• ...

Everybody wins




Telepathic link



"Transformation Index

Everybody wins

After Lucius, AKA Amalgamorph, was finally defeated, Sunset and Twilight, having been turned back to normal with messy hair upon their heads. Only a few ashen remains of the battle were upon the ground once things had ceased. The two girls then opened their eyes, still holding hands after they landed onto the walkway.

"I'm so sorry..." Twilight apologized as she looked away in shame, "I didn't mean for any of this to happen..." Twilight was starting to cry again as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I know," Sunset responded with a nod, "And going by my own experiences," she mentioned, gesturing to herself, "they'll forgive you," she reassured, clasping her hands over the Crystal Prep scholar's, catching her attention and making her smile happily. Suddenly, the barking of her pet caught their attentions as he leapt up into his owner's arm, making fall down to the ground on her rear end, giggling all the while.

"Twilight." Salazar spoke, approaching towards his bespectacled friend.

"Salazar." Twiligh said with a smile, still struggling to hold in her tears before she embraced him I'm a tight hug. "I'm just so glad you came back."

"Hey now, come on specs." Salazar said playfully a chuckle as he ruffled Twilight's hair. "You're gonna make me cry, too."

Sunset grinned at both Twilight and Salazar, relieved that she was back to her senses. Dustin joined Sunset in the smiling upon seeing the two have their moment.

Dustin then took notice of Twilight's glasses lying upon the ground, still having a crack in the right lens. He squatted down and picked them up before and approached them.

"Pardon me," Dustin uttered, catching their attentions as they turned to see him, "I believe these belong to you," Dustin smiled, holding out her glasses.

"Thanks…" she replied out of gratitude, accepting the glasses before placing them over her eyes. And suddenly, wraped her arms around him in a tight embrace.

"Wow..." Dustin spoke with slight pain as a light popping sound was heard from him, "Quite the grip ya got...!" Sunset giggled in response while Salazar smirked.

Meanwhile, Principal Cinch managed to undo her bindings before casting a glare to Celestia. "Principal Celestia," Cinch began angrily, catching the attentions of the group near the mirror statue, "on behalf of Crystal Prep, I demand that you forfeit the Friendship Games!" Cinch declared, pointing at her while the other two staff members came over to them, "Clearly, CHS has had unfair advantage for quite some time!" she noted out of frustration, "And it's certainly obvious that your students have been using magic for their own benefit!"

"I'd like to think that saving the world benefits us all," the head of the home school responded cleverly with a glance towards her counterpart.

"At least they didn't manipulate Twilight into releasing all the stolen magic and turning into a power-crazed magical creature that tried to rip the world apart just to win a game," Sugarcoat pointed out, catching their attentions as everyone was surprised by her blunt and quick explanation.

"That's ridiculous!" Cinch retorted angrily.

"Dont think that denying your actions will save you from any blame, Cinch!" Alister said to Cinch, making the woman glare at him.

"I beg your pardon?" Cinch declared, her anger increasing.

"It's bad enough that you pressured your own student into using magic to gain the upper hand!" Alister declared, pointing at Twilight. "But the fact that you were willing to go so low as to use said student's acceptance to a school proves that you are not only a cheat, but a down right sorry excuse for a principal!" Everyone else present either gasped in shock or went "ooh" upon hearing Alister's retort.

"How dare you!" Cinch barked furiously, trying to keep her composure while also trying to deny Alister's claim. "You have no evidence to back that up!"

"Don't you?" Sunny Flare retorted, making Cinch look to her. Realizing what Sunny Flare was referring to, she began to worry a it.

"And during our little chat earlier," Alister spoke before raising an audio recorder, further adding to Cinch's worries of being exposed. "I managed to record it all." With a press of the button, Alister played the recording of Cinch and Alister's talk. Everyone present collectively gasped in shock.

"Busted!" Dustin retorted with a smirk.

"And you accused Principal Celestia if cheating?" Spike said am angered expression, "Talk about hypocrisy!" Cinch was taken aback by the talking dog.

"Actually," Sour Sweet chimed in, catching their attentions, "we're all to blame…" she admitted in a sweet, sad tone, "Mostly it was her…" she added sourly, glancing at her superior, who was becoming even more furious.

"Obviously my students have been infected with your magic!" she pointed out angrily, "But I plan on taking all of this up with the school board!"

"Pfft! Like they'll believe a word you say." Dustin spoke with a smirk, making Cinch look to him. "If you told them about magical students had wings, portals to different dimensions, a talking dog, and shapeshifting male students," Dustin counted his fingers as he listed everything that occurred, "I guarantee that you'd not only be out of the job, but in the funny farm."

