be Displaced after my family and fiance died, although I think I know of something we can do that may be something we can do."

"And what may that be?" Hit inquired, quirking an eyebrow.

Dillan's smirk grows as his power rockets and his energy flows outwards causing a small earthquake. "What do you think? We're two fighters who just met, don't you think it'd be good to test our skills."

"Hm," Hit turns around and Celestia was there, making the duo jump.

"I know a place where you men can slug each other, oh and Dillan? Can you knock his jacket off so I can see his burly muscles?" Celestia asked the Omnitrix wielder.

"No, I'm not gonna help you molest someone." He said deadpanning. "Also I swear you're related to pinkie pie."

"Just… Just give us the place?" Hit said, rubbing his eyebrow. He then cracked a smile as a thought came across his mind. 'Molestia' Hit began to laugh like a certain Crimson Fucker.

"It's a wasteland!" Celestia said, throwing her hands in the air. Her horn began to shine and with a 'pop!' They were in the Badlands. "Tada~! I'll watch!" Celestia conjured some corn seeds, she began to glow and the seeds began popcorn.

"I swear to God." Dillan said, rubbing his temple. "I don't know how you're not insane."

"And I swear to Kami I don't know how either. I'll give it about… Two months." Hit said, raising two fingers up.

"Oh, is that a challenge I hear?" Celestia said, tilting her head with a smile. "Well, challenge accepted, Hitty. Also I hear that when you bite your lip you can't breathe!" There was a pause.

"Not going to fall for that." Hit said with a sigh, he looked down and kicked a pebble.

"Worth a shot." Celestia sighed, she became silent and observed the two. "You two gonna just stand there or are you going to fuc-fight! I meant to fight!"

Dillan instantly puts Celestia in a ki bubble, letting her see and breath but not be heard. "Hush Molestia the adults are fighting."

Celestia began to breathe on the bubble making some fog, she began to smile. She then wrote 'I hear if you stick your tongue out and look up you can't breath through your mouth.'

"I… Can… Can we just fight now?" Hit asked Dillan, looking at the man.

Dillan nods but whispers to him. "Are you sure she's not Chrysalis in disguise?"

"No she's not in a shell… Well now she is but shut up." Hit then kicked Dillan in his jaw, sending him skidding across the Badlands. "DODGE!"

Dillan coughed and smirks, summoning two destructo disks. Dillan jumped high into the air and launched one at Hit, as Dillan's feet began glowing and he stood on the second one like a flying saw. "Let's see what ya got!"

Hit stood firmly and didn't dodge the first one… Fazed through him to Dillan's surprise. Hit then punched the air and Dillan was knocked off the Destructo Disk. Hit then used a Ki blade to sever the Destructo Disk Dillan was on before destroying the one he fazed through with a Ki blast. "That is what I got, want more?"

In a flash Hit was punched across the Badlands back to Celestia, surprising the assassin as the ultimatrix user's watch was gone and his hourglass symbol was on his chest with a black silhouette of a being resembling a clock with hands and feet, his power skyrocketing again. "Yeah I do, let's see how you handle fighting someone else with time powers!"

Hit began to walk towards Dillan before appearing behind him, his fist out. Hit began to punch Dillan making a beam of Ki come out of Dillan. Hit began to punch the bastard from all sides, making more Ki beams come from Dillam's body. Hit then vanished and appeared behind Dillan. "Question, who are you right now?" Dillan then explodes in purple Ki.

"Clockwork." Dillan said unscathed. "I can go ultimate and use their powers in my human form, I can skip through time or even speed up time." He said a green blast of weak energy hitting a large boulder the size of an Oozaru and turning it to dust instantly. "And I can do that." He said suddenly smacking Hit into the dirt, a single ki blast erupting from Dillan's hand forcing Hit to drag along the ground.

Hit placed his palm on the ground and with a simple Ki blast Hit was sent to his feet. Hit then looked at Dillan and his eyes widened, Dillan then began to thrash in the air as he was being hit by some force. It was like Hit was punching him from afar, and then… Dillan shot to a plateau¹. Hit then put his hands in his pockets.

Dillan shot out of the plateau stretching and smirking. "How about we take this up a notch?" He asked, his hand pushing his hourglass symbol before he sprouted a tail.

Dillan's energy shot up rapidly as he screamed creating a sand storm around himself lighting and thunder shaking the ground as Celestia's ball was literally rolled away. In an instant his hair and tail became golden, until sparks erupted around him his gains pulsing as his hair grew long behind him until he shouted once more a large golden aura erupting around him revealing Dillan was standing as a super Saiyan three, his energy completely stabilized. "You ready?"

"Counting one Saiyan that I fought." Hit said, shaking his head, he then began to take a stance. A boxing one at that, Hit then clenched his fists. "Time to make the donuts." Hit shot to Dillan and struck him in the gut, making Dillan spew saliva. Hit then tripped Dillan and grabbed Dillan's foot. "I'm going to plant me a dumb ass tree." Hit then slammed Dillan into the ground making him go under the ground. The ground then splits into two like Mosus was splitting the earth, whatever it was it made a trench.

"You're just killing it with the TFS references." Dillan said, blasting Hit in the back when he vanished and appeared again behind Hit. Dillan smiled and sighed. "I can't beat you as a Saiyan since I haven't unlocked super Saiyan god yet, I won't stand a chance, however." He said with a smirk. "My frieza transformation might be able to do something!"

Dillan said, pushing his hourglass symbol again, transforming into a sleek grey alien that looked like Frieza with dark blue head and shoulder orbs. Dillan powered up as he screamed once again, a golden aura forming around himself. "Shall we?"

Hit then crouched down and shot towards Dillan, his fists being amplified with Ki energy, he then struck Dillan in his chest. Hit had made sure to miss his heart and a huge beam of Ki went from the other side of Dillan. Dillan reeled over, his pupils reappearing and vanishing rapidly, and the sheer force of Hit's Time Skip attack sent the young warrior flying into a rock formation. "Dodon Ray!" Hit then fired off a Dodon Ray and the rock formation blew up.

Dillan shot into the air and coughed. "Wow, impressive. Then again it took super Saiyan blue kaioKen Goku to beat the original Hit, so maybe i should power up more!"

Dillan flew down to Hit, and pushed his hourglass symbol to the side and pushed it down. In an instant a wave of energy surrounded him as his golden aura became silver and black a loud roar erupted from the shapeshifter as rocks and winds blew everywhere. In an instant Dillan's form became completely black with silver head and shoulders, before he punched Hit in the gut breaking a rib as he spoke in the assassin's ear. "My watch lets me power up to a new evolution of power based on a thousand years of war. Frieza achieved golden form after a few months. So using that I've unlocked this form, I think I'll call this form… black diamond."

"Hm." Hit said with a nod, he then appeared in front of Dillan… And decked him in the schnoz, sending a beam of purple Ki from his head. Hit then began to slide left to right in the air as Dillan continued to get punched in his gut. Hit then showed his palm to Dillan, placing it mere millimeters from Dillan's face. Using his Time Skip Hit punched Dillan in his face, breaking his nose, he then began to bleed from his nose. As Dillan held his nose, he realized that Hit wasn't in front of him.

"Too slow." As Dillan turned around he was punched in his gut, Dillan's eyes vanished rapidly. Hit brought his hands together and raised his arms high before bringing his hands down onto Dillan. Dillan was sent to the earth, making a crater. Hit began to put his hands in a triangle shape. "Kikoho." Before Dillan thought of getting up he was hit by a devastating Ki blast. Making a triangular crater. "Took me a while to make the Kikoho crater look like a triangle."

Dillan growled and appeared behind Hit, spin kicking him into the hole he had created. "Damn, I don't think I can win this."

"You would be correct," Hit said, placing a hand on Dillan's shoulder. When Dillan had told around his face went on a date with Hit's knee, needless to say but they sure as hell smashed. Dillan reeled back from the attack and when the stars aligned… Hit began his combo. Hit began to punch Dillan rapidly, his face, abdomen, and his rib. Hit was precise and merciless, Hit then raised his arm high and in an instant Dillan hit the ground like a bag of rocks. As Dillan slowly began to stand up, Hit appeared in front of him and gave him a punch, using his Time Skip he used his Ultimate move. Time Skip Molotov. Hit began to punch Dillan in his Time Skip faster than a machine gun can shoot. As he did, Hit began to think…

'I wonder what Displaced I'm going to interact with next? Maybe another Hit, or Thanos. That'd be cool.' Hit said before he stopped. "It's over." Hit stopped his Time Skip and Dillan began to thrash in the air like he was having a seizure mid-air. Dillan coughed up an ungodly amount of blood and was flung into rock after rock before Hit stopped Dillan from continuing with a palm strike that sent him downwards. Dillan hit the ground and Hit crossed his arms before floating down. Hit looked down at Dillan, "You're lucky I didn't hit your vital points, otherwise you'd be dead."

Dillan starts chuckling slowly before laughing uncontrollably. "Man that was awesome!" He said standing up a blue light erupting from him as he returned to normal. "I knew I couldn't beat you from the begging and using a form I'm not familiar with yet didn't help. But at least I know I can damage you with black diamond… How's your ribs? I felt a couple break when I hit ya."

"It's nothing that time can't fix, all can heal if you give it time. Now, another question for you…" Hit began to lean towards Dillan Michale Jackson style. "How does a Displaced get summoned, because I bet that there's more than just getting thrown out of your universe by a Time Man." Hit inquired.

"Yeah, aside from me thanks to paradox." He said looking extremely annoyed. "Displaced make tokens with oaths that only other Displaced can hear usually… not sure how or why though." Dillan said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a blue hourglass pad like the one in his watch. "This is my token, to summon a Displaced person just call their name when you're holding their token. To make one get something that represents you and speak your oath and throw it into the multiverse."