"Why you...." Cinch growled, seething in rage before looking to Twilight. "I have you to blame for it all!" Twilight jumped a bit from Cinch's outburst. "You are the cause of all of this! If it weren't for you and that blasted thing you've concocted, none of this would have happened!"

"SHUT UP!" Twilight yelled out, surprising everyone, including Cinch. "Yes, I admit I am at fault here! But if anyone is derseving for most of the blame, it's you!" Cinch gasped in shock as Twilight spoke down to her. "You were so compelled to win, that you not only used my acceptance to enter Everton as a bargaining chip, but you also pressured me into using magic, all just to win some redundant competition!"

"Oooh..." Pinkie uttered with a chuckle. "Burn!"

"Man!" Lemon Zest uttered in surprise.

"Why you insolent little witch!" Cinch growled in fury. "You have such nerve to talk down to me in such a manner! You and that thorn in my side Salazar have been nothing short of trouble!" Twilight look of anger was quickly replaced by an anguished look, as Cinch spoke. "You and that abomination you call a friend are better off contained by the Government and experimented on!"

Twilight was now on the verge of tears while Salazar growled furiously. But Dustin beat Salazar to the punch as he got in front of the woman.

"Let me stop you right there!" Dustin barked before dialing up his Digitrix and transforming into Freakshow. "Spout another insult to Twilight, you old bitch, and I'll scare you so bad that you'll end up in the hopital for a heart attack!"

"Whoa..." Indigo Zap uttered in slight fear upon seeing the Erebonite. "Thats.... scary."

"Looks like crowsfeet really pushed him over the edge." Aria said to he friends, who nodded in response.

Cinch, feeling a rush of fear overwhelm her, said nothing else and backed away. She then turned to see that her own students were turning against her, joining with the rival school in glancing at her skeptically, along with the members of the Salazar and Freakshow.

"Face it Cinch," Freakshow started, "We've got your wrinkly old ass beat!" Cinch's eyes angrily twitched as she was about to lose her cool, but she recomposed herself, adjusting her coat before turning around.

"Uh, hold it right there, Cinch." Salazar spoke before getting infront of Cinch, earning a scowl. "Before you leave, I just want to get this off my chest." Salazar said before suddenly, much to everyone's shock, delivered a right hook straight to Cinch. Cinch was not only knock off of her feet, bet her glasses also flew off and were badly damaged upon hitting the ground.

"Oh shit!" Aria swore in shock as the others looked on with wide eyes and mouth agape.

"Oooh..." Spike uttered, completely taken aback by what he just saw his human male friend do.

Cinch, still in shock, held her cheek as she retrieved her damaged specs before looking to Salazar, who was glaring daggers at her.

"That was for all the shit you pulled throughout the friendship games!" Salazar declared in anger towards the older woman. Cinch was now angry again, but she said nothing before walking away in a huff, while some of her students glared at her.

"Damn dude!" Freakshow said with a smirk before changing back reverting back to Dustin. "Way to show the wicked witch of the west who's boss." Dustin shared a high five with Salazar.

"Well," Celestia began, catching the collective attention of both everyone, "I know these Friendship Games haven't been what any of us expected," she noted to the competitors, who were all smiling, "but given what we've all just been through," she continued, "I think it's fair to declare us all winners."

"Couldn't have said it better myself, Tia." Allister said in agreed as he and Celestia outstretched their arms. The Wondercolts and Shadowbolts all cheered delightedly, raising their arms into the air while Applejack tossed her hat up.

The next day, the sun shined brightly in the sky as Canterlot and Crystal Prep students were interacting with one another. The twelve competitors from each team had medals around their necks to signify their participation, which included Twilight as she was sitting down on the steps to the school entrance, having a new pair or fixed, violet framed glasses over her eyes and her hair tied back up into a bun. Spike was lying upon her lap, looking up at her and smiling, enticing her to pat him on the head, making him stick his tongue out in enjoyment.

Meanwhile, the other Shadowbolts were conversing with Salazar, each one looking guilty.

"Salazar," Indigo Zap said with a look of shame visible, "We're sorry for how we treated ya."

"Though after what transpired earlier," Soursweet added, feeling just as guilty. "I highly doubt that just apologizing is enough. Especially how badly we've treated you."

Salazar was surprised by the apology he was receiving from the students that treated him badly. "Well, I'm still upset for how shitty you guys treated me," the Shadowbolts looked away in shame, bracing themselves for a tongueasging, "but, I'm not one for holding grudges. So, I forgive you guys."

The Shadowbolts looked tochim with surprise, but were relieved to hear that Salazar had accepted their apology.

"I guess that was one way to finish your time at Crystal Prep," a voice chimed in, catching their attentions as they looked over to see Dean Cadance approach them, "Pretty sure Cinch will be fast-tracking your application after all of that," she noted jokingly, seating herself next to the scholarly student.

"I've been thinking about it and..." she began, glancing away for a moment while she smiled, "I'm not so sure now is the time for me to apply to Everton," she admitted to her superior.

"Really?" Cadence questioned with a raised eyebrow, and Salazar looked with surprise.

"I may know about a lot of things," the specs wearing girl pointed out in response while nodding her head, "but friendship isn't really one of them," she confessed, "And I'm definitely not gonna learn more about it by being alone all the time," she added, glancing away for a moment.

"So, you're staying at Crystal Prep?" Cadence guessed, smiling in response.

"Well," Twilight began as she saw a few girls from Canterlot hanging around each other, with one embracing another happily after she had come over to them, "it seems the students here at CHS know a lot about the subject," she noted, "I don't suppose..." she started to say, looking up at the sky.

"You could transfer to this school instead," Cadance finished for her, gesturing towards it.

"Really?" Twilight asked with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"You'd certainly be missed at Crystal Prep," the dean mentioned, causing her to blush and look away, "But… I think that's a great idea!"

"Well, if you're transfering," Salazar said to Twilight, making her, Spike, and Cadence loo towards him. "Then so am I."

"Salazar..." Twilight said, surprised upon what she was hearing.

"Hey, I was the only friend you had before we came here." Salazar said, looking towards Spike. "Well, besides Spike of course." Salazar then looks back to Twilight. "Plus, I've got a feeling that we're gonna have one Hell of a time here."

"I'll be sure to speak to Principal Celestia about it right away," she promised, causing Twilight, Spike, and Salazar to smile happily.

Meanwhile, the group of Sunset, Rainbow, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Dustin, Pixel, Alister, and the Dazzlings were gathered around the mirror structure, with the former holding her book in her hands, having a smile on her face as she looked up at the sky.

"Still no word from Princess Twilight?" Fluttershy guessed her as she held her white bunny in her arms, petting him gently on the head. Sunset then open her book, flipping a few pages to see if there was any indication of a reply from her friend.

"Not yet," Sunset responded with a shake of her head as she saw just blank spaces.

"Well, she is a princess after all." Adagio said with a soft smile. "I'm sure she has problems of her own."

"I know." Sunset nodded in agreement. "But I think I may have figured out how magic works in this world," she mentioned to her teammates.

"Oh?" Alister asked with a curious expression.

"We pony up when we're showing the truest part of ourselves." Sunset explained while they all smiled at her, "I was so busy waiting for someone else to give me the answers that I gave up looking for them myself." Sunset closed the book, "I'm sure there will be more magical problems that pop up in this world, but like Applejack and Adagio said, Princess Twilight has her own problems to worry about in Equestria. We can't expect her to always be around to help us."

"And you've got us to help ya out, Sunny." Sonata said with a big smile, making Sunset chuckle in response.

"And... maybe we can be, too?" a voice questioned, catching their attentions as they looked over to see Twilight and Salazar walking up to them, standing beside Principal Celestia, who held a clipboard in her hand.

"It seems we have two new Wondercolt here at Canterlot High!" Celestia pointed out, gesturing towards Twilight and Salazar.

"I'm not sure how much help Salazar or I can be," Twilight confessed to the whole group while Spike was in her hands, and Salazar placed a hand on Twilight's shoulder

"But we can damn well try." Salazar said ith a smirk.

"If you would all give us a chance…" Twilight said, glancing away for a moment while the group deliberated for a moment, exchanging grins of agreement with one another.

"I'm sure I can count on all of you to help her feel at home," Celestia noted to her students and their friends.

"You sure can," Sunset concurred, wrapping her right arm around the glasses wearing girl's shoulders, while Dustin went to Salazar and gave him a noogie.

"Welcome to the team, compadres." Dustin said with a chuckle as the Wondercolt girls gathered around Susnet and Twilight for a big group hug, with Pinkie squeeing in delight at the prospect of a new friend.

Dustin then seemed to be lost in his thoughts, to which the other took notice.

"You alright, darling?" Rarity asked, catching Dustin's attention. "What are you thinking sbout?"

"Well," Dustin said with a slightly worrisome loom. "Even though we managed to take down Lucius, I've got a bad feeling this will be the last time we'll encounter the Syndicate."

"The Syndicate?" Twilight asked with a puzzled expression. "That's the name of the group he was affiliated with right?"

"Hey," a voice chimed in, making the gang turn to see the Shadowbolts walk towards them.

"Oh, hey guys." Dustin said with a smile.

"Dude, those transformations you had..." Lemon Zest said, darting towards Dustin. "Were so badass!"