"Understood." Hit brings out his Job Receiver, and looks down at it. "My name is Hit, I am a Hitman who will give your worst enemy's head to anyone who has the money for it. Call upon me if you need a job done, I am Equus Hitman." A split copy of his Job Receiver floated to the sky and with a pop! It was gone. "Neat."

"That was so cheesy." Celestia said, looking at Hit.

"How did you get out?" Hit inquired, looking at the Princess and putting his Job Receiver into his pocket.

"Oh I got out a long time ago, did you even THINK for a second that I'm not strong? Because I'm an Alicorn and you're a purple man with a dick head." Celestia said with a frown.

"You make a fair point, now I believe it's time for you, Dillan, to flee." Hit said, putting his hands in his pockets and staring at Dillan.

"Flee? Like someone's gonna come after me?" Dillan asked, raising an eyebrow as he dug into a brown bag.

Celestia slowly got a warhammer out and it ignited. "Listen to Hit, because I do not appreciate being in that bubble. Even though it was brief, I have to thank you for giving me a chance to… Relieve myself. Now I suggest you bugger off before I shove my warhammer where the sun does not shine. And I am the Princess of said Sun, so you can imagine where I'm going to put it." Celestia said, her coat began to glow brightly.

"...You really need to go, last time she was like this she blew up two arcapelligos." Hit said, looking at Dillan.

Dillan glanced at Celestia for a second, before twisting his watch as it appeared on his chest with a silhouette of discord. Dillan snapped his fingers as Celestia's hammer, horn, and wings vanished. "Relax, I'll leave once I find what I'm looking for." He said, shoving his head into the bag completely.

"...You do know that even still that the physical form of my horn is gone does not mean that I can not use magic." Celestia said with a raised eyebrow. "Have you not read the books from… Wherever you're from?" Celestia asked Dillan, she then shook her head. "Hm, in any case, Hit, would you mind taking me back to Canterlot."

"No, I wouldn't." Hit said plainly, "Although I'll stay here just in case this bastard does anything stupid." Hit said, crossing his arms.

"Ah ha!" Dillan said popping his head out of the bag and giving Hit a capsule. "Here, I give all the Displaced I meet a set of these. I know you said you didn't want any but I used my namekian form to make some… modifications to them. One wish, no immortality, wishes can't be made against someone's will." He said glancing at Celestia as did Hit. "and no evil wishes can be made, also there's a bunch of senzu beans in it." He smiled. "Oh! And another big detail they don't fly off once used, they land at your feet however the recharge time is longer. Consider it my thanks for the spar and just in case of emergencies."

"Hm, well, I believe that this should be in the right hands…" Hit glanced at Celestia. "My own, I have an idea of what to wish for…" He then began to smile.

"That was a 70 inch plasma white screen TV…" Alucard said, staring at Luke Valentine. "So what can I help you with?"

"Optimus fucking Prime to be in this world. Like imagine Dillan, Optimus fucking Prime dude." Hit said, smiling mentally.

Dillan laughs and slaps his head. "Oh man that would be better than the dino king transformer guy I met… crud I can't remember his name." Dillan sighed and thought for a moment. "I think I was gonna Suggest something else to you, more like ask… oh yeah! Want me to make you part Saiyan?"

"FUCK! NO!" Hit yelled, "I WILL NOT. WILL. NOT. Be turned into Mr. Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Five Trillion!" Hit said with venom oozing out of his voice. "Dragon Ball was better when Piccolo was as strong as the Saiyans! Anyways, run before Twilight catches up to me."

Dillan shrugs. "Alright, I could make you part namekian or something as well if you want or something else. You can summon me whenever you want if you do." He said.

"Do you know what you can do? Give me a Desert Eagle, the gun. I always wanted a gun." Hit suggested to Dillan. "Guns are underappreciated."

Dillan shrugs and snaps his fingers as said weapon appeared in Hit's hands. "There ya go."

'OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING!!!' Hit yelled in his mind. "Many thanks, now leave. Go. We've been saying goodbye for like five hours now."

Dillan smiled again and pushed his hourglass symbol again as the same clock silhouette from before appeared above his head. "Very well then Hit, it's been very nice to meet you. And I hope you can consider your friend's goal down one now?" He asked, holding out his hand to shake.

"...No." Hit said plainly, "But you're currently an acquaintance, not a friend." Hit said, shaking Dillan's hand.

"Close enough." Dillan smiles. "If you ever want to soar again let me know it'd be fun." He said walking away, before a blue flash erupted around him and shot into the sky.

And like that this adventure came to a close. Hit wasn't really serious when he wanted that wish… Right?

"Hey Shenron, get Optimus Prime to appear right in front of me!"

...God dammit Tim.

Author's Note:

I wanna say, thank you to my man here for crossovering with me. I'm on a trip to California and I'm currently on my phone, my computer at good ol' Florida. So chapters are difficult to write, but this wasn't all that too difficult. Once more, shout out to my man, PEACE!