"Especially that fire bird with Crystal parts!" Indigo Zap said, just as hyped asemon Zest. "How exactly did you even do that?"

Dustin and the others were surprised.

"You ladies wouldn't believe me if I told you." Dustin said, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully.

"Oh come now." Sugarcoat said with a dismissive wave. "Considering all we've seen earlier, I'm pretty sure it can't sound more farfetched than that."

Dustin looks to his comrades, who all just shrugged in response. "Well... hope you don't mind long and drawn out."

"In sure we've got plenty of time." Soursweet said, curious to hear Dustin's story.

A few days passed after Twilight and Salazar had transferred schools. Now, she and her new friends were enjoying a small picnic together while Salazar and Dustin were enjoying a card game Dustin invented called Magic & Monsters, the cards they were using were index cards with hand drawn card art and hand written text on them.

"Alright Sal, better get ready dude." Dustin drew the next card, examined his hand, casted a smirk towards Salazar.

"First thing I'll do is dish out this mighty feline warrior, Leone the Champion of Aesland," Dustin placed a card with the image of a humanoid lion clad in armor and wemielding a large sword, "Then give him a little boost of this Equipment Card called Eye of the Tiger!" Dustin placed another card that depicted the image of a tiger's head with eyes resembling flames. "Giving him more than enough power to wipe you out completely."

"Dammit." Salazar groaned in defeat. "I suck at this freaking game."

"I'm sure you'll get the hang of it, Salazar." Twilight said with a chuckle.

All of a sudden though, the mirror began shining brightly before a figure suddenly zoomed out of it, being Princess Twilight herself as she screeched to a halt, taking notice of her cross dimensional friend immediately to her left.

"I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner!" she apologized quickly, "I didn't get your messages until just now because I was caught in this time travel loop and honestly," she continued, catching her breath, "it was the strangest thing that's ever happened to me!" she exclaimed, suddenly widening her eyes to see her counterpart before her, who had stood, waving nervously at her while everyone else just watched on, somewhat stunned. As the partier girl slurped her drink through its straw from atop the pedestal, Natsu and Happy's mouths gaped wide open, looking back and forth at the two similar females.

"Make that the second strangest…" she confessed, pointing at her duplicate.


Many of Ginzo's subordinates were watching footage of Lucius as Amalgamorph facing off against Salazar, Twilight, and Susnet. "To think that this was Lucius Star's plan the whole time." One of the Syndicate members spoke.

"I knew that fool was trouble, but planning to usrp Master Ginzo is something I would not have tolerated!" The other said as the watched the scene where Lucius ultimately met his end.

"Regardless, Lucius had failed in his mission." The first Syndicate member stated. "I'm not sure how we're going to inform Master Ginzo of this."

"No need." A voice spoke, making the two turn to see Ginzo himself. "The little rat paid the hefty price for not only failure, but also for his feeble attempt to usurp me." Ginzo said as he walked towards a nearby monitor.

"I'm surprised you don't seem rather... furious." One of his associated stated with surprise in his tone. "If anything, you sound rather pleased."

"While I am a bit furious for Lucius failure..." Ginzo stated, chuckling wickedly, "but Miller certainly did me a real favor for eradicating that conniving little cockroach."

The two men were surprised, but then one of them had a thought. "Sir, were you aware of Lucius' usurping attempt all along?"

Ginzo turns to face the man. "Do you even need to ask? I would have had him locked away for the rest of his life or simply eradicated him myself for such actions." Ginzo replied before looking to the footage of Lucius demise at CHS. "But I figured that this little attempt of his would be the perfect way to ensure his defeat." Ginzo chuckeld again, enjoying seeing Lucius's suffering upon his final monents. "Eapecially when he thought he could do so with such a shoddy replica of the Digitrix itself."

"You knew the Corruptrix was faulty?" The first of the two henchmen asked.

"The way it was crafted, admittedly his craftsmanship was horrid. But I've got to give him some credibility," Ginzo elaborated as he reached into one of his coat pockets, pulling out the remains of the Corruptrix, "that treasonous sewer rat did give me an idea." Ginzo reached into the square shaped whole that once housed its gemstone, pulling out what seemed to be a memory card. "If I can't get ahold of the Digitrix, then why not go for the next best thing." Ginzo chuckled, already formulating a plan as he eyed the memory card.

Comments ( 3 )

Ah, what a great ending to the 3rd EQG movie!

I enjoyed this and happy to be part of the ride for this series.

I’m looking forward to when we get to Legend Of Everfree

So Spike got to meet his counterpart? Sweet

Wonder how much trouble the Syndicate will cause next?

I would say a LOT of trouble this time around

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